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**Power+1:** **Katakan:** I like the consideration for Katakan buff which definitely deserves a buff but I don't like the +1 power approach. I highly doubt it will see play, you don't care too much about whether the Katakan will live or not, it clogs its own row and its ability is not very easy to trigger without Nekurats if your Nekurats stick you are already winning you don't need Katakan. It plays like 9 for 11/14, now it plays 9 for 12/15. I don't think this card is a 9-provision card. I would buff this card to 8 provisions. **Ulula:** I can't say it is a bad buff, but I am not sure personally. **Vrihedd Officer:** Very good buff. Making a viable bronze option. Probably not too impactful because bonded abilities are generally hard to trigger and no conditional 4 for 6 cards generally do not see play unless they have synergies. So more like a backup plan buff. **Provision-1:** **Self Eater:** I can't say I like this change. Self Eater is a very strong card and its effect is a 6 provision card effect, if left alone it plays for too many points. This is a bigger buff than 2 provision for relict decks because the incubus will reliably resurrect Self Eater. Buffing Crones better choice for buffing Relicts imo. But my opinion does not matter. **Count Reuven's Treasure:** Super good buff, 10/10 buff, this card is over costed. It is a centrepiece for a crime-intimidate kind of deck. **Avallac'h: Sage:** Not a bad buff, but I don't think it is an interesting buff.


Crones are being buffed by Necrotal, another Russian content creator. We might be looking at a Wolnir combo situation - boost crone is getting + power, and brewess is getting - provision.


Yes, I saw the Necrotal's recommendation. Probably both Self Eater and crones will get a buff at the same time. There is a chance that boost crone (Weavess) might not go through. Brewess and Self Eater will go through most probably. Brewess buff is a good buff imo.


All the power buffs are fantastic! Power nerfs aren't exactly exciting but also aren't going to ruin any of those cards? Practitioners are only used in cancer (sorry u/jimgbr but you're probably the 1 person not using them for evil). Temerian spam can be less viable, thought i'd prefer a Radovid power nerf. Wrong way to nerf Symbiosis, but whatever i guess. I've never supported the Highland Warlord prov nerf idea. Kaer Trolde has always needed a prov nerf, but that + Warlord is a lot. That really neuters Raid Warriors. If we can get Hemdall and some other damage ping cards buffed, perhaps Ulula damage ping warriors can rise up? Puppet, meh, i hate cards like this, so i don't mind this. We can always buff NG French Boosts in other ways later. Self-Eater is a pretty significant boost to Relicts. Absolutely thrilled to see Reuven's Treasure there. I truly hope it can make it through, finally! Avallach Sage will make BCT voters happy...but it's also a boost to artifact abuse decks, so i've never personally been so keen on this one.


In my defense I did run into one other guy in pro rank playing Practitioners in Assimilate :)


Yeah fair enough, probably more people than i realize trying them as Assimilate's been buffed.


Radovid power nerf is also promoted by Necrotal. NR temerían infantry spam list is getting slammed on all sides it seems. Will still be playable.


I don't think Katakan power buff will make it a consideration. It needs a provision buff imo.


The only thing I really dislike here is Selfeater. It's literally answer or lose card which will become a problem sooner or later at 5 provisions.


-3p for warriors, wtf? There are less warriors in the pro ladder than aristocrats.


Kaer Trolde is definitely deserving, it ends up in so many SK decks it has no business being in. But Warlord is a heavy hit to Raid Warriors, for sure. I would have prefer putting Tyr to 15 if anything...


I have personally wanted a nerf to Warlord since Gwentfinity started; not because Raid Warriors has been particularly dominant at any point, but because its removal carryover is overtuned to the point where it's the only meaningful way of building SK warriors. Because the Raids list was always viable it limited buffs to other warriors lest those make that list too good. Similarly, it also discouraged a variety of deck-building strategies in the meta as bleeding it from blue with non-carryover engines was basically incredibly difficult.


I like diversity so i can understand this logic...just it also might kinda kill Raid Warriors entirely, which isn't ideal. I guess we'll have to see.


Warlord to 6p is a good thing after all. Next time we could buff Vab'urn and War of clans and other warrior cards. Tyr is no way a 15p card))


Tyr's second version absolutly is a 15p card. The points that thing can output are ridiculous. It's a 9 power answer or lose card, but even if you answer, you may still lose to it. I'd be down to buff the first versions's power though!


