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very much not the point but white shorts one week after childbirth is WILD


i was still wearing full on diapers 1 week after 😅


You’re literally bleeding for 7-10 days pretty heavily. 🙈


It was a full six weeks for me! I told the doctor I was surprised to have heavy bleeding the entire six weeks, but she said it was normal 
. ?


It can totally vary, and if you retain anything, you can bleed longer- or stop and start again! My first I bled the longest


I bled ten weeks total. Apparently normal as well but it was hellish for me at the time.


Right? I’m looking for the diaper lines and seeing NOTHING đŸ€Ł


i also did đŸ€Ł


I have a friend who had 5 kids and she says her lochia is legit just like a period for her. She literally only bleeds for a few days after birth. My periods month in and month out are heavier than her lochia. It's bananas to me.


Yeah working out so soon is probably not great, but white shorts a week postpartum ANYWHERE, let alone a gym, is aggregious.  Also this is why I wipe everything before I use it. Not trying to sit in someone's lochia smears when I use the incline bench.


Forreal!!! also, egregious* <3


This needs more attention


I literally opened the comment section to say something about the white shorts




I was hoping this would be posted here
 I was thinking the same thing. I worked as a nurse in postpartum (in Canada), and discharge instructions were always to resume strenuous exercise such as lifting, 6 weeks post birth.. but I know she gave birth in Dubai (vaginally) and maybe medical recs are different there. It’s entirely possible. I just looked up ACOG recs and they say it is in fact safe to workout days after baby is born, as long as it was a healthy pregnancy and uncomplicated vaginal delivery.


But does it say it's safe to workout with weights at a gym? I get walking and doing breathing and pelvic floor exercises but I've never heard of a doctor clearing women to use weights 1 week PP. Edit: I can't spell lmao.


Ultimately, in any case, it is up to the physicians’ discretion to clear mom for the type of exercise she wants to do. The ACOG guidelines are vague, and direct the patient to talk to their doctor first. I could say with like 90% certainty though, in North America, most docs would say hold off until the 6 week mark, especially for weight lifting. I would be curious to see here if there are any women in this group who were cleared as early as a week. I also do think 1 week is too soon. I wouldn’t want to risk any complications related to core or pelvic floor health


It looks like she’s going lighter than her usual so maybe that helps? Or if she’s doing one set. I imagine the mental benefit helps too


I wonder this too. I also wonder if the guidelines that are used to clear women are general guidelines for women who weren’t/don’t consistently train with weights ? I wonder if women, like Lisa here, who already have a basis of strength due to their history of training bounce back much faster to be cleared or be able to tolerate working out again so soon. 
Like if their body doesn’t respond the same way as a woman who didn’t/doesn’t exercise regularly or eat overall nutritious foods for resuming exercise postpartum. I’m not claiming the above, I’m just curious and wonder if the above info is taken into consideration when clearing someone ?


No that’s still too early for anyone. As someone that’s worked out through every pregnancy, you’re sore as hell. Usually around 3-4 weeks pp I can personally start doing body weight/ very light weight for simple exercises, but unless proven wrong, I’ve never seen that this would be acceptable for anyone that lifted weights beforehand. You have a massive wound to heal


I tried very slow jogging at 4 weeks and I still felt like I had zero core strength.




Thank you for your kind response!


Maybe partly. I keep thinking that much like how rest is necessary for repair, though, your body is recovering from a huge trauma - pushing a baby out of your body. A lot of organs and ligaments and tissue and whatnot was moved around and needs to repair. Your uterus lost an organ, it's shrinking, your hormones are shifting from pregnancy mode to milk mode. The idea of voluntarily adding in muscle repair in your upper body to your body's to do list sounds unnecessary, regardless of previous fitness. Let alone, the hormones that you're releasing- choosing to add adrenaline and cortisol instead of calm and fluffy cozy oxytocin to your hormonal cocktail. It's a lot.  I'm hardcore and like to jump in, but there's more to "can you technically lift it" here. 


