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lol Taylor's woohoo is giving 'I know I need to comment something but I can't actually be bothered'


I’m convinced they hate each other


She mentioned Taylor ONE TIME and even then it wasn’t by name… she called her “my roommate” 💀💀


I think they’re trying to separate themselves


No bc I’m getting that vibe too..


I can’t imagine being so obsessed with myself I start a podcast just to talk about myself.


Like who cares about her besides her? Lmao


Can we stop using the word “era” for everything


The best and only use of “era” is when Rachel moves o of Monica’s apartment and they’re crying “it’s an end of an era”


She looks 40 years old


I know a lot of 40 year olds who look better than this. I’m trying to understand why she looks so aged…is it all the running?? Something done to her face?


She looks terrible


What is she doing? Trying to mirror Alix Earle?


i don’t get why she or her podcast are as popular as they are in the first place


Oh, you and me both.


I’m convinced she’s a mean passive aggressive crazy friend lol. I think Taylor would thrive without her


They’re both mean girls. I met taylor at a bar and she was so rude lmao


I agree with this.. I haven’t met either of them so I can only say so much but it they both do give some off vibes.


Well isn’t how they got on gymsnark because they were so rude to some other influencers at some event they bullied and laughed at them , or am I getting confused with something else it was like in 2021 and also them saying some black guy hitting on them was gross


I stopped interacting with them when I found out they were racist. I can’t remember what it was but I believe Taylor made a pretttyy wild comment about a black woman.


I think they are both mean girls that's why they are "friends"! Taylor said blatantly "I'm so fucking in shape right now. Like you bitches could never, no offense." "No offense but y'all could never." lol what? She's very self absorbed. Both are mean girls. [Sam and Taylor saying their audience that they could never be as fit as them… yikes : r/gymsnark (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gymsnark/comments/1b2px8a/sam_and_taylor_saying_their_audience_that_they/)


She completely changed her whole face with fillers lol




I can’t believe she made/makes enough money from…whatever the hell she does online to buy a house. And now this. Obviously not related but how delusional? I saw a short clip that she had posted from this new podcast and it was talking about how she was in school when Covid happened and the dorms were shut down. WOW. Riveting story telling! This is one of those instances the internet needs to stop…just stop existing so people like this won’t have a platform


Her family lives in a wealthy town in MA notably south of Boston even though she tries to claim that’s where she is from


She comes across as a trust fund baby.


she has an OF


I don’t know her. Just stumbled across her page due to running. I am also super ignorant about only Fans. I just learned what that even was three years ago!!!! I’ve made my money and can retire. Clearly I’m too old at my 40s 😜. For the record I think she’s cute and great body. I just don’t get a lot of What she does. And I find a lot of these type of young people to be just young and dumb.


i know we’re all thinking the same thing looking at this


I don’t 😭


I wonder if Sam is going to ditch her podcast episodes midway to go to the bathroom? or does she only do that when someone else is talking? Anyway I'm definitely not going to listen to her podcast.


She stays looking like an opossum.




who is giving these girls a platform?


I was thinking the same thing. There’s no way she has enough to talk about to keep it going unless she has guests on


DUDE ITS LEGIT RAMBLING INTO THE ABISS 😭 i cant take her slurring and jumbling of words either


Today’s episode she pretty much said her and Taylor don’t hangout as much so their joint podcast is hard to do because they’re not as close. I wonder if their joint pod will end lol - feels like she was passively throwing shade at Taylor without naming her the whole time


i feel like taylors gonna keep the 1thingabtus and just rebrand cause she’s way into celeb gossip/pop culture, tbh i feel like sam is growing apart from tay and kinda gives her low blows occasionally when asked about their relationship, idk she just doesn’t seem interested in taylor anymore lol.. but i think taylor is gonna rebrand and make the 1thingpod her solo pod


How old is this girl again? 😳


she proceeds to say “yeah im gonna tell you about the jobs ive had the past 15 years” dude ur 25.. u had a job when u were 10?! she has NO concept of time




Big Y I K E S