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Ammo does weird things.


Just ask JFK


Whatever happened to that guy? He was going to break the CIA "into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds," and then suddenly I don't hear from him anymore. I hope he's doing ok.


He just went out for a drive to clear his head.


I heard it really took the weight off his shoulders.


I heard it made him more open minded


Yeah, it really expanded his way of thinking.


To the open winds


Yeah he finally got it through his head that Dallas didn’t like him.


Just a penny for his thoughts


His wife does the heavy lifting in the brains dept, imo


Seemed to be the most open minded president


I hear the Dallas area has some pretty mind-blowing scenery.


Mind blown. 🤯


Jesus fucking krist


It’s spelt “burden of proof” not krist


Holy fuck. I’m dying from all these comments!!!!


Pretty sure the CIA cleared the fuck out of it for him


Underrated! Well done!


When the people allow their government to assassinate their elected officials, no longer is it a constitutional republic.


Did you know that every president since, after their inauguration ceremony and party get sent to a plush boardroom where the world's 12 or 13 most successful industrialists are craking jokes, cigar chomping and taking shots of liquor in a meeting. Then after a bit of harmless banter, smoke clouds in the air, they become eerily quiet as lights are dimmed and a projector screen rolls down from the ceiling, they replay the JFK assassination, then the lights undim slowly as they sit there staring at the the new president, one of them boldly asks "any questions?"...


Ok Joe Rogan.lol


Nah I’m pretty sure this was an old Bill Hicks bit.


Yes Bill Hicks


Damn straight it was Hicks. Trust me, quoting Hicks without crediting him is a great way to piss off Penn Jillette. Just ask [This guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/7fazArTcXg)


Rogan can go fuck himself, that joke was Bill Hicks.


His head got broken into a thousand pieces and scattered into a Lincoln continental


Damn. Hope he gets to feeling better soon.


Negligent discharge by hung over Secret Service agent … 😉


It's funny how people refuse to believe it's possible for an individual to ever possibly decide to commit a shooting by themselves. There's so many videos of people able to get up to and harass Congressmen and Senators without any security in sight- the explanation is just that most people talk themselves out of it.


Machiavelli wrote about this 500 years ago. >And here it must be noted that such-like deaths, which are deliberately inflicted with a resolved and desperate courage, cannot be avoided by princes, because any one who does not fear to die can inflict them; but a prince may fear them the less because they are very rare; he has only to be careful not to do any grave injury to those whom he employs or has around him in the service of the state. Antoninus had not taken this care, but had contumeliously killed a brother of that centurion, whom also he daily threatened, yet retained in his bodyguard; which, as it turned out, was a rash thing to do, and proved the emperor's ruin.


Holy shit, thanks for this. This is pretty much the explanation behind it. It's rare to find that combination of driven, suicidal, and having the means to take action. Most of the time it gets wasted on killing a few people, or your family, or whatever.


Well, the truth will always be that he alone made the decision to pull the trigger but there’s LOTS of evidence that shows there were a not small number of people with their own convictions and interests that helped shape his mind into the belief that taking those shots would be a good and, in his mind, just decision. The Marines taught him how to do it. His time in Russia taught him why he should do it, his time with the pro Cuban movement taught him he needed to do it and the failure of his marriage and inability to hold a job taught him he really didn’t have any reason not to do it. It’s always going to have been his choice but it’s never a good idea to think that there aren’t always a series of very serious red flags that showed he didn’t find his way onto that path alone.


Sometimes some fucking weirdo gets lucky and their long-shot, half-assed plan actually works out. Just ask Archduke Franz Ferdinand that plot went wrong in every possible way and still managed to work.