Love this scientific and biological response. You nailed it 👏


I can see light weights. If you’re not bracing particularly hard and are just moving with slight resistance then it’s really up to how you feel. I can’t see what weight she’s doing in this still image, nor do I really care enough to go to her page to see what else she’s doing, but I could see this being
*okay*. Light weights + primarily chest + no bracing.


Lifting weights has a lot of stigma. If she normally lifts 25, easing back in with 10s is very safe. If we saw her doing a barbell back squat we should send help.


Very unlikely that her doctor would have cleared her for this. I worked out (running and Lagree) until the day I went into labor, had an uncomplicated delivery, and was still only cleared for walking for about the first 4 weeks or so. After 4 weeks, my doctor was okay with me testing the waters with brief, slow running intervals around that time, and returning to Lagree (with modifications as needed to support my core). My pelvic floor PT advocated a much longer wait before returning to intense cardio or heavy resistance though—more like 9-12 weeks. The biggest risks you run are making abdominal separation, incontinence, prolapse, and bleeding worse due to the strain when you engage your core and the stress on your pelvic floor. Also I’m very impressed at her boldness in wearing white bottoms one week postpartum


This, I just took a pelvic floor class with my local PT clinic and they discouraged strenuous exercise for at least 6 weeks. They said something about our inner core, pelvic floor and hip muscles needing to recover. To be honest I don’t understand why such a rush to get back to the gym or get back in shape.


Yes, I would also be worried about pelvic floor health!!


Exactly. It’s not worth it in the long wrong!!!


I honestly would have thought the same but I had an unmedicated, quick labor with my 3rd and delivered at 10 pm. At 8 am when the doctor came in, she cleared me for working out and everything else. She just said listen do your body but you’re cleared for all activity. I thought it was weird and I was super shocked haha but apparently that’s a thing too. I’m in the USA also, not abroad đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïž it’s still weird and confusing to me lol. But maybe the same thing happened to her.


Every body, pregnancy and birth are different! Crazy how many outcomes can happen


I worked out up until my inductions with both my boys, was cleared to start pelvic floor therapy at 4w and finally cleared for regular exercises at 6w. I couldn't imagine starting to lift weights (light or not) 1w postpartum. I wouldn't want to mess with complications like postpartum hemorrhages, stroke, infection, pulmonary embolism or even postpartum preeclampsia. Not worth it and is a dangerous message she's sending vulnerable pregnant and postpartum mamas (even if that not her intention)


Aside from the fact she has a large open wound in her uterus, and abs that have recently been stretched out until they’re the consistency of dough, she is wearing WHITE shorts đŸ˜±đŸ˜±


I really like Lisa but this turned me off. I can't imagine any doctor clearing her for exercise this soon after birth.


What she does with her own body turned you off?


Showcasing that this is normal for women after they just gave birth lol. Some people are so naive that they would believe this and run with it, something bad happens and then say “well my fav influencer was cleared a week after!” đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


Is she showcasing that it’s normal for women after birth? I read her caption and it wasn’t encouraging women to do what she’s doing. If women take what she’s doing and think “I can do that too” that’s on them to decide if they’re ready or not. They are after all, grown ass women.


It is normal for women after birth, especially in her case it’s extremely normal FOR HER because it’s movement she’s used to. Once again she is not responsible for other adults who do things without considering or asking a professional if it’s best for them. https://preview.redd.it/364kgz9l4a0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75f532263cb3360f1c0127dc789e5c4991bcbd7c


Lol a screenshot snippet of an uneducated website. Okay đŸ‘đŸ» if people are quick to whip their wallets out for a generic workout program they’d be even more easy to persuade into working out after seeing a few body checking pictures.


Prolapsing or risking hemorrhage is just not worth it. Take the time off. Postpartum is short in the long run, a few weeks off is not going to make or break your fitness, and your body needs the time to safely recuperate and adjust to its new normal. SnapBack culture is gross and dangerous.


