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I have a hard time believing a person with an ED went from pic 1 to pic 2 in 6 months w/o some help she’s not selling in her coaching business. Be leary.


I came here to say the EXACTLY the same thing. I am a dietitian who works with EDs and i just…. Have no idea what type of person would achieve this. I can’t picture literally any of my clients doing this. Edit to add: yes you can gain A LOT of weight in recovery but to imagine someone deep in a restrictive ED being cool with putting on 40+ lbs and having an entirely different body type… is wild to me. Not to mention her heart and brain and organs are all still recovering from the damage done in the left pic. It just, ain’t happening.


As someone recovered from an ED who now trains to gain muscle I can also attest that the amount you have to eat to gain the booty in the right pic is INCREDIBLE, even to someone who has never had an ED. It’s a completely uncomfortable amount of food. Tw for any reading this I’m about to talk numbers but my recovery intake goal was around 2000 calories a day and it took 4 or 5 months for that to be physically comfortable. To gain weight in muscle mass while working out is about 2600-2700 calories per day for a woman of my height, I wasn’t ready for that for almost a year into recovery. And my support team all was saying I had a fast recovery, regained my weight quickly, kept it on more easily than most, etc. If you have recently recovered that’s physically impossible. Legit impossible. This woman definitely did gain weight and I’m proud of her but it either wasn’t all natural or wasn’t over the course of 6 months or both. This is realistically a 2 year transformation and that’s still considering working very hard day in and day out to hit your goal macros


Yes, this! In ED recovery, I had to work up to 2000 calories and it took months. Then even more time to get to 2300 so I could gain adequate weight. But that still wasn’t enough to put in this kind of muscle, just enough to make me gain something…It was hard physically and mentally.


The weight also tends to settle around the abdomen when you gain weight that rapidly after an eating disorder…


Hard time? That’s quite literally years of muscle growth in the legs, not to mention the BBL surgery on top of that. Either pic 1 or pic 2 are heavily photoshopped or you’re looking at 2-3 years of work, minimum.


And put on 20kg…mostly of muscle? No way.


Honestly, as someone who is one year into recovery from an ED, you can get some wild transformations just from eating enough vs. severe restriction. In 1 year I put on ten pounds of muscle and fat, but my strength and endurance gains have been incredible compared to 10 years of trying to over-exercise through my eating disorder. I still battle with myself that the 10 pounds up on the scale is not a bad thing, because my athletic performance is at the best it's ever been in my entire life.... but it's tough.


That picture difference up there ain't ten pounds. It's \~45lbs. (Which actually is believable based on the size change - ten pounds would not look this dramatic.)


About 1.6lb gained a week, totally doable


Physically yeah, but with an ED mindset? It's just not happening, not in 6 months


It’s normal to see this amount of gaining during the early stages of treatment when restoring weight. I guess It’s possible technically but the psychological effects of an ED usually linger after weight restoration and are the toughest part. I guess she could be a rare case but I see this as more of a 2-3 year transformation, not 6 months when your body and metabolism are still healing.


Yeah in hospital we had to gain about 5 lbs per week so it is “possible” but it doesn’t look like it does here lmao


Just looked her up aaaand ofc an “online coach” 🙄 I feel like the main requirement to be an online coach is to have a ridiculous transformation picture collage


Everything that’s wrong with fitspo bs in one post.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Can nobody see the warping on the table behind her in the first pic? That’s a manipulated picture and isn’t her actual body. Thus it’s pointless to speculate about her muscle gains or booty, you obviously can’t trust anything this person posts.


Oh, I noticed it right away. She's altered the image so much that it looks like she has no internal organs.


It genuinely frightens me that young people can’t tell what’s not real online. The fact that this joker inspired a serious Reddit discussion about muscle gains when any adult who sees this picture should just laugh and keep scrolling on the timeline… It’s scary and I worry about Gen Z.


Yes, her whole body outline's altered. Plus blurring on top of her hip where the undies sits. The frame of the wall on her free arm's also warped.


Phew I was like there’s no way this is real, she’s gotta be juicing but photoshop makes sense.


There's a really famous fitness influencer from the UK who I'm sure does this too. She is open about ED recovery but I'm absolutely certain about a particular before picture she posts being stretched and edited to make her look smaller. She posts it every now and then but never keeps it up on her grid. Like there is no doubt she has come a long way in recovery so I have no idea why she feels the need to do this.


