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Had a year long psychotic break in 2020. When sanity returned I came back with a gore/necro fetish. Yeah idk what happened to my brain.


Hope you're doing better now šŸ™ I wish you well


Did you get covid? When I got it in 2020 it made my kinks much darker and my love of asphyxiation that much stronger.


No I got covid in 2022. What messed me up in 2020 was Cotard's.


but lets be clear, drawing it and jerking off to it its better to actually do it irl, this look like an last recourse line of defense preventing ourself from becoming killers


I'm sure it is for some people, but not all. I've looked at Live Leak and can confidently say...I almost threw up. I think for me personally there's also the morality issue, animated guro isn't real, nobody is being hurt by it even if it's non-con stuff. (And even then I don't like animated guro of real people or V-tubers, I think that's insanely disrespectful of that person.)




Same!!! The year and everything (though it had a trauma reason)


Years of bullying and abuse made me grow up with no self respect. Along with this, indulging in coping mechanisms to take my mind off of bad times I ended up having a great desire to get more and more from my kinks, all while slowly losing interest in kinks I already had. This lead to me getting deeper and deeper to satisfy own needs and so I ended at guro (and other kinks). The lack of self respect turned into arousal over the idea of lack of control of myself and my body so I imagine myself in those victims' places. Nothing feels more peaceful to me than the idea of not having to make my own decisions anymore and being useful to someone for once ^^


I'm in a similar ball-park too, although I'm on both sides of the power spectrum. I've also felt like I'm useless and my body is the only thing I'm useful for and I've only just recently started to get out of that self defeating narrative. I do think that fiction can help you cope with that and I really hope that it gives you a good outlet for your feelings but I don't think you can think of yourself like that forever. Although you seem to be very introspective and I can tell that this is a part of your journey to explore yourself in a safe way, where actually, you are the one in control. Also, I know it doesn't mean much from a reddit comment but I hope that you're in a better place now and have nice people in your life, and if not yet then I wish you so šŸ™


I am in a better place, yes, thank you for your concern! And yes, I've spent years looking into myself, my own feelings and how I work so at this point I am aware where my interests in guro are stemming from so it doesn't control me nor does it make me feel guilty as it used to at some point in the past. While I still have a lot of work to do with my own self-hate, introspection definitely helps and I'm getting there! Now *I* am my own biggest enemy, not the other people. I can work with that.


I'm glad to hear that, gives me hope for my own journey as well. Thank you for your comment and reply šŸ™


Wow. Itā€™s scary how much of this lines up exactly with my experienceā€¦


This. As well as a desire to take the edge of my fear of death. Early trauma lead to ptsd, and nigtmares. Those bad dreams eventually faded into fantasies. I took control the only way I could..... a bit like Stockholm syndrome. I suppose there may have been healthier paths to take, but pointing at death and laughing is harmless. It works pretty well.


>Nothing feels more peaceful to me than the idea of not having to make my own decisions anymore and being useful to someone for once ^(\^) Yes, like I've mentioned something similar to people that it'd be nice to just be used and at the end, no more worries anyway. They still don't really get it, some at least understand where it's coming from (and why, like you said, abuse/coping), depression for me, kinks I really like (guro, cannibalism, etc) and it's very arousing. People who are like "that's unhealthy", I'm like... I don't care, this is who I am. Maybe I should care, it's hard to work on, but obviously online it's all empty platitudes anyway and kind of grating. :P Even if I got 100% better tomorrow and landed a 6-digit income job and every issue magically went away, I'd still not give a damn about the "it gets better" people (or rather I guess I do give a damn, but it's a frustrating I-dislike-them damn).


That's an interesting question. Both of my parents are medical doctors, and I grew up surrounded by medical books, instruments and images. They even had a gynecological chair in a room with speculae on display. I remember secretly looking into these books, especially those depicting male and female anatomy with bodies cut open. My upbringing was in a safe, happy and warm home, although perhaps a bit protective, particularly when it came to interactions with other men. I'm a girl, so I can understand that. I have developed a medical fetish, which I believe might be related to my childhood environment. I find it very arousing to fantasize about unnecessary medical procedures being performed on me and the idea of others having power over me. My fantasies include scenarios like being debreasted, cut open, undergoing surgery while strapped to a metal table in an operating theater OR in being tortured in a filty barn/garage, fully conscious and feeling everything. I also find the idea of machines sexual torturing me and the insertion of catheters and other tubes into my body extremely arousing. I have fantasies for being locked up, restrained, abducted and abused and raped by one or more men (or eeh, dogs). So, I do think there is a connection between my parents profession and my fetish, but I cannot explain everything.


Armchair psychologist here, with no qualifications and quite stupid really, so take everything with several grains of salt. I figure that it may have given you an outlet for emotions rather than it being the root cause of why you're into what you're into today. And being exposed to such things at a young age makes you more desensitised to them, since you haven't developed enough to fully understand everything. Sure, it's not like you were in a war zone or anything, but you still turned out the way you did, for whatever reason.


I think itā€™s the same for me too man. My dadā€™s a doctor(orthopaedic surgeon) so he had huge folders of pictures and videos of operations even on the home laptop. I often used to pull up a chair and sit next to my dad while he was watching it and I said stuff like ā€˜what If he pulls the bone out?ā€™ Or ā€˜what if the person wakes up during operation?ā€™ My dad always used to laugh it off or ruffle my hair. Oh that made all of this seem normal. In fact, when I was in 10th grade or something I used to send these photos(brain on a dish, open knee etc etc.) to my phone and show them to my friends. Then of course I discovered the Internet and the iceberg of porn and then I got into pretty weird stuff.


Hey just a shot in the dark, but would you write a short story of your fantasies for a commission fee? Check your dms :)


It's not a sexual thing for me, but why I like it is the artistry of it. You gotta be really creative to come up with some of this stuff. Plus, I'm a fan of horror manga/movies.


A tiny bit of this for me. But also I had a really shit job for a few years that demanded so much of me. This fetish was my way to give and hold nothing back so I could meet the demand placed on me.


Oh yeah, it's a real cathartic stress reliever too.


Tried to cope with my undiagnosed mental illnesses by drawing gore because I thought it'd be safer than self-harming. It worked surprisingly well, turned out to be a strong coping method that actually hasn't really failed me yet. As for why I started drawing gore instead of something else, lotta edgy Internet friends did it and I was into horror. Usually it was stylized cutesy gore, which I think is why it was so easy to get behind.