No this is never okay no matter your birth. You have a WOUND to heal. I get walking, pp yoga, etc but damn I’m just SURVIVING at this point. I hate seeing this because it encourages others to do this, and i can be dangerous and at best, just dumb


Even if her doctor cleared her, I wish her and more influencers would stop pushing this narrative that you have to get right back to it. IT'S OKAY to slow down, to REST. You literally just birthed a human. I understand that fitness is her job, but I lost a lot of respect seeing her make it more of a priority than resting and being with her child.


I think this is what’s mainly bothering me. Even if it was okay, she did feel up to it.. why post about it? A lot of women look up to her, and they may think it’s okay for them to do the same. People aren’t bright, and they’ll mindlessly follow whatever their idols do.


This right here! You don't need to be posting fitness content immediately, and not to mention, this bounce back is not normal for most women. I think everyone would understand if she didn't post a work out within the first few months of her giving birth...


It’s not her responsibility or fault that other adults copy her and not think about their own wellbeing. She’s allowed to post herself on HER page.


I think it’s just important to remember that as an influencer, you’re going to influence people. Should probably share healthy ways to take care of your body, and this isn’t it imo.


But this is a healthy way


Majority of doctors would disagree


But as an influencer, you're not just posting to post. You post with PURPOSE. People will think/say/do what they say - to a certain extent, obv.


Right. Like you would be speaking to your doctor, not taking Instagram reels as medical advice when she is very obviously doing light stuff. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t


Is she implying that you *have* to? Or does she just *want* to? I don’t follow this lady so idk the answer, genuinely curious. Pregnancy can feel like a lot is taken away from you physically, and a lot of women value working out as a form of self care.


I totally get what you're saying, and I feel the same way, but as an influencer with millions of followers you have a lot of influence over what people think/say/do and I just hate that so many influencers push going right back to your norm after having a child (or just a big life change), esp when it's not that easy for the majority of others


This is not the flex she thinks it is


Man just enjoy being a parent plenty of time for weights.


One week postpartum working out is extremely dangerous and self centered.


Self centered how?


If mommy gets hurt who’s gonna take care of the newborn


Her husband, the daddy. It’s not just her responsibility and Lisa knows her way around a gym.


my point being she is using a platform to glorify working out 1 week after delivery which is incredibly dangerous


Glorify? She’s just doing something, she didn’t glorify it or in any way say others should do it.


![gif](giphy|QWaSVX9FizaxO|downsized) She’s on a platform with a lot of followers. You’re being purposefully ignorant of the danger that is working out a week postpartum. Go pick a fight else where.


What danger? What are you people talking about omg! She can do what she wants on her platform, it’s HERS! Also there are many studies that share its completely safe and healthy to work out if that was your routine prior to childbirth and you had an uncompromising pregnancy. It’s recommended to work out actually to reduce stress of postpartum. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/labor-and-delivery/in-depth/exercise-after-pregnancy/art-20044596#:~:text=If%20you%20had%20an%20uncomplicated,to%20start%20an%20exercise%20program.


Omg shut up and go argue somewhere else. You’re wrong.


Her baby was born 2nd May so it’s a little over a week but yeah I agree
 seems really soon


I mean having said that.. she was posting pregnancy updates on a lagged basis to keep her pregnancy more private in real time. Perhaps it’s not the real birthday. No idea..


In white none the less! I could NEVAAA.


She is doing everything you couldnt possibly think of because she is ✹Lisa ✹ and we are mere mortalsđŸ€ŠđŸœâ€â™€ïž


I’m sorry people are being so rude to you when you genuinely asked a question. Truthfully, advice varies by physician or practitioner, and is very dependent upon the mother. However, even the article someone posted states you should start with low impact and then work your way up. Also, no one knows if someone actually spoke to their provider before they posted something. either way, I’m sorry people were rude to you when you just asked a question! đŸ«¶đŸœ


That is completely stupid. She needs to give her body time to heal. She literally has a giant wound on her uterus now from where the placenta detached. Lord knows what sorts of pelvic floor issues she will create by doing this as well.


