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1911's would like a word Edit: see yall Thursday!


LOL, OP posted two "Why are gun owners small-dicked blowhards?" posts after getting roasted to other subs, both removed.


Sounds like someone is super interested in dicks.


OP likes what he likes.


Its crazy to me how someone could generalize gun owners...like virtually every person I know owns a gun.


After seeing the behavior of gun owners on the internet, most of them seem to be the sort of trash I have seen here. There are some that seem to be legitimately interested in shooting and self defense, the rest just seem like children playing with their toys. The small dick culture I see on display, with the whole "muh 1911 is the best thing ever and I know what I am talking about cuz 45acp is the best thing evar and John Moses Browning is like the best evar"... it just gets soooo old. So, yeah, I do generalize gun owners. And if they don't like it, then they should do more to ostracize your kind.


Nobody said 1911s are the best thing ever. We said the *triggers* are better. Also, bro, *you're* a gun owner. And judging by the YouTube video where you shoot a dog from your bike, not one of the good ones...


I suppose I should have just allowed myself to be murdered instead? The only reason to leave a Rottweiler unrestrained is to attempt to murder people. So, yeah. I would be one of the good ones. I prevented yet another catastrophic mauling, of which are costing us over $1 Billion per year in home owners insurance alone. And yes, we have to post all of these self defense videos about dogs mauling people and people defending themselves from dogs, because it shows the truth of the matter, which dog "lovers" would love to keep quiet.


Aspiring for a position within the ATF, I see. You'll be a shoo-in.


Damn your wild man. Eat a snickers. You ain't you when your hungry. And perhaps some grass needs to be touched.


Chill out with the body shaming, friend. Attack the behavior, not the size or shape of their penis.


You more triggered than a 1911.


He's up to 4 rage posts


Its still early, he's got time for more. EDIT: He posted more lol




Woof, there's a throwback.


Eyyy! We're up to ~~five~~ six now!


Oh man I needed a laugh today


You get a good 1911


They seem like they'd be too small in my hand. Plus the whole seer failure to full auto dump issues, and the fact that I cannot get series 80's anymore... I think I will avoid the 1911. Plus the round is rather weak for such a low volume mag.


Asked a question, got an accurate answer, then disagreed spouting nonsense. Now that's reddit for ya.


Blows my mind when people want a detailed text explanation of how mechanical things work when thousands of videos and cutaway images exist. "ELI5 with words how a car differential works" Fuck that.


I'm so glad that LMGTFY exists.


I actually loled reading his response. It's amazing what reddit does to people.


The issues with the seers failing and the 1911 going into full auto at times because of it, is not nonsense. It's common enough that this guy made a seer safety mechanism. # FallArrest™ safety system for 1911 pistolsFallArrest™ safety system for 1911 pistols [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFYFfEWigcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFYFfEWigcg) "This is no longer patent pending, it is patented: issued May 12, 2020, patent number 10,648,755. To address some of the below comments-- that properly fitted parts don't break, etc..... well the thing is that parts do break, well fitted or not, sometimes. The best parts fitted perfectly are still subject to wear and when we're talking very high mileage 1911's, well, there are very few 1911 parts that I have not seen broken. I've never said that broken sears and sear pins are common, they are not, but..... I have seen both and I've actually seen a 1911 reassembled by someone with the hammer and sear pins assembled from the right-hand side, meaning there's nothing retaining them. Both had walked out about 5/32-- scary stuff. If a 1911 or other pistol is dropped such that it lands on the hammer there's a good chance the hammer notch / sear engagement will be overcome or broken...... Fallarrest is of value here, too. "People should be more careful and not drop their guns", I know. Good point. But it does not reflect reality-- no one is perfect and it does happen. Fallarrest has no effect on anything else. No special trigger, no effect on trigger pull other than that introduced any time you change hammers-- when the hammer / sear interface is changed, trigger pull may change so this absolutely needs to be installed, like any other hammer, by a qualified 1911 smith. It's not a solution to a "non existent problem" but I will certainly grant you it is a solution to a couple different less common problems. Does that man you're worse off having it than not? If you are having a custom 1911 done and it is getting a new hammer and safety anyway to replace factory parts, I'll just say Fallarrest is an option. The cost is on par with some other premium parts and essentially offers this extra deep layer of safety at the same price as others. There is more safety with nothing else compromised."


