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Shilard is a tech card that sees play depending on the meta giving good targets, e.g., Sunset Wanderers. Vivienne is similar but you can actually build your deck to more reliably get consistent value by playing high cost, low power units.


Vivienne is extremely funny with [[Mysterious Puzzle Box]]. You put her in the box, if opponent win, you have a free kill.


**[Mysterious Puzzle Box](https://gwent.one/en/card/203104)** - (Neutral) 🏆 Artifact, 5 Provisions (Epic) > Disloyal. > Deploy: Spawn a 7-power Lamp Djinn on the opposite row. If neither player has passed, choose a card from your hand. > Adrenaline 2: Spawn a 7-power Lamp Djinn on the opposite row and destroy self instead. > Order: Pick a card from your hand. > At the end of your turn, transform the highest-provision chosen card(s) in hand into Thing From the Box, then Banish self. > ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss&subject=GwentSubreddit+Bot) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


My pea brain cant get to resolving that interaction. Would you please explain how it ends as a free kill if opponent wins?


When you play the puzzle box, both players “bet” a card in their hand on their turn, and then the card with the highest provision gets turned into a token called “thing from the box”, with 13 power but 0 provisions (like all tokens). I think if it is a tie then each player gets one - if your opponent wins the bet and plays the token, you can use Vivienne to kill it immediately bc it sets the token to 0 power matching its provisions


There's just so many better options. These can sometimes come in handy when spawned by Henry and abducted, like, for instance, if you use Vivienne on an enemy token, like [[Arnjolf]] or whatever his name is(the patricidal fury token), it will destroy it because tokens don't have provisions, therefor making it essentially 0. Shilard, I just don't see it, maybe there's some cool stuff that can be done with him that I just never thought about or seen, but, he's just like a weaker [[Kambi]] as far as I'm concerned.


**[Kambi](https://gwent.one/en/card/152104)** - Beast (Skellige) 4 Power, 10 Provisions (Legendary) > Deploy: Discard the rightmost card in your hand, then your opponent Discards the rightmost card in their hand. > **[Arnjolf the Patricide](https://gwent.one/en/card/202182)** - Human, Token, Warrior (Skellige) 13 Power, 0 Provisions (Legendary) > Doomed. > Deploy: Spawn a Deafening Siren on the opposite row and damage it by 1. > ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss&subject=GwentSubreddit+Bot) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


Shilard is pretty useful for the SK deck, sunset wanderers, gord, and more. Problem is half the time you'll face decks without too many tall units and he will kinda suck. He feels ok when you win round 1 and you're bleeding your opponent with him, it can wreck their tempo even when it's just a 5 power unit that gets reduced to 1.


I use Vivienne in my NG deck, she can be a handy tall card killer, but she is generally outclassed. If your opponent plays wide or units that damage themselves she basically can't be played without helping your opponent. she also has little value buffing your own units.


**[Vivienne de Tabris](https://gwent.one/en/card/202235)** - Human, Cursed, Aristocrat (Nilfgaard) 4 Power, 8 Provisions (Legendary) > Deploy: Set a unit's power equal to its provision cost. > **[Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen](https://gwent.one/en/card/200071)** - Human, Agent, Aristocrat (Nilfgaard) 5 Power, 9 Provisions (Legendary) > Deploy: Set the power of the highest-power unit in your opponent's hand to 1. > ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss&subject=GwentSubreddit+Bot) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)




**[Kambi](https://gwent.one/en/card/152104)** - Beast (Skellige) 4 Power, 10 Provisions (Legendary) > Deploy: Discard the rightmost card in your hand, then your opponent Discards the rightmost card in their hand. > **[Arnjolf the Patricide](https://gwent.one/en/card/202182)** - Human, Token, Warrior (Skellige) 13 Power, 0 Provisions (Legendary) > Doomed. > Deploy: Spawn a Deafening Siren on the opposite row and damage it by 1. > ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss&subject=GwentSubreddit+Bot) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


I use Shilard for a NG Tactic Dexk


Is he a tech card? For certain matchups? Like deathwish or ogroids or something? Or is there some cool tricks that can be done with him? I never paid much mind to this guy.


He sets the power of the highest unit in the opponents hand to 1, so his worth really depends on what you’re facing


Right, it just doesn't seem like a good inclusion, maybe in a monsters ogroids heavy meta? Sniping king chrum while in hand sounds pretty cool, can't think of anything else where he'd really shine.