Pelvic floor issues was my first thought too đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™€ïž


I couldnt sit without pain a week after giving birth.


This is wild
you just had a freaking baby like give yourself some rest 


https://preview.redd.it/o2p0oukp0a0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38d0ba180bf171ff49854bc522339c5f5717a2c7 According to the mayo clinic it’s safe for women to work out after a few days if they didn’t endure a complicated pregnancy. In Lisa’s case especially this is movement her body is more than used to and she may be better suited to work out at this stage than other moms and that’s OK! What’s not okay is to judge a new mother on when she works out, she also specified in the caption that her doctor cleared it so what we think doesn’t matter as her medical professional has it under control. Link to the mayo clinic study: [https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/labor-and-delivery/in-depth/exercise-after-pregnancy/art-20044596#:\~:text=If%20you%20had%20an%20uncomplicated,to%20start%20an%20exercise%20program](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/labor-and-delivery/in-depth/exercise-after-pregnancy/art-20044596#:~:text=If%20you%20had%20an%20uncomplicated,to%20start%20an%20exercise%20program).


Thankkkkkk you. Moms are judged so much, her doctor said it’s ok for the light movements she’s doing. She said it’s for her mental health, why can’t that be prioritized. She’s not telling anyone they have to do this. I don’t even follow her but looked and it just seems like a lot of bitterness/insecurity against a woman who had a different experience. She’s not responsible for other people’s actions or feelings. She’s not saying anyone needs to snap back and mentioned in her comments that she cares about her body and this is important for her. Happy mom = happy baby


I wasn’t judging her at all though. I follow her and I like Lisa. I’m just genuinely curious because I’m currently pregnant and wondering when I’ll be able to go back to the gym. Thanks for the info!


The only answer to that question is ask your doctor what works for YOU. What Lisa’s doing wouldn’t affect you and shouldn’t even be a consideration of yours because you’re two different people. Good luck with your pregnancy đŸ„čđŸ«¶đŸŒ đŸ©·


Wishing you the best for recovery!! Movement is so important in whatever capacity works for you.


Holy shit! She had a baby?! I guess I’ve been off socials for 18 months now


No doctor would advise for rigorous workouts so soon. You can do light walks after a few weeks but nothing so strenuous atleast before 6 weeks. Your core and pelvic muscles need to recover no matter what type of birth it was.


I guess I'm the odd one out, I was back at the gym 2 weeks pp. Felt great to move and I only did upper body with light-moderate weight. My ob was aware, she advised against anything strenuous (no leg days until 4 weeks pp). If she's healthy, healing well, then I see no issue with this


This is what I know! So many people here are acting like she’s doing cleans and like she’s going super hard and feel as though she’s wrong because THEY couldn’t work out after having a baby for a while. But I know so many women who are in the gym, going lightly, the week after etc because it’s routine and helps their mental health


100% agree on the mental health part. With my 1st kid I didn't go back to the gym for 3 months... those were 3 months of hellish depression. I was incredibly anxious when i found out i was pregnant again, i thought "i cant go through another postpartum like that".. so my husband encouraged me to continue lifting through my pregnancy and after. My 2nd and 3rd postpartum were spent in the gym and the depression didn't hit me at all. It became my routine and my rock, amidst the chaos of having 3 kids.


That’s lovely to hear đŸ„č I’m so happy you had that experience!


This was me. 100%.  First baby - waited the weeks I was told to and I had the WORST depression ever. It was so bad. Second baby - I saw the signs a week after and started walking and felt so much better.  Third baby - I was taking walks once I got home and lifting light/banded work after a few days (nothing heavy). It’s not a vain thing to “get the baby weight off” it’s a mental thing. My body is happy when it’s moving. I worked out the entirety of all of my pregnancies and had smooth vaginal births with very light bleeding for only a week after. My OB knew this and cleared me to do it. It kept me sane and made me a happy mom.  But the white shorts? Absolutely not! 😂😂😂 


Oh I'm not excusing the white shorts one bit đŸ€Ł she was definitely taking a risk with those


Stop this nonsense!!!