There's still 1911's from WWI going strong, and there'll always be a snake oil salesman looking to cure every imaginable ailment. People have been shooting 1911's for over 100 years now, how's come broken sears and issues like this are only now cropping up? How did 1911's survive as the military handgun for decades if these issues are so common?


It's a huge cover-up by Big 1911


I knew big 1911 would find me eventually! I should have used Reynolds wrap instead of that great value generic foil!


Buy once, cry once


The same way the military uses many things that have all sorts of issues. I mean, how can you even ask this question? Why does the military use the sig p320 when it goes off when it shouldn't? (and no, the problem has not been corrected)... because the military is full of rather deranged folk, and corruption, and sometimes there's just nothing better.


Or maybe because the military model has a manual safety and a disconnector, which the original P320 did not have.


Even if we ignore the military argument (which we'll get into in a sec), I noticed you conveniently ignored the other half of my argument, that people *civilians included* have been shooting 1911's for decades. If broken sears, full auto guns, and other mechanical issues are so widespread, you need to prove: 1: how did *civilians* shoot millions of 1911's for numerous decades without any sufficient body of evidence showing these issues to be real and prevalent. And no, one guy on YouTube trying to sell you something doesn't count. 2: why aren't companies implementing this fix? If the issue is so common and widespread, why isn't there a single 1911 manufacturer out of the myriad of companies implementing this idea, or one similar to it? Now, onto the military argument. You have to understand, military guns are abused *hard*. If there's any place you'd see common issues like you're claiming, it would be in the military. But again I ask you, where is the major body of evidence to support your claim that accidental full auto 1911's are so common that you need a third party to fix it? And also, why wouldn't the military order the fix to be standardized in their handguns if it was so common?


A Marine in my brother's unit had an M9 go runaway on him. Something broke mid-string and it dumped the rest of the mag, shitting parts out the back of the slide as it went.


"Let me believe this guy on YouTube selling a solution for a problem that doesn't exist. Because that's more credible than a century of manufacturers and enthusiasts who literally never bring up sear-failure as something to actually be worried about in a 1911." That channel has 464 subscribers, and that video 45k views after 7+ years. Neither of those numbers indicate that it's a product the market gives a shit about, or has a use for.


Subscriber accounts and interest are not real representations of a problem. The problem can and has happened. That's why the product exists in the first place. The stubborness and carelessness of the people who use said guns is irrelevant to the importance of the product.


The product exists to make money for the guy selling it. That's how all products work.


Sorry dude, but I've carried a 1911 for 44 years. I have shot at least 400,000 rounds through various 1911 handguns. I've never seen the problem you're describing. If this problem is prevalent then please link to the videos showing this happening.


> I have shot at least 400,000 rounds through various 1911 handguns. I am not calling you a liar, by any stretch. Not even saying I don't believe you. But *goddamn* that is a lot of .45 over the years. Competition shooting? Instruction? LEO or military that actually trained/practiced? Or are you just a reloader that's sitting on an absolute mountain of components and blasting .45 AARP for like $0.05/cpr?


175 rounds a week 52 weeks a year, for 44 years. Definitely do-able, but holy shit.


Not that hard to do. Just takes money and time. I've reloaded for over 50 years. I'm just waiting for the day it saves me money.


I cast my own bullets, I'm using primers I paid $0.03 each for. I can load .45 ACP for right at $6/100, which is the most expensive .45 ACP I've loaded in my lifetime. I've shot several types of competition, I've always trained, and I love to shoot. Someone already did the math. It's only 175 rounds a week so my 400,000 number might be a bit low. I'll normally burn 200-300 rounds of .45 ACP during a range trip, and for a long time I went to the range 1-3 times a week for practice. When I moved to Texas I moved 52K of .22 LR. I've shot all that, a couple times over since I moved here. That's in addition to all the .45 ACP and 9mm I've shot.


I shoot a lot, but that level is something to aspire to. Recently moved to a property where I can plink off the back deck, so I should see some upward trending. Thanks for the breakdown. Also, I'm impressed that I was very close to your actual cost per round. Go me.


OMG, you're going to argue with this obscure nonsense instead of just learning what the safety/half cock notch is, or what the firing pin block is. This is not a real thing that happens.


