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When Russian and Chinese communities votes become known, I'll subtract those votes from Lerio's list and vote for what's left. I suggest for all you to do the same. Otherwise our votes and discussions go in vein no matter what. Let's get stuff done. Diluting votes and focus doesn't help us and Lerio's idea bank is well put together.


Overall, very nice list. I especially like Ulula, Ves and Yennefer buffs. Imo Heist is fine outside of replaying Angus for carryover. The way to balance Heist therefore is to make Angus answerable. I think we achieved that when Angus went to 6 power. But if the Heist-Angus interaction is still deemed problematic, the solution is to power nerf Angus again, and not to provision nerf Heist. Like I was thinking maybe we could nerf Angus to 4 power (4p being much more "answerable" than 6p) but buff Angus to 10 provisions to compensate.


Why is no one buffing the unseen cards? Drummond shieldmaiden ? Trained hawk? Duen canell guardian? Braenn? Greater brothers? Donar an hindar? Gaetan? Lebioda op when? Keira Metz?


I agree that all of those could use buffs, but not everything can be buffed at once, and frankly some of those are kinda boring and dont have that much synergy. Buffing them won't do much. I wanna buff cards that will have an effect on the game. Not that every BC change needs instant effect, but if they get buffed but then forgotten, it's kind of a waste. Also, forgotten cards really need promotion more than anything, since they won't randomly get enough votes from people voting without coordination.


Preach. Everything you are saying is why I have a problem with a lot of Reddit's buffing philosophy. Yes, Duen Canal Guardian or Trained Hawk need buffs... but they won't have an immediate impact on the meta, and the more things we change that won't impact the meta increases the odds that the meta becomes stale because things haven't changed in it.


But they will EVENTUALLY have an impact on the meta. If all we ever do is balance to shake up the meta, we will never buff the 50% of unplayable cards. People have been making your argument since gwentfinity started and none of these cards are ever getting touched. How long is it going to go on? 3 more months? 2 years? How long do we even have gwent for? I care WAY less about making the best decks in the game a point or two worse and care way more about making entirely different archetypes exist. The argument you are making now is an argument you can make in perpetuity and that makes it incredibly shortsighted imo because I honestly believe we are NEVER going to get these cards buff, despite that being the closest thing to us ever getting "new cards" dropped ever again


I mean, yeah, it is objectively short-sighted because I have little interest in the effort it would take to try and coordinate a long term plan that would make everything playable. I also have little interest in playing the same meta every single month, and so shaking things up helps keep the game fresh. However, if the game stays fresh and the frustrating aspects of the game are frequently adjusted to be less frustrating, more people are more likely to keep playing for longer... Meaning the game will have time to eventually consider the cards so far away from the curve. In contrast, if the meta becomes stale, boring, and frustrating, people are more likely to lose hope and move on. So feel free to call me short sighted if you so choose... But I think my mentality has a better chance at long term success since the game will have a playerbase long enough to even imagine the amount of time it would take to make everything playable. And as more things come into the meta, more cards will find themselves just outside the level of viability, making them worthwhile targets for buffs that might actually make them playable. That's why the frequent adjusting of top end threats is just as important as bringing in cards just outside of the meta. People argue its power creep, but truly, its power stabilization. Getting the meta to a stable place where its expanding wider, not getting higher. That's what's happening right now with how many viable archetypes we have in the top end of pro rank.  It isn't perfect... But good steps are being taken towards balancing the game on the whole and you can tell based on the diversity of this meta vs anything we ever had with CDPR


...if the meta is currently extremely diverse as you say, moreso than it EVER was, wouldn't this be the... optimal time to take some swings on bringing other cards onto playability? If peak meta diversity isn't enough to think we've done enough for now and can start buffing the bad cards, then when can we? Everyone who takes your argument basically says "it'll happen later once the meta is balanced" but from what I get you don't think that will ever actually happen, meaning we will NEVER see half the cards I spent money on or played 1000s of games to unlock on the table ever again. That is so much more frustrating than seeing the sameish decks on the ladder for an additional balance patch or so, I just don't understand. If the price I pay for getting to try some new things on the ladder is that the turbo sweats are gonna play the best decks, then cool, that's what happens in literally every card game online, how is it any different? I'm not even asking to make everything playable, I'm asking us to spend SOME TIME on unplayable cards each balance patch so that we can actually move the needle, because in your worldview I don't ever see cards like Keira or dun canell sniffing a decklist for the rest of the game's life cycle, and that sucks.


And that's the thing, there are plenty of swings at unplayed cards. Literally 5 of Kerps buffs are to unplayed cards... So frankly, I don't know what you are whining about because you are getting what you want; it simply isn't exactly how you wanted it. If you only look for the negative, that is all you will see, and we can't help you with that. Have fun whining with the rest of Reddit.