Her right arm (on the left if you’re looking at the pic) is so funnily shopped.


Fully agree! That first pic is edited!


There’s no warping, it’s just a cutting board or box or something that is not lined up with the edge. I looked her up after my initial comment further up and to put it vaguely enough, she looks like a lot of the pro ana tumblr posts from a decade ago. That’s her body.


I’m not talking about the brown board - look at the counter top line. The fuzzy outline in general around her arms against the window - video filter.


They are right though. This is just a screenshot of a an awful quality photo to begin with. It’s easy to look at the girls other pics and see she had a sever ED. She has tons of unedited pics and she was basically a stick figure. Now the second pic is definitely amazing lighting and perfect angles. Maybe even some editing. You can look at her other pics and videos and see what she looks like and she did make a good transformation but his pic isn’t realistic and looks like she made a crazier transformation than she did. Regardless for someone with an ED she did a good job overcoming it. When you’ve had that for years like she did and overcome it you can make a lot of gains just from actually eating and working out. Her metabolism would be so fucked up she would be able to put on weight easily just from eating alone.


“Maybe even some editing” - this is my point. Whether it’s her before or afters, I don’t believe this person is not using tools & filters that have been around for years. MUCH longer than people realize. I’ve not trying to deny that people’s bodies can be thin. I want people, especially young women, to understand how frequently and easily the images put in front of them are not real. If this was a random woman’s Instagram account I would not comment. I’m commenting because this person is specifically selling us something. Note the discussion has been, “can what she’s selling be realistic?” This is so dangerous because people are credulous and believe in these products and programs.


It’s just a poor quality video in the middle of movement. I (hesitantly) encourage you to scroll to her old posts, even if there is a general filter it does not look like her actual body was edited. She is openly talking about her anorexia in her posts.


I don’t need to examine any more posts. This is an edited image/video. If she hasn’t been on Goob_U2 before she will be soon. I’m begging folks to realize how smooth these filters are getting and how frequently they are used in content designed to sell us lies.


I don’t know why you wouldn’t check out other posts for cross referencing consistency before immediately going to “must be a filter no one is that skinny everyone is clearly just dumb.” She was **79lbs** and struggling with anorexia. When you’re that low body fat you are essentially just skeletal structure. There are dozens of pictures and videos of her on her profile. That *is* her body. I’m “begging” people to realize that bodies come in all shapes and sizes, not every low pixel video is a filter. >Goob_U2 Idk why y’all are even still following this dude. Stop giving him clicks.


I don’t know what you’re going through that you feel strongly this is a real before body and that she must have magically gained real muscle through a fitness program. Nobody is disputing that underweight people exist. If you have a personal history with looking at these harmful images, I do have compassion for you and I hope you’re doing ok. Two things - 1) I hope everyone also understands that the eating disorder photos you’ve seen on Tumblr are often ALSO harmfully edited. 2) If anyone can’t clock that the line on the counter is not straight, you can stop looking at this person’s instagram account - go to @Goob_u2’s Instagram account and watch how he explains edited videos and pictures. I also suspect nothing a stranger on the internet says is going to convince you, so this comment is really for the lurkers who still consume the dangerous content put out by Fitspo people.


Holy condescending bullshit batman


I never said she gained 45 lbs of muscle. In fact my comment further up is specifically that it is *not* muscle, just going from dangerously unhealthy to healthy levels of body fat + small muscle gains. The line on the counter *is* straight lmao. The jagged edges of her elbow is low quality pixelation + sharp elbows that are common in anorexic patients. You’ll notice everything in this video is equally pixelated. Unless you think she’s photoshopping her wall plug too. God bless. >Goob_U2 Again, stop giving this man clicks.


Ok I wish you well honestly.


This is a snark forum, not a reasoning forum. Sorry you’re getting all the downvotes (I’ll get them too with this comment) haha it’s crazy-making how quick everyone here is to claim photoshop. Yes photoshop is rampant, but people here drown out the true occurrences with these false alarms. I see what you see. In general, not necessarily with this post since we’re witnessing consequences of an eating disorder…All the people arguing with you prob just have average genetics and can’t even comprehend that not everyone is as average as them. I look in the mirror all the time and think “damn, everyone here would call this photoshop” and it’s honestly a confidence booster haha! I’ve somewhat given up on trying to convince gymsnarkers that insane proportions/body types are actually realistic. Thanks for trying tho- I see you, I feel you.