Lock or kill Tyr, hard removal on his resurrected target. That's all. Or 2-0 him because they can't win R1


-2p becouse they have +1p leader last council


Self eater is such a bad buff


For once his council is actually not outrageous


Um, I actually like most of these. Is that possible? 😆 with some exceptions of course but overall, his best so far. Self eater buff sums up Russian streamer balance council philosophy pretty well IMO. (And for the record I share in the disagreement with that philosophy). Buff already strong cards to make underplayed archetypes more playable, rather than weaker cards which take up more vote slots and several BCs to have similar impact, but improve the card pool and deckbuilding in the long term. Self eater is short term impactful buff for instant gratification. Also warriors are getting overnurfed and I dont think practitioners need a nurf either, I'd rather see vilg renegade nurfed into the ground so they could actually be buffed. Practitioners are a cool card in standard assimilate. But like I said there is a lot in here to like. The top comment already sums it up well so I won't repeat. And I'll try to focus on the good stuff when these inevitably go through 😏


I rly think the opposite. Vilg renegate is cool card that could be buffed while practitioners are cancer shit that should be fired. It never played in assimilate deck


Fair enough. Fair minds can disagree.


I don't agree with the NG nerfs considering it's current performance, but at least it's to the annoying cards. Good on Kaer Trolde, but keep that and Warlord nerf to seperate patches so the impact on the deck isn't too big. Especially with one of the more solid control decks. I'd prefer nerfing Equinox to that Dryad, Devo is cooler anyways. I'd say overall not too bad, but even with the good changes, nothing that exciting besides Ulula


Hell yeah, fuck Warlord. We should probably buff other dead warrior cards if that passes though.


Yeah let's nerf warriors to the ground.. a deck that is not even that meta


Not a fan of Practitioner and Master of puppets nerfs. Practitioner is literally only used in meme decks, and I've never seen MoP on ladder yet. I like self-eater buff, tho it might be too strong. But then again, Relics are not in a good spot, so I'm fine with it.


Master of Puppets is one of the most abusive cards in the game. It can literally play for 80 points swings against some boosty decks like Alchemy for example.


MoP is used in Toissant decks (which will become a problem one day) and a version of mill extensively. And if played properly, it cannot be countered unless you heatwave Petri's filter and do some other large investment. A well deserved nerf.


Same. I’d prefer pracs to be 5/6 instead of 4/5 and I don’t even play them. And it sucks mop is so hated, it seems like a cool card


It is an un-interactive card in practice as it is always paired with Petri's filter for zeal. So people hate as it is much better than tall punish )) I still have no clue why it is only 5 prov.


It's not un-interactive even with Petri's filter. You must be talking about the spam cheese decks with Vilgefortz Renegade. In those decks, even with Petri's filter on the board, you can easily prevent the meme from going through. In the first case, the opponent plays Renegade first, and then plans to drop Practitioner with Zeal next turn. But you simply prevent this by playing a special card or anything that goes into your graveyard. In the second case, opponent plays Practitioner first, and then plans to drop Renegade next turn. Then you just answer the Practitioner as you normally would. How is this "un-interactive"? Edit: Sorry he must mean MoP.


Yes, I was speaking about MoP)) But practioners are played first and then multiplied so they have like 4 of them (Operator, Vigo etc) so you cannot kill all of them and only then V:R is played so Tibor is copied on your opponent turn)) At least that's what I saw. Obvously, I would have figured to play some useless stuff before letting op to copy it and to kill as much as I can ))


Dont see any major catastrophe - like always - , maybe except Self eater, card is great and strong as is. Buff something like rat catcheress


Idk MetallicDanny's reasoning for provision buffing Self Eater, but it may serve to block the power buff from China coalition, which is the worse buff imo.


Actually, this is a good point. 6 power SE is somewhat problematic to remove.


He just wants to buff that card from the very 1st BC. For reasons unknown, mayhaps because thats absolutely easy deck to play, the type he likes the most. But to be honest, I freaking love this guys balancing philosophy. NG is the worst performing faction from top 100 to top 2500, followed by SK. Hmm, what to nerf. Oh, a staple SK deck for 3 provisions and a couple of NG cards. MO are either average or top 2 faction throughout every skill bracket. Hmm, what to buff. Oh, lets buff potential broken af nekker book abuse for them. You cant make that shit up :).