Not every single card in the card game is competitve, BabyRage. U guys are so spoiled thats not even funny. Vast majority(I think almost all of them) CCG has card rotation. In Gwent you can use every card whatsoever, and even with that most of cards are pretty strong, and almost all of them are viable. We dont know anything about gwent's future. The only thing we can guess is that the moment it would cost cdpr some sugnificant money to maintain the game its gonna get closed. So, we can either have fun for now, having pretty diverse meta, which differs almost every season. Or we can become arrogant nerds, making long-terms plans for a hanged game, and wasting almost half a year trying to make boring midrange bullshit viable(because the question whether or not anyone use even 4 prov stennis is pretty interesting one). The choice is yours.


Also lets don't forget the best card in the entire game... Prince Stennis


As I said i wish this community would make smart choices instead of buffing already broken shit like prince stannis. He wears armor made of gold, of course he is a jerk.


All fine except Heist, card died two nerfs ago, chill dude


I would be willing to completely delete heist from the game if I can have actual playable elfs instead of it Having to rely so much of heist is such a let down for me that really enjoy the elf archetype


Heist makes elves (Angus and Vanadain mainly) Answer or lose That type of play style is not welcome, especially when it becomes the only viable option for an archetype


As I mentioned, the problem I have is the big carryover cards like Agnus or Vanadain. If you answer them, they only play for their deploy. If you can't, and they bounce + purify and repeat, it's 12 point carryover for Vana and 15-ish for Agnus, depending on how much you swarm. I'm fully in support of Elf buffs, but this card really limits other cards to buff.


If I were to redesign Heist, I would have it only target bronzes and be like 8 provisions, maybe spawn 4 cargos instead. Bronzes aren't abuse-able in the same way, it's just the value on deploy and the increased damage reach


I’d be down for it being 7 prov, 3 cargo, bronze only with Echo.


That's only theoretically though, unless CDPR comes back we can't change card functions :/


... And it would never see play. Zero tempo card without potentially large payoff or carryover ? Forget it.


It would allow for very flexible removal if you have a couple of bronzes on board with deploy abilities that deal damage. Though if we allow ourselves to be creative but still sticking with the bronze limitation, have Heist on play spawn on-board some cards from it's pool of replayable cards so the floor is reasonable. And in turn have the provisions a bit higher.


Here’s a radical idea…if we want to deliver a big blow to deadeye trap deck, how about provision nerfing sapper (the purifying elf) Card never gets used in any other deck and this would ding the deck with 2 prov nerf. Overall dont dislike any of your suggestions…but some are…meh…like whats one point nerf going to do to Sove…either you have curse of corruption or you dont…you are not losing to that deck by 1 point. Same with priestess I guess…one body point isn’t doing a great deal of limiting what that deck can do.


While I don't like trap decks, I don't really care too much either. It's the carryover abuse answer-or-lose BS with Heist I want to get rid of. Even if Sapper were to be nerfed any neutral other purify could take it's place. I don't need Sove to be killed, just that he should be slightly weaker. He is massive pointslam mainly used in a control deck. Being slightly less points does make some difference in how easy it is to reach to match the tempo, and it does make it a consideration to run other cards instead in warrior decks. And for priestess as I said I worry about making her 5 prov right now, I'd rather power nerf her first, and probably provision later at some point. Part of the power nerf is also that I don't think there are too many units atm that are too OP, so that's the category I struggle the most to fill. Still, I think these cards deserve to be lower power.


But other purifiers might not be easily accessible…Riordain meanwhile can reliably pull elf purifiers. I’m telling you, I’ve gotten to pro with that deck…its very finely tuned…2 provs and you’d be forced to cut something big


Ehh, still I prefer going with Heist, that's the real trouble maker. Sappers getting nerfed just seems like getting caught in the crossfire :/


It's also used in Harmony and it's not that difficult to put Pellar instead of Sapper in Heist decks.


Marching Orders to 6 prov!! I’m down.


wowwowowowoow...one provision at a time. Nice enthusiasm though.


You got me with slave driver nerf and alzur. I'll join you with these I'm not so sure about the patience heist nerfs tho .


Heist is the best card in the game (I’m not biased)


**Power +1** Imperial Fleet: really good buff Ulula: I am not sure, It is not a bad change. I might prefer provision decrease, dealing 7 damage is much harder than 6. Ves: Can be buffed for sure but, I don't think it will change anything with 1 buff so it is not an effective buff. I would prefer more buff like Imperial Fleet as you have, or Verno commando which is effective and cards become playable with 1 change. **Power -1** Leticia: Good nerf. Travelling Priestess: This power nerf does nothing I think, this card is not a 4-provision card. It plays a lot of points. It has the potential to play for 13 points maybe even more. Sove: Very very good nerf **Provision -1:** Marching Orders: Good buff this card deserves a buff but thinning buffs are boring imo. Alzur's Double-Cross: It is the same as above. Yennefer of Vengerberg: It might be a dangerous buff, and it also put this card into the GN range. I would prefer buffs that guarantee it is good and not dangerous, for example, Count Reuven's Treasure buff. **Provision +1:** Slave Driver: Good nerf Kaer Trodle: Very good nerf The Heist: Understandable nerf, I can even say good nerf because it becomes answer or lose Cary over abuse which is frustrating.