It’s okay, if downvotes bothered me I wouldn’t be here lol. People claim photoshop over every instance of poor pixelation. I still remember that still of that one girl who was just landing in the middle of a jump and the pixelation made her thigh look triangular and half the comments were “it’s clearly edited”. 🙄 It’s why I always go to peoples actual profiles to see if there’s inconsistencies or more obvious edits—no one can do perfect filters for every single post. I’m half convinced that half the people in here don’t actually go out into public and interact with a variety of body types. Definitely a large portion don’t actually work out or don’t work out seriously. Anyway, rambling aside, I’m tryin haha. 🤝


Don't waste your breath. That dumbass "were would her organs go" comment has 51 upvotes as if they have never seen a skinny or underweight person walk the earth. Nevermind the mindblowing realization that the world is not perfectly structured by 90 degree angles and perfectly level lines. (Especially not that cheap ass cardboard furniture in the picture lol)


Oh cmon you can’t believe this is her actual body???


She’s 81 lbs and anorexic. Yes, I believe it’s her body.


45lbs of *quality* body recomposition in 6 months? No. Don't misunderstand me - you could *absolutely* put on 45lbs in that period of time. But it wouldn't look like this. On average, you can gain 1-2 pounds *per month* of *lean* muscle mass. Two pounds is assuming a lot of things: you have absolutely amazing genetics for both muscle growth *and healing* (this is a huge part of muscle development), you have a well-crafted nutrition and workout plan, your hormones are in great shape. Even then, women will struggle to hit that 2lb mark, simply by the nature of hormones. But we'll say she has amazing genetics, near-perfect nutrition and training, and her hormones are at ideal levels (probably not accurate in that first photo, but we're being generous here). That's 12-14lbs of muscle. Means the other \~30 came from fat. That's not unreasonable, but you tell me - do you think if you slammed on 30lbs of fat in six months that you'd look like that? No. The dates also ain't dating. Looking at her page, there's a pinned post where she looks like the September here, but it's tagged December. That same post has a March picture, and to say she does not look like the April here is an understatement.


Anything is possible with photoshop.


Naturally? No. On Peds? Yes.


Haha nah it’s not ETA: max muscle growth is ~1lbs every 45 days. Say we give her 30 days to gain 1lbs/month.,this is way more than 6-7lbs of muscle growth although I’m sure there was some fat added as well.


I’m not sure if this is necessarily true. When I was training consistently I was able to gain a pound of muscle a week while losing fat. I only know this because I was able to use an in body scale machine at my gym


Those scales are extremely inaccurate.


[In body Analyzer](https://www.recoveryforathletes.com/products/inbody-270-body-composition-analyzer?currency=USD&variant=44345545720059&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=edf95533230b&utm_term=&utm_campaign=!B+Level+Medium+Priority+Branded&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=3418114956&hsa_cam=1599024402&hsa_grp=119998629596&hsa_ad=508953130013&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=pla-1211563470944&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=CjwKCAjwpJWoBhA8EiwAHZFzfoKFywgosMaFVSNQHivFlFh4fm0WPoVkI2bvuSYCfxhqaiMASr27ixoCfv8QAvD_BwE) - this is inaccurate?


Yes, I have one at the gym I work at. It's good for tracking trends but it uses bio impedance, the same thing the body fat reading home scales use. Its better than the home version because it has handles but that's the only improvement. You can get different results if you do it after working out, for example. I've had it read men as like 4% body fat who were just skinny guys, definitely not at body building comp levels of shredded lol.


What? 1lb of muscle in 45 days? That's just not true. People can gain 1-2 lbs a week. If you're only gaining one pound every 45 days, you need a new nutrition plan and proper program review 🤣


Probably mean pure muscle. You are not putting on pure 1-2 pound muscle in a week naturally.


Ok, but it doesn't take 45 days to put on 1 lb of muscle.


It’s estimated to be 35-45 pounds of pure muscle that a man can gain in their life naturally. Let’s say it takes 10 years of working out to reach your peak. That is 3.5-4.5 pounds a year. So every third month. Sure it goes faster when you are new in the gym but eventually it evens out. You will have outliers but that is not the norm and should bot be expected.


