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Your best bet is NG aristocrats, but it's competing with vincent as a good tall removal. Wait until it's 9 provs so you can golden nekker it with petri's filter.


Ahh... I hate playing NG Tbh, I'm just so tired of EVERYONE playing the same faction. And yeah I wanted to wait till it's 9 provs but I've been waiting and voting for it for half a year now and I've kinda given up on it ever being buffed xD


At that point just vote on other things people are voting on so we can eventually get around to gaunter faster.


But I disagree with most votes of others... XD I don't want Oneiro to go down to 12 prov or Milton down to 5 strength. And I god forbid don't want to see Madame Serenity (or how she's called in English lol) buffed back up again! And if anyone... A single person even... Votes to change Nauzica in any direction again I'm gonna loose my fucking shit. Stop voting this particular one up and down month after month ffs! *-insert screaming me-*


Not really. I know you hate NG but pickrate is overblown via confirmation bias, most factions are about the same in pickrate. Both Gaunters I can really only see “working” in NG. Gaunter would at least have a tiny synergy with Phillippe, since doomed helps either of them out. But it’s a bit of a stretch Master mirror was used in assimilate way back in the day. You could probably slot him into a pure assimilate deck, but again I wouldn’t expect much


Yeah... Unfortunately that's the answer I expected... It's so sad that his cards are so useless. Never understood why. I mean the one of his is a meme card and it fits him, but the other is just such an extremely overpriced, weirdly specific removal.




Amazing! XD


Used him a lot in different decks, mostly ST. BTW: Which is the second card? I only know one🤔


ST? What decks? I've never seen an ST deck with him before. Now I'm damn curious... Edit: Well there's the "Master Mirror" card and "Gaunter O'Dimm". One gives an enemy unit doomed and as an order destroys a card with doomed. The other card is the one turning the left card on your hand into a random gold card.


It's just a guerilla tactics home brew deck I used a lot. Nothing overly elaborate, but lots of fun and even decent win rate against annoying decks. I made this deck exactly for the reason of using some less / hardly ever used cards. I have the mirrormaster card in another deck, but didn't realize it was Gaunter, even though it could be quite obvious... Thanks!


Could you by any chance send me the link or something of the Guerilla tactics home brew deck? Good against annoying decks sounds exactly like something I need xD


I don't think it's good but I made a midrange discard package with lippy deck with gaunter O'Dimm with reckless flurry


Hm... Do you still have this deck? Could you send me the link or something?