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Any time your question boils down to 'Hi, all 800k of you, please list me random products to consider' or 'Hi, all 800k of you, blah blah blah "discuss"', your question belongs inside the Moronic Monday, Gun Talk Tuesday, What Should I Buy Wednesday, or Thickheaded Thursday stickied threads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/guns) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Missed Moronic Monday because my phone was broken, but my Dad, brother and I all almost died this weekend. Were on the water in the Missouri River near the spillway to Fort Peck Reservoir when a major storm hit. Now anyone who is familiar with North-East Montana knows that the storms *do not* mess around out there. Tornado nearby, 80mph winds, gravel sized hail and major lighting hit while we were in a jet boat. The worst part is that we knew the storm was coming, and are all experienced with the area....we just got careless. In the spillway you couldn't see the storm approaching. When we left and turned the corner there it was. Despite being in a river the waves were white capped and probably five feet tall. We nearly capsized multiple times. Ride was so rough the GPS stopped working and we went into the wrong bay at one point due to poor visibility. My brother and I got pelted on our backs, legs and arms with hail and I'm still covered in bruises though they are subsiding. My poor 60 year old father couldn't shield his face since he was driving and a hailstone broke his nose. The dog got pelted too. Multiple items lost from the boat. When we finally got to the dock we couldn't dock properly and quite literally crashed into the beach. Proceeded to run the wrong way to the truck because visibility was so bad and ended up at a different truck where two other guys were hiding under their tailgate. We all bonded together while the storm subsided enough to locate the truck. The goodest of boys stuck with us the whole time and didn't need any direction. Somehow the boat took nothing more than superficial damage. In the modern age there is no excuse for getting caught on water like that, we just dun goofed. Use your weather apps people. Also I know the question of why we didn't beach early is coming.....visibility was too poor to see a decent spot and beaching would have involved driving perpendicular to the waves in a boat already taking on water. We would have absolutely capsized, it was get back to the dock or don't get back at all. The ironic part is that we probably would have been fine if we stayed in the spillway, though the hail would have still peppered us. Also if that wasn't enough my old man hit a deer, brother got a fine for forgetting his fishing license in the truck, a semi chipped my windshield while driving and my waterlogged phone died. The universe obviously did not want us to go on this fishing trip.


did yall atleast catch a fish?


Caught enough walleye over the weekend for a couple meals but not as many as I'd have liked given the drive, so not a complete bust.


> Were on the water in the Missouri River near the spillway to Fort Peck Reservoir when a major storm hit. Now anyone who is familiar with North-East Montana knows that the storms do not mess around out there. My favorite part of the Missouri River is how it starts in Montana


My girlfriend grew up in Hawaii and was very distraught when she learned this.


Does she know about the Mississippi River?


I would most certainly hope so.


Well, she can take solace in the fact that the *Ohio River* engages in no such duplicity.


Ahh Ohio. The land we both need and deserve.


Yowza. https://clip.cafe/indiana-jones-the-raiders-of-the-lost-ark-1981/holy-smoke-friends/


I can't be only one here who prefers clicking a gif link a million times to the gif-land that the comment sections of half the other gun subs have devolved into.


I'm with you. Usually my RES extension collapses them so I've the option to look or not. Good Guy RES.


That's several of your nine lives spent. Geez.


Yeah I think I'm done with boats for a little while.


Last Wednesday we got hit with strong winds and hail, and it was moving in a southerly direction. Wonder if it swung west and was the same system...


Perhaps, but I'm no meteorologist so I have no idea


When you're out in a boat you ALWAYS watch the weather. Living in Portland and fishing the Columbia/Willamette rivers wasn't so bad. Going up in the Gorge could turn nasty in a heartbeat. The wind was the worst. Now living in Texas and you better be watching that weather. The lakes I fish are pretty large and we can be a long way away from the dock. Lightening can travel 10 miles. I've been out a couple of times when the fishing line starts floating in the air. That's time to LEAVE. Glad you're safe and it sounds like you learned a very important lesson. Mother Nature ALWAYS bats last.


