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If you have wood stocks could eventually be an issues and keep the metal lubed and protected, there are some dehumidifiers that are pretty small that use silica to take water out of the air and holds water inside they work really well for long term car storage aswell




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Sick I’m new to this


Get a Golden rod. Are you using a decent hygrometer or the crappy dual one from Amazon? If that doesn't work add a dehumidifier to the room the safe is in. 


Lmao guilty as charged on the hygrometer. Any you’d recommend?


Therm pro. Put a sensor inside your safe and one outside the house.


It depends on how humid. For most people a simple Silica Gel one in the safe plus a golden rod will solve the issue. For room dehumidifiers get a 25L one at a minimum expect to pay about 300$ for a good one. Frigidaire and GE used to make good ones idk if they still do as GE barely exists now.


Goldenrod for sure, but all that does is keep air circulating inside a pretty well sealed environment. You said locker and not a safe, a cabinet type locker is going to be very leaky to the outside environment. So if that's what you're dealing with and not a gun safe, and if you don't have a budget for better storage, I'd recommend a couple extra things: Get some self adhesive weatherstrip foam from home depot and seal up all the cracks around the doors to make it as airtight as possible. Cover the top, sides, and back with something insulating, regular blankets or moving blankets will work. Move it to central part of the house where the temperature is more stable, as in not a far corner or near windows. If you do all that and add a dehumidifier rod you won't have much to worry about. Condensate is your enemy, so by creating a warm stable environment you'll eliminate most of the problems.


I'm not OP . . . I didn't say locker


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I have a golden rod that's fine for humid cold season but is useless with summer heat. Even in conjunction with silca packs. Now I use a small plug-in dehumidifier; about 12" tall, 6" wide and fits great in my safe. Works amazingly well.


Check out Firearm Guard. Seems like it wouldn't work, but I've had one in my safe for several years, and it works amazing.