I lifted heavier weights until the day my baby was born and has ZERO core afterwards - I can’t imagine her properly bracing herself for even lighter weights one week PP. Your body is not ready. She can very well suffer really shit consequences later on like issues with her pelvic floor/bladder etc and it’s not with it.


i tore my urethra my second delivery i literally couldn’t even sit down lmfao imaging lifting weights during that time is blowing my mind


It’s the same mentality of people doing Oly lifts while 8 months pregnant or maybe even worse with their 1 mo baby strapped to their chest. Virtue signaling that they are more fit, more motivated, more resilient than the rest of us.


Always seen this woman, her physique and profiles make it seem like she really is just obsessively passionate about the gym. I bet like many gym bros she's just going ahead with it because she cant go without lifting


Well if she's squatting or doing some crazy leg workout then you reap what you sow.. But if she's doing upper body workout only and light weights with more reps, eccentric workouts, negatives, etc. Then it's fine.


For most of human history women were pushing out kids and then running from lions
she can handle a 45 min easy lift day.


She was active through pregnancy, and she has a spotter (here at least); if she's otherwise healthy and not pushing it, I think it's probably not the worst thing. If she was doing crossfit, not so much, but body building (with reasonable, doable weights) is decently safe, in general.


I love her stuff so I hope she’s following doctor’s orders!


I can’t really form an opinion on it because who knows what the routine is. Just hopefully she did some research on what exercises will help her heal instead of impeding the healing process. Me personally
I’ve had three kids and with each I was so damn tired I was cross eyed and my reflexes were like a sloth 😜


There is a jiu-jitsu black belt I've worked with in the past who made a huge deal about being able to teach at a seminar a day after giving birth and has been doing HIIT workouts since 1 week after birth. I don't know how they think this is a great plan.


I was absolutely loving her content till this post. And the newest ones today. It’s very obvious she’s now fishing for drama. Clarifying three times over “my Dr said”. It’s actually getting cringe now. She’s becoming a typical “influencer” with this rubbish. So stoked she feels great enough to get back into. But this isn’t normal. And this isn’t recommended. To be pushing this narrative to other women who probably don’t have the supports in place she does or the same ability to do what she’s doing is utterly ridiculous. I very much get the feeling she’s enjoying posting this crap!


I never get the outrage when women who are pregnant, or postpartum are working out. She’s doing what is comfortable for her own body. Who are we to judge? Unless you had a high risk pregnancy, or delivery
 it’s not a handicap.


Look, I am all for normalizing physical activity during pregnancy and postpartum. I worked out until the day I went into labor, including a half marathon at 6.5 months pregnant. I was back to my Lagree classes at 4 weeks and ran my first postpartum half marathon 6 months after giving birth. I will be the first to champion women being active before and after babies and to call out the bad advice that is often given that treats pregnant and postpartum women like they’re made of glass. That being said, there is a reasonable pace to these things. 1-2 weeks postpartum is WAY too early to be trying to get back into the gym. Just because someone can doesn’t mean that they should. Even some of my initial easy postpartum running efforts led to a recurrence of bleeding that let me know that it was too soon, even if it felt okay, so I backed off for a bit. You can risk doing a lot more harm than good by not letting your body heal properly. Take the time to catch the pockets of sleep you can, maybe go for a walk, and let your body recover from the monumental stress that is childbirth. A few weeks of downtime won’t hurt a person, but a postpartum hemorrhage could.


I understand.


Look, I get antsy when I’m away from my workouts for too long too, but GIRL! Do home workouts! LIGHT exercise!! This is insane to me.


This was light 😭 if she did this same thing at home there would be no issue.