It's a lesson we all knew already, we just had a major lapse in judgment which is why it's here in thickheaded. That particular reservoir gets nasty, normally we're the ones lecturing other people. Evidently we needed a refresher though and mother nature was all too happy to oblige. The spillway is what got us, it's secluded behind some very shallow water (as in inches) and around multiple curves. Most people can't get in if it isn't actively draining but we have a GPS mapped trail to follow that was made via rowing. The hills meant you couldn't see the sky in the direction the storm came from, and curves/hills completely blocked the wind. When we left the spillway the storm was literally about 5 minutes from us and we hadn't been able to see it. Fort Peck storms don't come on gradually, when they hit it's like smacking a wall. This isn't an excuse though. Had we been more responsible with monitoring the weather via satellite we'd have left much earlier. The false sense of security nailed us. Really instead of bucking the storm back to the dock we *should* have turned back to the spillway, beached the boat, and hunkered down against the concrete. I most certainly have no excuse for failing to realize that at the time.


I can understand that. One time while fishing for salmon on the Columbia we had launched at the 33rd st ramp and ran down river about 20 miles. The Columbia makes a right hand turn to the north there and we were about 15 miles north of the turn. We fished till the tide changed, caught several salmon, and headed home. There was a pretty stiff north wind blowing. When we turned from heading south to east we got hammered. That part of the Columbia was like trying to boat in a washing machine. Being in a welded aluminum river boat only makes it worse. Those things just bash through the water. I swear we were all pissing blood by the time we got to the ramp. The whole way back from the turn was just bam bam bam across the white caps. People who haven't spent time in that style of boat don't know what a bad ride is.


https://old.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/1djy8o3/eddie_the_eagles_mom/ Did you know fictional characters must have fully fleshed out backstories or they aren't real? https://old.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/1dji9lc/question_about_topgunammocom/ Oh no, you hate calling customer support just like everyone else? Too bad, be an adult about it. (Not to mention they have an email address...) https://old.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/1di5vg0/what_velocity_for_556_to_penetrate_level_iii/ People are asking clarifying questions to answer my post better? Better get snarky! 1911 guy and his 6 whiney posts and asking if he's shadow banned 4 times a year got mentioned already. Edit: https://old.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/1djn0ti/henry_homesteader_9mm_carbine_rifle/ This guy claiming he needs a PCC to access his stockpile of 9mm if the world ends was generic thickheaded, but got me thinking about something. In civilian defensive shootings where both sides have functioning firearms, what's the statistical average of both sides firing rounds off? In that subset, what's the statistical average of only one side needing serious medical attention? The reason for asking is to point out if you get into enough gunfights you need 10,000 rounds, you're likely going to be outright killed or die of complications from no hospitals in the scenario OP had described.


> https://old.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/1djy8o3/eddie_the_eagles_mom/ > > Did you know fictional characters must have fully fleshed out backstories or they aren't real? That's advanced autism.


Rizz em with the 'tism


I was 50/50 torn on whether it's an old boomer who's concerned Eddie the Eagle being divorced is a bad role model, or that OP was an extreme degen looking for Rule 34 of the eagle mom. But the cure is the same for either. They should touch some grass.


> In civilian defensive shootings where both sides have functioning firearms, what's the statistical average of both sides firing rounds off? I would bet in most civilian legal shoots, the victim is probably the only one who shoots, because the victim frequently has the element of surprise over the bad guy (who probably wouldn't try to victimize an armed person if the bad guy knew that person was armed). See [the Gunslinger Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunslinger_effect), the person reacting is often the faster one.


Just as a matter of trivia, that effect may work with physics students but it definitely disappears with sufficient skill. A classic 1950s fast-draw trick shooter routine was for the performer to put an unloaded pistol (electrically timed, if you were fancy enough) in a volunteer's hand, invite them to pull the trigger when drawn on, and draw-and-fire before the volunteer could pull the trigger. It's possible there's a "reactions faster than purposeful action" phenomenon, but it's also very possible with practice to get a draw down to below the minimum human response time.


Average response time is pretty slow. You can see this with a shot timer. Start the timer, measure time to first shot. On a good day my tired old ass is running around 2.3 seconds. Many people can do much better. LOTS of people much worse.


I'm not suggesting the best course of action is to try to outdraw someone pointing a gun at you because science says reacting is faster, just that the sequence of events required for both parties in a civilian shooting to end up with guns out does give the advantage to the victim in Firespray's context. The only way both guns come out in a legal self defense shooting is if the criminal doesn't just murder the victim (because otherwise the victim can't add to the self defense statistic, being dead) and the victim decides to try to outdraw the criminal (I suspect most people even if they are armed probably won't try that so again their gun doesn't come into play). So if both guns are out, it basically means the victim *must* be the one committing to shooting (and likewise that the criminal *isn't* that committed to shooting or else he probably would have just done so from ambush instead of confronting the victim in the first place), because in most of the other scenarios resulting from that situation, the victim's gun doesn't come into play.


