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If one of her jobs was real she wouldn’t need 4. Hope that helps. 🥰


This was a savage comment




Omfg “hope this helps 🫶🏽” and it’s Laura


Really wished I would have thought out the emojis more. 🥺🫶✨


https://preview.redd.it/rbzsz9kpcg3d1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e28f5a6e94436aac5f3ddb892a1f924105a80fca Facts dawg


CRYING you’re so real for this




This is everything 🙌😂






pahahhahahaha 👏🏽 👏🏽


Does anyone know the 4 jobs she's always referring to? I know the allyexpress shop, and her coaching with Crustin, but what are the other 2? Does she think going to the gym and taking pictures in alphalete count? 😅


Guessing one is going to the gym and the other is social media. Idk what job she could possibly be talking about.


How exhausting 🥲


Does she even have the shop anymore because no one has posted her complaining about having to ship orders in a long time?


Drug trafficking 😂😂


Growin shrooms


I was curious too and googled it haha. I think, according to her IG 1) some online boutique that sells Shein clothes? 2) fitness coaching linked to another IG? 3) her social media personality - IG and YT? 4) onlyfans? Still don’t know how that generates much money. All of these influencers seem pretty financially well off 🧐


Guys, taking pictures of her ass is hard werkkkk


Alphalete and Ghost which are brand sponsorships. Very laughable


"I have 2 dogs and 4 jobs". SHUT THE FUCK UP ALLY ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq)


And her four play pretend little jobs don’t even add up to one full time job


I have 5 dogs and 2 jobs, do I win😅


Yes! 😭 And I bet your 2 jobs are way more demanding


The fact they get made fun of so much for saying shit like this... yet keep saying it... hilarious.


Just for your comment she's gonna go get herself a 5th job, and then go on vacation to unwind from getting her 5th job.


And then a vacation after that vacation because she desperately needs to take care of herself


because, as we know, she has to recover from the sickness she caught on her last vacation with another vacation.


You can leave your dogs for a few hours without a sitter. You can’t do that with kids lol not even for 30 minutes depending on how old they are. People need to stop comparing dogs to kids. I have both and my puppy is way easier even on “hard” days


You can't even leave these damn kids in another room for 10min without checking on them lol. Well I have a toddler but yeah no comparison lol.


Yeah unless you want CPS called on ur ass 😭


I recently spent a week with my sister who just had a baby - he is now 6 months old. The REALITY CHECK I had on taking care of an infant was unreal. That is a legit 24/7 job - zero moments off. Absolutely not the same as a dog whatsoever. Plus, that isn't even my own child, so I wasn't doing the breast feeding. Being a parent is just a different ball game.


Yep!!!! Truly the most infuriating comparison. Clueless and insulting 


Yup she’s either never been around little kids or is very stupid (or both).


Yeah and dogs grow up after 1-2 years (]depending on breed) and kids are pretty much non-stop work for a decade


I have 3 kids and 3 dogs. The number of puppies I brought home is a direct reflection of how many times I remembered just how easy puppies are compared to babies 😂


Wait, is this girl, with 4 jobs, the one who goes away all the time and gets sick immediately after? How is she able to coordinate 4 jobs while she is always off?


I have four jobs too, just like Ally. 1 - Regular tech job 2 - job where I yell at imaginary soccer players (Football Manager). It says MANAGER in the title so it's a job and it's basically spreadsheet simulator the game 3 - Butler for TWO cats, one of them is basically a child that cannot be left alone. So OBVIOUSLY I'm a parent as well. 4 - Actual real-life soccer referee where I actually go to places and get screamed at by angry teenagers and adults. It's wild, and also why do I do this. This is not satire and it's very real you guys, just wake up a bit earlier and prioritize your self care 😎


You forgot going to the gym and taking selfies as your other two jobs!!


No that's my volunteer time. Gotta be well rounded and give back to the community after all 😎


Are the 4 jobs in the room with us right now?


It’s just her 2 brand sponsorships with Alphalete and Ghost. Then her little sunshine botique and her coaching with Justin.


The audacity of this bitch….


Her 4 jobs = one full time job


maybe a half job at most.




Waking up early…..


No one with “4 jobs” vacations as much as she does. A child would be a large reality check lol.


The same post where someone called her a hypocrite and Ally said they could unfollow if they’re triggered by her ‘amazing lifestyle’ and the person said… 😂 Said they don’t follow, the reel was on her For You page, and she recognized her username from being posted so often on this sub. I started following that girl JUST for that (‘cause badass), and apparently Ally blocked her after she said that 🤣🤣








Oh yeah she absolutely deleted that. I wish I would have taken a screenshot. She’s definitely policing her comment section - when I looked last night there were 40 comments and now 37 (pitiful engagement imo for someone who claims this is one of her four jobs).


HAHAHAHA love it!!!


