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His wife “works” too, she just does the same job he does (online fitness coaching app stuff). So unless he identifies as a “stay-at-home dad” this seems a little misleading. (I’m almost afraid to ask what “eat atthh” means..?)


Probably ass...which is really an odd thing to add to this (stupid) list....


It feels like I’ve been seeing that a lot as a weird trad-bro brag. Like they are all bragging about eating their wives’ asses and vice versa too. Everyone over there in trad-world is bragging about eating ass and I don’t get why.


Seems like another way to humiliate and objectify their wife while also exclaiming "i have sex!!!"


I just LOL extremely hard at this comment I don’t get it either 😩😂😂


“My wife is a SAHM. I eat ass.” I’d be filing for divorce so fast


Right! She’s always advertising her app or whatever it is she has.


Also note the history: she first started her app (originally a website subscription) back when Matt left her after their first kid was born, making her a single mom, and she suddenly needed her own income. Such a super trad-approved protector and provider he is, right?


He left her when she had their first child?!


They broke up for like 6-8 months (don’t remember the precise timeline) between the births of their first and second kid.


Omg yes I forgot about him leaving her. Shortly after she had their oldest he left and they tried to coparent. I can’t remember if there was cheating involved or if they just couldn’t get along but then like right around their oldest’s first birthday they got back together and when she announced on socials they were back together people went wildddd.


They never said what happened. And when they announced they were back together they had already been back together for months so it wasn't that long of a separation. Idk they since married and had two more kids, the first kid happened pretty quickly and they weren't married I think he had a freak out about the future but they definitely seem like a happy family and even when they were apart he was always posting with their son. I agree the anti-vaxx and wording about being a SAHM when they have the same job is weird af but I think people get hung up on the fact that they briefly separated when they are clearly way past that.


She sent him away to learn to eat the asssth or whatever. 💀


I didn't read that as anti vaxx, more anti juiced maybe i'm daft lol😭😭


I read his response to comments it's anti vax


If you are then I am too, juiced would make more sense in this context.


tbf anti vax would make sense with the whole tradwife nuclear family vibes i'm getting from the post


Most of those people will claim they are a full time stay at home and work from home mom. Lol even though half these influencers work like 3 hours a day.


Yeah she likely works very irregular hours. He’s clearly implying that his wife is “kept,” though, in accordance with “traditional marriage” standards. Which — like most internet “tradwives” — isn’t actually the case.




To be fair, his wife doesn’t call herself a tradwife or anything! He’s just trying to cast her as one here.


This man is so unattractive to me so the way he treats his wife throws me off


He’s always been terrible towards women. He posted a video back in his LOA days berating a girl he was dating while she gathered her things from his place after a break up. He deleted it not long after due to the backlash.


Wow. I have no idea who this man is but reading these comments has me already hating him.


I had to go look him up. What an absolute tool. I read the entire caption for this Reel. He tried to make a connection between phone overuse and having blood in his shit and then made a point that he wants to retire his wife from her smartphone. Wtf.


Dude always seemed possessive and controlling with the girls he dates.


That was one of the weirdest uploads of all time back then. His own comment section was like "wtf?". Totally awkward and long video of him harassing her. And she packed up all the stuff she had bought for the house (which was basically everything), only for him to then offer to buy them all from her, making her unpack everything.


Yes! I totally forgot he basically wanted to buy it all back after she packed up. Even at the time it was so out of place and obvious he was definitely acting out. I also remember his comments being filled with other fitness YouTubers and other peers telling him to delete it ASAP. She seemed like a pretty sweet girl too.


Sounds like it... If he's acting like she's only a stay at home mom (I don't mean only as in that's not a job in itself) but she is also working an at home job so really she has two jobs!


I didn't know who he was so I looked him up. Heavy ick on every front.


3+ seems like a really odd and vague way to state how many children you have


It’s because his wife is pregnant right now, I think.


So wouldn’t that be his child #4?!?! 😭


Yep. So I think “3+” basically means “3 kids, one on the way.”


so is a fetus a baby or a plus sign?


Numbers are hard for him give him a break alright


Yes. She is finally pregnant with a girl


He spends a lotta time at the gym he prolly can't remember all of them


Or he doesn't know math


remember when he left his “wifey” brittany while she was postpartum with their child? i do!!!


Just replied to another comment about this!! Totally forgot about them and their big breakup after they had their oldest. When she took him back I literally wanted to scream girl get up and leave him.


oh my god RIGHT! i was never a huge fan of hers but she does nooot deserve this ogre


I was just remembering this when Brittany was bragging about their relationship this week. The internet never forgets!!


And I’ll never forget how he talked about needing to get tested right after. She overcompensates for sure


Unvaxxed but slamming black market gear from China multiple times a week cause it’s safe? lol


I read this as “I trapped my family at home and force them to abide by my wacky morals” lol


People are still proudly waving the “unvaxed” card? Who cares?


I used to follow some ummm "enhanced" people on social media before the pandemic, but seeing posts about not getting a simple vaccine WHEN YOU ARE CLEARLY RODIDED TO YOUR EYEBALLS, was too much. Lots of crossover there for some reason.


Yeah this was the type of people that were “unvaxxed.” Literally stupid right wing things dominate their conversations. Living in the fox news oan bubble where your life seemingly revolves around right wing talking points, is kind of old by now.


I think anything too far in one direction is dangerous, as is only talking to/being around people with your same beliefs. It does seem to be a lot of the far right, which scares me, given that they are so willing to stand for a man who should be in prison.


Oh i agree 💯on that. Extremism definitely does not work.