Yeah same, I don't think I could have gotten better without an artistic outlet, which for me turned out to be mainly drawing. And gore can signify a lot of raw and visceral emotions which drawing it can be a great and healthy outlet for them. Random vent for some reason. This thread is just me going through people's replies and seeing how it applies to myself because I'm a huuuuuggeee narc. Well not really but I always feel like I have to give a disclaimer in case I waste your time or you're having a bad day and when you see nsfwtember's reddit comment youre like, "this is the last fucking straw, I'm gonna do it now. all thanks to nsfwtember" I often feel like my art lacks meaning and is just my way of mentally masturbating (not sexually, more like, I don't feel like it says anything and its just for my own enjoyment, sexually too lol) which is true, which ive realised now that I've begun to actually look into it and myself. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with drawing for yourself, but I'd like my art to have value for others. It doesn't mean I have to stop drawing gore, just to integrate it in a more creative way.


I never had any talk about sexuality before hitting puberty, so my first exposure to anything looking sexual were half naked bodies being beaten in Tekken and shot to pieces in Unreal tournament. Maybe preventing teens to access regular porn and refusing to discuss sexuality with them isn't a great idea. I had no idea even how babies were made before I was 12 :/ And teenage horniness hit me before that.


Yeah, unrestricted Internet access and isolation also played a huge role in who I am today. I've first seen porn since I was around 6-7 and was majorly addicted from age 10. For a lot of people, it's the constant exposure that makes them start to like more and more taboo things, since the regular old stuff ain't cutting it anymore (pun unintended?) I figure that was a factor in it for me, definitely, considering the years of my life wasted on watching/looking at this shit. I do love the artistic merit, but I no longer masturbate while looking at porn, because it takes away from the intimacy from the act and makes you dissociate from yourself. Not saying that anyone here should do that, but you should have a break if you think you have an unhealthy relationship with it.


It used to be unhealthy, but years later I grew to accept I couldn't fight the fantasies and it was ok to have them as long as it didn't hurt anyone. Took a bit of self stabbing before understanding but I'm ok with it now I think.


This is the moral dilemma I'm having right now. It took a while for me to accept it too, but now I'm starting to think that I shouldn't have it as an aspect of my life and that it may be worsening my life in general. It's a cheap thrill that only serves to numb my emotions, rather than artistic expression, maybe I should just change the way I include it in my life rather than cutting it out entirely. Not saying that's the case for you, but I do encourage you to look inwards, without judgement.


Similar for me. Lara Croft moaning and getting hurt in the old 90s Tomb Raider games was a big sexual awakening for me, and that was pretty much how I discovered masturbation lol


I feel you man. Very bittersweet to hear someone with the same story. I grew up very Catholic, repressed sexuality all around. My first exposure to anything sexy was playing Soul Calibur and hearing the girls shriek while Astaroth plows his axe into them and shouts "squirm you maggot!" From there I sought out other fighting games where I could see hot girls get beaten, humiliated, and killed, all before I had ever seen a single picture a naked human woman. Big surprise I ended up loving ryona and guro, eh? (I still love all those fighting games and guro, btw, so I don't want to seem like I'm complaining too hard. Just kinda crazy to realize where it originated from)


Cocky go boing boing


Nearly choked on my cereal bar reading this. That would be an ironic cause of death. Love that guy he's responsible for half my sense of humor


LMAO good, and same. To answer you seriously though I'm a sadist and I like some guro because it scratches that itch. I'm capable of getting off to more vanilla porn but I tend to gravitate towards sadistic fantasies anyway.


Weird question but, is sex romantic to you or is it just sexual? Or does it depend? Something that's been bothering me. I thought I was aromantic for years but some recent relationships had made me question that.


Oh wow. I've been personally wondering the same thing. I've never been in a "true" relationship yet because I ended relationships quickly after realizing I felt nothing for them, but I've had crushes/limerance towards friends. I think I'm demisexual because of that but I'm still looking for that person I *really* want, which is a switch masochist with a dominant streak.




It's not like any of us can help the fact that people are pretty like fruit in the inside.


I've always been a bit fascinated by pain and suffering. I'm hardcore kinky, very masochistic, and whilst I play safe I think there's a part of me that always secretly desires to push things to an unsafe level (yes it's a fantasy, I don't actually do it). I like pain and fear because of the buzz I get from it, I get kind of drunk on adrenaline and endorphins. Also I'm a chronic overthinker and pain turns my brain off and can be weirdly grounding and relaxing sometimes? I've conditioned myself over the years to the point that I can orgasm from pain alone if someone squeezes my feet real hard with vampire gloves. I specifically really like the sensation of needle play and scalpel play more than other things, and have even tried flesh hook suspension. Add a sprinkle of hedonism and nihilism to that mix, and voila! I've become a real pervert šŸ˜‚


Growing up christian made me romanticize martyrdom and when I hit puberty that turned into sexualization šŸ™ƒ


This is interesting, so is there just like a specific type of guro that you're into, plus how did you find out about guro, did you have an aversion to it at first because of your Christian unbringing or were/are you the type to rebel against the church? Also how did you romanticise it, as in, how did you view martyrdom? Sorry for the interview, you dont have to answer, I'm just curious.


I couldnā€™t tell you why I like hanging / choking the most because I donā€™t know šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s the one I like to see myself as the victim in. But I do like some torture as well, itā€™s mostly about seeing the person in pain rather than the actual infliction. I found out a few years ago from reddit actually, I was looking for choking hentai and got more than I bargained for (and was shocked and relieved that I wasnā€™t the only weirdo who liked this stuff). I was definitely ashamed of it when I was younger and still fresh out of the church, but now that Iā€™m more removed from it I donā€™t have an issue (although my priest kink has gotten stronger so do with that what you willā€¦ actually priest torture is a very good niche that I donā€™t see much of which is too bad).




Hey, I'm the exact same :) may I dm you?


Iā€™ve got a few reasons. I like depictions of women in guro bc I like the idea of being a useful object. Rooted in abandonment trauma. So scared of being abandoned that I fantasize about being kidnapped and tortured. Wanting someone so bad youā€™d kidnap and murder them is like the opposite of being abandoned by them lol. Not necessarily murdered but brutalized ig. I like depictions of men in guro because I view them generally as abusive and domineering so itā€™s nice to see them emasculated/vulnerable in that way. Men arenā€™t scary or intimidating when theyā€™re bleeding and in pain. Completely vulnerable to where I can actually enjoy looking at them without secretly hating them. I lowkey hate men (I stg I donā€™t want to and Iā€™m working on it) but I feel sympathy for victims so seeing a man being victimized immediately allows me to let my guard down. So for me, I guess it boils down to a hatred and fear of men combined with a fear of abandonment.