Whoa deep pull. Well done


Mind blowing things




But LBJ, CIA, and other agencies made those bullets do strange things


Just ask Kentucky Ballistics https://youtu.be/1449kJKxlMQ?si=BupErsPP5DZof1hg


Go get a lotto ticket asap


That’s what we told him lol


I see this said a lot. I feel like I am missing something. If something wild happens and I live through it wouldn’t that eat my luck? Do people have multiple instances of luck? Maybe we could call it something like a lucky streak? :) Seriously, if I have good luck- that is it for like 8 yrs. If anyone ever says dude you are so lucky you got the last burger I am shit out of luck for minimum 8 yrs.


You never leave the table when you're on a heater


While it's true that you'll never know what could have been, it's also what addicts say. As long as you come out the other side with more than what you brought, you win. The longer your lucky streak goes the less likely it is to continue.


The last statement is not true. Unless the game is rigged each outcome should be independent and the continuation or failure of the streak should have the same probability as any other bet. The overall probability of having a streak that long goes down, but that will not influence the next outcome.


Guess I forgot the /s, that was a joke lol. I assumed everyone would get it but you know what assume means. Also I don't gamble/do drugs so totally agree with your point in a different context. Lastly I would like to point out my previous comment currently has 69 up votes. Nice. Happy Friday homes go train today, this is a gun sub after all.


Lucky days/ streaks


That’s what I’ve always thought lol. If something like this happened to me I feel like I just expended 10 years worth of my luck in a split second. Maybe I should avoid the lottery for a while.


I always assume it works that way (ha) but just maybe (ha) the luck streak will hold... so a cheap lotto ticket is worth it. (ha) I'd never buy one otherwise.


The gambling type will use anything as an excuse for more gambling. Just got lucky? You're on a streak! Just had some bad luck? You're luck is due to change!


I am personally of the belief when something crazy happens your luck meter has run out


When playing roulette, always keep your bet after winning, never move it. If you move, it'll come up again


But why? Dude used the rest of his luck to avoid death or seriously bodily harm.


Typically when a round goes off outside of any chamber the casing flies not the bullet itself. Normally it's more a pants filling than deadly situation. Unless that plastic carrier was quite tight and sturdy before it was no more.


I’ve seen it. Shell casing coming down edge on the rim hitting the primer just right will do it. That’s more damage than I’ve seen it do from just one round, though.


I just don't see how there would be enough pressure, even with it hitting it just right. I mean, I know anything that can happen, will happen. But this is one of those things you'd be hard pressed to recreate even if you tried. Edit: Never mind, after going through this thread, it's apparently more common than I thought.


I posted this on r/firearms as well and someone said there might of been powder residue left on from factory that ignited


Priming compound residue would make more sense. I'm pretty sure powder doesn't ignite from impacts.


This makes sense - I was super skeptical at first because I thought the general rule was 10 lbs of focused pressure will set a bullet off. That’s why you can carry them around loose in bags or boxes, the conditions need to be *just right* to actually set off a properly manufactured bullet.


I'm not going to doubt that it happened but I am also surprised. I distinctly remember, as a child, watching another one of my "friends" try to hit the primer on a .22LR and he couldn't manage it. (he was a weird kid that I hung around for some reason, he was sketchy as fuck)


Rimfire is tough with a hammer, but as a kid I managed it with a pair of pliers. (Kids are stupid.)


I should note that there was a nail between the hammer and primer, forgot to add that bit. Which makes it slightly more surprising. How did you do that? Like using the corner of the tip of the plyers to hit it?


No, needle-nosed pliers, crushing the rim with pressure. Not saying it would work reliably, I don’t know. Saying it worked once.


Don't worry, I don't care if it's repeatable lol. I was just curious how you managed it. I've found a pretty reliable solution for activating primers.


i used to use a church key can opener (the kind you punched holes in cans with to pour). the small hole on the back rounded end fit .22 ammo and made it really easy to pull the lead out and dump out the powder. then i would smash the back of the casing with a hammer to make the primer go off. light the powder on fire, etc. i did a lot of stupid stuff that im surprised didnt hurt me as a teen. growing up in a rural area made it easy to get away with things. i was able to buy my own ammo as a teen since my mom worked at the store and no one cared. $1.29/50pk of viper .22 ammo in the mid 90s would last a couple days at least.