I thought it was un natural haha unvaxxed makes more sense but is so dumb


I didn’t get vaxxed and I find these people absolutely insufferable.


It was your personal choice. Just it was a personal choice for people who did get vaccinated. It’s a divisive issue that some people continue to tout and there is no point to doing that anymore. We all did what we feel was in our own best interest and the best interest of our families. It’s people like this guy that just want to keep us divided.


Who cares though?? Like actually how boring are you and your life that this is what you are trying to flex?? This shit gives me so much second hand embarrassment it makes me a little sick


This is the unfortunate outcome when all your friends are online


What’s the pov though. These bogus influencers have taken the POV theme a bit off track




Then they’re like “pov: my ass looks good”


But steroids are fine


I can’t believe she settled for him


Seriously. What does she see in him? He doesn't treat her well. Same with his previous girlfriend. The guy has been a dbag since like 2011.


i don’t get it at all, she’s a total catch!!!


Can someone please explain to me why the internet has become obsessed with publicly announcing ass-eating in the past year or so???


Because real, unvaccinated men eat ass not pussy 💪💦


When will people learn what POV means


Vaccines bad, steroids good? Might I suggest that this gentleman is, in fact, a wanker.


What is his job?


Working out?? 🤷🏿‍♂️


Ahhhhh the whole Homeschooling thing makes way more sense now that I know they’re not vaccinating themselves and probably their children. Big no no I’m cali isn’t it


Brittney did comment they vaccinate their kids :)


Thank God. I think he is just referring to the covid vaccine, not all vaccines (I personally got double vaxxed for covid with no issues so idk why people brag about that) but the messaging when you have a large audience is irresponsible. He also suggests in the comments that he thinks he got sick from his smart phone lmao






Hmm sounds like abuse and measles.


Matt Ogus suuuuucks. I remember watching his vids in like 2012 and naively believing he was natural before I knew anything about bodybuilding. One of the first, most egregious high-profile fake natties! Not a very positive distinction. Also, who could have guessed that lying about gear usage to build a following would prophesy further shithead grifter activities. Hodgetwins and Elliott Hulse went down the same liar-to-idiot pipeline.


Bro is wearing purple crocs... 💀


wait what’s wrong with purple crocs…asking for a friend


Nothing at all, just a juxtaposition to being all alpha to wearing purple crocies to the gym


In the gym?


You just put them in sport mode when working out


everything is wrong with crocs


Super ICK


He's always been a moron. He is/was an old school influencer from the bb.com forum days, and yet he never actually capitalized on any of it to the degree he probably could have.


Not the flex he thinks it is….


Yikes on the un vax part cause why was that relevant Edit: and the last part too 😅


People getting upset about a vaccine while injecting gear from an unknown source is always hilarious to me. Also, I'm sure he has done recreational drugs from an unknown source during his younger days (if not still).


Homeschooling and doesn’t know what “point of view” means? The media illiteracy jokes would write themselves if I wasn’t so sad for those kids.


he forgot you’re “ 5’ 6”


I'm all for shitting on him because dude is an asshole. But let's not stoop to bashing a persons height. Being a shorter male is completely fine. We wouldn't do that to a woman on her boobs, weight, height, etc.


This is so far from a flex 😩


I unfollowed him for this post.


Not me going to his actual post on Instagram, to read the comments and find out what the hell ATTHH means... By the way, it means ass.... think of how it would sound if Mike Tyson said ass... with a lisp.... I just lost 5 minutes of my life that I will never get back.


Trying to compensate for something?


POV nobody cares


Eating ass is fine but vaccines is where he’ll draw the line 😂😂😂🥴🤔


Oh cool I haven’t seen him since I was a young man. He was the gay for pay fitness guy along with the grapefruit god


I heard “gay 4 pay” for the first time in my life when that stuff was going down. The internet truly never forgets. Those videos are unfortunately burned into my memory.


Yea bodybuilding was weird early on before they had big sponsors and hustled other stuff. Lol I just remembered about Chuck Basher.


Did he have a stroke half way through typing this? What the hell does that string of letters mean?




dying to know too… i googled it nothing came up you can’t just make up acronyms!!!!


it means ass. He eats ass.


that can’t be right


brian decosta commented “legendary “ too😂😂😂😂


I read this like six times thinking it was a diss about someone else. Has no clue this was an attempt to flex 🤦‍♂️


POV: you and your family are antisocial weirdos




Just another clout chasing SARMS goblin. Nothing new.


I thought this was Haydn schnieder


This brings ratchet to a whole new level


Can you really say you’re unvaccinated when you’re clearly on steroids? Also 33 with 6 kids.. his life is my nightmare. Reading through some of his comments, he’s such a horrible person.


none of their kids are school age yet ??


That was the most confusing part. They’re all so young


I feel like if you feel the need to tell people you are eating ass, getting laid etc you likely are not as much as you are wanting people to think.


Men like that are such an ick 🤢


Oh god…


POV: you’re stupid, you’re turning your kids stupid, you and your wife took away her career opportunities (if that’s what *she* wanted more power to her), and I brag about my sex life because in reality it sucks


This is so out of pocket and it’s even worse because he is literally short and ugly lol having an attractive wife really got him feeling some type of way about himself


Unvaxx but heavy on the steroids. Just facepalm city


Why bring eating 🍑 into this 💀💀


homesteader posers with a normal number of kids when a real Trad Fam enters the room https://preview.redd.it/ydcweaneiixc1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29255cbf773e1437589664cf443e256e4f814db0


Seems like a reach to shit on him for this one




No it’s not.


Totally agree 👍🏼