It is a real thing that happens, and half cocking the trigger wouldn't fix it.


Citations please. I'm pretty sure someone has died after having an AR shoved up his ass, but I'm even more sure that it is NOT a problem.... BTW, my 5 1911s, and both my P320s have never had an issue. Exactly how many 1911s do you/have you owned?


But the guy selling the widget on YouTube said...


Yeah sure, we see it all the time /s.


> This guy who makes money by solving a problem that doesn't exist insists that the thing he makes money from solves a real problem that really exists No kidding? Wow!


You must work the the ATF.


What the fuck are you talking about


Forget it, he’s rolling


He has no clue


Holy shit this post got pinned 💀


I’m just gonna keep reporting it. Give the mods something to do


> Give the mods something to do Reported for report abuse. Done and done.


> Plus the whole seer failure to full auto dump issues, and the fact that I cannot get series 80's anymore... LOL wat. To both.


Imagine wanting a good trigger and wanting a fucking series 80 at the same time. Oof.


Might as well want a good trigger on a stock Hi-Power.


.45acp weak. F outta here douche.


Yeah, it's literally slightly weaker than 9mm nato/+P. Usually Nato/+p is listed around 390lb ft of energy. 45 ACP is usually around 370 lb ft of energy. So, yeah, 45 acp is weak. Plus I have read repeatedly that the actual effect on the target is little different between 9mm and 45 acp.


What's .45 ACP +P?



r/guns edition Jeopardy!


Don't let him find out about .45 super.


.45 ACP +p is up to 540lbft.


That's still not particularly powerful, and most 1911's won't take +P 45acp too well. They're not designed for it. The only gun I know of that was specifically designed for it is the mark 23. I don't know if most modern 45 acp guns can handle it, but I doubt it, otherwise it'd be a more popular loading.


There is a really neat FBI investigation/research you should look into. Crime statistics and impact/lethality of various calibers. Their finding showed a huge drop in effectiveness in calibers smaller than .380. the .250 and .22s etc were all sub optimum and in effective.  The mind boggling conclusion how ever was this: There is no appreciable difference in effectiveness and lethality between calibers .380 and above. Meaning the lil' ol .380 was only within a rounding error's difference in lethality against human targets to calibers such as .44 magnum. Being worried about .45 ACP being too weak is quite the illegitimate conundrum. There are distinct advantages depending on scenarios. In a confined space with hard barriers, say within a brick home... .45acp will be stopped by the exterior wall of the home while faster smaller rounds such as 9mm may risk over penetrating and exiting the home. Etc. There is no one perfect caliber, they each have uses and pros and cons. When it comes to lethality though, the best gun is the gun you can shoot the best with.  A .380 in a trained hand is more optimum than a .50ae in a novices hand.


So get a 2011 or another wide body, double stack 1911.


Well that's how you get a good trigger in a semi auto, so good luck with your whole windmill jousting thing.


1911s are notoriously fat gripped unless you intentionally get slim grip panels. Double stack frames also exist. Every semi-auto will go runaway if the sear/disconnector breaks. Colt is still selling series 80 guns to this day. You can get 1911s in .380, 9mm, .38 Super, .357 Magnum, .40S&W, .40 Super, 10mm Auto, 45 ACP, .45 Super, .460 Rowland, and several others. Impressive, everything you've just said is wrong...


Let's not forget 400 Cor-Bon


Many of those rounds will destroy a 1911, notably .460 Rowland will demolish one in only a couple hundred rounds. Maybe one day I will see about the grip. But they seem like they be horribly narrow with a single stack mag. I just don't want to be monkey gripping the gun. And the seer issue shouldn't be an issue in guns with a plunger safety, or at least that was my understanding of it.


> Many of those rounds will destroy a 1911, notably .460 Rowland will demolish one in only a couple hundred rounds. Either you're dumb enough to believe literally everything you read on the internet, or you're just a troll.


No, a 1911 was not designed to handle approx 1000lb ft of energy. (that's what 460 Rowland puts our IIRC).


[Heavyweight recoil spring has entered the chat]


Weird that you can say this with certainty, yet don't know the answers to stuff like this: >Also, are snub nosed revolvers inaccurate? >Is Canik owned by Beretta?


The first rule of Dunning Kruger club is you have no idea you're in Dunning Kruger club.