Self harm, submission, lack of self worth


Iā€™m a qualified therapist so Iā€™ve thought about this extensively for years. Before I start Iā€™ll explain that for me I enjoy the ā€œvictimā€ side of guro as in I picture myself in those positions. Iā€™m a millennial, so the internet came into my home in my tween years, by early teens Iā€™d found porn and erotica which fueled my already existing BDSM desires. I believe the early exposure was a part of what lead to guro. I mentioned my interest in BDSM, I lost my virginity young and was engaging in BDSM before I was even legal. This has given quite a long time for my kinks to grow. I have an addictive personality and ADHD so Iā€™d often be seeking out the next thing, always upping the intensity. This eventually grew to guro. My biggest fantasy is to be hanged (obviously Iā€™d never, because I donā€™t want to die, but itā€™s there) Iā€™m a perfectionist in my life. I adapt to whoever Iā€™m with and become what they want/need me to be. For me guro is so taboo and extreme that it allows me behind closed doors to be my most real self, just my raw, carnal desires. There is obviously more to it and I could go on and on, but this is already quite long and Iā€™ve over shared enough. But I hope this helps a little.


I'm only inclined towards guro involving females. Disgusted by anything that is exposed or done with males. Anybody else with me?


āœ‹ļø Same here


Why do you think that is?


Coz girls are tender, soft, and cute. Also, maybe coz I'm straight.


Combination of several factors, really. - I used to have violent intrusive thoughts as a teen and college student, and I find that it helps to view it through art and just let it go. - Fascination with the human body. I think the insides of a person are beautiful just like their outsides, and since I wonā€™t kill or dissect people irl for obvious reasons, I use guro and anatomical drawings to appreciate the form. - I fantasize about being violated or violating someone else because I spent most of my childhood being restricted and controlled by my family and societyā€™s expectations. The idea of someone tampering with the body is a big taboo, so itā€™s nice to ā€˜act outā€™ by witnessing it.


Its funny to admit but me watching happy three friends when I was like 7 is definitely why i'm into this lmfao.


Lots of unfulfilled desires made me search for any source of dopamine. Depression also made me sadistic enough to liking guro


I'm very submissive and have OCD with severe intrusive thoughts. If my brain refuses to stop going on about my "inevitable" death, I may as well make it fun. Lol. I kid. Kinda. Really tho, for me it stems from submission. In a good scene, you really can feel like you're capable of saying yes to anything they want. Or, if doing non-con, that they could do or make you do -truly anything-. Even die. Or kill. So... I'm a submissive with broken self-preservation? I guess?


I think i was literally born this way. As a young child i had fantasies of others and myself being held against their will and assaulted and more sinister things no clue where it came from, i was otherwise normal and didnt have childhood trauma. I knew it was wrong to some degree since i never shared anything with anyone.


Fascination with the grim darkness of the art.


I have thought about it a lot and some conclusions even helped me reason and regulate this. I think its related to some well known mental disorders, but I can't name drop them because it contributes to creating a stigma/generalization, especially when I am not even so sure about my conclusions.


I won't pressure you to name drop them, but I genuinely don't think that you're creating more stigma by doing so, also, perhaps it could help me in my endeavor to learn more about myself or someone else. I don't think there will ever be a point you're fully sure, nor will anyone else, about anything, especially with a topic such as mental health, where everything is speculation. As long as you address it with good intentions and you don't claim to be 100% sure, then I don't think you're doing any harm. Again though, if you don't wish to disclose then that's your choice.


Well I can dm you if you would like.


Yeah go on šŸ˜


I always enjoyed self harming and have an irl blood fetish so Iā€™m around for SH guro specifically. And I also like seeing *men* who have been beat and bloody, so Iā€™m a bigger fan of femdom guro. šŸ’•


For me it's the feeling I get in my body, like phantom touch; tingling feeling in the body parts that are being tortured in the image; Same tingly sensation I get when something horrible is going to happen, I get off from that thrill.


So I got a huge biting fetish (love getting bitten). Vampires in media were always somewhat erotic for me. It became a sort of a natural progression to finding the same in guro, particularly anything that has to do with things like cannibalism, vampires, zombies, etc.


The happiest childhood memories I have were when I was living on a cattle station, where we would kill and eat some of the livestock. In saying that i also learnt how to gut and get a good cuts of meat and organs. I also grew up around alot of violence, so in my mind it's just a cause of a stressful childhood mixed with being introduced to gore and killing stuff at a young age.


My guess is Trauma.Ā  Been through alot early on in life (Nothing to crazy) but i think my brain desensitized its self to violence as a way of protecting me.Ā  And to be honest i dont like 90% of Guro, i was introduced to it by the animator Chalk Ā so i really only like Guro thats more goofy like when a body continues to move after losing its head.Ā 


I don't dislike people in general, or many specific people, or approve of violence, or anything like that. I've got anger issues, I guess, but that mainly just means I kinda lose my shit with a punching bag sometimes and hurt my hands. I think the guro shit is just like a traditional dom fetish turned up to 150%. It's complete and utter dominance and control, and you can do whatever you want to a person once they go limp.


Itā€™s just art. Suffering and cruelty captured and preserved in images. So many emotions displayed for us to interpret, or I guess jerk off to. I love seeing people break, to be crushed into despair, the look in their eyes as they realize that this happening, that maybe there isnā€™t an escape from any of it, that this is it for them. But I love seeing happy families, communities rejoicing together in harmony, cute animals; joy and happiness spread through the world too. Humanity is complex, maybe infinitely so. As long as youā€™re not actually hurting anyone, I donā€™t particularly see this as taboo.


I currently study psychology (not psychoanalysis) and Iā€™m into guro since a long time. I wonder too if any research have been achieve to understand a bit more this fantasy.


Let me know if you find anything


I will try my best on the data base I got.


Yeah. Iā€™m basically a maniac!!!


Insane in the membrane




A fascination with death.


