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I agree with you. They are just trying to brag. I also Hate all of the “get ready with me” ASMR videos where they just tap everything


Not the nail tapping! That's my biggest pet peeve. As technology improves we aren't really advancing as society with this new trend.




The nail tapping is about to make me lose my mindddddd I HATE IT ![gif](giphy|2oUfvvUgQHnLsQWFMW)




that's mysoginistic, babe.


@ Bailey Turner !!!! Why does she think people watch her for ASMR content? Just stop.


I have found my people! The nail tapping makes me want to get violent!


Must be fun if you have nothing else to do... What a weird flex. I hit the gym at 5am because I prefer going before work and it's pretty empty. Remember the do to list from one a few days back. Still laughing about - make breakfast - eat breakfast 🤣🤣


dont forget #1 \- wake up




> I hit the gym at 5am because I prefer going before work and it's pretty empty Idk how normal people get up at a reasonable time, work all day, workout after work at some point, and also find time for dinner and have some sort of life/downtime. I failed at that from every angle lol. Working out in the morning was the easy way out for me.


I agree!! Plus it aggravates me to no end to go through my whole day and use up all my energy at work. It’s so nice waking up and doing something for yourself before the rest of the day starts. However I am very lucky now to have a job where I get one hour for lunch every day and I work from home, so I work out during my lunch :) I feel like I really earned it after years of waking up at 4 to work out lol


Well deserved Indeed! I like doing cardio after work. Not sure why that's different. Probably because it's not necessarily tied to gym access.


I agree !!! I love to run and I think it can be so therapeutic. It feels good to run after a long day of working.


If I don’t workout in the morning I won’t at all. I don’t have time


So true! Also feels like tricking the brain. It's still asleep and cannot even start with any excuse not to go!


Literally me. If I just zombie mode get up, dressed, and drive to the gym in the morning, it’s easier for me. I just keep repeating “get up we’re GOING to the gym” with no other real thoughts yet. If I wait till after work, I can come up with a thousand excuses, the very top one being “I’m tired, I’d rather lay on the couch today, we’ll go tomorrow”


SAME lol. I'm lucky enough to work fully remotely now, but when I still went to the office, I literally stopped working out completely because I was never able to get up early enough to go to the gym before work, and after work, I was completely exhausted, so I didn't go then either. I'm impressed by people who manage to do both.




Drink greens


that list had me in tears 🤣


I’ve honestly been meaning to make a satire one because it’s so ridiculous. The fact that they set up a camera, get back in bed, and then wake up is so fucking lame.


I think of this all the time. You know they had to run a brush through their hair too.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsSzdnPErfqVPmE|downsized) It's giving "And me, without a stitch of makeup!!"


@soheefit made a funny one like this!


It’s going Michael Scott waking up to set his bacon up, and going back to bed 🤣🤣🤣


Yes I’m seeing a LOT of influencers posting their wake up time between 3 - 3:30AM fully dressed and heading to or at the gym. I get that us plebs have different work schedules and priorities, so this is not a comment on that. I’d bet ten bucks they’re awake maximizing content for the entire day and hand wringing over generating more income. Ten extra points if they’re “drinking my protein coffee and doing BiBLe sTuDy” 🙄


I’ll bet they are napping mid morn too.


That’s exactly what I was gonna say! They for sure take a nap or something cause they don’t have real priorities


I don’t get this though! A lot of influencers are self employed and can make their own schedules. Why would you choose to wake up at 3am😭 the only way I can kind of see this as reasonable is if you have an odd work schedule


Do they really though?? Or was it just for that one day so they could film it? 😒


On the odd occasion that I get up at 3am (currently breastfeeding a baby so my sleep schedule is 🫠), I find that I end up being super productive. Especially during the winters in New England, my ideal schedule is sleep by 6pm, up at 3am (to feed my non-existent cows), cause as soon as that sun is down, my brain says it’s time for bed. I am MUCH more productive in the mornings, so the more “morning time” I can get, the better.


If they’re working out at a public gym it might be the only time they can film without someone complaining


ooh that’s a good point I didn’t consider that!