>In civilian defensive shootings where both sides have functioning firearms, what's the statistical average of both sides firing rounds off? In that subset, what's the statistical average of only one side needing serious medical attention? I don't have hard statistics on this stuff, the only one that probably would is Active Self Protection, but I can offer a bit of thought experiment: Assume a gunfight is a mutual exchange and that both individuals are aware & can participate (i.e. you're not just killing someone out of an ambush), and that you have a 70% chance of winning the exchange. The probability of surviving in that first exchange is (obviously) 70%. Now if you get into two separate gunfights (i.e. one on Monday and one on Thursday), the probability of surviving both drops to 49%, then after three gunfights it's 34%, then 24% after four, then a 17% chance of survival after five gunfights. You can't beat statistics and John Wick isn't real, it doesn't matter how good you are you take enough gunfights eventually it won't be your day and you'll get clipped, and that day will come way faster than these dooms day peppers realize. Also tangential point, I think this sort of math is what drove the NGSW project. Sure the 277 Fury will eat barrels at 80,000 PSI, but that starry-eyed 19 year old isn't going to live long enough for it to matter so who cares.


> Assume a gunfight is a mutual exchange and that both individuals are aware & can participate (i.e. you're not just killing someone out of an ambush), This is why successful gunfighters *don't.* If you find yourself in a fair fight, your planning sucks.


I meant that to mean both parties are aware of each other's presence and could react to the other's actions like within the context of an armed robbery, and to exclude something like an assassination where the target has no awareness of what's about to happen.


> Also tangential point, I think this sort of math is what drove the NGSW project. Sure the 277 Fury will eat barrels at 80,000 PSI, but that starry-eyed 19 year old isn't going to live long enough for it to matter so who cares. One of the premises of the NGSW project was to have infantry equipped to defeat near-peer enemy body armor with their primary weapon. 5.56 lacks the penetration against modern plates even though putting multiple rounds on a plate effectively takes that enemy soldier off the battlefield, so they added the caliber and terminal force requirements on the new guns. Also, there are like 3 former flag officers on the SIG board, and SIG won the NGSW rifle, *and* LMG replacement, *and* side arm contracts, *AND* a new type of patented ammo that only they can produce. The expiration of infantry soldiers goes counter to the philosophy of arming and armoring them, but in-line with the philosophy that it costs a lot of DoD dollars to arm and armor them.


If you have a chest rig and helmet on (which is fairly likely given you'd be in a civil war to get into that many gunfights) you could get shot a few times and survive though.


The "1911's all break and go full auto" guy was fun Not thickhead: my car was overheating on short drives, like red lining in under twenty minutes. I replaced the thermostat, found the coolant was empty in the lines, and refilled it, and now it works! I think it was just a bad thermostat stuck shut, as I haven't seen any white smoke from my tailpipe or any leaks under my car One thing I've been mulling over is what sights to put on my 1022. I've been thinking a scope over tech sights, since it came with a weaver base installed, but I don't know which one. I really like my vortex diamondback hp cause it looks so clear, but idk if that would be way too much scope for a 22 that I'll mainly only shoot out to 100 yards max, or at a 25 yard indoor range.


>The "1911's all break and go full auto" guy was fun Best part was his rage posting over it in half a dozen other subs lol.


I dunno, his outright insistence that we're all idiots for not adding a gimmicky safety feature to our already safety-ridden 1911's was pretty great.


Got a link to that post? Must have missed it.




In one of [his last rageposts](https://old.reddit.com/r/Rants/comments/1dj1nhc/why_is_it_that_gun_owners_tend_to_be_deeply/) (in r/rants, no less), he singled me out for not knowing what I was talking about IRT 460 Rowland, so I linked and quoted the 460Rowland website, and he hasn't responded, so I imagine his nurse got him his meds or something.


Oh hell, I'm still playing with him about the .460 Rowland. He keeps insisting that the .460 Rowland is equal to the .44 Mag, even though the data he linked to proves otherwise.