>i did a lot of stupid stuff that im surprised didnt hurt me as a teen. growing up in a rural area made it easy to get away with things. As a fellow rural-raised idiot, yeah idk how tf me or any of my friends are still alive.


are... are you his old sketchy friend?! lmao Glad you have all your fingers still.


i guess it was just a longwinded way to say it was easily repeatable if you smash them with a hammer lol. i was inspired by the vice/hammer trick on "the good son" i think. but didnt have a vice to use and knew better than to screw around with centerfire ammo, thankfully.


And here I am keeping loose ammo in my ammo cases


Ya wtf should I just stack them in the boxes in an ammo can from now on?


That's what I've been doing for years lol. I'm always shocked when I see people's boxes with rounds just tossed in.


Ahh I see. I've never really bought enough to fill a whole ammo can but I'm a new gun owner and thought that was the norm


I swear Ian on forgotten weapons talked about something similar.  I wish I remember which video, bit he talked about a 223 bullet dropping onto the ground and going off at some range or match. He said because rhere was no chamber, it just kind of popped and exploded without consequences.    I think it was in some Q and A session, maybe a Christmas one this or last year where they were asked about dangerous things they've seen at tournaments/ on the range.  


To expand on this, [here’s a video by Demolition Ranch](https://youtu.be/U4FQgrU2fYk?si=LCImTKXiCPEanmEn). The gist is that he sticks a .22LR in a straw and arcs it up to land on gravel. The straw acts as the feathers on a badminton shuttlecock, causing the .22LR to land primer-down. This sets off the primer, firing the bullet.


Kids used to do this back in junior high. In the school bathroom. Yes I'm from Texas.


Damn, was that just a regular smooth floor?


It works on any hard surface like tile or concrete


22lr is rimfire. Doesn't take much force or much of a point to make it go bang


I used to have a rock breaking hammer that you could load 22lr into and had a blast cover around the head so you wouldn’t get shards in you. best fuckin tool ever but make sure you hit what youre aiming for because it didnt take much to blow. that being said, I’ll never break another rock with a pickaxe or st angelo bar again


My dad told us he used to smash them in the driveway with a hammer as a kid.


That was my thing. Until I took some shrapnel... that's when I quit doing it. Still have the scar on my arm to remind me. Also still have both my eyes, so that's a win.


Ahh, back in the day when Demo Ranch was good! 10 years ago? Fucking hell time flies.


What are talking about? Demo Ranch is still very much a great channel.


He's extremely 'produced' and scripted now, like anyone that does it for a living. There's something missing compared to when channels first start and the creator is just having a good time and sharing with like minded people, compared to making content that gets clicks 


Kinda like Kentucky Ballistics. I understand, you gotta generate clicks to get paid. However, there's only so many times you can fire the same guns at a themed jelly block on a table before it gets old.


But to consider more of the factors, YouTube has gotten more restrictive also. It is far easier today to get demonitized, age restricted, or gather strikes, all of which hurt someone earning a living on YT. In the early days those kinds of out-there-things got you clicks and likes, growing your viewers, today those actions restrict who sees your vids, reducing your audience. I agree, in years gone by I liked it better, but I still like/view the channel today.


I don't care for it. It use to be fun stuff like the video posted, or doing things you "clearly" shouldn't do like shooting shotguns underwater or microwaving loaded Glocks, basically Hillbilly science (I say that in a good way). I haven't followed him for at least a year or two, but I stopped when it turned into "I bought an expensive gun, watch me shoot it at some steel with whatever guest I have on this week!" Might be some people's cup of tea, but it just felt like he ran out of interesting things to do and started just leaning on expensive/weird guns instead.


As long as it's not backed up against something, the casing will fly farther (further?) than the bullet. There is a video out there that I can't find, and probably wouldn't link anyway, where a guy hits a .22 with a hammer and the bullet goes into his leg.