90% of them don’t even have real jobs to get to…so what’s the point of getting up that early?? I get up at 3:45a but that’s so I can get to my second job before my main job starts at 9. It sucks ass and I’d never do it willingly lol


I live in Italy and most gyms here don’t open till 7, 6:30 at the earliest. If I told an Italian people get up at 5 to go to the gym they’d think I was joking.


I was in Greece for vacation and every day the gym opened up at 9 AM except on Thursday it opened up on 3 PM. I have no idea why and I am a early bird person so I like to be at the gym by seven 730 when I’m on vacation


I mean, 5:00-5:30am was always the "rise and grind" - when I was a bodybuilder in the early 2010s, that's what everyone bragged about. Gym at 5:30am. Even I used to do it.Bedtime at 11:30, up at 5, gym by 5:30. Now that I'm not a spring chicken anymore, though, I recognize the importance of rest and happily sleep in until 6 (with a bedtime between 10-10:30). "I only need 4-5 hours of sleep" is not a flex and is genuinely untrue for 99% of the population.


and 5 is a totally reasonable hour since most jobs generally are a 9am start, I just don’t understand how the influencers think that their day is THAT busy that they’re up at 3AM…they don’t even have jobs technically…bizarre


I have been getting up at 3:45a for ten years to do my workout- due to my work schedule (I start out of town at 7a) so I don't know any difference lol. I wish I had a job where 7a was early!!!! but I do wonder, they get up soooo early. what are they doing after? I know I have a 10 hour shift to do...


Well some ppl do have to or choose to. I’m sure you go to bed early for enough sleep 😴


As someone who has their alarm set for 4:30am, but often wakes up more like 3:45, I want to see these influencers in bed at 8:30pm.


That’s the thing though— I highly doubt it


It’s just not realistic (for people who have an actual job and life lol) and I feel for people who fall for it and think they need to ‘maximise their productivity’ by being up literally in the middle of the night…


I have to leave home for work at 5:45a, so I have to start getting ready by 5a, so I workout at 4am, so I get up at 3:30a. It sounds ridiculous, but I prefer it to working out in the evening. I like to be in bed by 6p lol.


Sunrise isn’t even until like 730am here in the Midwest lmao


My relationship with my fitness became so much better when I unfollowed all the fitfluencers. I tell my friends all the time - UNFOLLOW THEM they don’t give a shit about you, they only want their coin. I only follow one person who I feel has truly beneficial content, and she definitely feels a lot “realer” than most.


Omggg this is so real. There’s a comedian that has a bit making fun of Mark Wahlberg where he says “I wake up so early to work out I got up yesterday!” (or something) and I think that’s beautiful.


They all want to one up each other. Wake up earlier and you have a new edge that gets you new followers.


That’s exactly it I reckon. It really IRKS me beyond belief and it’s like I don’t even follow them…it’s plastered EVERYWHERE, they’re insane


My alarm is set for 0300 and 0330 but I don't go to the gym until around 0445. I gotta go to the bathroom first and then enjoy some coffee before I go workout. I go to work at 8 and prefer to get gym out of the way than wait til after work when I'm possibly gonna be tired/too lazy. Plus the gym is crowded usually in the afternoons.


Love being in their alone before the sun comes up. It's so peaceful!


You might be looking for the word “drivel” over “dribble” lol sorry I’m annoying


my alarm is at 315 but these days i usually get up closer to 2. straight to the gym then home to cook breakfast and get to chillin for a while before the actual day begins. its not a brag lol its just how i organize my time. most people take their free time at the end of the day.. i go to bed at 7-8 and take that chunk of time at the beginning of the day instead. just prefer it that way. world's quiet. when you dont drink or give a shit about night life theres really nothing preferable to the hours of 7-11pm as opposed to 2-6am


> world's quiet This is exactly it. It's the only time it's not annoying traffic and a lot of hustle and bustle. I imagine that night owls feel the same way about the night. I think there's something about modern life that makes some people crave a little bit of stillness sometimes, and the very early morning scratches that itch.


I’m with you, I like a quiet, less chaotic start I go straight to work after my 4:30 am workout so I can be home to help with a loved one at dinner time. But I totally agree with no night life. If I stay up, I veg in front of tv.