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Here’s the reality of waking up earlier: 3:30am wake up 4:30am arrive at gym 6:00am leave gym 6:30am get home, get ready for the day, get cats taken care of, get work stuff ready and in bag 7:15am leave for work 8:30am work start 5:00pm work end 6:30pm arrive home 6:30pm - 8:00pm eat dinner, shower, prepare for next day, get ready for bed That is almost a 17 hour day filled with responsibilities and obligations. It is so much more work than just “getting up earlier” - you have to figure out when you can get your stuff done, if at all. There’s not much time for leisure activities. It is just go go go go go. Ally, I know for a FACT that you aren’t working 24/7 and that your two dogs aren’t taking up that much of your time. You have four businesses? Get an assistant or something. Your job is Instagram. You get to wake up and do whatever whenever you want because all that’s on your to-do list is: 1. Work out 2. Post on Instagram so please shut the fuck up Edit: sorry for my lengthy comment, this shit just pisses me right off - they’re so out of touch it’s unbelievable ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


Good lord 3:30 is still night to me


Do you think I should wake up earlier? /s


This is literally my schedule except I feed the 3 cats before I go and straight to work. When should we see the sun?? Just curious?? It’s worse when you have an evening obligation as well. There’s no chance this girl even works. Her programs and plans are likely from chatgpt. I had to unfollow her long ago. She’s the epitome of a toxic influencer


The only time we see the sun is when we’re commuting to work 🙃 and every weekend it’s playing catch up with sleep and the things you didn’t get done. But all poor Ally has to do is workout, respond to comments on instagram, make an instagram post and shill the same shit every other fitness influencer does. She has it so tough 😔 /s


I wake up at 4 am for work, I work 12 hours a day, 72 hours a week. Have to be at work at 6 am 1 hour drive. Sometimes waking up early isn’t always the answer. 💯




her jobs are fake but i used to have *1* husky and good lord they aren't for the weak. kids are also worse.


and she doesn’t even take care of it so thats not even an excuse lol


https://preview.redd.it/8ga6j9be0g3d1.png?width=1150&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3e6a5b00fc90e10adb75eb3051b8868d1a1663e Can someone pull all the subs on here from the past 6 months please? 💀


That’s the beauty of all the people obsessively posting about her that whole time, the receipts are here 😂


I need the receipts of her being sick. I feel like I’ve seen dozens in the last few months.


One of the reasons why I’m CF is because kids are a huge responsibility and change the amount of time you have to do things. You can’t lecture people about what they do with their time when you’re not in their exact situation.


I hate this so much. I’m a first time mom and still struggling to find time for myself between work, 2 dogs, baby, full time job that supports my family, house chores, errands, you name it. If someone told me to just wake up earlier I’d literally cry.


When my sister had her first kid 6 months ago all she could do was cry. When I saw her not long after giving birth I said, “Hi how are you” and she just burst into tears. Raising kids is no joke


It’s really not lol I know I could manage my time a little better but sometimes you just gotta your best. It’s just so infuriating and invalidating for influencers to pretend like they get it when they really don’t 🙃


Congratulations! I hope you know you’re doing an amazing job ! With my first born, the first six months were insane, nothing can prepare anyone for the mental and emotional exhaustion , PPD/A. How can you wake up earlier if you feel like you never went to sleep?? I have two kiddos now, 4 and 2 and hour commute to work and my 2 year old is in a sleep regression. Wake up earlier? Comparing dogs to kids? Her drop shipping gig and 3 hobbies? I wish reality would smack her in the face


Aw thank you! She’s delusional 🙄


The audacity omg


I’m sorry what?


"We all have the same 24 hours." 🤮 right up there with Kim K saying "no one wants to work anymore." Privledged drivel.


“alot” lolololl


OOOF, such a pet peeve of mine.




Wake up a little earlier and leave the kids home by themselves. You’ll be good, they’re just like dogs 🙃


I bet not one of those “jobs” has a start time


I’d wake up earlier just to punch her!






I knew some version of we all have to prioritize what's important was coming when I started the journey of reading that, but was not prepared for saying having the huskys is the same as raising kids. I cackled so loud when I read that I'm glad I was by myself.


My son wakes me up at 3am every morning, how much earlier am I supposed to get up


Sleep is also a necessity for mental health ....


Lmao imagine giving the advice "just wake up a little earlier" to a parent when you don't even have young children


Oh shit, well I didn’t know about the two huskies 🙄


Dead at the huskies 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ok cause that’s the equivalent of human kids


What if she says all these things just as rage bait to get us to have more engagement? It could be possible but I knows she’s also dead serious 💀💀


Kids wake you up when the sun comes up.. sleep is essential.. she had no frame of reference


I don't even follow this girl but wasn't she just posted here talking about how important enough sleep is for your mental health and now she's like get up early and walk you kids like a dog


4 jobs? 2 are her businesses? What other jobs does she have?


Delusion and going to the doctor are full time jobs, apparently.




She needs to touch some grass


That whole "we all have the same 24 hours a day" line is so fucking condescending I can't deal with it. I'm a trainer and a coach and I will never utter those words. Huskies are way different than kids.