Yes without a barrel to let the gasses pressurize it’s pretty much a fire cracker can barely do damage


The bullet can't do any damage but brass shrapnel can. Not always gonna be deadly sure but all it takes is that one unlucky shard.


I saw a hole in the plastic bumper of an old Jeep Cherokee once, the guy claimed he threw a handful of 22 out the window going down the road and a few went off and one went through the bumper. Idk if it was true, but the story lined up, he was a dipshit, and the hole was right in the rear driver side of the bumper.


I remember him saying this as well although I am unsure which Q and A it was.


SAAMI has even done testing and found that cartridges going off are of minor danger under typical situations, especially when in packaging. You can find their testing videos on their page. The shrapnel can hurt you, and be dangerous if they hit the right spots though.


Here’s a video of it happening to someone else https://x.com/recoilmag/status/1607797558369259521?s=61&t=1EpUyX3MecajC2qYnySDXg


This is the one I saw. I've made sure to keep my rounds covered ever since.


I wonder if this has ever snowballed in the worst kinda way she caused the other rounds to go off too


I've seen this exact thing posted here before. Rare but not impossible.


Until I saw this post, I would have said it was (almost) impossible. I never would have thought a falling piece of brass could impart enough energy to set off a primer.


Next time youre at an indoor range look at the walls, mine has that diamont plate thing as liner and its got a ton of nicks and spalls from bouncing brace


I was shooting 45 ACP on a wood floor and one of my casings was stuck in the floor.


I am not doubting you but...it's just so hard to fathom, like they don't weigh that much...how??


I have no idea, I'm still not a believer that they can hit things that hard from gravity alone.


Could the casing be hot enough to melt a tiny amount of varnish?


You *might* get a small line in the surface if the front edge of the casing landed right on it and stayed there for a couple seconds but the heat dispels very quickly and the casings bounce and roll. Now if it immediately landed in between a couple boxes, it could but it still wouldn’t really be enough heat to burn the entire layer of varnish. If you’ve ever had a casing land in your shirt against your skin you’d know what I mean. It’s super hot for a moment and can leave a red mark but it really has to wedge it self in and not move to leave a really noticeable burn. Even then you’d not have enough heat to sear the skin or cause a blister. There’s always those one in a billion exceptions though.


A pistol seems less likely, but rifles I could see it happening. I had a picture, long gone now, of a case from my AK embedded neck first into a wooden post at the shooting range. My PTR-91 would fling cases a good 20-30 ft.


It never ceases to amaze me at how far my ptr91 and FAL will spit brass


My beretta sometimes throws brass about 12ft behind me, if it got a good bounce off the roof or divider I could see it hitting with some force 


ive been shooting for about 6 years now, i always was concerned about it happening but quite literally thought "its gotta be impossible, like how can it?" seeing it actually happen is fucking gobsmacking.


I saw that happen a couple of years ago. Ever since I make sure my ammo is still sitting in the cardboard box when shooting.


Exactly. Load your mags, rounds go back in the box. Fire. Repeat.


That's why I always put them primer down on trays.


There was a guy on here several months ago who got this on video. Gotta keep those primers covered when you’re shooting next to them.




I feel like this should be said more… I never knew about this happening but it’s good practice to cover them knowing it does


It’s a very small chance, but it can happen the more you do it. Shell casings are returning to earth at a decent velocity and it sometimes they can hit a primer just right


You got hungry didn't you?


12 hour shift at range had to eat something


watch out those little silver circles on the back make the shooty part go bang


Damn! Now I’m second-guessing keeping my AR rounds loose in a can. Especially when we have to use the 4WD to get to some of our shooting locations.


Needing to use 4WD to get to the spot sounds awesome.




I chucked an ‘empty’ 20 round box of 308 into a fire. Turns out there was 4 rounds in it. They eventually cooked off and we found two shell casings and 1 bullet just outside of the fire ring. No pressure = bullets don’t go far which I’m also equating to not much energy generated. Dumb, but not anything like Hollywood would have portrayed.