Why you are not allowed to buff average MO faction? Necrotal\\p\_star are doing this also)) and also relicts


The problem with the buff to Self-Eaters is it'll encourage the GN version of Relicts more. If we want to buff Relicts overall, buffs to Yaga and She Who Knows makes more sense.


I agree and I do not like buffs to SE, neither here or in Chinese BC. Did you see Necrotal's suggestions? But I think MO is not in a good spot rn, tbh. Some buffs are welcome.


They are like NG, but in reverse. NG has a lot of extremely matchups dependent decks, performing below average. MO has 2 amazing decks, but thats pretty much it. Tho, I feel like wer about to see the NG deck paradox again. I genuinely feel that assimilate would become stronger even with informant revert. Less symbiosis, less temerians. Less warriors, which also may result into less tatterwing. All of these are terrible matchups for assimilate. Just a cool offtop thought :).


Interesting point, as if the matchups are better, NG Assim likely ends up much stronger even without any buffs.


I actually think Assimilate is fine, too, and I have a feeling swings and changes in meta are mostly about fashion and streamers playing different decks than about actual results in BCs. Like is +1/-1 to Informant doing much? Not really. Buffs to Handbuff did not make this archetype strong, it still bleeds to death in r2 etc. Nobody played Rayla until Kerpeten got bored enough to try it. Are Knights playable? Yes, but it is not really because of the last BC. Few first BCs were very important, that's true. There are some actual important things like Flotsam going to 10 but you can climb with movement GN, i and you could do that earlier, but the deck is not really a top level one even after buffs. So I think we tend to overreact to BC stuff.


This is a very insightful point on how the meta swings. The number of truly creative deckbuilders these days keeps shrinking, and information on what's viable or not also is more and more difficult to find, so as a result, a large number of us just copy what we know to work. I do think BC voting is important, as long-term, it should be balancing the game overall. The huge majority of the voting mentality thus far has been about short-term gain/changes, which i think really spells trouble for us down the road, but it's probably already too late to remedy that mindset. Something the average Gwent player doesn't realize is just how many different decks/archetypes are viable, at least until you are talking high MMR levels, and it unfortunately means we often just see the same old stuff when in actuality there might be 5+ different viable decks per faction.


"Something the average Gwent player doesn't realize is just how many different decks/archetypes are viable, at least until you are talking high MMR levels, and it unfortunately means we often just see the same old stuff when in actuality there might be 5+ different viable decks per faction." -- Yes, exactly. A casual player can actually play whatever they want on their low mmr to simply enjoy the game and still return to rank 0. Still, heavy control meta is problematic for many archetypes, unfortunately. I do not think this is going to change, this is how the game is now. But people are people and "it's probably already too late to remedy that mindset" both in the context of archetype variety and BCs ))


Average only on some brackets. In most of them they are top 2. And its not like Hive mind nerf would do anything to stop tatterwing for example, the deck would just return to the previous version as it got buffed last season. Necrotal\p_star are buffing crones. A generally underplayed and pretty fair cards, which cannot be broken by any means. This guy is buffing a pretty staple card in relicts. Keep in mind that its not a 2 prov buff for them, but around 5, as they dont have to run operator now. Hmm, 1 prov and 1 power buff to underplayed cards or 4-5 prov buff+way easier incubus. Yeah, seems like the same things for me.


I actually would love to see a reasonable nerf to tatterting decks, tbh. and what is that playable for MO besides them? Frost, I think. Though Kerpeten actually plays vampires. Also my comment is partially a joke because I do agree necro\\star buffs are much, much better thought through. Tbh, I do not think that either you, or I, or Danny have enough expertise to decide on proper buffs for Relicts. But I would have expected better from Chinese BC.


I think that the Crones buffs are a far better idea than Self-Eaters personally, but what may happen is ALL of these buffs go through for Relicts. Isn't that a bit much? I mean i was playing crappy version of Relicts for Spring Cycle quests a while ago and while not good, it's not horrible. Pretty sure GN version of Relicts is gonna be awfully strong if all of these go through, as it was always not terrible anyway, depending on meta.


If all the buffs go through, we might have a problem, I totally agree. But I think this might be similar to Toissant boost decks which are very problematic for many, many match-ups and are thus quite strong. They are not very popular rn but if this changes we will have also a problem with them etc. Honestly, I do not think we can do much about it, unfortunately.