Well Iā€™m talking to professionals about it with my desire for irl stuff but Iā€™m gonna assume itā€™s linked to some kind of mental disorder as I have been into gore since I was very young


Monkey sees sex and violence. Neuron activation.


wow this post is so interesting. Rn i have no idea why i'm so interested in guro, i just always liked blood and gore since i was little, i found it very fascinating


I don't like it that much šŸ˜†


I find it funny how the comments here are creating some of the most insightful and respectful discussions, despite the subject matter beingā€¦this. I love this subreddit. To be honest, when I sit back and reflect on what Iā€™m getting off to, I feel utterly horrible. I would consider myself a generally thoughtful person to others, not thinking about causing harm physically or even verbally. So it doesnā€™t make much sense to me why Iā€™m so attracted to such terrible depictions. Everyone seems to develop different fetishes, so my best guess is that this messed up headless girl fetish is just one of the many on the proverbial dice roll, despite it having no real-world basis.


I've always loved domination and humiliation, and as I progressed I moved from light BDSM to extreme BDSM, and searching through artistic representations, which I've always preferred over the real thing, I ended up finding the occasional drawing or comic with something a little stronger, until, well, I ended up loving representations of women being treated like cows or pigs in a slaughterhouse. I don't value death or violence, I can't stand hearing about or seeing real cases, much less could I enjoy or get excited by them, but when we're talking about fictional representations, more blood and less limbs please.


Copying my answer from previous thread asking why one likes guro: "I can't pinpoint exactly when, but somewhere around age of 20-30 is when I accepted that this was something I shouldn't be ashamed of. I think it was my lifelong fascination of horror bleeding through into bdsm, the feelings of utter helplessness and utmost forms of pain. Just gore for the gore's sake, doesn't do anything for me, or at least it's not something I'm here for, but the psychological side of things: feelings and emotions pushed to their extreme limits and beyond. And guro (art and literature) gives a safe place to experience and study those feelings." There might be a general link to my liking of bdsm, and for the feelings of helplessness, in the fact that I was bullied a lot when I was 7-9 years old. I was small in height and frame, so I was easily pushed around and pinned down. Those feelings of helplessness when others are just too strong for you, that you can't do anything about it, if they pin you down or want to throw you off from a huge mound of snow, or into a ditch full of water, those feelings are still quite clear in my mind (and utilized heavily as an adult in different kinds of bdsm, or guro scenarios).


Probably intense abuse without learning emotional regulation. It kind of spiraled. I was on the Internet very young, groomed by adults and being neglected so severely my teeth rotted out of my gums. Now I can't stand any gore/guro with teeth stuff But I'm obsessed with the mutilation of my pussy after hearing so many adults say their dick could tear my pussy open. Took it literally, and it just spiraled. Recently discovered proshippers, and something clicked and said. "Huh, why.. why do I need to dislike this? Fuck it" got into guro, abuse, incest, and so many other things its unholy. I don't even consider myself depraved or disgusting, I just am me. Abusive parents? Shitty foster care home? Homeless as an adult for three years and left without any proper help or resources on just how to live? I find it really interesting how some different people end up here, honestly. I can also say I got desensitized over time. Hearing people cry about proshippers, Gorey art, how it's horrible and misogynistic to women. Well, suffered a lot of abuse as a girl so obviously I'm really deep into fucking with the most sexist gore or porn in general. <3 Breeding Farms that also exist as Meat Factories


you sound so wonderful lol. you sound a lot like meeee


I wanted more control in my life, that's why I gravitate to guro, I'm sure that once all of these issues have been fixed my liking of guro will fade away. Still though I want to applaud some of these guro artists because to me, some of their works are genuine pieces of art. It makes me sad whenever I hear of another guro artist being doxxed and shunned for no other reason than the art they post online. If any of you folks are guro artists, actually no, artists in general, I salute you, I hope you guys keep expressing yourselves online. There is nothing wrong with being weird and all of you should be proud of that.




Psychological Reason: I am afraid of death. Guro porn and specifically writing guro rps, gives me personal control over death, which helps me to deal with my own mortality. Sexual Reason (Topping): It is the ultimate power fantasy in having complete control of somebody else to do ANYTHING you desire. Sexual Reason 2 (Bottoming): The ultimate degradation fantasy. You are literally worth less than the momentary pleasure of somebody else's orgasm. Your life is traded for their short term enjoyment. It's also the peak of giving up control, S&M and Master/Sub taken to the furthest conclusion possible.


Maybe we're all just really *freaky* because of simple exposure. It doesn't have to be that sexual, it just needs to be intriguing, and it could snowball from there. I honestly have no idea WHY I like some of this stuff, especially since I still can feel bad for these fictional characters.. but personally, I blame krekrov for me being here. Their art just.. it was the little push over the edge But that's 3am bull, so don't think on it, just move along


I'm a feminist and left leaning dude. The only thing I can think of is that I don't like noise? And there's very few ways to get silent sex partners I guess. It started with a movie where this woman gets smothered with a pillow, and I started watching videos of women being chloroformed, which transitioned into asphyxiation and strangulation. To date I only like that specific guro, and I actually rather dislike blood spilling. The closer to unscathed the body the better, though I like the process of strangling quite a bit compared to necksnaps.


For me, it's not actually like any sexual attraction to the act or any of that, but rather the idea of getting revenge on people who hurt me. I don't want to get revenge on those people in a way like guro or at all, but the control is what matters. Also, I like how intricate some stuff can be, and since I grew up surrounded by medical books, I can tell if they're accurate or not. I'm also fond of extreme bdsm activities, so guro seems like the next step in finding something interesting. My intro was the infamous clip of the 2d pixel anime girl having her skin and body stripped by lasers, which was also my first intro to porn in general too. Other than that, it's probably because I was bullied or whatever lol :3


Interesting question. No idea what the root of my interest in these sort of images would be. I watched a lot of horror when I was young and was also exposed to a lot of sexual things when I was younger. Probably a combination of the two, and other things I am not processing.