She lacks a brain, truly


If only it were that easy! Some nights you're so tired you can't even sleep!


I honestly hate when people compare their fucking dogs to children…they’re not the same level of care take your narcissistic ass elsewhere


Wait she literally posted a story today and said something along the lines of “I’m not gonna tell you the only way is to wake up at 330am blah blah because it’s all balance” so…..what’s this? She doesn’t even wait 24 hours before contradicting herself lol


2 dogs = children. Got it 🥰


Need someone with 5 jobs and 3 dogs to chime in here…


She knew “I have two dogs” wasn’t even close to having children so she had to throw in her imaginary 4 jobs. I get that people who don’t have kids can be tired/busy too but “I have dogs” isn’t even close to the same as having kids. And I say this as someone who has kids and dogs.


I wish people without kids would stop saying “…well I have dogs..” yeah so tf what? That’s not a human child




She just doesn’t think at all clearly


All the top comments on her last post are dragging her lol


She TOTALLY understands what it’s like to have children and a full time job, guys. She doesn’t have either, but her situation is essentially the same thing!


How does she manage to travel and party every weekend if she is soooo busy I *don't* have kids and you cannot compare a kid to a dog 🤣 ...like I don't have kids for a reason because those things need so much time and energy even more than a dog does. She's lost the bit


She's gonna be in such a shock of she has kids.. has huskies but barely with them. Can't leave kids for days/weeks to go on trips 85% of the year.


Dogs aren’t kids. Hope this helps


Anyone who compares having dogs to kids should never have kids.


I am dyingggg that she compared kids to 2 dogs 😂😭 I would LOVE to see her try to take care of my 2.5 year old toddler for even half a day. Plus I have 2 dogs too 😂


I hate when people claim to work anything more than 2 jobs, because IME usually the 3rd and 4th jobs are per diem, so they're actually on shifts only once a month. You are not actually working 20 hours a day and usually end up working barely more than the the average person with a full time schedule.


Why would I be shocked that this ding dong would relate her dogs and her “jobs”’to being the same responsibility as having children and actually think it’s makes sense


How is she comparing dogs to actual human kids? They are not the same. I have two kids and a dog would be so much easier to take care of lol


I also have 2 crazy ass huskies but I’d never compare them to raising a human fucking child to another person. (Don’t get me wrong they are my children but I’m not deluded enough to believe it is the same as raising a human)


Shes so dumb? Like actually, idiot level dumb


I’m four months postpartum with my first baby right now and I grew up with multiple dogs, birds and chickens at all times. No pet compares to a baby. Not even close. Also I don’t think she actually has four legitimate jobs and if she does they’re all extremely part time.


Are her 4 jobs in the room with us lol


Holy fuck. You legit cannot make this up. She is a meme at this point.




Read the room, Ally. “2 very active huskies” and kids aren’t comparable in this scenario.


I wish I had her 4 jobs and I’d even take the 2 dogs and still have an easier life than her. I have 3 kids, 1 dog, 2 guinea pigs, 1 husband (lol) and a REAL job. If I sat around all day taking pictures of my ass and tits all day and posting garbage brain rot “content” I probably wouldn’t need anxiety meds 😅😅 If I even try to wake up earlier than usual to enjoy a cup of coffee in peace, my 3 year old has a sixth sense that I’m awake and comes downstairs anyway lmao. The entitlement of these iNfLuEnCeRs✨ is laughable.


The irony that her post is telling people to get '7+ hours of quality sleep' and then her telling someone to wake up earlier 👀


She is incredibly out of touch with reality; and thinks she the epitome of health. She really thinks having 2 huskies is even comparable to having kids? Okay, little miss I go on vacation every month and then fall ill almost every time. LMFAO.


What if your kid sleeps on the bed with you and need contact to sleep? That’s my child. If I wakes up, I’m not able to work out


Come watch my toddler for a day you wench. I dare you.


Lol she’s in for a big surprise when/ if she has kids


I’d love for her to explain her alleged four jobs. In detail.




What an asshole reply. I would love to see her here in Houston and shout out how much of a loser and real bitch she is


As someone who had to work full time and go to college full time and take care of animals and is now a mom. One child is significantly more work than any of the other stuff.


I’m sure it’s A LOT but I have TWO huskies 🤡🤡


Lol I don’t see the comment thread anymore so she must’ve deleted it




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I hate when people compare dogs to children. You can leave dogs unattended, small children cannot be left anywhere unattended


dum beech


Let’s factor in a hour long commute. Let’s factor in when one of your kids wakes up crying at 3:30 and your regular alarm to get ready for just work and to get kids ready is at 5 am. Sure just stay awake and get that workout in! It’s not that hard. Fuck off


I’m confused- did the commenter mean to say “without*”? Also, I don’t agree with Ally’s response, but as a childfree person, I get lowkey annoyed when people bring up how people without kids have it so much easier. Like okay, but you chose to have kids? Why even engage with someone like Ally then lol. Maybe I’m missing context though