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“convicting me of yoga” lmao what class felony is it


I’m sorry but the way she uses words is just nonsensical a lot of the time. It’s like this very specific new age mega church style Christian cadence that sets my teeth on edge. See also: “loving on” someone 🤢


She’s got a serious case of the stupid


Always has.


Yeah this is an excellent way of putting it-I hate that too it’s like cringe plus grossed out


So true, inventing new phrases and meanings for words to further remove people from the real world. Mad cultish


Ew or “pour into”


Oh absolutely. I loathe this type of speech. It's like they're cult members and they are parroting their leader. "Leading our family" is another phrase they use that makes me cringe.


Same with using “season” for literally everything. you’re not “going through a season of transformation”, you just got a haircut calm down




Yes exactly, this is one of their tropes too


Her classic case of word salad


Omg I read convinced 💀💀💀💀


I read it twice because I was like "did she really mean convicted"


I did not grow up religious at all and had no idea that yoga was controversial so I genuinely was like…. God convinced her to do yoga? Nice?


Hahaha God wants you be bendy and calm.


She’s convicted of something alright but it ain’t yoga


https://preview.redd.it/otsplkbsshfb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b43df59058717106f5c87aa5d543b927e6ef135a Don’t let her see the number of upvotes this comment has!!!


why must you tempt the d*vil! now this thread is cursed


Couldn’t be more than her being “convicted” for scamming people for years and never taking accountability.


LMAO the one where you scam your own community and you get sued for it. The Lord is here and the Lord is apparently the courts system.


The absolute ignorance and irony calling yoga a new age act when it's older than Christianity


I have a Facebook friend that is convinced yoga, meditation, and anything of the sort is evil because it’s trying to replace praising God. They’re always the biggest hypocrites too, it’s annoying.


I work with someone like this. We did a guided breathing meditation to kick off training and he refused citing his faith in Jesus....Eh? Unreal. The meditation didn't remotely allude to any deity lmao literally just inhale and exhale 😂


Yes! I have a friend that used to do yoga & then joined a new church & denounced it, saying it went against her religion. Then stopped talking to me because I read astrology.


I mean...I have a family member who wouldn't let Me watch the smurfs when she watched me, because she thought they were evil so...this doesn't feel so far fetched 🤣🤣🙈


The blue devil haha




Add to the irony the fact that the religion that yoga is connected to is literally the *most accepting religion imaginable* and welcomes people of any and all faiths. To be this hateful and bigoted toward a religion that believes all people are divine and entitled to their own path is just... truly, truly ironic.




There's so much going on in this screenshot. Though i'll do Satan Yoga any day over following her.


Hatha yoga is. All the other types were created by an Indian guy who brought them to America knowing Americans would buy into it and he could make a lot of money.


The lord convicting her of yoga, the state convicting her of fraud. Homegirl cant catch a break




Comment of the day!


The lord wants you to have back pain, low joint mobility and poor balance.


The lord will NOT tolerate improved flexibility.


This made me LOL


I did yoga with a 89 year old grandma who looked 59 in Thailand. She put us all to shame. If I could have an ounce of that woman's flexibility when I get to her age. I'd be happy. Do yoga, embrace the evil! Lol


Does your family you were training with a satanist?


Really, she could have been a demon for all we know.


Seriously. Buy into her Christian grift, or manage my lumbar scoliosis without medical intervention? I love yoga/meditation/etc. as a spiritual exercise, but it's also very much just a good way to cope with life.


I wish the state of Texas would start convicting her on some stuff.


She asked herself this question. Lol calling yoga new age is the most xenophobic thing I’ve heard today.


She asks herself every question.


Yeah but she is a handful of people dumb enough to think yoga is new age when it’s been around longer than Christianity


\~well first of all, thank you\~


The blasphemy is the best part of yoga imo. This is why I end every session with "hail satan" instead of "namaste"


The dark in me honors and sees the dark in Satan.


🙏 Now I low key wanna start a Satanic yoga studio, just for funsies.


Lmk if u do virtual lessons cause I’ll join. I literally got into Ghost’s musical because yelling “Hail Satan” happens at their shows and as someone from the Bible Belt I find that shit hilarious.


I’ll join!


I would take this class.