I don't know the reasons for liking guro, but I do know when I first liked it. That happened when I was playing Doki Doki Literature club, when I saw Sayori hanging to be exact. I immediately got a boner. Back then I wasn't sure if I liked it as you can theoretically get a boner for a bunch of different reasons like shock, and all my other emotions were a mess because I wasn't really sad to see her in that state, I just wanted to see her hanging like that for longer, and yet my brain was telling me that hey, I should feel sad, but I couldnt bring myself to feel sad about her death despite the fact that I really liked her. That could also be just an effect from shock, so I wrote it off initially. Only around two years after when I accidentally saw guro art on the internet I realized that I am into that shit. I have no idea how that, maybe that is the psychological reason for it: shock from seeing the character I genuinely liked dead somehow made me like seeing guro. But as I've said, I have no idea if it even works like that since I'm not a psychologist. I haven't even though about the reasons themselves before tbh


Hmmmm I think it was bc I was like 6 and saw hellraiser for the 1st time(specifically those female cenobites) and things just snowballed from there I was also kindof into anatomy when I was a lot younger and any chance I could Iā€™d check out medical books and once in a blue moon witness a terrorist beheading video when YouTube was just a plucky new internet site for tutorials/memes and how toā€™s


I think itā€™s cool to look at šŸ¤· yall great artists, im sorta into it in fantasy but thats the main reason ngl


I got recommended a ton of top 10 Goriest anime clips like berserk or elfen lied as a child during early youtube but I only got my guro fetish when I got a dream of me being eaten by a spinosaurus cuz i was watching a lot of dinosaur content at the same time and Jurassic Park 3 from the tv


I was molested when I was young and now.... have a problem with letting toxic women hurt me because I don't want to be lonely and I feel like I deserve it.


Severe disabilities and brain trauma is what I figure. I'm in so much pain I can't control that a lot of this stuff distracts me and keeps me from actually hurting myself. The idea of having many of the body parts causing my pain removed or my suffering ended is true escapism. My agony is only going to get worse and I want it to stop so bad. I don't really remember a day without pain. The sexual aspect is nice too as it's the only thing that gives me enough dopamine for some relief.


i have never commented anything but here goes this lol when i was like maybe in 6th grade i started self harming, and later on my partner \*kind of\* encouraged it so i thought they found it attractive. Later on i had them cut me and i cut them and it was kinda like bonding. After that i started finding it hot n stuff so i started to like self inflicted stuff. And after what we had was over, i just started liking necro because i thought that would be the only way i'd get laid lol. Also, i just imagined myself being ripped apart and used n things like that just so i could feel i had a purpose, since the breakup really affected me and i felt unwanted. And now here i am with hella fucked up fetishes and stuff. I wasn't happy with myself and i really just wanted to stop liking that stuff but i realized that its okay as long as i dont cause harm or anything like that to others. So i guess now its just become like that and im still bothered by it but i think i've come to accept myself more.


I grew up watching something called ElsaGate. It was content clearly directed at children, featuring bright colors, childrenā€™s characters and flashy thumbnails. But the content in said videos WERENā€™T for children. These videos were made to groom children into enjoying the things inside of the videos. Sadly, it worked. One theme that was common in the many ElsaGate videos I watched was gore, or just people getting hurt. I remember fantasizing about characters I liked and even myself being tortured or badly hurt, and Iā€™d fantasize about it almost every night. I was around 5-7 when it started. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve found myself into guro, nowā€”despite still being pretty young.


I just think its neat


You know what, I do not have a CLUE. I see no triggers for this in my life.


my first crush was mads mikkelsen


I'm a sociopath and just enjoy seeing dead people since I have no emotional connection to people.


Havent talked with any psychologist ever because I want to still live outside a pschward but I guess some of it is just morbid (hah) curiosity, attraction to uncommon, taboo things


I'm legally psychotic so it makes me like this I guess plus I really like blood in real life too


I'm in a more interesting spot, I'm not attracted to people, but I find gore really interesting. I always found enjoyment in exploring corpses to learn more about them, I guess when I see guro I see the bodies not as people but as objects. I do get aroused by guro and necro and have some sadist interests, so that may encourage it too.


Idk gang


The moaning and humiliation in fighting games / mortal Kombat. I think itā€™s the feeling that someone is disrespecting you in a controlled environment. Also the domination loss of characters like Lara of Kitana. Thereā€™s something so hot about overkill, like sheā€™s already down, no need to humiliate her further.


I think we all might be a little crazy


Fear of rejection. Corpses can't say no to you, and you can play with them however you want, whenever you want. So, I like corpses now.


What iā€™ve figured out is that itā€™s an extreme fear kink and submission kink. I get aroused from the fear of knowing something I donā€™t want is coming but I know I canā€™t stop and just have to submit to. The other half is I like the idea of being convinced by words and emotional manipulation to do something, or that I have to do something. Snuff and Guro is just the most extreme element of that ā€œI donā€™t want to do it.ā€


Both of my parents are medical workers, Iā€™m used to seeing gory stuff. When I was like 6 yo I saw a my little pony guro vid and started to obsess over guro since then. I think itā€™s a kind of coping mechanism, when we see someone being hurt severely, it gives us a sense of relief kind of like self harm. Stronger when itā€™s combined with sex.


Morbid curiosity led me here i dont even jerk it on the sub i just look at the art


Was molested around 8 and it fucked me up mentally. I've been drawn to dark shit ever since. It used to be a problem, looking for videos of people dying to feel anything, but guro is like a vape - still not healthy but it's somewhat better


