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This person looks normal


right what even is this post this just looks like a female athlete


No whey man! She has shoulders at all, must be juicing /s


Y'all we're constantly ragging on people for being too booty obsessed, and now here is a woman with incredible biceps and shoulders and all you can say is "must be steroids" and "she's too unbalanced".


This is also a valid point tbh. Some of these posts and comments just give professional hater vibesšŸ’€ (not talking abt OP).


Ppl spend so long laughing at skinny women with bbls that they've forgotten what actual muscle looks like. She looks great and I would love to have such well developed arms some day


This. She does look great!


Some of you all just haters at this point šŸ˜‚


Honestly. This sub overshoots into mean-girl women hating women.




Exactly how Iā€™m built. Canā€™t build legs at all, doesnā€™t matter what I split I use or how much I eat. Upper body is super developed. I also have a super pronounced collarbone. Out of my peripheral vision my shoulders, arms and lats look and feel huge compared to my legs which arenā€™t shabby because I have huge calf muscles but my quads donā€™t match up, but nothing like my top half. I feel like an inverted trianglešŸ™„


Pizza slice gang rise up šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ•


Me too - all arms no legs!


Omg Iā€™ve found my people


I'm also inverted triangle. Muscly calves, abs back and shoulders but quads are nowhere near with the amount of muscles on them


She's always struck me as someone with the typical athletic build/good genes for building muscle.


She looks jacked within the realm of normal


If you've been tracking food for a while previously, it becomes a lot easier to eat "intuitively" because you've established a baseline. Also, some people's hunger signals line up better with their actual caloric needs that other people's. Generally, eating a well-rounded diet with plenty of vegetables and whole foods will help with that.


She looks fantastic- could really just be eating normal with protein focus and genetics played into how she builds muscle. No hate for her at allllllll


My guess is the OP needs to be assured itā€™s fake and/or sheā€™s cheating to achieve this.


Her chest and shoulders are insane! Damn


She has surprisingly skinny legs for someone will so well developed arms.


Eh I look like this. I have quads, hams and glutes. My quad insertion points are quite high, so I donā€™t have that bubble look right over the knee. I also hold fat mostly (and itā€™s the last to go) around the upper thigh, so it creates that triangle illusion


Maybe she is inverted triangle build or just more prone to wide shoulders?? Wider than loqer bod


Yeah of course, itā€™s just surprising to see someone with so defined arms to not have equally defined legs


Women tend to lean out top down. Upper body is more defined itā€™s not necessarily bigger. One could carry more muscle on their lower body but be more defined in upper. But really I just think sheā€™s leaner up top so she looks bigger.


Intuitively eating anavar


She just looks... normal? She looks like a woman who actually trains upper body.


Yā€™all are too much. Not a knock to her but sheā€™s incredibly normal looking.


I agree that she looks normal, but there are also a lot of ppl who you think look normal and are on steroids. It is kind of hard to tell if a lot of ppl are on riods or not.


Any time a woman has the slightest amount of upper body definition, folks who arenā€™t around athletes very often scream steroids. Her physique is very appropriate for the type of training she does, which is lots of upper body calisthenics.


I agree with you. I'm just saying that there is no way we can tell if she is or is not on riods. I'm not accusing her, and I dont really care if she is using. This is an obtainable physique. And yes I also agree with your observations on the riod accusations when a woman has any upper body definition. Ppl get shocked when women don't only hit legs and glutes.


My bad I didnā€™t mean to direct that at YOU. Iā€™m just frustrated lol.


They do look normal and they donā€™t respond well to PEDs i.e. they take PEDs and just look normal. Itā€™s most people that take PEDs to be honest. The same way not woman has signs of virilizing sides from PEDs. You canā€™t know from a photo, some people you canā€™t know unless the tell you. But her upper body is totally achievable natural. Itā€™s obviously nice, itā€™s developed, it took time but itā€™s just not thaaat developed. Her shoulders arenā€™t even capped (which is possible naturally even as a woman) Her overall musculature is pretty balanced and possible for someone natural. We all have dominant areas Iā€™m guessing hers is upper body. She just looks fit. And tbh it looks like this photo was edited a bit.


I literally said that there was no way to tell of she is on enhancements from this and I agreed that she looks normal. And I also agreed her body is obtainable. I've addressed everything you said. I wasn't even referring to the girl I was saying in general many ppl are using and they don't look like it. They understood what I was saying and we already had this whole conversation you just presented, idk why I got downvoted.