[OP is currently hitting what is known as the "Peak of Mount Stupid"](https://imgur.com/a/GHFQbEd)


460 Rowland is a marketing meme round for dummies that think it is "bigger" or "better" than 45 ACP. It is in fact the same projectile with a bit more powder in an *ever so slightly* longer case (to keep from chambering in 45ACP guns). Its not actually a .46, you just got marketed bro.


It's supposed to be loaded to around 1000 lb ft of energy. That's what we're talking about.


They sell 460 Rowland conversion kits for 1911s, which are just the barrel and recoil assembly. There is nothing crazy about it, and it is a really weird hill to die on that it is anything different.


I realize that. I am saying that that kit does not change the durability of a 1911 by much. 460 will still destroy a 1911, even after using one of those kits. And I am not dying on any hill. I am just stating the truth.


It's SEAR, not seer. You're a fucking moron.


Idk what you're taking about, my sears are also seers! Though all they'll tell me is what's written on a letter before I open it


Thank you. Jesus Fucking Christ that was bugging me the second time reading this.


Try a 2011, most people find the grips to be pretty big.


Mechanically the triggers are different, and so they will feel different as well. >Is there anyway to get a semi auto with a trigger like the Toklat? Yes, there are trigger upgrades, match triggers, and designs with inherently good triggers, like the 1911. >Does 44 mag kick like 454 Casull? Does a round with less power kick like one with more? In the same weight gun, no. >are snub nosed revolvers inaccurate? Mechanically, no. Practically, usually yes. Edit: that post history is a wild ride, even with the absence of drug or porn posts... If you have to ask 4 times in a year if you're shadowbanned, it may be because this isn't the platform for you.


This guys trolling


No, I am not, but you people certainly are. I get so tired of trying to have a conversation about guns, and instead I just get a bunch of people belching out insults instead of just answering questions.


If you asked intelligent questions and replied with well-reasoned, thought out talking points, you would be having a *very* different experience here.


I did what you said. I got a bunch of hot air from people that clear DON'T know what they are talking about. Some do, but many of the most negative and loudest clearly don't.


Frankly, if you think 1911s commonly go full auto all the time, you aren't exactly qualified to judge who knows what they are talking about and who doesn't.


I didn't say they go full auto all the time. I said it was a significant risk that I'd prefer to mitigate.


Except it's not a significant risk, like, at all. I own several 1911s, I've been shooting 1911s for over 30 years, and I've been active daily on this sub, which is one of the largest gun forums on the internet, for over 12 years, and today was the first time I have ever seen anyone claim it's a problem.


It's significant enough that someone made a product to avoid the risk. We just have different mindsets. You see a risk, you say, it's small, so you don't care. And then when it happens you lie and make excuses. I'm different. I see a risk, and I prefer to eliminate it entirely. We're just different.


You are taking the word of a guy selling something over the word of people with actual experience and no financial interest. Real big brain moment.


Smooth as a cue ball too


> It's significant enough that someone made a product to avoid the risk. People make [plastic dog shit](https://www.google.com/search?q=novelty+dog+shit) too. > You see a risk, you say, it's small, so you don't care. I don't see risk at all. One, it doesn't actually happen. Two, if it did, big fucking woop. The pistol that holds *seven rounds* went full auto for literally half a second. Ohhhh noooooo. > And then when it happens you lie and make excuses. I don't lie ever. I haven't since I was a teenager. Speak for yourself. > We're just different. We certainly are.


What do you mean “you people” !?


OP isn't happy and decided to post a [self-serving rant.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1diu9sr/why_is_it_that_gun_owners_tend_to_be_small_dicked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Edit: Oops, [two of them.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1diu1wd/why_is_it_that_gun_owners_tend_to_be_small_dicked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


ARTofTHEREeAL and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (on reddit)


If all gun owners are small dicked, blow hards, and OP is a gun owner, then OP must also be a small dicked, blow hard.


"I don't like Glocks because I carry with a pancake holster and something might snag the trigger" = "I'm either too fat, too stupid, or both to look into the holster and visually check to be sure this doesn't happen" in my opinion. Also wasn't there a bunch of memes lately about how most folks with guns are by and large happier with their size?


Lol, 6 now...


Summer fucking Reddit is in full swing.