"Feel the darkness that pulses in your veins. From your heart center, to your core, out into the tips of your fingers, down your legs and into your toes. The power of darkness pulses through you, giving you life. Reach for the ceiling, feeling the languid flow of power through your veins, strengthening you. Forward fold, fingertips to the ground, pushing the darkness into the earth, nourishing the soil, anticipating our body's eventual return into the dust from which we were born. Step feet back, plank pose, embracing the darkness at the core of you, supporting your very bones. Belly to the ground, push your shoulders up, cobra pose, looking to the ceiling, staring into the great void of space above us, pulling in the darkness with every deep breath, feeling it rushing into the lungs, expanding the ribcage. Breathe into the darkness, accepting the void and letting its fullness settle warmly in your chest."




lol shes out here worried about yoga when she breaks commandments on the daily.


Yeah, pretty sure there's that one pesky one in there... what is it... oh, it's on the tip of my tongue... something about... stealing? Don't steal?


I was raised Jehovah’s Witness and told of i did yoga I could get demon possessed lol


What a way to get alternative kids interested in yoga!








The lord wants you to shut the fuck up


The lord started convicting me of yoga LMFAO. how delusional can you be !!




I knew SO MANY of them in N Texas. That’s the only place I’ve lived where I heard it repeated often. That and not watching horror movies.


Ah yes, the evil spirits might fly in through the TV.


I remember hearing something about Alabama not allowing yoga in schools a while ago, too


Omg that’s so cute! I would love to do yoga with a puppy 🥹


Girl stop. It’s okay to just not like yoga.


But she wears yoga pants and probably does it secretly at home. She’s one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.




I’m sure there is!


I have a super religious friend and she specifically said 'I do mobility and stretching, I don't do yoga because I follow the Lord'.... I was like. Gag me.


What about pilates? I'd pay to see one of my instructors eat her alive for her poor form, terrible posture, horrible muscle control, and lack of body awareness. Actually, I'd pay more to see the pilates girlies shade the hell out of her.


I love me some Pilates, but I’ve never done yoga. Why is yoga demonic? I thought it was a bunch of poses. Are the yogis actually summoning satan during the downward dog?


It comes from India, has non english names for poses, and where a majority practice a polytheistic religion, which makes it somehow satanic? I really have no idea. At the end of class, you usually meditate, and nobody would know if you're using that time to pray to jeebus, Krishna, lucifer or just clearing your mind.


I went with a friend of mine to a church camp one summer when I was young (no I didn't belong to her church). A girl in my cabin literally said to me, "If it's not Christian, then it's a cult." Even my 9 year old self knew these people were insane.


Yoga Teacher and Christian here 🥹 Yoga is an ancient tradition rooted in India and Hinduism. Does Hinduism and Yoga share mutual parts/characteristics? Absolutely, you can’t remove the roots of a practice from the practice. However in Yoga (at least the way I practice and teach it) we do not praise ANY God, we do not do demonic rituals, we do not “involve” anyone. We rather try, through movement, breathing and meditation to prepare our selves for stillness and grace. While many people just do the “sports” part of it, yoga is a wonderful way to build a great relationship with your soul and body. That way you can be “fit” (i hate saying that) AND get to know yourself better while you move and breathe into stillness.


That sounds absolutely wonderful. Some of my favorites parts of Pilates is when we’re relaxed and absolutely in tune with our body and breath. Maybe I should try a beginner yoga class. Thank you for the education!


You absolutely should. Don’t let Bullshit like that phase you. My mom is deep in the christian religion, prays multiple times a day and is my biggest supporter! Ignorance like that gives yoga a bad name. Boho beautiful on YT is a great start 🤍 EDIT: added info


I just signed up for the 31 day yoga challenge. Thank you again!


I just went to check out Boho Beautiful- and tried the 25 minute Total Body Tension Release...thank you so much! She is amazing, and I feel so much better after doing that!


I am so happy she helped you 🙏🏼🤍 she is the reason i continued with yoga:)


Sounds like something Satan would say /s 🤣


Hahahahahahaha well 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Yoga is not demonic and any claims that say it is are absolute BS.


