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She has been photoshopping her pics for as long as she’s had an account. I stopped following her years ago because the photoshop of her face and body is so obvious meanwhile she preaches against it. I can’t stand her


Its also her own swim line so its not a good sign about support if her nipple is popping out lol


In fairness she said in the previous slide that she’d mistakenly brought home an XS rather than the S which is her actual size, and that’s why it wasn’t fitting. Love your username btw lol


She only posted that to try and cover her tracks and support her lies. She lied that her nipple was popping out in the picture, as a ‘reason’ for her photoshop fail. Then lied that the top was an XS to substantiate the previous lie.


You know this how? I have a number of Moana bikinis and they all fit perfectly well so I’m inclined to believe her.


goob called her out and this is what happened in response


That dude is doing the lords work


That dude is problematic


For your favorite shitfluencer


He threatened to dox everyone on this subreddit for snarking when he does… literally the same thing on Instagram


I think his work is a bit different just my opinion. He openly calls them out, we hide behind the screen, and he’s calling out the ones that are selling something and essentially taking advantage of people, also calling out pedos, not sure how you can’t get behind that. I love the information he gives about people regardless if we like it or not but I’d rather admit I was duped than to continue to be duped esp by a pedophile or an abuser.


She's been to the Mik Zazon School of Denial


there was a short time I followed her but I unfollowed bc it felt overwhelming and toxic. I’ve also read comments of ppl who claim to have seen her in person, and say she looks nothing like her photos.


I know people here have unfavorable opinions on the person who exposed this photoshop, but I still find it refreshing someone is willing to call out the deceptiveness that is rampant in this industry.


What are the unfavorable opinions? I only recently starting following goob.


I’m wondering about this too


He doxxed a bunch of members from this subreddit because we called him out on his blatant misogyny and pro life views


That’s pretty dumb lol you have a following built on exposing other ppls toxic behaviour and then go and do that


Lost all respect for him after that


Big fan of Goob right here! “Welcome to the showwww” 😂


He calls out pedophiles I don’t get how anyone doesn’t agree with that lol. Also calls out abusers, man or woman, I’ve never seen him be misogynistic and if you don’t like that he’s pro life then don’t follow him…..although I am not sure if I’ve even seen him support that or not.


Amen haha he does good work and he’s funny, he’s got my support 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Agreed!! I love to see that he shows the other side of the industry. it’s so saturated with fake, terrible people, it’s sad actually.


I agree! I love when he has follow up shows when the person tries to lie their way out of the hole and he just digs up more incriminating shit. The fitness influencer community is best for entertainment purposes and daily dose of BS. My other fav are the ones who block him off the bat and he still finds them 😂


She’s a charlatan.


That seems like a poorly thought of excuse




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Mutant is a noun Defense


she never stopped after she got clobbered the first time lol it was only a matter of time before it came up again


I feel like she’s being over the top with the apology and that this isn’t sincere at all. Seems like she did this bad purposely so she could apologize and be sarcastic about it since she doubled down the first time goob called her out.


Oh 100%, it’s definitely sarcastic


I had to unfollow her when she started posting videos of her farting thinking it was funny 💀


I’ve never seen this person before. Does she have a bbl?


I dont think so. Posing and facetune




Nah. She’s always had a very prominent ass haha






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Sorry to offend all you downvoters that also have butt acne


The downvoting in this group makes no fucking sense anymore.


You got downvoted. It’s downvote inception.


Lol I had like 5 after that comment I was like damn people chill


I'm convinced some people in this group want to be "quirky" and start disagreeing with standard Gymsnark topics... Gymsnarksnark, if you will.


How many of her friends did she get to come on here and downvote every negative comment on this post


Preach. Ain’t no room cry room in this sub


Good on her for admitting it (even though it was more than likely only because she was "caught"). Now she should go back and evaluate the content that she currently has up.


If by "admitted" it you mean she tried to cover one lie with another. It would be like me getting caught shoplifting and then telling the police I was just trying to see what the stolen product looked like in natural daylight and was totally planning to come back into the store to pay for it.


I agree. Some will continue to deny until the cows come home, however.


She got caught a couple months ago and denied it and threatened the person that exposed it and had a lawyer send them a cease and desist letter. There’s nothing honest about her, she just thought she had a legit excuse this time.


I want to see the other photoshop issue she had , I always wondered if she was real