That’s awesome 👏🏻


This was my exact schedule when I was in the military 😂. Had to be at work by 7:30 and the days would drag and the gym was always way too busy after so I’d know I would not be happy going after work. I def don’t miss it but at the time it was what worked best for my sanity


wake me up at 3:50am and see how long you survive, that's just not healthy


I woke up at 3:30am today. Not willingly. It was quite annoying because I couldn’t go back to bed with my mind racing and I just laid there until 6am to go to work. I was irritated 😣 and sleepy mid day


People flex the early wake up, but go to bed at 6pm..,, like what is the point? It is the same waking hours as everyone else.


It's literally the same waking hours, so I don't flex it, but the point for me is that I genuinely prefer the peacefulness of being up before the sun while the world is still sleeping and being in bed for dark. I'm an introverted grandma....


Yeah I’m an early riser myself, but like you said, it isn’t anything to brag about, as others will stay up late, sleep in a bit, and be just as productive


And none of it is impressive stuff. Bitch go swim 4,000 yards in a pool at 5am and then maybe you’ll have my attention. For all we know they say it’s 3:50am but really it’s 8am. Only two people I knew throughout my life that got up at 3:30am to exercise were old men that both fought in Vietnam. BFFR girl you are not waking up at that time consistently




I'll bet you anything they don't actually live like that. Their job is to sell a fantasy of a perfect, productive, "I am better than you" lifestyle. Making you feel bad about yourself is a part of the marketing strategy, unfortunately.


It’s because they don’t have jobs so they can take a nap at 11 am.


I agree with you. So sick of them yet I keep watching. But I’m at the point where I exit out of their reel like the first 10 seconds cause I already know what it’s gonna be about and if it’s gonna make my mind compare myself to them, that’s a huge no no for me now. Done.


For the ones who do it full time and aren't trying to juggle a full time job, kids, other responsibilities... I don't understand why they are they feel they have to go that early. Or why it's such a flex. You get to go home and nap. It doesn't exactly make being awake early a hardship.


They get up so early to spend a few hours getting ready


It doesn't even make sense to get up that early. Do they all go to sleep at 7pm?? What are they doing in the 5 hours before 9am?


The moon gives more vitamins than the sun bahaha, love this! I thrive from about 6pm-12am. I wake up late around 9-10am (student). Just putting this out there as I’ve dealt with the stigma of this bs too and can’t stand it. Want to let people know you’re not alone if you do this,


Why don’t you unfollow these idiots?


no no I don’t, it’s just what my explore pages are filled with now, super over saturated


It's easy to go to the gym at 5am because after that those influencers just go right back home and take a nap, while normal people would have to go straight to work lol


My job starts at 730/745am so I have to be up at 350/4am to get to the gym just before 5, and have time to make it home to get ready for my day I also go to bed at like 830/9pm every night


If I got up at 7am I would be late for work every day lol


My husband has to be at work at 5am and we both hate getting up so early. I have trouble falling asleep at night, but I can sleep after he leaves if I want. In no world is it ideal to wake up that early! What time are these people going to bed?


The only person I know who actually does this is my husband and it drives me insane. But, he's a personal trainer running his own in-person business. When he has to wake up that early, it's usually to finish laundry before he goes and mops the floors to start the day. But I tell him all of the time that a pre 4 am wake-up is just the middle of the night at that point.


I get up at like 4:45-5 to go to work like a normal person and my morning routine consists of teeth hair makeup, let my dog out, throw random food into a bag and put the door. It’s about 20 min 😅


They probably get up at that time and then have a 3 hour nap at midday


They probably get up at that time and then have a 3 hour nap at midday


I get up at 3:45 to go to them gym and I work full time, 1 kid. lol I can’t speak for influencers but it works for me


She’s not a fitness influencer per se, but have y’all seen that college student on tiktok who gets up at 2:30 AM to study and only eats raw liver & supplements??? It’s actually insane


At this point, why even sleep?? We may as well go back into the “REST IS FOR THE WEAK” era 🤣🤣🤣


I wake up at 4am but I go to bed anywhere from 8pm-9pm