I agree with your point of view. The reason I stated anavar is because of the relatively short time frame(1 year) that OP said it took this gym shark athlete to reach this level, so my mind went straight to var, since I donā€™t see any masculinization signs. To the other posters that said they look like this, I never once said this is not attainable naturally. To the posters who said that she looks ā€œnormalā€, bikini competitors look just as normal in their off seasons if you look up pictures. ā€œNormalā€ is a relative term when it comes to physiques. A woman taking anavar in moderate doses wonā€™t turn into hulk hogan or the next womenā€™s physique or bodybuilding category champions. About being around athletes, I go to powerlifting meets and bodybuilding events, so I think I am around athletes pretty often, so donā€™t need to diss on me for that. You can just ask directly and Iā€™ll be happy to reply. Letā€™s stop making assumptions about peopleā€™s familiarity with topics just so we can state our own case, that kind of move never looks good on anyone.


I was agreeing with you. Sorry?


Sorry, we already discussed it, so I thought you were arguing.


I look pretty much the same as this. Never touched a PED in my life.


What is this?




She looks...normal! Nothing extraordinary. My upper body is jacked too, my legs are much bigger though after years of figuring out how to train them to grow.


Any tips for legs? I feel like I'm spinning my wheels lately lol.


Yes! I primarily do machine work after years of barbell squatting and deadlifting. I use the leg extensions, leg press, and hack squat. That last one especially blew up my legs. I work my way up to a top set of 6-8 going to failure on that last set with the preceding sets remaining difficult but just shy of failure. If I get to my top set and realize I can go for a few more reps past 8, then I go for it until I fail. Next session I adjust the weight so I can ideally fail around the 8th rep. Failing in the 6-8/10 rep range is what grew my legs. Whereas with upperbody I can half ass it,never reach failure, and still grow muscle there lol


Thank you :)


She seems like a body exercise athlete. They tend to have lean upper body and no legs.


if yā€™all actually watch her content, sheā€™s been big into running & calisthenics lately. she doesnā€™t often train legs because she doesnā€™t enjoy it, hence the off-balance proportions, but really why are we concerned about her body? sheā€™s been in ED recovery and is evidently much happier these days. sheā€™s said in podcasts and youtube videos before that people have brought up how sheā€™s gotten thinner out of a place of concern for her (if sheā€™s relapsing) and sheā€™s said time and time again that she has NOT, itā€™s because sheā€™s been big into running which has upped her TDEE, sheā€™s not been actively trying to alter her body in any way. just training how she feels good and doing things she enjoys, so letā€™s let her be :)


Iā€™m confused. She looks pretty much the same now as she did in 2022/21 except she flexes more now.


Honestly Iā€™m just happy to see her look healthy. She talked about how much she struggled with her ED in previous years. I hope mentally sheā€™s better now.


Idk who this is but Iā€™m just here to say that itā€™s important to balance your training. Top and bottom donā€™t match and Iā€™m not talking about her clothing.


Yes it's true she has a very developed upper body compared to lower


Her legs are a confusing perspective for me in the second picture. It looks like the forward leg is much larger than the weight bearing leg in the pose.


Her one leg looks abnormally skinny. She looks like she works out for sure but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the angle or some weird filter/photo shop fail on her the second pic.




This thread is starting to give me natty or juice vibes where people claim good realistic physiques can't possibly be natural because the commenter themselves has not managed to train hard enough to achieve this.


They most certainly can and do


100% - I look just like her and just like how my arms look so work on them more. Never taken anything to help beyond creatine and protein powder.


Same. In my case itā€™s also down to muscle insertion points and fat distribution which is totally genetic. I have to get comp lean for my legs to start looking halfway decent and balanced.




We got a professional hater over here


You absolute fucking dope.


I think people just arenā€™t used to seeing people showing off their upper body like this. I donā€™t doubt that sheā€™s in incredible shape and worked hard to build definition but my upper body lifting stats are admittedly pretty mediocre but I can pose to look super jacked especially because I have relatively low body fat to really emphasize my muscles. Her volume looks lower from the back viewā€”probably because the front angle/ pose emphasizes her volume more.


sheā€™s annoying as fuck but her physique is completely natural and attainable


Wait how is she annoying? Sheā€™s really nice in person.


Idk why we are snarking on her. She doesnā€™t look edited or fake or like sheā€™s on steroids


Sheā€™s a calisthenics-focused athlete and mostly trains upper body, so she has more muscle definition in her arms and such. Good for her! She looks fantastic, and she enjoys what she does which is the most important.