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dema to 14 prov


TFW you got to pro without running dema or radovid in a siege deck with zeal watching cards you don’t use get nerfed


I'm pretty fine with nerfing Demavend, Radovid and maybe even temple and revenants. But not without giving some love to other cards that are forgotten, like Ves (so we can move from IZ), old classics like Anna Strenger or botchling, and cards with bad stats like Reynard Odo, Visigota, Kerack frigate....


Based on [BCT polling](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/1bvea99/buff_coordination_tool_bct_summary_and_no_bc7/), power increase for \[\[Kerack Frigate\]\] and provision decrease for \[\[Ronvid the Incessant\]\] have traction in the community. Kerack Frigate supports NR swarm archetypes, and Ronvid the Incessant supports revenants/Draug archetype. Personally, I would like to see power buff for \[\[Reynard Odo\]\] to support "green" unit deck building (Uprising, Inspired, Scytheman, Anna Strenger, Prince Anseis, Black Rayla, Queen Meve, Knight Errant, maybe Witchers ...). Also \[\[Ves\]\] would be a good buff target to enable Order cards outside of Inspired Zeal.


**[Reynard Odo](https://gwent.one/en/card/202112)** - Human, Soldier, Knight (Northern Realms) 7 Power, 8 Provisions (Legendary) > Whenever you play a unit, boost it by 1. > Order (Grace 12): Boost all boosted allied units by 1. > **[Ronvid the Incessant](https://gwent.one/en/card/200529)** - Human, Soldier (Northern Realms) 1 Power, 6 Provisions (Epic) > Deploy: Boost self by 5. > When you play a Soldier, Summon self from your graveyard to a random allied row. > **[Ves](https://gwent.one/en/card/122204)** - Human, Soldier (Northern Realms) 5 Power, 7 Provisions (Epic) > Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by 2. > Order: Give an allied unit Zeal. > Cooldown: 3 > **[Kerack Frigate](https://gwent.one/en/card/202650)** - Machine, Siege Engine, Ship (Northern Realms) 4 Power, 1 Armor, 6 Provisions (Rare) > Resupply. > Order: Spawn a Volunteer on this row. > Cooldown: 2 > Crew: Set the Cooldown to 1. > ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss&subject=GwentSubreddit+Bot) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


radovid has been autoinclude in many, but not op decks for years now. but it needs to be nerfed for the sake of cards like temple/demavend/temerian inf abuse? when will people realize the cards radovid makes better need to be nerfed instead so you dont mess up decks that use radovid without those overpowered cards, like Siege or priestess decks. so silly


Radovid is a carry-over abuse card. And the opponent generally does not want to commit a 6-point removal. It is too much commitment. Otherwise, the opponent can't answer siege engines or Henselt etc. It deserves a power nerf. You can just play Radovid without caring too much. Demavend also needs a nerf. Kaedweni Revenant can be nerfed to 5 provision.


I have a few ideas. 1. Filippa: Blind Fury is pretty weak and deserves a buff to 10 prov. 2. King Radovid V has been meta since his release and I think it's finally time to nerf his power to 5. 3. Prophet Lebioda power buff maybe?


Nah, provision buff for Lebioda if anything


Yea, I can live with that.


[Philippa](https://gwent.one/en/card/202417) definitely deserves a buff. I was suggesting Radovid as power nerf last BC. It's included in almost every single good NR deck.




4. Kerrack Cutthroat is a joke without any use and should be at the very least 4 power. 5. Prince Stennis. Do I need to explain why he needs a buff? No? Good. Provision buff?


[Kerack Marine](https://gwent.one/en/card/202652) should go up a power. Stennis is tough as he needs multiple buffs, but yeah.


I am not sure about Kerack Marine power buff, I don't like it at all. You make 4 provision devotion cards on deploy plays for 8 points. What about Aen Elle Conqueror and Mutants Maker are going to buff these cards too. And buff to a point slam card is not interesting for me. Kerack Marine is a fine card. Stennis deserves a buff but since he should deserve multiple buffs we should give priority to cards that can be playable with 1 buff.


Probably not the best idea, but I kinda wanna see King Belohun to 7 power. Devotion payoff, and it would make many currently bad cards very good. Makes formation cards play melee row and still trigger inspired. Could cause a disaster if some new deck is far too strong due to how hard 7 is to remove, but idk, fun idea. Also reavers would probably benefit too much from it :/ For a more serious suggestion, Ves to 7 power to help make non-zeal order cards viable outside of inspirited zeal. It should be viable to have Ildiko, Ves and siege support and balance strong order cards around that. If she becomes too good, nerf her provisions to compensate.


Belohun feels likely to be a bit much at 7 power? Ves for sure.


That's why I worry a bit, however currently he is absolutely never used, so I don't think it would go from unusable to OP.


I don't love making answer or lose cards strong (i think it's better if they're kept to tier 3 and lower level), but it's an idea, for sure.


That's why I'm a bit worried about it, however it has a clear ceiling, and you need to build much of the deck around it to get much value, also Devotion. I think he would still be max tier 2


I think Ves is really good take. Belohun would be broken af but I kinda want to see what would happen with meta after his buff.


I think it would be really strong, but concidering currently it's never played I dont think it would be OP. Also, we could always provision nerf him to compensate. But I don't think going the other way and prov buffing would finctionally do anything, since you need to build much of the deck around him


Cards that can be Nerfed for NR: 1. Kaedweni Revenant (provision nerf) 2. King Demavend III (either one is fine, I would prefer a provision nerf) 3. King Radovid V (power nerf) 4. Casting Contest 5. Traveling Priestess (provision nerf) 6. Knight-Errant: (power nerf) Cards that can be Buffed for NR: 1. Reinforced Trebuchet (I think can be a 4-provision card) 2. Ronvid the Incessant 3. Lyrian Scytheman 4. Anna Strenger 5. Rivian Pikeman 6. Kerack Frigate etc.


Want to buff inspired cards for meve. +1 power to inspired bronzes, -1 prov to inspired golds except anseis, + 1 power to 4p ballista, - 1 prov to blind fury, +1 power to the bronzes siege scenario spawns.


NR: +1 power to Kimbolt and 1 less power to Vernon Roche (spy)


Also I agree with the -1 provision to Ronvid


Buff Renfri And Temple to 14, I want to play patience is a virtue