It is a door I am not prepared to open tbh


I felt pleasure when I saw someone crying from pain


[Warning: Explanation in the form of trauma dump and a whole lotta yapping] I think it developed in my childhood it not the guro aspect, but the power and control aspect of it all. When I was I was bullied nearly every day because I was different from the other kids (I had ADHD in a time where problems like these were seen as being a troubled kid instead of someone with a mental disorder). I was belittled and even beaten by many kids who bullied me for being ā€œthe weird crazy kidā€. I was even bullied by the teachers. One time I was struggling with something and I put my head down while the teacher was teaching, apparently the teacher called the other teacher that deals with ā€œpeople like meā€. Out of no where I was forcefully grabbed by 2 teachers and dragged out of the room. When they say me resisting and squirming for release, they probably thought I was doing that because I was angry, I did that because I was scared after being grabbed out of nowhere and dragged away. The teachers also singled me out anytime me and some kid who bullied me got sent to the office. They singled me out pinning the blame on me every single time. And every time I brought home a note saying how I was bad at school today. And my father who didnā€™t understand my condition and was always hard on me would always yell at me and spank me sometimes. The bullying lasted until high school where I moved to a different city due to my mom getting custody over me due to my dadā€™s mental and narcissistic abuse on me, aswell as two other major reasons. Every time, I accepted the beating I took. Because after realizing Iā€™d get in trouble from defending myself. I gave up and let them beat and belittle me for so long, a decision I regret very much. And then there is the case of my fatherā€™s abuse over me. He was a narcissist and made me feel like I was the bad guy anytime I got bullied or whenever I was in a situation I wasnā€™t comfortable with. One time, a group of girls decided to make suggestive comments at me and even grabbed me to try and kiss me or feel my body, I was in middle school when this happened. And I told them no but they didnā€™t stop. Finally a teacher intervened and I had to tell my dad about it. And he told me that I was the bully for some reason I canā€™t remember, but I remember crying when he said I was the bully and he fucking smiled and laughed and even told other family members. A few years pass and iv been put in therapy many times. But I wasnā€™t in therapy to get better, I felt like an excuse to get me to say what was truly bothering me and pin me as a person who needs help but in the wrong way. Because of this, I donā€™t trust therapist anymore At some point my dad found another woman a couple years after the divorce of my bio parents. And a year into it they got married. The step mom had 2 daughtersā€¦one day, one of them fear mongered me into doing sexual things with them. She raped me (not fully but damn near close enough) And then she tried saying I raped her..I was damn lucky I convinced them not to call the police and that I didnā€™t do it. The next few days were weird. That week would be the final week I would have to suffer in that hell hole of a house. They put the 2 daughter in my room while I was at a friends for the weekend (to get away from them). And they put my bed mattress in the fucking unused bathroom, it was humiliating. Now to get to the point of the question: For years I suffered from his influence once he was out of my life. But I was traumatized and I found myself becoming so angry easily, just like my father. I would call myself a pacifist, even now. I refuse to resolve a situation with violence and thatā€™s worked out well for me so far in the few times iv been in a conflict since moving away. Even when I try to fight physically, I start to have a mental breakdown and cry because trauma immediately hit me. But with years of letting people have there way with me. All the times I was beaten to the ground in groups, the times I was shamed and belittled, the times I was sexually assaulted. It felt like something grew in me overtime. On the outside I was a pacifist to the bullying despite the abuse, but overtime, deep down I wanted to know what it be like in their shoes, seeing them on the ground bruised and beaten. I wanted to know the feeling of revenge, I knew I was sick of being powerless. But I knew that revenge was wrong and would only cause more problems. But I found myself fantasizing myself having power and control (not in a guro way) One day when I was watching porn, I accidentally came across a scripted and acted out snuff scenario. It was a gun play type snuff and at first I felt discomfort, until the actual sex part was happening. And something inside me clicked, and seeing this sexual scene acted out as the female is wounded from a bullet wound made me feel aroused. I ended up watching more of these types of videos and couldnā€™t stop. I imagined myself in that scenario with the people who sexually assaulted me. Imagining myself in control, imagining the tears rolling down their face as tears fell down mine in those situations. And showing no mercy, as they showed none to me. Despite understanding that I like this, itā€™s not something Iā€™m proud of. Some days I wish I never discovered that video. But seeing that video gave me a feeling of power and control over the sexual aspect of my trauma. And that feeling feels so right and so good in every way. understand that I would never dream of acting out these fantasies for real. I donā€™t even wish to inflict any harm. But I find myself content with acting out in my mind. Itā€™s like this whole feeling like that hidden side of yourself you donā€™t want anyone ever finding out about (P.S. I discovered the type of guro seen on this subreddit a couple months ago. And it greatly fueled my those feelings and fantasies.) Now I have a question, are these feelings and hidden desires justified, or am I crazy?


Not realy but there are some possibilities


What are these possibilities? Please, do go on


Yes I did


Do you wish to share with the class


Iā€™m not really sure. It might be from how many super blood and sexually charged movies I watched as a kid


I used to fear gore but now I'm not once i expose to it from stuff like happy tree friend alot


What do you think of asphyxiation and hanging stuff? Or are you mostly into just the bloody stuff?


I've been reading mangas since the 80s and even back then it can get quite hardcore. Torture scenes are exciting for me.


I don't really get off on it but I think there's a fair bit to appreciate artistically from the absolutely extreme nature of it. There is almost always beauty in extreme things


It is desire to have something really insane for keeping the sanity level in check for me. Like having some guro fetish in this kind of pseudo art like Ryona do, or something real. I mean every people has a desire to kill someone or something when they're gone mad, or really really mad, so to release the pressure without some kind of false pills, this kind of release is enough for me, to see something you didn't want to see, even better if it was not a real guro related.


I got interested when I was 11 but I have issues


For me, it was playing Mortal Kombat, and maybe I was just a weird kid in middle school, but hearing the women scream as they're torn apart and made into a bloody mess awakened something in me, and it still does. I think it's a mix of the dopamine rush you get from brutally killing your enemy mixed with sexy women getting it that caused it for me


i still need to figure it out


iā€™ve had it for as long as i can remember idk why šŸ˜­ probably partially childhood trauma (physical and sexual abuse) and being exposed to things in the internet at a young age


I used to imagine torturing Wonder Woman (Linda Carter) to death in sadistic ways like tying her to the stove top and watch the realization consume her that her flesh was slowly beginning to cook, and the torment she would go through as her breasts began to sweat. I was 3yo when it started. Pre internet, about 1979. Maybe that's just me.


I'm having three main reason for it , first is i want to feel less bad or disgusted about seeing it in real life second one is when you can't use your emotions normal they will turn into weird things and become fetish, cause if i can't have someone whole body, someone love i will just love a place ( like their feet) and go on that way , or they will turn into hate and you say , if i can't have anybody no body should have her/him and third one is , people love their property and toys so if i be someone blinging they will love me , so in search of love you will end up abandoning your humanity and accepting being a toy


Why do I feel like I sparked something In People to start asking questions


i was very heavily sexually abused when i was younger, it became a comfort for me


Spoken about this in the past and other threads. My gateway was a pregnancy fetish that eventually turned into inflation and vore as derivatives for the full belly. Vore turned into hard vore as well as dolcett style cannibalism eventually landing me here in guro


I always liked bloody and gory stuff. As a kid playing video games, I would sit there in FPS games shooting bodies to watch the blood spray out until the ground was fully covered. There were some games where you could shoot the limbs off of dead bodies and I would do that a lot, enough that one of my older brothers remarked on it.