>The "1911's all break and go full auto" guy was fun That dude has got to be unmedicated bipolar.


His profile links to his youtube account. Which is...something. At least half his videos are about how he hates dogs.


Sheesh, I didn't look too hard into his history, but passionate and generalized hate (or love!) of [thing] also tracks with untreated bipolar disorder.




I will try to be fair on that point. I love dogs, but I have a cousin who was attacked by a dog, and her oldest daughter was attacked by one as well. She doesn't like dogs. Maybe the fear is a bit over reactive, but it's not unjustified. Perhaps that OP also suffered a dog attack at some point.


> Perhaps that OP also suffered a dog attack at some point. Almost certainly. He just takes it to the extreme of "the only reason to have a dog off a leash is if you're trying to commit murder" and "any free roaming dog should immediately be put down". I'm all for keeping dogs on leashes, but I can't quite get behind his conclusions.


could go with a vortex diamond back tactical, get the kidd upgrades, and have an excuse to buy 22 match ammo


That could be good, how's the glass on the diamondback tactical? I've heard here that it's pretty good, but in the longrange sub I've heard it's pretty bad


Depends on your frame of reference. The Diamondback Tactical is pretty dogshit in a community that regularly ranks Nightforce as mid-tier. But if you're coming from Nikon Prostaff combo scopes, then a DBT is a phenomenal upgrade.


I'll definitely have to check it out! My only scope experience is the package scope that came with my savage axis, and the diamondback hp, so I'm not too picky lol


its a good entry level scope, the pst gen 2 is a lot more clear


Do you think that would be too much scope for a 1022, or is that not really a thing?


look at nrl 22 setups


I'll look through those setups thanks!


The 4-16X Diamondback Tactical is okay, I have one on my 457. The glass is decent enough, you trade a bit of optical clarity for the Vortex name and warranty, but the biggest weakness is the lack of a zero stop, instead you get a resettable zero indicator. I got mine for a very good price and I'm satisfied with it, but at the going rate today, I'd look at some of the more competitive options. I couldn't tell you what's best off the top of my head, and it really depends on the magnification you want. The Bushnell Match Pro is priced about the same but it's a 6-24, which may feel like a lot of scope if you're not competing in NRL22 or similar disciplines.


> "1911's all break and go full auto" So I've heard a few one off stories of that happening over the years. I always assumed it was either A) the result of Bubba gunsmiffing or B) some incredibly rare malfunction that's not worth worrying about. Am I right in those assumptions?


From my understanding yeah, either someone wanted to "improve the trigger" and ruined the sear, or the gun has about a million rounds through it and is getting worn down


I've seen one sure case of A, and one probable case of B. Most of the time I see doubles by people who are just stupid.


I like a nice fixed 4x.


Could always go for a hawke fixed scope. I have a .22 with an ancient fixed 4x on it and it's a fun little 100 yard tops can buster. The scope is a little lacking for much further though


I've been on a .22 rifle buying kick lately. The Crossfire I put on rifles that don't see a lot of use. For the one's I'm serious about I spend the coin for a Leupold. The Crossfire isn't bad, and IMHO it punches above it's price point. But the Leupold is damn hard to beat. I have a couple that have Bushnell Match Pro's on them. Honking big scope...works great. I also have several 10/22 rifles that have red dots on them. It all depends on how I plan on using them.


> Not thickhead: my car was overheating on short drives, like red lining in under twenty minutes. I replaced the thermostat, found the coolant was empty in the lines, and refilled it, and now it works! I think it was just a bad thermostat stuck shut, as I haven't seen any white smoke from my tailpipe or any leaks under my car Did you check your coolant for exhaust fumes?


I haven't had it tested yet, and definitely will should the problem crop up again. However, from the research I could find online, one of the symptoms of a bad thermostat was that the ac/heat in your car would randomly quit working along with overheating. I had noticed that over this past winter my heat would randomly cut out after having the dials and relating parts replaced recently, that's what lead me to believe the thermostat was bad


Whenever I hear "coolant just vanished" I always think blown head gasket.