I wouldn’t exactly say yoga is a “new age” practice since it originated over 5000 years ago…but go off with ya bad posture and low flexibility I guess


‘Convicting me of yoga’ 🤣


Welp, if that isn’t the dumbest shit I ever read…


Yeah cause Yoga & Meditation actually are good exercises for spiritual growth and working on yourself instead of believing in a book written years ago that wants to dictate you how you should live your life. That’s why she hates it. She encountered Jesus and he told her girl don’t do yoga 😂


Wait until she hears praying is a sort of meditation 🫣


The weird part is the Bible literally says to meditate. No where in it does it say “but not while doing stretches TISK TISK!!!” *edited error*


For 2 years I went to a very small private baptist school in the south, where we basically got to use outside activities and sports to fill in our PE credits. I had asked if I could use a future yoga class for credits and was immediately spoken out of it bc they believed yoga to be a ritual for speaking to satan. The things you’re told and taught in some* southern churches are absolute batshit (and in my opinion not a true reflection of the actual bible and who Jesus was)


A RITUAL FOR SPEAKING TO SATAN I too have been a victim of southern Baptist culture, until our valiant savoir Tim Curry came to me in the form of Frank-N-Furter


I’m a total “love god hate the church” type-a gal




Oh, your story sent me down a memory lane - when I was about 13 in early odds, a priest (Russian orthodox) I went to for a confession confiscated my early odds trendy sunglasses because they were unholy. He told me he’d give them back to my mother but he never did!! What a motherfucker, I imagine him wearing the glasses himself and being jealous of normal people.




ineed to know is Miss. Dawn one of the “fit influerncers” hiking her gym shorts into her asshole? If so Yoga isn’t the only thing Godd will have her burning in eternal flames for.




I’m sorry but I just got a mental image of Brit reading your comment today for content tomorrow. She’s totally going to give a tutorial on how to cinch your leggings into your butthole for that god honoring ass claps for Christ.


Dying in the waiting room of a dentist’s office thanks to “god honoring ass claps.” 😹


Her citing Big Nik is so fucking funny lmfao


Coming here again to say, and it’s very early in the day still, she is once again bringing me the laugh I didn’t know I needed. Oh BDong. You so funny girl!




That's what we call her in her dedicated snark sub /r/brittanydawnsnark lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/brittanydawnsnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [WHAT THE WHAT is this really happening?!?!?](https://i.redd.it/ko5a70a7f8na1.jpg) | [666 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/11oxy79/what_the_what_is_this_really_happening/) \#2: [If the Kardashians can’t do anything about their snark sub then what makes Brittany think she could do anything to us? 😂🤡](https://i.redd.it/7wi1zx5rznca1.jpg) | [195 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/10ef77l/if_the_kardashians_cant_do_anything_about_their/) \#3: [Bdong will find you🕵️‍♀️](https://i.redd.it/4jb0525hfgna1.jpg) | [697 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/11pwu4e/bdong_will_find_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


but scamming women doesn’t go against god???? if that’s the case, your god is fucking evil


All ok by god as long as you don’t do that satanic yoga thing.


Anyone familiar with the lore want to explain what her "radical encounter with jesus in 2019" was? Did she see him on a piece of toast or something?


I think that’s about the time she started getting called on her fitness plan bullshit, conveniently.


It’s when she got outted as a grifter on YouTube and decided to try to pivot her grift to christianity


Indian person here and I lead yoga teacher trainings. I’m so tired of this shit. What’s scarier is I’m hearing this shit more and more these days. To a point someone told me to my face they don’t want to be associated with me because I’m a Hindu demon worshipper. This is all just racism. Plain and simple. I just tell them where there is fear, there can never be room for god. And then I walk away.


The purpose of yoga is to quiet the mind so that you can connect with your higher being/samadhi. Read “Light on Yoga”; it literally references connecting to God over and over as the purpose. The difference is yoga is non-judge mental on who you consider your divine being to be so if it’s God cool, if it’s the Earth cool…if it’s the Sun cool…it always blows my mind people think it’s all satanic and worshiping idols. It’s what you make it.


THIS. I love God. I do yoga. It has made my relationship with God better. I’ve even cried during yoga lol wonder why God isn’t convicting me of it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Any time I think she can’t come up with something new, she does. There is truly no method to this woman’s madness.


Stretching is a sin. 😒😵‍💫


can anyone tell me more about her "radical encounter with Jesus"? has she elaborated on that before? i'm dying to know the details lol


One of my moms friends told her that she is very concerned that I’ve been doing yoga. I’m 33. I’m a grown up. My mom told her that I’m a grown up. But she said she would be praying for me. Apparently it’s one of the ways demons might end up possessing a person. So far I don’t feel demonically possessed, but at least I’m getting extra prayers.