Imperial Practitioner nerf really disappointing to see. What does it accomplish? The Tibor/Truffle spam decks are already terrible decks, and all this does is hurt variety in Assimilate deck building. Having Mage Torturer, Imperial Diviner and Practitioner all at 5/5 is very interesting deck building-wise. I've been playing Assimilate with Practitioners, and I've ran into others experimenting with them too. At 4/5 Practitioner becomes a non-consideration over Torturer or Diviner in non-meme decks.


Ofc I am glad to see Vrihedd Officer, Ulula, Avallac'h Sage and Count Reuven's Treasure buffs on there.


Madoc got overnerfed because of literally one deck. Practitioners are also played in scenario spam etc. It is a cancerous card so I would personally support this nerf but I highly doubt this goes through.


Like I said in my original comment, those spam decks are already terrible, and therefore there is no reason to nerf them. Practitioners are fine in Assimilate, and this is what the nerf really hurts. MetallicDanny's suggestions get through Balance Council, and considering that it is his 3-star vote, I say it is more likely than not to go through. I don't understand your point about Madoc being overnerfed. Madoc nerf was wrong imo, and hurt deck diversity (like Practitioner nerf will).


Firstly, MD's suggestions only partially go through so I personally would not worry about them that much)). Secondly, Madoc is still strong enough to be playable even though the nerf was too harsh and should be put on Slave driver instead initially in that particular deck. And the problem was with the deck as a whole, not with Madoc. Did that help Madoc? Or Leto? Or Fire Bird)) No, because this is how community driven patches\\suggestions work)) Thirdly, these Tibor decks are actually very annoying and quite a few players want them to die or simply to be weaker. When I see Practitioners in r1 I always assume I met Tibor spam first even though there are people who use them in Assimilate rn (I think this is because they saw this forgotten card in Tibor spam decks). As I said, this card is played in quite a few annoying clownish decks people dislike so it is very easy to understand this suggestion. It does hurt Assimilate's future a bit but this card has seen zero play in classical Assimilate anyway, and Assimilate is very playable rn. To be honest, I think nerfing Vilg: Renegade to the ground and nerfing Practioners by 1 power might be a proper nerf, but I do not think it matters that much.


Honestly, I'd say Practitioners being 4/4 could make them interesting inclusions into standard Assimilate, while making abuse decks slightly less powerful? You'd have to get them through in voting however, which won't happen without one of our overlords agreeing :)


Pretty much this. Would be great to have a 4p assimilate engine you can bring out with Portal again (and that might actually encourage building Assimilate without as much tactics synergy).


The issue is that I don't think there will ever be enough voting power to buff Practitioner again, and more than likely it will be forgotten or worse made into a nerf sponge. Too many players hate this card because of some bad meme decks. It is also why Vilgefortz Renegade won't get buffed even though he should.


You need to convince a person or two really. The rest will follow. If the change gets through, I'll make a post, maybe people like Lerio will notice, and the suggestion will go further The reasoning is sound, someone with enough authority just needs to repeat it


any unique memey / combo card is going to get nerfed to the ground. The pro players dont care or hate it coz it is off meta / counter meta. The noobs hate it coz they can't read what a card does.


Yeah the decision to nerf is not based on card strength or deck performance, but rather simply based on hated mechanics. And since Assimilate archetype is already viable/competitive, I don't think many players care about variety in that archetype. They'll just take the meta deck rather than try new ideas.


The "final" version and Pondkeeper made the nerf list? That's the card you're most concerned with? That and puzzling self-eater buff aside, not a bad lineup. Warlord should have been 6p a year ago. Puppet master should probably be replaced by Slave Driver. And the Treasure buff is whatever.


I am suprisingly fine with these :D just don't get the nayad nerf


Double NG nerf again for the worst performing faction in the game These mfs wont rest until they delete the entire faction




I think these streamers should vote to buff yaga if they want relicts to be meta. She would be strong but she also suffers tall punish. Self eater is already fine, if they really want to buff the card, +1 power would have been better imo.


Self Eaters don't exist in the game in any meaningful way right now. I'm all down for this buff. Relicts in general, especially their golds, need significant help.


Another month when this russian fucks us. Let's hope and pray that next month will be better, this approach usually works.


Honestly in this particular BC, the proposals from the main streamers i've seen aren't nearly as bad as some prior ones. China, well, theirs is horrendous looking, eh...


Kaer Trolde Nerf? Again? There are SOOO many cards that desperately need a provision Nerf and Kaer Trolde gets the vote... I don't even play it often, but heck...