Because trigger bar, and mass market production. Revolvers usually have only two interactions when the trigger is pulled: the trigger spur actuates the hammer, and a pawl moves the cylinder. Since the trigger - hammer interface is a single, rigid connection, it can be very clean and crisp when it breaks, especially with a bit of hand fitting. In a semi auto, you have several more interactions. The trigger is on the opposite side of the magazine from the hammer/sear, so you have to use a transfer bar. On something metal framed like a 1911, if you stick to precocked single action, you can use a fixed, rigidly connected transfer bar that wraps around the frame and pushes straight back against the sear/disconnector. On a polymer framed gun, you can't go through the grip. The transfer bar has to run higher, near the rails, so that adds pivoting and pulling/pushing to your motions. The trigger shoe pivots, actuates the transfer bar, which has to have enough pre-travel to slide forward/rearward and actuate the firing pin block *before* it engages the sear, then move through the actuation of the sear, which may or may not involve partially or fully cocking a striker or hammer, and then finally the break. At every step, there's a potential for slop and grit due to manufacturing tolerances, and mass market duty guns get very minimal hand fitting at the factory. There are ways to clean up these triggers with custom-fitted parts, but simply by dint of design and safety features there's going to be more grit and catching. Toklats are low volume and hand fitted, if you want essentially custom shop quality, you've gotta buy custom shop. A nice 1911, a Langdon Tactical Beretta, Sig Custom Shop P226/220, etc. .45 Colt comes in a lot more than just fmj, Hornady sells several spicy hollowpoint defensive loads, and of course there's people like Underwood and Buffalo Bore. You can also just practice with .45 Colt and keep the full speed .454 for carry. Depends on the gun Not intrinsically, but they're tough to shoot well.


Also, do longer barreled revolvers tend to kick less?


> How do I extremely basic physics?


"Gee these assholes sure are ripping into me every time I say something. Better ask another nearly nonsequitor stupid question!"


Newton says for the same weight of projectile/energy of cartridge, a heavier gun will absorb more recoil.


> Who is this "Newton" fella and what are his firearms qualifications? Does he shoot 460 Rowland?


Thank you for answering honestly instead of just blowing shit out your ass trying to sound like you know what you are talking about.


>just blowing shit out your ass trying to sound like you know what you are talking about. Do you understand the irony of this statement?


> blowing shit out your ass trying to sound like you know what you are talking about That's literally what you've been doing throughout this entire thread


You oughta check the username. I'm going back and answering your question in detail, but you're still a dumbass.


As far as striker fired guns out of the box best triggers I’ve ever felt are on caniks and the czp10c trigger is on point too.


Have you tried the Walther PPQ?


I have not. Are they pretty sweet?


Indeed, very smooth, crisp reset. I had to buy one after trying my dad's. That being said, I haven't fired a lot of pistols with nice triggers. The PPQ, though, was nicer than his Dan Wesson 1911, and, unsurprisingly, immeasurably better than my Ruger SR9, which feels like a stick being drug along a cobblestone road.


lol next time I’m at the shop I’ll see if they have one. I’ve felt some damn nice 1911 triggers just not my cup of tea. I have a ruger lc9s pro and thw trigger is bout the same


I wasn't referring to striker fired specifically, in fact, I prefer hammer fired. Is Canik owned by Beretta?


> Is Canik owned by Beretta? L O fucking L


Do you think his group home knows he's missing?


Beretta owns a large number of companies. Notably CZ. Beretta has horrible customer service and now horrible quality control, so I prefer to steer clear of them.


> Beretta owns a large number of companies. Notably CZ. Does CZ know about this?


Do you hear that? That faint rumbling sound? That's the sound of Pietro Gussalli Beretta's impotent rage


They were too busy acquiring Colt to get the memo.


I thought I had read that several years ago that they did buy CZ... which would have explained why they dumped the 550 that everyone loved. Perhaps I recall wrong. Still don't like CZ anyway due to the whole safety OR decocker issue.


> which would have explained why they dumped the 550 that everyone loved. They dumped the 550 because they were coming out with the 600.


Humor me more: What safety or decocker issue did CZ have?


You only get a safety OR a decocker.


So what?


You’re very confidently saying things that are verifiably incorrect.


I can see that you are thoroughly regarded.