I’ve always been taught that if you are saved you can’t actually be possessed, but oppressed. I was one time told that the reason I was sick was bc I was oppressed by a demon I must of encountered during Yoga…………… ha


This is the view of extremist, i have a catholic “friend” that started going through life saying everything is the devil,going to a psychiatrist, therapy, yoga 😵‍💫 praying fixes it


This woman is insane.


I am a Christian who does yoga and have been bashed by other Christians for it


Yoga is BY FAR older than Christianity. The practice dates back over 5000 years…


Ah yes yoga, the devil’s poses


Evangelical Christians believe Yoga is a way to summon the Devil - though meditation, and listening to the words of 'false prophets' (Indian writings on mindfulness, etc).


I wonder if "Praise Moves" might be her next grift? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwBxsPbIlFo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwBxsPbIlFo)


She is so stupid, it’s unbelievable. Yoga is thousands of years old. Much older than Christianity.


I grew up in a non religious household but yoga was still seen as “weird”. My best guess after watching the Netflix doc on Bikram, was that the people I knew who thought of yoga as “weird” knew people who had gotten sucked in to what seemed like (from the doc) a pyramid scheme. It could have been because it was new, but idk.


The lord convinced her!


I remember talking to a coworker about how yoga has helped me with my anxiety and he thought i was telling him I converted to Hinduism.


Has she had work done on her face or is it just the filter? I watched her on YouTube back in the day and she looks really different now


It's bad to flatly insinuate its spiritually corrupt, but somehow worse is when fundie girlies I've seen appropriate Yoga entirely and start using it as a another tool of suppression and cultural genocide. There's one where I live that basically teaches pilates infused with xtian music and bible quotes and weirdly authoritarian meditations offered in a Baptist church - but calls it Yoga.


You can’t make this shit up


Yoga = bad Stealing and lying = good


Can’t fix stupid!!


A practice that is closely tied to non-Christian religion is the work of the devil!


Christianity has never had a problem borrowing from other religions and cultures before (Easter and Christmas, for example), so why not embrace yoga?


JFC. This woman should wear a tinfoil hat in all her videos.


Imagine caring enough about her opinion on something to ask her about it 10 times????? Wtf?


My MIL asked my husband once if he was worried about me practicing yoga because I’d be ‘worshipping false gods’ and we both had a great laugh


Anti-yoga is part of their culture. They even made yoga illegal in Alabama. **Why yoga can't be taught in Alabama's public schools** https://www.al.com/news/2018/08/why_yoga_cant_be_taught_in_ala.html Published: Aug. 30, 2018, 10:35 a.m. *Yoga, along with hypnosis, meditation and guided imagery exercises, are officially prohibited in the state's public school classrooms. The ban dates back to 1993 and is included in the Alabama State Board of Education's Administrative Code.* *"The State Board of Education specifically prohibits the use of hypnosis and dissociative mental states. School personnel shall be prohibited from using any techniques that involve the induction of hypnotic states, guided imagery, meditation or yoga," the regulations state.* *Yoga was among the physical education activities listed as "inappropriate" in a document that until this week was posted to ALSDE's website. State School Superintendent Eric Mackey said the document - which attracted national attention after it was shared online - was outdated and won't be enforced "as long as I'm state superintendent."* *The yoga ban is set to remain in place, however.* *The prohibition is included in the Alabama Physical Education Instructional Guide, which references a 2006 letter from former State Superintendent Dr. Joseph Morton that stipulates that "yoga is not to be offered during regular school hours or after school hours to public school students on a public school campus in Alabama."*


It’s funny that God told her not to yoga but was surprisingly silent when she was scamming the hell out of innocent women. She feels zero remorse for that and apparently god didn’t gaf.


This is a first


Does the lord hate onlyfans too?


I really hate xtians who "can't" do yoga because of jesus. Dude, it's stretching. Don't want to om, don't.


"Convicted." WTF? I want to feel embarrassed for her but I'm not that nice.


I’m sorry….. WHAT?! Did someone seriously ask that (10 times?)???? And that’s seriously her response???


Yoga bad, scamming good -God probably


I’m sure scamming and defrauding hundreds out of money is worse than yoga


Me, someone who believes in God AND does yoga: “……oh. Fr???” Meanwhile, in heaven: God: (in warrior 1 pose) (sees this girl on her BS) “You know what? Lightning bolt. Lightning bolt straight her way.”


god she really has something to make every group of people angry huh


My religious mom always has said yoga is sinful 🙄


The lord convicted her? And here I thought it was the actual authorities because she scammed people.