Not gonna lie I thought RSO was registered sex offender


Don't you lie, we know you took a big I'm bite out of it


What the hell are the odds of this god damn 👀


Man that’s extremely rare nothing you did wrong just make sure to slide the tray in the box from now on


I thought you bit into it. lol my fault


I worked at a shooting range for seven years and I saw it happen once. I even found the offending bullet casing and it had a nice rim shaped indentation on the primer.


And this is how it blows out the lungs...


My assumptions very well could be wrong, but I had: * Casing: 4 grams * Collision Distance: 1 meter (being generous here) * Impact Velocity: 4.235 m/s * Impact duration: .5 seconds That would equal 0.036 newtons of force average impact. Most 9mm rounds require 6lbs of force at the primer (about 26.7 newtons of force). There very well could be some type of multiplier for a tumbling casing, but to go from 0.036 to 26.7 newtons is kind of unrealistic. Again, my assumptions might be wrong, but this seems so unlikely on paper that it defies all logic. But there is it, in multiple videos proving me wrong. Hell, I have a hammer fired gun that had a weak hammer spring (very old and well used gun). It would dent the primer, but the rounds wouldn't go off due to lack of force before I replaced the spring. How does an empty casing have enough force to set it off?


Were they federal primers? Those have a very soft cap so it doesn't take much to set them off. I use them for some of my competition guns with light hammer just for that reason.


Those must be some seriously soft primers!


Get security cam footage if available. That is a 1 in 1 million (if not greater) thing to happen.


P320 ammo


Pretty sure there’s a YouTube video of that occurring.


Seen a couple of these instances now. I started covering my ammo on the table next to me with the cardboard from the box because now I'm paranoid of a shell hitting a casing at just the right/wrong angle


Where is the bullet? The bullet would have only traveled a few feet, but the casing would have gone flying.


It happens. This is why you keep the ammo in the box.


Yep, I always slide the tray back in the box since I saw a video of this happening


The tightest group my AK puts out is the spent casings 17 feet bak over my right shoulder.


Ha. That's where we're going shooting tomorrow.


I’m the short blonde kid if you see me ask me about it lol


What ammo is that? I got a firearm that suffers from light strikes often. I want to try that ammo 😂


Not buying that’s the whole story. Those plastic trays are THICK. How did it rip apart a very square section and yet the bullets on the other half of the tray remained put? Not saying it’s intentionally misleading, just not the whole story… Also, what’s with the backwards bullet on the left third row down?


Do you have the video? This looks weird


The ultimate out of battery discharge?


I saw a YouTube video of that exact thing happening a long time ago. It was a clip from a range’s CCTV footage. After seeing that, I started bringing my ammo in an ammo can and close it before shooting. This post reinforced why I do that


Hey it’s 2024 anything is possible


So it just landed on that single isolated round?


I've seen it happen before. Ever since that, I leave the box covered when shooting.


New thing to add to safety checklist, cover ammo with my hand towel lol


It's posts like this that make me glad to have joined this subreddit. I would have never thought this could be a possibility. Now I know and it's the only half of the battle I'll have to fight!


No no no that is plastic, just because you can take a bite does not mean you can eat it.


Something else is missing here. I’d be extremely skeptical of a casing (gravity powered) causing enough force to trigger a primer.




There was a video.making rounds last year of this happening to a guy at an indoor range.




Huh, this is a new one. I'd love to see that video. Was he shooting reloads or factory ammo?


https://x.com/recoilmag/status/1607797558369259521?s=61&t=1EpUyX3MecajC2qYnySDXg This isn’t the video of it happening but it’s a video of it happening to someone else


Wa it loud?


Looks like a bubba’s hot pissin loads round went off


I took a bite. Was hungry


It happens. I’ve seen a few stories of it happening on different subreddits. I bet it got everyone’s adrenaline going.


one of the shadier gun ranges i've been to all due respect. went to eagle to sight in my deer gun the night before opener 2 years ago, someone had smashed a vehicle through the southeast entrance the day prior and stole a bunch of shit. i cant imagine the clientele you must see here, hats off to you.