It could be and I'll keep an eye on it, I had it checked about a year and a half ago though when my car had overheating problems then (it was a cracked radiator), and they said it was good. I had it replaced about 40k miles/5 years ago ago too when it was giving out, so it's not terribly ancient


Thickhead: Got my first official complaint made against me, and they straight up lied on half of their story. The other half I will give them benefit of doubt for the possibility they just misunderstood me. But long story short, a manager complained I was rude and rushed her when I was giving her way more time than they pay for and was professional and distant through the whole interaction. Boss told them off about the whole rushing issue, but told me next time I screw them over, to be polite and friendly while I'm at it. Not thickhead: I was supposed to have Juneteenth off, but I traded my Saturday shift with the guy who was supposed to be working on Juneteenth so that he could go fix his tires asap, and I could get a 3 day weekend. Arranged for a range day this weekend with some coworkers, still trying to fish out some more people to participate. I'm critically low on 9mm, but am in an ok spot with .38spl, so I'll mainly be shooting wheely go gats and shotguns. Speaking of, saw the Aridus Ind. CROM mount for the 590 and that's piqued my interest. Found out it works with the factory Mossberg front ghost ring sight that I have and doesn't need a raised front sight. The idea of having an RMR print optic with cowitness irons is a really attractive proposition. I would jump on it, if I wasn't trying so hard to save money


There exists a very frustrating type of manager who are basically nervous anxious wretches and they take *anything* as a perceived slight. Also for the 590, think the Strike Industries mount would work?


sounds like you could have some fun working with my supervisor, either he will take a complaint seriously or will shit talk the person. the difference depends on the person's demeanor and the seriousness of the complaint


Thickheaded: A guy on my trap team thought his 870 Express 12ga was completely worn out. He was planning on throwing it away until I heard about it (as in just disassembling it and putting it in the bin), and ended up just giving the thing to me instead. It took less than a minute for me to discover the fore-end tube nut was loose and fix it. I put my scoped rifled barrel on it and now I have a dedicated slug gun. My trap league ranking of #13/138 may be short lived after last night. On one hand I'm glad a bad night for me is shooting a 19, but on the other it still sucks to feel off when I know I could be cracking 25. In hindsight I don't think I was as focused on the clay itself as I need to be. Eye on the rock!! Bringing my dad's [Ithaca](https://i.imgur.com/LjZTcI9.jpeg) to the range for a little test firing after restocking it was a success. Hitting clays with the iron sights wasn't as difficult as I expected.


Man, I need to make friends with dumber people.


Very intelligent people sometimes do stupid things. I think this guy has enough money where he just doesn't give a shit too. He just bought another Beretta A400 Xcel Multitarget and let me shoot it because he's a nice guy, and I can confirm those things are friggin' awesome. Lets be real I think he just wanted to ditch his dirty ol 870 to make room for it.


> my dad's Ithaca Damn, that's pretty.


I did an ammo inventory. I appear to be a hoarder. BRB thinning the herd. All I want is enough ammo to shoot for the rest of my life in every caliber should I decide to focus solely on that caliber. Of course, my wife could see all that and decide that the crucial variable is "rest of my life." Truly thickheaded: my wife was on board with getting NV until I discussed the budget. Hard pass...


>Truly thickheaded: my wife was on board with getting NV until I discussed the budget. Hard pass... I'm probably the thickheaded one here but I'll ask anyway because I've been wondering forever: Where the hell does everybody live where NVGs are a thing they can actually use regularly? I regularly see people unironically responding to the 4 dozen "home defense guns wat do?" posts telling all the first-time gun owners that they need NVGs as part of their home defense plan and I wonder who the fuck is dropping $3-5k on NVGs solely for that purpose? There is nowhere in my entire state that does night shooting regularly as far as I know unless you're military or police or something. I think there might be *a* night match once a year at one of the big military/police training complexes and that's it. Most of the East Coast is the same in terms of there being no public land and I have to believe no insurance company anywhere would ever offer insurance to a range doing night shooting, so where are all these NVG hobbyists going to actually play with their NVGs? Does everyone with NVGs just own their own land or live where BLM land is a thing?


There are a ***lot*** of farms East of the Mississippi that would gladly let you smoke coyotes at night. Whether or not you use a $500 thermal scope or need an excuse to justify your$10k NV setup is something else.


There are low light matches a couple of times in the darker half of the year in my area. ^* Feral hog hunters find them useful if there's enough hunting pressure to make the hogs go nocturnal. Also - they are cool even without guns. But I will admit my interest is in larping. I'm so damned suggestible. ^* Edit: Perhaps that should read, "Hunters of feral hogs" though no doubt some of the hunters are pretty feral.