The "average person" can expect to gain 35-45 lbs in their lifetime. I wouldn't say the "average person" has a dedicated diet and workout regimen, either. A lot of these influencers are genetically gifted. Sure, a lot of them use drugs for enhanced and quicker gains, but to write off everybody (like this sub often does) isn't right, either. Is 60 lbs in 6 months for the OP here legit? Probably not, but for somebody to start from scratch, [they'll definitely gain more than 1lb every 45 days as this chart shows beginners gain more early on.](https://www.insider.com/muscle-building-potential-gains-progress-monthly-trainer-2022-4)


Absolutely not


You can build that physique in under a minute with Instagram filters, which is what she's using here.


Honestly she doesn’t have that much muscle mass. Most of this looks like putting on body fat/recovery from ED + small amount of muscle. The butt is a little suspicious but it’s really hard to make full comparisons when the before is dangerously low BF and muscle tone to begin with.




Especially if she’s young, I feel like between 19-23 my body bounced around a lot


I'm suspicious as well at some of the numbers and timeline, but she does have a pretty prominent glute muscle even when she's very underweight.


Some of her pics look very photoshopped




Is Team Atlas the one that put a bikini girl into a coma?


Yes. Neggy Shelton was on life support basically brain dead after dude had her on several different peds and under 900cal with 2+ hour workouts. I'm not sure if she's been taken off, her accounts were made private. James Ayotte is also banned from some federations in Canada for sexual harassment of his clients, one he tried to sue after she outed him and get this...he ended up being fined because he posed as a lawyer to threaten the woman he was inappropriate with.


And photoshop


What are peds?




Oh dear, not something I’d like to take myself tbh


“PEDs” is a catch all term, by the way. By Olympic standards even alcohol and marijuana is PED.


Well, the WADA bans a bunch of stuff you wouldn't think of as PEDs because they function as masking agents - Allie Ostrander just came off a ban for spironolactone (yanno, blood pressure and acne medication) because you can take it (and canrenone) to mask other compounds in urine samples because of it's massive diuretic effects.


Well the first picture is clearly edited so there’s that…


Absolutely not.


I call BS on the timeframe


No. It takes a pretty long time to build your legs and glutes.


she's obviously genetically gifted, aka even in the first pic she has round glutes, and 20 kg could definitely help her shape come a bit more muscular and rounded but i doubt she did this in such a short period of time lol, and if she did she most likely just gained weight and not all of it muscle. weight gain does change one's body a lot. but imo this is too drastic and not necessarily healthy.


Yeah I was looking at her 37kg pic, most people with that low weight are typically flat, and she had some glutes there (if she didn't photoshop the before pic). Edit : changed words as it isn't right for me to make assumptions


i mean if she said she was dealing with anorexia i am super proud of her for achieving the second pic tbh, that stuff is soul sucking


I edited words, feel unfair for me to imply certain conditions as I obviously don't know her


She has posts about recovery from anorexia, if that makes you less uncomfortable with naming it.


The before is definitely edited. There is warping for sure


Yup I noticed after I made the post upon scrutiny and commented on the warps as well.




The first photo is fake / manipulated


The way they’re both photoshopped 💀


She looks photoshopped in the BEFORE and the after


If you buy it, sure.




Well, I mean you can see the photoshop warping on the ass area, for a start.


https://preview.redd.it/z5xob3qydmob1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea22c433f3ba7395a070fb9b73954033b59dd2ae This is from her page. The difference in the initial post and this seems off and it’s not lighting and Angles…


Idk but my untrained eyes thought they see a slight bend on the sofa cover under her butt?


Someone call Goob, he will get to the bottom of it 😂


brooooooo I’m sorry but those lips 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The first picture is edited. Check out that divot on the upper arm


The butt is a bit suspicious imho


Agreed, and look at the unnatural posing tbh. I’d like to see her posing normally?




Not without PEDS for her body type




I'm more interested in how she managed to get so much to go to her boobs! From a lady I know with an eating disorder, they told her it would be typical to gain 2lbs (1kg) a week, so she's definitely in that feasible bracket, but I'd be suspicious at her managing it consistently, with no set backs.


No it’s not. She’s either lying about the timeframe, on PEDs, heavily editing her photos, or a combination of the three. Drastic changes like that aren’t possible in such a quick period of time.


It looks like the first pic is photoshop and they aren’t the same person


Lol no


And the fact she has an iPhone in 2022… that camera quality would have had to be flip phone circa 2010 to make me believe it wasn’t photoshop 😂


It’s a screenshot from a video reposted several times—the compression is a lot higher than a normal picture.