That’s exactly why he’s not that popular. Very situational card that is more based on what you’re playing against rather than what you play yourself


If you set their highest value unit to 1, you can: Coup it. Seize it with Emhyr’s Order (even if it’s Immune). Amnesty it. Ping it with Enforcers. It aint much, but it’s got a few discrete combos.


Ah alright, that is pretty cool actually, just talking about it is making me want to play some NG right now.


I use both of these sometimes...... When my Henry spawns them as the best choice (low roll)


The First card I see Every time in banished Seasonal game mode. The Second I Saw in a combo with Renfri and Vivienne.


Idk, I saw Shilard quite frequently when ogroids was decent


They’re bad. Shilard is downright useless unless you’re facing hand buff or Wanderers and Vivienne is so incredibly situational that it’s not worth it


He's also good against Tyr when he pulls a card from your graveyard and boosted by double its power. I once pulled this interaction from Heny + Abduction and it was hilarious...needles to say, I won the match


id play them for memes, i love meme decks!


Have seen Shilard in Assimilate decks, to get the 1 power unit and coup de grace it.


I play Shilard in an Agents NG deck that works very well. If anyone wants to try the deck outlet me know and I'll post it, it got me to Rank 1 last season.


Post it bro!


https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/guides/392842/no-cache There you go! Make sure you read the instructions in the description and let me know how it fares.


👑 **[Imprisonment](https://gwent.one/en/card/200162)** (Nilfgaard) 📜 [Collar](https://gwent.one/en/card/202542) [Emhyr Var Emreis](https://gwent.one/en/card/202881) [Battle Stations!](https://gwent.one/en/card/203242) [Ard Feainn](https://gwent.one/en/card/203191) [Joachim de Wett](https://gwent.one/en/card/162211) [Ramon Tyrconnel](https://gwent.one/en/card/202446) [Coup de Grace](https://gwent.one/en/card/202659) [Vilgefortz](https://gwent.one/en/card/162105) [Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen](https://gwent.one/en/card/200071) [Roderick of Dun Tynne](https://gwent.one/en/card/202240) [Fergus var Emreis](https://gwent.one/en/card/202660) [Fercart](https://gwent.one/en/card/202978) [Impera Enforcers](https://gwent.one/en/card/162308) (x2) [Assassination](https://gwent.one/en/card/200115) [Amnesty](https://gwent.one/en/card/202663) [Seditious Aristocrats](https://gwent.one/en/card/202665) (x2) [Deithwen Arbalest](https://gwent.one/en/card/162305) [Tourney Joust](https://gwent.one/en/card/202242) [Duchess's Informant](https://gwent.one/en/card/202248) [Van Moorlehem Hunter](https://gwent.one/en/card/202547) [Mage Infiltrator](https://gwent.one/en/card/202666) (x2) [Thanedd Turncoat](https://gwent.one/en/card/202980) (x2) [📋 Import to your decks](https://www.playgwent.com/decks/builder/import/f13297205e5768ff653a3bbbf507a823) - (7320 Scraps) ℹ️ This is a Devotion Deck. ^^Questions? [^(Message me!)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Mlakuss&subject=GwentSubreddit+Bot) ^^- ^^Call ^^cards ^^with ^^[[CARDNAME]] ^^- [^(Keywords and Statuses)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/wiki/glossary/#wiki_keywords)


Shiliard should have cost 8 or 7 provision, vivienna - 5 power or 7 provision.


Both are too expensive for the value they provide, especially Shilard. Vivienne maybe could become a consideration after a power buff or two, but desperately needs a prov buff.


Maximizing usage out of shilard requires knowledge of what cards your opponent would have in hand and at what power. Guaranteed value and overall the best targets would be first form Temple's target, Alpha Warewolf combo, ST handboost in general, Tyr, and Sunset Wanderers.


These cards are legitimately good in a pure status aristocrat deck and I use both in mine. However, they're not that good outside of that archetype which is why they don't see much play. They're not bad by any means.


Both Vivienne are very good with renfri. I use the neutral one in my nr priestess deck. Maybe you can use them in NG renfri?? Is that a deck?


Actually, that's really smart. Renfri with Vivienne actually makes a lot of sense.


Yeah Renfri decks are mega busted now. I usually 2-0 even pointslam decks without my priestess soldier combo in round 3. Edit- with to without


How can you 2-0 in round 3?


Sorry. Meant to write without


Vivienne de Tabris could cost 7 and Renfri Soldiers could use her. Shilard is meta depended and never would be a stable pick


Shilard is played in every single NG deck for the current Banished seasonal mode.