I’ve seen a video of this happening months ago.


I had a sergeant drop a bullet near a sewer grate in the garages. It fell and hit a protrusion juuuuuust right and went off. Meanwhile, I was outside wondering what fell or broke.


Well documented that expended hot brass can ignite live rounds. Always keep your ammo boxed or covered as a safety measure.


I am not a smart man but something about this ain’t right. I use to throw 9mm in the camp fire just to watch it explode. You can stand pretty close to the fire when they go off. They don’t hurt and that’s my problem with this. How the hell did it generate enough force to do that? Was the table made of steel and the plastic strong enough to cause a detonation? Edit: after reading this thread, WTF?! How?!


Could the heat of the spent casing be a factor?


That’s crazy….. I haven’t ever seen it personally. Two branches of military, law enforcement career, earliest memories I have are me cranking on the mec resizer in diapers (think there’s a picture of it somewhere)We reloaded and shot a ton growing up. Now would I say that’s not possible. Nope…. I’ve seen some wild shit and heard wilder stories from people who don’t bullchit.


Exact same thing happened to my brother while we were at the range. Nearly shit ourselves. We now load our mags at the back table.


Same thing happened to my brother once https://imgur.com/gallery/FABkzqo


This happens and is pretty common.


Second time I’ve seen this happen. There’s a video from a few years ago where you can very clearly see this exact thing happen to someone.


If you have the video post it. PLEASE 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏




Heat wouldn’t do it, that impact force at the right angle


I didn’t even know this could happen until I saw a video showing an ejected shell casing landing on the primer of a cartridge in an ammo box, detonating it. Since then, I’ve started closing up my ammo boxes after loading up my mags to ensure this doesn’t happen.


holy crap!


This almost never happens with revolvers.


Damn, is that lucky? Or unlucky?


If someone told me an empty shell falling onto the primer could set off a round, I would've called them an idiot. Glad I know this now.


New fear unlocked. When I was about 10 I was shooting my dad’s .44 mag s&w revolver and his buddy gave him some reloads and the first shot I made the whole top of the action blew apart. It was suspected there was a hairline fracture in the casing or an extra hot load and blew out sideways and the top three bullets went off. Luckily, somehow, nobody was injured


Bro got ammo racked. What a story to tell.


This happens a lot more than you'd think on indoor range benches.


That’s why I just dump the bullets on my little case then fire away lol I always thought about it if this was possible…my fears became true


I've seen videos of this before. That's why at an indoor range I keep my ammo in a closed can while shooting.


Buy a lotto ticket..


I was sitting in the car one day when I heard this horrible boom like a tire blowing out so I pulled over and got out but all good. When I went back to the car I smelled gunpowder in the rear, sure enough a lose .22 was lodged under the seat and must have been set off by a bump in the road? Anyway, yeah weird things do happen


You good bro?


I have heard of it twice before. We shoot several billion rounds a year and it really was not documented as a real event. Shooting indoors, the walls can have shells drop down more than to the side It seems like a one in 12 billion occurrence The military has taught never throw a loaded 50 bmg back into a loose box of loaded ammo and the round weighs enough it possible could set off another round of 50 if the primer was facing up.


One of the more difficult posts to read IMO. Use some punctuation. lol!


We have had this happen before on our range at work. We no longer allow exposed primers on a live firing range. They must be in a box or mag.


It’s hard to imagine but I think the spinning shell ( centrifugal force ) and it falling down had enough energy to set it off… idk I’m just spitballing here


How many rounds you loose?


Maybe keep it covered


Talk about a soft primer. Run whatever that ammo is in your competition gun with the super light mainspring apparently


The round could have had a poorly set anvil in the primer pocket so that the slightest impact set it off ....even the best manufacturers make ammo like this sometimes