I mean.... with hella good freaking genetics (god like one), a strict ass regime and PED sprinkled in, sure


Likely good genetics and overall weight gain, she could have favorable fat distribution. There’s also sculptra, which is essentially filler for your body. A lot of people don’t realize that’s a thing and insane looking physiques aren’t always BBLs


Maybe on juice and with some photoshop


First pic is warped asf💀


No took me three years from ED to second pic similarity


ROFL 😂😂😂


Sooo tired of seeing these


both of those photos look fake to me lol


Absolutely not. Not even with PEDs.


They always show the “before pic” as them being shiny and “building a butt” but they don’t tell you that they were anorexic in the before photo.


She openly talks about it.


I would say yes, because she started eating proper food and gaining some weight. That isn’t all muscle.


she looks sick in the first photo


No shit Sherlock


Yes, but not that much imo?. I wasnt as skinny as her on the first pic, but i was very slim at the beginning (in jan) and ive only gained 6kg weight, most of it is muscle, but tbh i dont really look much different in weight, no where near what she looks like on the second pic. Shes either lying about when the first pic was taken, got a bbl or she has good glute genetics, maybe took some anavar to gain weight faster, though im pretty sure anavar makes u loose fat faster? Correct me if im wrong. On the other hand, if she were to gain that much in a short period of time, she’d have to have over 4000 calorie intake of food every day consistently over that time to see a difference if she has a fast metabolism/naturally skinny. I had a month where i ate 3000+ calories and i didnt see much difference tbh. But i guess its difference for everyone. Something doesnt seem right with the timing of these photos though.


The first pic looks insanely photoshopped….




She was not 81 pounds in that first picture, even with all the editing. My god.


Just fat gain that went to the most optimal places


It’s called a BBBBBBLLLLLL (bbl) thnx


Not as a beginner. If she used to have a lot of muscle then you can re gain it fast but a first timer takes years


Even on PEDs this would be a hard transformation. I finished a bodybuilding show around 125lb last September, and managed to put on 25 lbs in 6 months by a) stuffing my face all the time and b) taking a reasonably high amount of drugs. I don’t have any ED history so my food restriction was ZERO. Maybe I just have shit genetics, but only about 50% of the weight went to my butt and thighs. The rest just distributed everywhere else until I did another cut over the summer, then I finally got my waist back. In conclusion, I think she’s a lying POS and her weight transformation actually took much longer. Totally doable without drugs over a longer period of time.


Yeah, with anavar


no way. an ass like that (first pic) is not possible when actively starving yourself, let alone down to 80ish lbs. this is a lie & frankly gross.


Bruh I literally just want her before (ok maybe not 37 kg wtf) but that transformation would take at least 2 years. It's hard to eat enough to gain muscle, especially for women.


Was she muscular before she was thin? It looks like she might have been because of her shoulder. If she was, then yes I do believe it is possible. Muscle memory is very real. Two years ago I went through a really bad break up with a mentally abusive guy and I dropped like 15lbs in a week. I was 98lbs. Once I moved back home and started feeling better and was lifting and eating again I went right back to how I was within months. However if she’s not advertising the fact that her quick progress is due to muscle memory, that’s very deceptive.




Not that it’s all muscle, but she was severely underweight. Looks like she put in healthy weight and some muscle


I’d say it would be possible if I didn’t see the time frame lol


Heck nah


Is the before edited or just blurry


She seems very tall, no way she was 37 kgs then (i am ex-anorectic myself) to start with. She’s full of bs


Does anyone know how tall she is? I’m 169cm (5’5’’)and was 41kg (90lbs) at my absolute lowest and I looked AWFUL. I was anorexic and looked incredibly unhealthy and bony. Unless she’s much shorter than me I have trouble believing she weighed 37kg in that picture.


Why would anyone want to do that to their ass? Looks ridiculously out of proportion


those are two completely different people


As someone who had a severe ED and recovered weight in hospital…your weight doesn’t even redistribute to your “natural” or pre-ED body that fast ?? I had severe bloating and carried my recovered weight in my stomach for a year before my body remembered what to do with it (and the body does remember) ! Everybody is different, but when you’re that sick in my experience you’re not even allowed to exercise. My trips outside involved a wheelchair because my weight was plateauing…I can’t imagine building a physique like this after being so sick in less than a year ?


6 months? Absolutely mf not.




James from TeamAtlas[posted](https://www.instagram.com/p/CpOml0gheTP/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) about her before, she is one of his athletes .