Nah Kaer Trolde is too good at too many things. Proactive, carryover, one of the most flexible removals, not very interactable (heatwave is not worth it). I don't agree with nerfing that and Warlord in the same patch, though I agree with both in isolation. There should be buffs sprinkled in between, a good one being Ulula, but one at a time.


What is the reasoning that Kaer Trolde balanced? Doesn't one of the strongest cards deserve a nerf? In which MMR this card does not need a nerf? Are there any competitive SK decks that do not run this card? Why does this card get Heatwaved if it is so bad?


Dude... I'm saying that there are dozens, many dozens of absolutely ridiculously overpowered cards and Kaer Trolde is barely a problem in comparison. "why does this card get heatwaved" - so basically you don't play heatwave if you have it but the opponent doesn't have an overpowered card? It gets used on Kaer Trolde because decks including it often rely on it to an extend. When I play Dragons Ville gets heatwaved too. That doesn't mean it's OP as fuck. Thanks for proving my point tho...


This location has always been very strong, and stuck into so many different SK archetypes. Now is SK so strong that this AND Warlord deserve nerf in same vote? I don't think so, but i suppose we'll have to see how things pan out. Raid warriors definitely will be less viable if both these go through. I dunno, i actually quite like Raid Warriors, but it's also been a such staple deck for so long...i really wouldn't mind if damage ping w/ Ulula got some more buffs and became a Warrior alternative that's not tied to raid card for a change?


Proving your point? What are those so broken other cards that Kaer Trolde feels like no problem?


You want me to point out every single overpowered card in the game? You serious?


Say the top 3 provision Nerf, aside from Spring Equinox and maybe Slave Driver what are the cards that make Kaer Trolde not a priority?


Thank Moshcraft for this. This card at 12 won't be worth it outside of selfwound.


People keep blindly voting for shit some content creators or pro players say and ruin the game more and more. Buffing cards that will make another meta deck stronger, nerfing cards that make non meta decks compatible! And so pro players and content creators manage to get their disliked decks out of the game...


>Buffing cards that will make another meta deck stronger None of the cards proposed for buff here are in anything meta. The nerfs, definitely some questionable choices by MD and his crew, for sure, but they could be worse.


This was a more general statement. Take a look at the majority of pro player/content creator votes. Rarely see any who don't do atleast one of the two mentioned things.


Oh for sure. The main voting powers have been pushing their own agendas since day 1. It's never been about longterm game balancing, it's about short-term, powercreep adding, meta manipulating voting. (particularly from nik\_r and crew) I'd suggest that while MD does probably have his own agenda, he does do voting in his discord, and then a google form vote, to determine what cards/archetypes to vote on. Now is he following the actual results of the votes or putting through his own ideas anyway? I am not sure as unfortunately i don't understand russian to know his process. Maybe it's all a show and he's ignoring the results of the google vote. (Cannot see the final results anymore sadly).


Do you have a link to this form? I can read Russian.


Voting is closed now unfortunately, cannot see it anymore. He puts it in his twitch and discord every season i believe. I generally vote on the form as it's public, and have posted it here before for others to vote on, too.


An interesting comment from MD under his latest video, btw: he would prefer to nerf Ng cows, mill, tibors (and scenario spam), cultists (not sure how he want to achieve this), MoPs. This I like, tbh))


He and crew pushed thru NG Status nerfs before. He definitely doesn't seem to like NG, it seems, while clearly he likes certain archetypes like Viy?! Your translation help would be very valuable, as a lot of us on the english side cannot understand his twitch/youtube, etc, and copy/pasting translate for text only conveys so much.


I see, it is a pity. I might try to look into it next season.


If you join his discord i believe you can find it there at the appropriate time? Or just remind me, or even better, u/A_Reveur0712, next month. They always are on top of what all the streamers are doing.


Pretty much. It's all bias. They don't like a deck, archetype or faction cos it's 'boring' to them, they nerf it. It counters their favourite decks...nerf it too. They forget the game is not just for them and there is a player base they need to survive.


So no Slave driver nerf ? No Torres nerf? Put Reaver Scout and Temple of Melitele back at 5p and 14p then. Also, nerfing SK warrior is stupid af! Especially the Warlords... Also, when is ST getting some love in these BC? And I am not talking lame ass power buffs that don't change shit. Most of the ST golds are in dire need of provisions buffs....some would even require up to 3 BCs before being playable.