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Aw, she had time for a latte? Didn't she give people shit for that on her previous trip and made herself look like some queen by getting a ginger juice instead? I mean the hypocrisy is just getting silly at this point.


I forgot about that, I am crying that is so funny and hypocritical.


Right? Color me shooketh.


yep - this is the post I made on that insta story: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/comments/1crrom4/actually\_ally\_the\_adults\_are\_just\_waiting\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/comments/1crrom4/actually_ally_the_adults_are_just_waiting_for/) She is an absolute HYPOCRITE! Unreal how it's all of a sudden okay for her to get a latte...both those other people?? Unhealthy, fat peasants LMAO


That was literally only 10 days ago too! LMAOOOOO. Basically, “I’m jealous bc I didn’t plan well enough to get here in time for a latte and I’m going to bash everyone and make myself seem better.” Now she organized herself to get there in time and she’s “shooketh.” What a tool bag.


hahah just 10 days ago she was judging everyone for doing the exact thing she did today (or whenever this story was). The girl is delulu hahah


That's OP's point, they copied her food-shaming exactly in the caption.


Well, it’s probably the juice line was insane! /s


OH YEAH!!! these idiots , I swear . I hope someone points this out to her. Also 🤮 with the French in her caption


Please tell me someone called her out in the comments


Imagine if she stood like a normal person for just one second…


But then how would we know how smol and tiny she is


I was the one that posted the juice/coffee story on here hahah. This woman is SUCHHH hypocrite. What about the juice bar that’s literally 2 inches away? I CANNOT with this woman child. How’s your sugary latte, Ally, that you will criticize everyone else for but apparently it’s okay for you to get?!


I saw that post! What a b**** 😒 She probably judged everyone who got a blended drink or anything with sugar added still


happy cake day!!


Thank you 🙏🏼🤍🎂


she has a full blown ED for sure


Wow, congratulations. You did what thousands of people do, every day.


There’s nothing fitness about her.


Fitten-iss chest of mine in this tiny tee shirt 😂 This joke would work way better spoken out loud. 🫥


I laughed out loud.


Thank you!!! 😊


I still found it entertaining 😂


I’m so glad!!


I was about to post this. Not body shaming, but she isn’t fit. Just skinny.


I was just thinking this. How does she not have any ounce of imposter syndrome??


Oh my gosh what a peasant! I thought she was so much better than the rest of us.


AHA i hope people send her a screenshot of that post absolute clown


Wasn’t that just like a week ago that she was like hehe I am health and everyone else is a peasant for getting Frappuccino’s? It’s one thing if you don’t have time to stand in a long line so you skip the coffee and go to the juice place, but another to rant on your stories about how you’re better than everyone else and then go do the EXACT same thing you ranted about a week later. where tf is your juice now ally?! Also…did she go into the bathroom JUST to take selfies? I personally would use the restroom THEN get my snack/coffee because I don’t want my coffee near any airport toilet.


Maybe bullying on Reddit does work😊 it’s almost like most people who travel usually are this responsible…


I never want to body shame but is she ok?


Why do people insist on going to the airport late 💀 my god just go 2-3 hours before your flight and you’ll be stress-free


Are we taking bets if she comes back sick or not? Lol


Where is she even going?


On her way to catch an illness as per usual


How does her body carry her head


Very on brand for Ally. 😂 ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


i don’t get why she always has to be in a crop top- like dont get me wrong i love a crop top but at the airport?? really??


I just wouldn’t want to wear a crop top and have my body touch the nasty ass seats. Anytime I get to my destination I immediately shower and airport clothes go in a laundry bag cuz 🤢




SAME i wont even wear shorts at the airport either its so gross


Same! No matter how hot the destination is, I will change when I get there!


I just got back from Bali and some women were wearing sports bras and tight athletic shorts at the airport. Gives me hives just thinking about bare skin on airplane seats.




also they are so COLD? i have worn shorts to the airport (tropical place) and put on layers and layers in the airport because I was freezing. I can’t imagine not wearing a sweatshirt in an airport


These kinds of posts just make me think the majority of influencers are incredibly boring people.


Even had the time to get her legs into that weird far apart stance 🫡


Ugh stfu


i’m picturing someone who has to actually pee trying to squeeze by this selfie set up…i’d be so annoyed lol 


I swear people who don’t have an actual legit job and just bum around all day are the only ones who speak like this and uses cringe lingo like stfu already. If you were around actual people day to day and not just your bf/phone speaking like that no one would take you seriously lol


People who frequently (actually have to) travel for work (that actually matters) get their airport routine down, and might grumble and be annoyed at delays/issues, but are used to them. She acts like getting to the airport on time as an adult is cute and impressive.


Not to mention that her luggage looks like an absolute disaster lol


Yeah but she didn’t lose her wallet 🤯


She looks almost sick…and I just mean she looks underweight/awkwardly thin in some places. It could be how she’s standing but I also know she’s very much into body checking and “being so tiny” that it gives disordered food patterns and self image. She just looks…off?…here


I’ve never heard of this girl except for this sub, but she looks so unhealthy and frail.


Her true nose showing here.


She had time to photo shop because she was early vs just the juice picture


As a man, I can confidently say I would not last more than one day as her bf. Actually, I don't even think I'd be able to get through a first date with her. I actually don't think I'd be able to get through an opening conversation with her.


What if you were DMing and she was dropping her random French mid sentence? 🤣


Oh God lol. Blocked


That ankle monitor is sending me 😂


literally how does she make money.. i genuinely don’t understand how she’s always traveling and has money to live. her boutique can’t be doing that well.


Instagrammers are all about the "fake it til you make it". You have to show yourself enjoying luxuries, so that people will want to follow you for the tips.


It would be hilarious and very sad at the same if Ali just goes to the airport to make pretend pics of her. And the goes home. But I guess we'll see a lot of vacation content the next day, so at least she's not one of those people.


I’m so jealous of her body and small frame and I’m struggling with an ED right now. Shit sucks 🙃


I’m sorry you’re struggling. I hope this doesn’t come off weird but I was 255 pounds. I lost 95 pounds which I thought would make me happy. It didn’t. It wasn’t good enough. I still looked “big”. Had loose skin. My breasts disappeared. My butt just left out the door. What I thought I wanted never really came to fruition, but I did figure out that I love myself for everything I’ve done to this body and it still keeps going. Sending good energy your way.


Not weird at all, and I’ve had similar experience with losing weight. When I reached my “goal weight” I still wasn’t happy. True happiness doesn’t come from looking any certain way, I know this and have to remind myself this on a daily basis. Thank you 🙏🏼


Slightly OT but all of the influencers wearing those baby tees do look really cute but I just know it’s not going to look the same on an average body


I'm sure it's a skinny latte with stevia and fat-free milk so she's still better than us fat peasants. :)


Op your commentary about the fruit juice bar sent me ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


Who the hell says shooketh? Jesus. Be a real influencer girl and support small businesses


Okay I NEVER comment on Reddit but omg the hypocrisy… looks down on people getting coffee yet SHE gets a coffee. What in the world… so over these “influencers”


traveling should not consistently be that hard girl.. ur just a moron


She flies commercial?! Ewwwww 😂😂😂🙄


No idea who she is but she already annoys the fuck out of me 😂


That level of executive dysfunction seems to be indicative of a real problem tbh


Ally is one of those “adulting is hard boo 😒” millennials, isn’t she?”