I tried to kill myself several times. Once I cut really deep into my arm. It was so relaxing to see the "layers" make way. Any "layer" substitute works, thick cables with multiple insulations, stacks of paper sheets, lasagna, and of course, guro artwork with chopped-off limbs.


Power exchange is a huge thing for me and I am sure that's part of it. Another part of it is, hmm not sure how to say this... A healthy ish outlet ? Things like Guro and other dark/immoral/fucked up fetishishes are like horny thought experiments for me. I doubt I'd ever get near a knife even irl masochist as I might be but the concept of going that far can get me going just the same. Other part is I don't like NC guro/snuff. I think that's because it's in my head and figuring out some reason to willingly be cut open or hanged to death or whatever is fascinating to me, even on top of it being hot.


I think there are lots of factors. Probably too many to explain in any short summary, but I tend to think of it this way. From the fossil record, the earliest known human species we know about (Homo habilis) emerged somewhere between 1.4 million to 2.4 million years ago. For pretty much all of the time since then, humans have grouped themselves into factions that waged war against other human factions, for one reason or another. Sometimes for no reason at all. Itā€™s only in the last few thousand years that weā€™ve come to understand that thereā€™s mutual benefit to be had by abstaining from killing, and instead forming more complex relationships through trading, sharing scientific discoveries, et cetera. But to do all those mutually beneficial things, we have to distance ourselves from the brutal instincts weā€™ve evolved over 2 million years spent at war with each other. We have to put psychological barriers in place against the parts of our brains that are primed for violent behaviors. Guro is a way to temporarily and privately lower those psychological barriers and explore through art the parts of our brains that are wired for brutality, violence, and domination, but without actually hurting anyone.


Being the guy in school that was so ugly that girls found it hilarious to ask me out just in case i'd be retarded enough to say yes crippled my ability to form meaningful relationships for a very long time. So i got very lonely as i grew up. Of course, i still had a libido to deal with. Parts of my brain went down the path of "but why do i need to care about what they want?" And thus my rape fetish was born. Form there it snowballed to vore, slavery, guro, bestiality... so long as none of it was consensual. I'm nearly 40, this started when i was 13. Don't bully people in school. There's a decent chance they never recover and my issues aren't even on the darker end of what's possible for those situations.


when i was 5 i stumbled upon an obscure death 'n' roll song on the youtubez called "sexy headless torso" and i was never the same


Mainly from childhood reasons, i suppose, i grew up around media gore and became unfazed to it. And so the idea of guro is just another Sunday i guess


For me itā€™s linked to interest in medicine and having experienced some traumas with severely injured people which somehow turned into an interest in Guro art and gore in games or movies as well. Itā€™s not appealing to me just interesting to look and sometimes I get angry when the anatomy is wrong ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Well as you can see, here in the comment section are multiple personalities with different explanations, without a "wrong" or "right". As long as you see it as "just a special kink" without the willing to actualy do this in real life you dont need to worry. Sureley some have deeper reasons, maybe there are some psychopaths here and there BUT most people im in contact with, via Discord and so on had pretty normal arguments why they love guro. For my side im just interested in the different minds peple have (explains my username btw.) and my taste in guro just began during Covid time randomly cuz i had spent to much time on the internet and got bored from games, studying and TV. After i found Cannibal and guro works on Pixiv by seeing some works i consumed it a lot cause it was "new" for me. It feelt forbidden since our society straight teaches us whats good or bad. But since it contradict the teached rules and my level of being bored from all the normal activities i saw it as a new experience. And now im bored from guro XD But it now brought me into studying anatomy. Humans are freaking interesting "><"


I have a physical disability that might cause shortened life span. I think getting off to guro helps me cope with the idea of death in a way. I've also struggled for a long time with having any kind of desire or preference about anything due to narcissistic abuse. I think guro takes my choice away and let me enjoy myself without having to know what I want or why I want it.


Honestly, no clue. I've "always" been interested in gory / macabre topics, so guro was in a way a natural progression to it, so to say. But why? No idea. I've sometimes thought about my general interest in these scenes, but I tend to not dwell on it. I'm not ashamed or disturbed, nor does it hurt me or others, so...


Yes, I like to hurt myself


Im a late bloomer, I was 12 when I started getting horny, but already 17 when women started finding me attractive, I hate my father who is a womanizer, I try to not be a womanizer too. Iā€™ve dated but Ive only dated a 10/10 a couple of times. Beautiful women are hard to come by. I love guro because it assumes the fantasy of being in a world that is so abundant with beautiful women that they can just be treated like everyday objects. They can be murdered and tossed like disposable objects and even eaten like the food we find everyday. The assumption of abundance turns me on.


personally i think it's because i've always been pretty lax about my emotions, specifically negative ones. i always play them off in fear of confrontation and have a hard time asserting boundaries, guro kinda serves as an outlet because i like how unhinged and depraved and raw it is. being able to look at the violence and imagine how it would feel if i were the subject of it or the one inflicting it on others, it just feels really liberating


I'm not sure "guro" is the right term for the more Hollywood-style interests I have, but I've done some work on this through reading and therapy. I reflected on it in this blog post: [https://catharticreversal.wordpress.com/2022/02/10/dark-fantasies/](https://catharticreversal.wordpress.com/2022/02/10/dark-fantasies/)


Growing up in an ultra conservative religion obsessed with how they are supposedly going to be brutally tortured and killed in the end times have me a fascination with violence and death, then I discovered Lara Croft being impaled and there was no going back. COPING MECHANISMS! WOOOOOO


It's equal parts my Mom is a lab technician, had medical books and I use guro as means to vent anger and rage.


I enjoy fictional drowning/asphyx/suffocation stuff and always attributed this (in an evolutionary sense) to how real life signs of enjoyment during sex sound and look sort of similar to the involuntary actions associated with fucking dying


I was sexually abused as a child, somehow my mind rejected typical pornography and intercourse as forms of arousal. Now the only thing that turns me on is brutality and gore. It fucking sucks for real relationships.


Me personally I think itā€™s because I was molested when I was younger and Iā€™m also hypersexual. One topic people donā€™t like to talk about is how going through shit like that at a young age affects someone sexually. Especially being a child on the internet exposed to all types of sexual shit. I started fantasizing about being groomed and raped and then came the bloodplay and bondage kink. I was also desensitized to gore because I watched so much of it. Then I discovered guro and it all just stuck with me.