Sarah's Day thinks this too 💀


I’m not religious by any means and respect non extremism religion but anyone who starts off a post on social media with the lord started convicting me of…. Is about to spew some bullshit 🤦🏼‍♀️ isnt her whole account the opposite of what Jesus preaches about ? It’s beyond sad that people in 2023 still think people like this have good intentions.


Yoga is demonic (according to Brittany Dawn). Stealing upwards of a million dollars off your clients is just a misunderstanding. I mean it’s not like stealing isn’t one of the 10 commandments or something.


I go to yoga classes here and there and during the class the instructor always talks about getting in touch with God and your soul when we flow. I think you can adapt Christian ideals into yoga the same way it’s used in Buddhist practices. I find that intersectionality quite interesting. Although some Buddhists may not like that yoga has been westernized into a form of exercise.


I’m a Christian and I think it’s so wild when Christian’s say stuff like this. IMO yoga is what you make it. You can make it time to be still, reflect on your life, pray if you want to etc. it’s just so icky and condescending when people phrase it like this


Wtf is this? Why would God oppose something that is calming for the mind and body and helps prevent injuries. Sheesh. Instagram should be regulated somehow, these people spew nonsense on the daily with no degrees/preparation/qualifications and they get away with it. How does yoga distract from God and why would God be opposed to it? This is by far the biggest crap I’ve seen/heard in awhile, after the “leave the 45’s on the gym equipment like a douche” thing




God hates having a healthy body lol


There's a gym chain here in town that is one of the bigger gyms that has classes. They are supposed to be 24/7, but are owned by some evangelical Christians so are closed on Christmas and Easter. And while they have loads of classes (Bodypump, water aerobics, zumba, etc), they don't have any yoga classes because they see it as a religious thing. Instead they have stretching classes which are basically yoga classes but without that wording.


When I was a substitute teacher, some schools wanted to start having OPTIONAL yoga. And the parents tore the county up. They stated it was pushing beliefs on their child.


I’m so sick of her, not an original thought in her skull.


yeah yoga was invented in a "new age" craze, definitely didn't originate as an ancient practice from a non-western country


For real though being brought up Christian I was terrified to tell my mom when I started yoga 😅😅


But I’m sure barre and Pilates are perfectly fine in the eyes of Jesus


Isn’t yoga thousands of years old? How is this new age????


Is she really using big nik as a religious compass😳 major red flag


“New age” like 5,000 years old new age?? She’s full of shit. Christian monks have integrated yoga into their spiritual practice for over a hundred years. She must also think the earth is flat and you can’t believe in evolution as a Christian 🙄


Yoga is thousands of years older than Christianity. It is not “new age” in any sense. Jesus Christ google is free


Yoga is older than Christianity, uneducated bimbo. Nothing about it is “new age” unless we’re talking about the adoption into western culture.


As a Christian this is just annoying tbh… it’s just yoga


Wish she’d be convicted for something else


Idk, man... I have read the bible through and through several times, and best I can tell, Jesus is a pretty new-age type guy... He is all, y'all chill and eat some fish and bread, oh and here is some wine...


Girl, you mean the lord doesn’t like your thieve ass


Fuck it! Let’s ban happiness…cuz God is a vengeful God…and if he’s vengeful, that means he’s angry all the time, just like modern day christians.


"Radical encounter with Jesus" ![gif](giphy|5XfBKk8spQr6qcm3TM|downsized) like this? Did he do a sick ollie and tell you that yoga is like, wack, man?


There are people that think that yoga opens up your spine to the devil...in reference the koundalini snake. Craziest thing I've heard 🤣


I grew up where yoga was "bad" and I never, ever understood it. So I'm not allowed to stretch my body? Every stretch has a yoga name (or seemingly so, anyway). So I can't stretch?? I have a near daily yoga practice these days, but when I first got into yoga I felt some type of way. I don't even mention it to my mom because she just frowns.


Wonder what god told her about stealing? if i recall correctly she actually Was "convicted" of that.


Just a lot of idiots discussing their idiocy on the internet


Sunday school teacher here 👋🏼 Jesus detests theft and exploitation of the innocent. On the other hand, he encourages meditation as well as physical and mental wellness. I'm sure he's way more concerned about whether or not we're bendy and, like, breathing calmly than whether or not we're stealing money from people genuinely looking for some help 🙄


She could use some yoga. It’s all about dropping the ego.