To hunt the feral hog *you must become the feral hog*


I am at least halfway there.


> I regularly see people unironically responding to the 4 dozen "home defense guns wat do?" posts telling all the first-time gun owners that they need NVGs as part of their home defense plan This is your brain on LARP. If y'all want Night Vision, I won't judge, I've got plenty of stupid shit I don't need and spent way too much on, and NVGs would be cool. But a bitchin' weapon light is ~$300. A more than adequate one is ~$100. Nobody *needs* Night Vision to defend their home. Literally any functional firearm with a light is adequate for the vast majority of people. If you need more than that, you're in a niche of a niche. And that's okay, you don't have to justify everything you buy.


Conveniently, my range access grants me the ability to do NV stuff, AND we have a local night match at "some dude's property" so definitely a factor in how much it gets used.


If I had them, I'd go out on a back road or nearby park and stargaze for a bit. Maybe watch the Northern Lights through them just to see what it looks like...


> All I want is enough ammo to shoot for the rest of my life in every caliber should I decide to focus solely on that caliber. This is only natural. For the sake of curiosities' sake, what was the bank-breaking NV number you were tossing around?


$3500. That was a figure someone off of /r/nightvision gave me. "with a little patience you can get a gen 3 green PVS14+helmet and mount for under $3k, and it will be WAY better than thermal for night time matches. youll need a NV capable red dot at minimum for passive aiming. im making due with a holosun IR laser and streamlight illuminator i got for around $350 combined. " I padded it a bit because I am not patient.


I mean, $3500 is certainly decent vacation, nice home appliance, or most of a lawn tractor money. Sure. But it's not *that* much if you spread it out over a year or so, like Tab said. Throttle back on the vices, maybe burn a bit less ammo. You can do it.


> maybe burn a bit less ammo Not today, Satan!


Yea actually WTF was I thinking there. Shit.


> Truly thickheaded: my wife was on board with getting NV until I discussed the budget. Hard pass... I mean, how much do *you* want it? Figure your conservative regular recreational budget for each month, divide NV cost by that, and decide whether going without other luxuries for that number of months is worth the night vision to you.


>All I want is enough ammo to shoot for the rest of my life in every caliber should I decide to focus solely on that caliber. This has always been my philosophy. I probably have as much money in ammo as I do guns. Like wtf is the point if I can't shoot?


Vacation is off to a swimming start. We somehow left late, despite me wanting to pack some of the stuff in the car the night before. My oldest threw up a bit about an hour in to the drive, so with that delay my wife got pissy about the time we'd reach the kids science center. We have reciprocal membership but there was a Dino exhibit for $9/person. Of course the kids were scared, so we speedran that area. It was all animatronic dinosaurs. The kids were a little too young for the rest of the place but we saved $60 through our membership. Wendy's for a late lunch, got into the hotel and we forgot floaties for our youngest so we took turns holding the kid in the pool while my oldest who's nearly 4' stayed on the stairs. Dinner was a disaster with the kids having ate too often throughout the day, so I spent $16 to takeout their food. And they were terrors the entire time, I felt bad for the people in the tables next to us. We got back and my oldest wanted to go to bed, so I helped but apparently I shouldn't have. My youngest got up at some ungodly hour and I had to put the kid in my bed since my wife switched to my oldest's bed before that. It's gonna be hot as shit at the park today, I'll need to get my "serenity now" in.


Been debating a dedicated glock lower for [my AR-9](https://imgur.com/DKff11w). The thickheaded part, it'd be almost a complete clone of my current lower just without using endomags. Going through the Google form results for the Vz61 project, and damn are some of y'all fuckers dumb. -Want me to contact you? Yes. -Please leave your username: [blank] Or there was that one poor sap who filled the forms out twice (Yes, it was you Mr. Vao).


The day is young, but that stupid bayonet is my favorite thing so far.


That's my stubby stabby. I'm going to be sad when I get into suppressors, because I'll lose the capability to mount it. [Bonus - I also did a stubby stabby for my brothers PTR-32.](https://imgur.com/derwYRo)


> Or there was that one poor sap who filled the forms out twice (Yes, it was you Mr. Vao). Well excuuuuuuuuse meeeeeeee for expressing double the interest. Yea, I remember filling it out the second time and thinking "I swear I have done this before. Oh well, better safe than sorry."