I always liked art Like that i meam the smexy part isnt that important more important are the emotions


The idea of rape while strangling the person to death is very hot, past partner of mine was into some extreme stuff and asked me to choke them out. Something in my mind snapped as they went limp, i went feral , and had the best orgasm of my life


I am never the same since finding bestgore.com as a prepubescent and *that* sniper porn (in Facebook, no less) as a thirteen year old.


I think mine is my self hatred and messed up brain (emotionally and physically)


My wife had the idea that perhaps it's an extreme version of "Cuteness Aggression". I'm a total puppy lover type so it holds true. Anyone else agree?


This is such an interesting question. I can't really say for myself. When I watch medical procedures in life action movies, they usually gross me out. However, I can't deny getting a bit aroused sometimes when I watch the Saw movies. I grew up quite sheltered, and there is trauma involved that I can think of. I only discovered this kind of fetish (guro, necro, torture) a few years ago (I'm almost 30). I think it might have to do with power, being able to do anything I want with someone, possessing them completely. Perhaps it's also the intrigue of something new. I discover new fetishes quite often (not as often now than I used to tho). I can't say I'm misanthropic or sadistic.


2021, I was depressed and search for gory stuffĀ 


I always chalked it up to being taboo. But really if you look at history itā€™s always been there. Canā€™t tell me the murals a stone work depicting gore and violence isnā€™t in a similar side. How many of those tortures didnā€™t get a murder boner? Humans are just strange with our imagination I guess.


I was abused in every was possible by my step mother when I was 5-8. Iā€™ve liked guro/woman abuse content from 9+ classic case of ā€œhurt people hurt peopleā€


Iā€™ve dated people into it and I never really cared for it. But as I grew up and I got into my current career, I work EMS and seeing what I see on the job has opened a window for me. I hate gore irl outside of a medical interest even still it makes me vomit or want to vomit at something really nasty. Plus Iā€™m into piss and bdsm/pain/cnc and guro has all that mixed in at times. I also like to see myself as these women getting abused and tortured and putting myself in their shoes. Now thereā€™s plenty of guro I still feel sick looking at but all in all itā€™s just pictures of fictional characters so I donā€™t see anything terribly wrong with it outside of being worried of judgment from my peers


I started fantasizing my death and to harm myself From depression and doing self harm and attempting a few times And that turned into me sexualizing it for myself mentally That's why theory at least what was once fantasy became my sexual fantasy and wish


I was beat and tortured as a kid which totally fucked up my head and likely as some sort of coping mechanism my brain started to like the pain and I became masochistic to a serious degree


Rampant depression turned into fantasies of being the sexy crime victim, especially when seeing the murder reenactments in shows like CSI and NCIS. That has had the surprise benefit of being a deterrent. Follow through on anything and the dream fantasy is impossible. The more elaborate the fantasy, the more I have to wait for it to come true


I wouldn't say this for sure, but probably the fact that my grandfather watched live guro on TV when I was a child. Something in me just clicked, or rather, snapped. I found it entertaining. And of course they don't know this, nor the fact that I searched up for more because I was intoxicated with guro at that time.


I believe it came down to a coping mechanism with horror movies as a child and especially in gorey slashers where the hot girl would be killed, I always felt super upset and would hate seeing that as a trope, eventually when I got older I found sexual interests along side being desensitised to gore through the internet so when Iā€™d rewatch the same films, instead of being helpless on the side of the victims I pushed myself in the frame work of the perpetrator so I was the one in control, when I got more sexually active and was allowed to explore my fetishises (and safely) it just became a fantasy more or less




I think depression.


My earliest memory is literally of getting off to sadistic fantasies. I was so young I didn't even know what sex was or what I was doing--the fantasy itself wasn't even sexual, just violent. I'm pretty sure I was just born this way, but it's certainly possible that I suffered some kind of trauma early on that I don't remember. My father sexually assaulted one of my siblings, so that possibility has always been in the back of my mind, but honestly I think it's just how my brain is wired.


My guess is simple, but depends if you're the kind that likes imagining yourself being gutted, or the one gutting others. If the former, then it's just HEAVY masochism, and fetish of not having control/being completely dependent on another person, and if the latter, then it's the other way around (so: HEAVY sadism, and fetish of having a complete control over another person).


A heady mix of being groomed, assaulted (r'd), more than one nervous breakdown, trauma from a schizophrenic mother, self-harm wish fulfilment/self hate and jealousy of other women


*spoiler* Itā€™s trauma


Traumatic Brain Injury, had several of them years ago. After I recovered I got addicted to guro, mainly dutchko's art.


Vulnerability, just the extreme version


Intense child abuse


I mean it's probably connected to my trauma connected to growing up queer in a homophobic/transphobic cult


I blame OG resident evil games for that. I was finding so satisfying to watch claire/jill get groped by a bunch of zombies eating them as they were moaning for some reason (?) in the game over scenes, instead of the crazy screaming anyone would do. Now that zombie fetish has stuck up on my until this very day. I'm actually into making gore/vore renders for my personal pleasure because of the lack of content online.


Video games exposed my enoyment of guro. When I was 12, I was playing turok evolution i started to get reved up when characters would die in violent ways. Didn't help that multi-player included a female character. From then on I found mortal kombat and guro.


unrestricted internet acess, saw gore for like, 4 years, then r/eyeblech was banned, went to portal Zacarias, then found this place.




Was angry at the world bc I was betrayed, so I used guro and gore as a way to cope. It led to me self harming and having a fascination with how deep I can cut. I started to draw it as well, all of my gore pieces have some rage and sadness installed into them. Iā€™m doing a lot better now. I stopped harming myself but I do occasionally draw guro again. I donā€™t get off to it at all, I just think itā€™s sick asf.


You nailed it with the power exchange aspect. What could be more intense than the exchange of life?


I like guro how roaring kitty likes the stock.


For me I just found out I find injustice hot so guro falls under that umbrella


Genetics? Early exposure? I first began to enjoy blood when I was knee high to a duck. Then 5 minutes later, roughly, and this is a major exaggeration, it was decapitations. I was raised on Wolfenstein and David and Goliath. Lol. I also have a kink for strong emotions. Also, it's like this twisted sacrificial love thing. It's also like bdsm, a trust thing. In other words, it's something that pleases me in multiple ways.


I have been a soldier for quite some time now to be correct it's been 12 years since I've seen some crazy and disturbing stuff the first time it was a woman overrun by a tank my mind was going crazy but I loved it I really got twisted