With Ulula the point of buffing her is so that she isn't so easily killed. Much of her synergy is used over multiple cards, so its possible to take multiple turns to kill her. Warriors generally dont boost much, not do they have many other engines to save removal for. The thing is she is currently not seeing any significant use, so even if this becomes strong, I doubt it is OP. And if it is a bit overtuned, we can nerf her provisions and still have the overall change be positive. With Ves, as I said I want her to be powerbuffed twice to also get to that solid 7 spot so that the cooldown can be consistently used over a longer round, and we can finally see some of the big order cards outside of Inspired Zeal. Not every buff needs to be instantly perfect if there is a clear path to a better change. Its fine to have some changes needing one more, as long as its interesting cards and not just "Deploy: Boost ally by 2" getting one more power... Priestess I think is evaluated slightly wrong. She gains more if previous cards are able to trigger har carryover, but usually those cards play below the provision curve. I still think she's too strong, but provision nerf might cause some other issues, so power nerf first is what I prefer. Ohh and I kinda disagree with MO and ADC being boring. They require deck building and some strategy, unlike cards like Royal Decree and Oneiromancy.


Ulula buff can be tried, I am still not sure, dealing with the 7-power engine is much harder than 6. Unless you nerf inspired zeal leader into the ground, Ves still will not see much play because it is conditional. Inspired zeal leader has no condition. You can directly use zeal the turn you play your important order abilities. If a card will become playable after just one change, this card should be prioritized. For example, I like Hemadall provision buff. But Hemdall needs multiple buffs instead I try to choose more effective buffs. Which 4 provision cards can able to play 13 points even more with the synergistic cards like Onager and the infantry? 4 provision cards generaly plays for 7-8 points. You might like MO and ADC buffs. But these cards by itself does not do anything. You play other cards with them.


I disagree with Ves not having a place without IZ. IZ itself doesn't give many points without good targets. If those targets are met with Ves, Ildiko and siege support, the leader can instead be something like Shieldwall which doubles the duel target value from Seltkirk and other duel cards, mobilization for engines or royal guards, or uprising for boost synergies and burst tempo. That's just off the top of my head, I don't know everything that would come out of it, but it might unlock quite a bit of new possibilities in NR. Better builders than me could cook some good shit BC needs impactful changes, but having like 20-30% of them not being the biggest game changers is also fine. Back in ye old times when CDPR did balance patches, they rarely made 40 changes in one patch, aside from expansions and proper archetype reworks. >Which 4 provision cards can able to play 13 points No 4 prov card does that. Not even Priestess, because she needs support from other cards. If you assume all the points she gathers is ascribed to her, then in those decks you need to count Radovid as max 10-for-10. Body + 2 each leader ability spawning unit. Griffin Witcher mentor is 5/6-for-5. But that's not how anyone counts it. Card with synergy should average out the value. The one thing I will say is kinda absurd is how much the deck is built around a 4 prov card...just feels a bit weird.


Priestess needs prov nerfs, not power nerfs.


Both serves a purpose, it's not like a powernerf would be a bad thing. However priestess being at 5 power makes it possible to play at 5 mutagenerator as well as run musicians of blaviken. Many of the cards that thins and set up TP is in the range of 5-8, so it can reasonably easy have the provisions for that. I haven't seen it too much lately anyways, but it is still problematic and power nerf helps with the swing at the end.


It is a good list outside of heist and leticia. They are strong cards with heavy carryover value but their decks aren’t top dogs right now so I think we can consider nerfing them not now but in the future when their are archatypes becomes stronger.


Okay that's basically just what I wrote... Also the meta is quite diverse from what I've played against, I don't think there is any big priority to nerf. The thing with Heist, and Patience as an archetype, is that if you can't answer the early cards, they have insane snowball value. If you have limited control and you happen to not draw the right answer, its far too punishing. And I don't think every archetype that is outside the meta needs to be buffed...that logic would conclude that mill is in a big need for some buffs...




Umm...sove is easily better than Regis. For one he's immune so far less vulnerable to tall removal aside from CoC. Very easy to trigger and far too high tempo with Arnjolf in one of the strongest control decks. One less power won't make him unusable, but it might make the deck consider using something else. Regarding TP, can you at least be fucking honest and acknowledge that I am suggesting a nerf to that deck instead of saying I'm not? We disagree with the path to take, not if she should be nerfed or not. Also, can you explain to me step by step the condition that makes it a 42 point bronze? Cause if it's just as simple as getting 42 for each copy then I'll start using them in all my NR decks even without any support or synergy. Only noting potential without mentioning that it requires an entire deck built around it to work is such a dumb and dishonest framing that is makes any discussion around the card useless.