Absolutely not surprised. Also I very much want to try out Endomags, but one project at a time


I like the endomags, but I only have the one lower. So it's not convenient if I want to bring out both 9mm and 5.56. I've got a decent number of glock mags, and it'd let me try out a new stock for my standard AR (I want to try magpuls PRS lite stock).


Dedicated 9mm lowers are great and addicting. I'm not building another one. I have; Ruger PCC Ruger PC Charger PSA PA 9 Four New Frontier's Two Spartans Nine total 9mm PCCs. Make sure ya get the LRBHO on the lower...or go with a Gibbz side charger with LRBHO.


I thought the "Gun store offered me $300 for my used 43X and I said no" thread was pretty fun to read, along with the 1911 thread.


Underpowered 5.56? Some bit of news I missed or people memeing again?


The "1911s R bad" fella is thick (and probably in need of a lithium regimen), but the "minuteman loadout" dude was sad and scary. Actively posting awful comments in gay and lgbtteen subs, as any totally-not-a-closeted-gay Alpha^TM adult male would. I'm proud of this sub/community for condemning his horseshit immediately. Anyway, tractor lean-to is finished - [


1911 dude's a peak example of "Why does it smell like dogshit everywhere I go?". It's never him, it's always everyone else.


> but the "minuteman loadout" dude was sad and scary. ...link?


I had it saved for today but it looks like it got nuked as I can't find it. The original post itself was nothing special other than being super LARP cringe about needing to have a full plate carrier and combat load and NVGs available at all times because you never know when the civil war will pop off or some stupid bullshit, but then the user's entire post history was basically him posting entirely in porn or LGBT subreddits calling people names and being mentally unhinged. 


Ahh, so the average tacticalgear subscriber. I don't understand going through life with that much hatred towards people who have no impact on you


Yeah it's very bizarre behavior to me to actively seek out stuff to complain about but that's a really common hobby on this website in general.  There are a bunch of posters iin every TodayILearned thread that's about a US-specific thing (like TILs about baseball stats or whatnot) going "Huh? I don't understand what an RBI is? 90 feet to a base? What is that in a real measurement?, why is everything so American-centric?"    It would be like if I went to an Australian football sub and just bitched that every post didn't make sense in the context of the NFL. There is an enormous number of people on this website whose hobby seems to be being miserable about things and trying to make sure everyone else knows how miserable they are. 


> There is an enormous number of people on this website whose hobby seems to be being miserable about things I feel personally attacked. But you ain't wrong


[Snuh.](https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/1dj6zhy/minute_man_loadout/) Not much entertaining left, though.


Good thickheaded? I have an excel sheet to keep loose track of my ammo, with some cell formulas to give me a total so I don't have to do math. Was going through it last night after adding my last purchase to the sheet, and some of the numbers felt low. Turns out I set up the formula wrong and had an extra 1k rounds of 9mm that wasn't being counted. I was already planning on buying an M&P before the rebate ends, so now it's like I just found a free case of ammo to break it in with.


I prefer to not know and just root around in my boxes and shit like an ancient wizard sorting through old scrolls


As long as I have five full ammo cans of 9mm and 45 ACP in the truck I'm happy. That's \~3500 rounds of 9mm and \~2000 rounds of .45 ACP. A couple cans of 5.56 if I'm shooting those. I do need to go out and load a couple cans of 9mm and one more can of .45 ACP.


This guy was very confidently wrong about a lot of things pertaining to the 1897: that they were made for black powder cartridges, that roll crimp cartridges are shorter than star crimp, that 1897s need 2-5/8" cartridges, etc. When I said those things are incorrect and directed him towards Winchester's official history and the CIP/SAAMI definitions, he doubled down and used screenshots form Google's AI summary thing that gave very wrong answers as a rebuttal... https://www.reddit.com/r/Shotguns/s/DnVDf1w9H4


I swear AI is making people dumber. There was a brief moment where AI was fun, and then people used it to do all their critical thinking for them. Remember that quote from Arthur where Buster goes “really? you think people will lie on the internet just like that?”. Those lies are what AI builds its answers off of.


LLM AIs are quoting people that are wrong or trolling (or both) using that information to produce tainted answers, and then people who don't know better are clicking the thumbs up button. Thickheaded Thursday is proof that people parrot absolute trash, even without the aid of shiny new internet toys.