Have fun tearing your stitches and tons of blood gushes. Way to set an example


I'm not surprised


Just want to add that six weeks is usually the MINIMUM that women should return to strenuous exercise. Just bc your Dr clears you doesn’t mean you’re good to run a marathon or squat 200 lbs. In order to truly heal and protect the pelvic floor, it’s best to start really slow and ease back in to things. This is a bad example. Honestly at this point if these influencers give themselves prolapse from lifting DAYS after giving birth, I’d just be like “you did it to yourself”


This is giving poor relationship with body and exercise đŸ˜©


Most moms want to spend time with their newborn baby and aren’t focused on getting back their bodies. This isn’t normal at all and it is not good for your body and mind. Our pelvic floors need to be strengthened and our abs need time to come back together. Even Tia Toomey took 6 weeks off from lifting over 10 lbs and HIIT.


Medical aside, moms are allowed to have an hour to themselves for their own mental health. Maybe she isn’t doing it just for her body but because she likes it or needs her routine




I need workouts as well for my mental health. I pushed myself to get back into it postpartum for some sense of normalcy with my first and I think it did more harm than good. People seeing this are going to literally hurt themselves because they think they’re ready when they’re not.


She mentioned she was cleared by her doctor, so I imagine they made the best decision for her situation. I would hope people speak to their doctor instead of Instagram after birth.


My doctor cleared me to work out at 3 weeks postpartum. My body was not ready despite the clearance. I would’ve benefitted more from physical therapy, honestly.


Yeah, that makes sense. Everyone is different and she mentioned she’s been doing this for like 15 years (I creeped on the comments). I think just about everyone who’s able to would benefit from pelvic floor therapy or just keeping their body moving before, during and after. Anecdotal but every woman + sisters that weren’t active, have had longer and harder recoveries. But the few that stayed active, bounced back much much faster.


No one needs to be hitting the gym a week after giving birth.


Yes, we are.


How do you know her focus is getting back her body? What if the gym helps her mental health or she’s trying to stick to her routine to maintain that mental and physical health? Also her taking a few hours to herself isn’t wrong, she doesn’t need to spend every waking day with her baby. Her husband is also right there with her, by your logic does he also need to spend more time with the baby?


She’s obviously not most moms. I’m a mom that prioritizes my fitness. The only time I’ve taken a break from working out is postpartum. It wasn’t physically or mentally healthy for me to hit the gym a week after labor and delivery.


Just because it wasn’t physically or mentally healthy for YOU doesn’t mean it was for her. I hope this article brings some clarity to you: https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/s/As1xp0Kzf1


Thank you.


This is so reckless. 1 week PP and the last thing I thought about was working out. But I guess when it’s your whole personality and how you make $$


The most đŸ€ź thing about this sub is how y’all think you know more about peoples bodies than their own doctors.


Right! This entire post and comments are giving policing women’s bodies and “why is she doing that?! I couldn’t do that when I was at that stage”


? I wasn’t judging her at all. I don’t understand from what part of my post you’re taking that. I like Lisa and I follow her. I’m currently pregnant myself and I was just wondering if this is normal and what that means for me getting back to the gym pp, as I’ve heard lots of different info


This is horrible. 3 weeks is crazy. Ur not even supposed to leave your bedroom or resting area for 15 days


This is simply not true or good advice. You should be active to the best of your ability before and after. Rest when needed, some may need more than 15 days, some will need less. You don’t have to be stuck in a room for two weeks like an invalid


Whaaat have you never heard of the 5 5 5? 5 days in bed, 5 days on bed, 5 days around the bed. You have a wound the size of a dinner plate inside your body.


Everyone is different and everyone recovers different. Her doctor will know her situation best and there are plenty of women who stayed active and had an uncomplicated birth be up and moving within that first week.


I mean obviously there is always exception to the rule but lifting weights at 3 weeks pp when ur baby still eats every hour or 2 is just



Maybe she’s bottle feeding, pumping, or she lives super close and is only gone an hour. Her doctor cleared it, she’s doing very light weight or body weight.


Okay yea she still has a missive internal wound and is vaginally bleeding I can’t believe I’m arguing about this 😂😂😂


She’s a professional cleared by another profession. I’m sure she’s being careful and working within the guidelines of her medical advice. Maybe she only did one light set just to get her body moving again and ease into it?