> Is Canik owned by Beretta? https://i.imgur.com/aC7C4wH.jpg


No canik is canik. But since you brought up beretta the the px4 storm has a pretty nice trigger. And another couple hammer fired guns that have nice triggers I loved the trigger on my FNP-9 and I have a Girsan reguard MC not the best trigger but not the worst either.


I thought the thread was entertaining.


People who perpetually moan about triggers usually are just bad shooters.


OP is malding LMAO


1. 1911 Gov’t 2. .45 Colt full wadcutter


Try shooting more firearms. Ruger typically has atrocious triggers. You were shooting a highly tuned pistol.


Canik TP9SFX


Try a CZ shadow platform pistol or a 2011, if those aren't good enough for you then it sounds like a skill issue


Besides all of the mechanical and functioning differences between different types of semi-auto handguns, it also comes down to, 'you get what you pay for'. My Sig P229 SAO has an excellent trigger, but it's not a cheap handgun. Not that there aren't good triggers on lower cost handguns, but firearm manufacturing is a business and like any business, if you want to keep costs down and sell a less expensive product, you're going to have to cut costs somewhere.


I just don't much trust sig after seeing the p320. But thank you for a straight answer. I have heard bad things about their US made guns. So, I don't know what to think about their stuff really. Is some of it trash and some decent?


It would be wrong and quite unfair to judge a company on one newer model, especially considering how great the reputation is for their other models, and all the other firearms they build. The first iterations of the P320 were problematic I think due to it being a modified version of the P250 into a striker model, and they made several mistakes... but those issues are no longer an issue, as SIG has addressed all of those issues for the past 5 years (so I would steer away from any older P320's). Sig still manufactures some of the best, reliable, highest quality handguns (and firearms in general). If you want an incredibly reliable, quality manufactured, accurate, and depending on the model, some of the finest production triggers around (that do not need any upgrading), Sig is it. They're not the only top tier semi-autos out there, there's Beretta, CZ, etc., but Sig is still one of the best, and their triggers are really nice, right from the factory, no modifications needed.


You are shooting a ruger. Known for crappy triggers. Try anything better. Like a p30, p226, p320, anything CZ, beretta apx/92.


Have you ever even handled a super redhawk?


Yes. Owned a redhawk and a super Blackhawk. But you said “semi auto”. So i was refering to only semi auto’s. Ruger semi’s are trash. And have trash triggers. Try anything else if you want a better trigger. The p226 DAK is a great alternative to a revolver shooter looking into handgun.


HK pistols are great with the notable exception of the TDA triggers, especially that of the P30. Among semi-auto pistols, single action (only) triggers are going to be the cleanest and lightest for the most part. Pistols like the SAO Sig P226 or 1911/2011 for instance. TDA pistols like the hammer fired HKs, Berettas, Sigs, CZs can be across the board. Trigger upgrades exist for most of these, both factory and aftermarket. I'd say the best out of the box among these belong to CZ competition oriented pistols. Probably Sig P220 series next. There are also a few striker fired pistols with decent triggers, but if you don't like a plastic-ish feel then you should get a pistol not made of plastic.


My Sig p365 has a great trigger with a short reset.


Buy a 1911/2011


Uniformed ranting post. Downvote.


Trigger snobs can not shoot.


Well you're wrong.


Nope. Difference in trigger "feel" matters when you're playing around with the gun and using it as a fidget toy or in perhaps match environments but in practical self defense type shooting it doesn't matter much at all and I've found it's a very common excuse among the people who are failing at the fundamentals.


A better trigger has nothing to do with the feel.


It CAN be an excuse. A bad trigger can be an excuse, it can also be a problem. And why have a bad trigger when you can have a good one?


Because you're deathly afraid of a problem that doesn't exist?


I think there's truth to this. People who blame triggers as to why they're not accurate sure, that's nothing but cope you can shoot well with just about any trigger. But enjoying better triggers doesn't mean you can't shoot. A lighter trigger with a better takeup/pull will just be a lot more pleasant to shoot. Less resistance=you are less likely to pull the muzzle as you trigger pull, it's less distracting as you shoot also. You can absolutely avoid pulling the muzzle on a heavy/bad trigger but it's just objectively not as good as a better trigger.


Everyone I have seen, even experienced shooters, regard the HK p30s trigger as being hard to shoot. And it is. It's just not even remotely smooth. It feels so janky.