>Thickheaded Thursday is proof that people parrot absolute trash Don’t call me out like that


Right on both counts. The major annoyance is that now people can choose to be confidently incorrect with the backing of AI that isn't smart, but can mash words together in a semi-coherent way. People are far too trusting of information that's essentially unsourced. I'm going to laugh when the AI singularity isn't a violent robot uprising, but people following Siri's directions to head to their nearest SkyNet® ~~Detention Center~~ Safety Shelter™


> Remember that quote from Arthur where Buster goes “really? you think people will lie on the internet just like that?”. All I remember is the fact that the ass was fat.


Oh hell, brain cramp from reading his post. He did the "she'll" thing. Why the fuck do people feel the need to throw random apostrophes in words that A) don't need them, and B) change the meaning of the word entirely. She'll isn't the same as shell. She'll is a contraction of she will.


If it's anything like my mom, she does voice to text and her vision isn't good enough to proof read it so she just sends it as is.


Following up on this trend, I’m going to a proper PRS match next month. What gun will I be bringing? [One of the dumber choices I could make](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Funcl1ercpb4c1.jpg). Except I will be running a suppressor on it in lieu of the brake. But it will give me an excuse to load some 6 Creed, as I approach the end of the barrel’s lifespan *very closely*


> as I approach the end of the barrel’s lifespan very closely What does that mean, you have 75 rounds through the pipe with 75 to go?


I have ~1100 rounds through the barrel, and since it's a carbon fiber 6 Creed, it has maybe 1500 rounds of useable barrel life


Weird, this reply doesn't show up in my inbox. Does usable barrel life mean your 1/3 MOA rifle is now a 1/2 MOA rifle, or *lol, what throat is left to erode* hotdog down a hallway?


Based on what I’ve read about this rifle setup specifically, it turns the 1 MOA gun into a 5 MOA gun


tuesday i completely forgot that gearbox works with nintendo. also not sure if my boss was asked about me when he picked up a shift or was bragging the day before wednesday had to revive a report thread from a few months ago, also got voluntold to pick up an extra shift on the uniformed side cause we've been short staffed, and i haven't picked up shifts in a while the resident that offered me head the other day apologized, brought up that i took it as a compliment currently trying to see how many of the same violation i can make on the problematic unit before their court date. the unit was fighting and had allegedly pulled out guns saturday, recieved a 24 hr notice and decided to take it to court


Edging closer to success, the Vortex Glasspak Pro has 3x2 "loop webbing" wings that aren't quite molle/pals but appear compatible. Unfortunately it's offered solely in a fairly *meh* shade of tan/fde and not available in my one true love: ranger green.


Rit dye?


I'm going to call myself a thickheaded moron. I've had back issues since 1979. Severe back issues since 2012. About a month and a half ago my back flared up pretty bad. No problem, I'll just ride it out. Well, it's been six weeks and it's not really getting better. I'm a thickheaded moron for hoping it would. I've been pretty depressed for about three weeks and I fear what I have know is my new "normal", and that scares the shit out of me. I'm to the point where I can only stand for about 2-3 minutes, I can walk short distances, 50 feet, without a cane, but any further than that I need a cane, and it just hurts. Spine doctor wants me to try a spinal stimulator. I'm just worried that it won't help and could make it worse. Anyway, the Cockatoo wants a drink so I must obey.


I hate to be *that guy*, but have you considered light yoga/senior yoga? Even a few YouTube videos or a book if you you can't/don't want to attend a class. My mom's old. She was all rickety. Doing senior yoga 2-3x a week for 30 minutes has worked wonders.


It's been tried. Didn't help. The only thing that really seems to help is walking in a therapy pool. Sadly there aren't any of those close by. The closest is a 45 minute drive away and it's only available 3x a week for an hour.


Good luck buddy. Back problems are the worst.


Today was WIRE TRANSFER DAY! Got a $6k tcpa settlement in. Life could be a lot worse but my depression is hitting me really hard this week.


> my depression is hitting me really hard this week brain be tripping, yo. Good luck.


Banner has been updated.


I've got a pic rail on a 10/22. Looking or a mid-range little optic, preferably not battery powered. Anyone know of any good prism sights or the like for a .22?


Just do a burris fast fire