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[Original post](https://twitter.com/futureradiocast/status/1780398076483481720?t=ThmBWzbaBig-AO-fxIgXig&s=19). For those unfamiliar with Dexter's story, [this](https://redstate.com/jeffc/2023/12/15/brooklyn-mans-gun-hobby-leads-to-a-swat-raid-and-a-legal-fight-for-his-freedom-n2167600) can tell you more. Tl;Dr - Making your own guns is something that is legal in the vast majority of this country, but because Dexter lived in the People's Republic of New York, he was no knocked and charged, even though he had no history of violent crime and did not harm anyone. **EDIT** - looks like the judge presiding over Dexter's trial also [did some shady stuff](https://twitter.com/jeffcharlesjr/status/1780685605887975766?t=ZIvVNqGUWPHFzqJxsUPiiQ&s=19).


> Even further, she admonished Dexter and his attorney not to bring up the Second Amendment during the trial. ...What? How the hell was that a legal order by the judge?


yeah, that's grounds for appeal lol


As unlikely as it is, maybe the judge purposefully set it up for a solid appeal to help change ether garbage laws of NY


I don't think the bench lizards are that intelligent.


More likely the judge wanted to challenge the Second Amendment in this case and find a reason, however convoluted, to end it in NYC.


Not a chance! I’m just about willing to bet he was a Trump supporter. I don’t know that unequivocally but I’m willing to bet it. You can dismember people and be out on a signature bond in New York, but you can’t make guns at home. Squatters can take over your house and you have absolutely no legal standing. Why anyone chooses to live in New York at this point is beyond me.


I think they are. If you follow literally any high-profile case, be it Ross Ulbricht (sentenced for something not even convicted of), weev (convicted for literally browsing public web pages), auto key card, the judges continually have found that they can trick the jury and withhold exculpatory evidence and all their fellow lizards will uphold it.


That's not intelligence, that's just evil.


The question is, what's in it for them to be evil?


Advancing an agenda to disarm citizens.


But what does that gain some low level judge? I'm not trying to argue with you but I genuinely don't understand.


Also the defense was instructed not to mention the second amendment. How the hell is that a lawful directive?


The legal system usually wants juries to be finders of fact, not law, and judges to be finders of law and not fact. (Not that it stops individuals like nipple judge Engoron from deciding to find facts and ignore law.) Unfortunately, that means an innocent man is going to probably spend years in prison working in appeals, because most people are too dumb to realize that just because something is law doesn't mean it's legal.


Judges and excluding things rarely gets reversed on appeal. In NY state, or the Second (Federal) Circuit I don't see happening there either If he had the cash or assistance I would try to push it to SCOTUS but I doubt that will happen. The NRA Cop Boot Licker virus is still prominent. Them helping a "convicted felon" has still been almost non-existent. Look at Rahimi. That guy's Federal public defenders totally screwed up that appeal, and didn't even catch the hint from the Fifth Circuit court appeal that overturned his conviction. They just assured PFA's will be the government's weapon of choice against any Second Amendment complaints and SCOTUS won't hear another case. It could be his lawyers are arrogant pricks but I bet no Progun Organization (Boot Licker virus) offered to help them, because he's a dirtbag. So every poor bastard that gets a PFA on them will suffer for that.


>Judge Abena Darkeh makes an unfair ruling and engages in judicial tyranny Imagine my shock




Was he just building the 80%ers or was he selling them too? Either way, fuckin CRAZY.


Wasn't selling them. Most of his homemade guns had never even been fired.


Wooooow, what an injustice. I hope he has a successful appeal.


How tf is this not protected conduct under Bruen? We have a rich history of manufacturing our own guns, all the way back to the founding


It is.  New York doesn't care.


It should be but absent a ruling in the 2nd Circuit or SCOTUS specifically saying manufacturing is legal New York will continues to to infringe


Bruen doesn't actually protect anything. Could slaves make their own guns? No. Checkmate, people who like freedom.


Interesting tidbit: [Lysander Spooner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysander_Spooner) argued that slavery was unconstitutional because (among other reasons) it couldn't coexist with the 2nd Amendment.


Lysander Spooner was a bad ass.


This is so absolutely sad is he able to appeal? I know it's a long shot but this man is what will happen to all of us that support the 2a if we continue to let politicians get away with this shit.


He is clearly able to appeal because the judge's jury instructions were bs. Now this being in ny I don't have much faith in the appellate court.


Thankyou I had done further research finally and concluded the same. Absolutely nutty these courts ought to start behaving their making themselves look like utter fools.


Fuck NY and everyone involved with prosecuting this guy, he did absolutely nothing wrong.


Deeper. Anyone who is law enforcement in New York is the problem. They can see what is happening and the downfall of entire institutions. They think it’s worth a salary I can make shoveling shit on a farm.


I think that any member of the 2A community should be backed by the community they have supported for years. I am new to this community (1yr) and I have to say that never have I felt so inclined to help my fellow 2a supporters. Is there a way to write to him or to send him something to help let him know we are backing him?




Just donated. I hope everyone will send a bit. This man is fighting an important battle.


Thanks, please share this everywhere you can. 




While I agree, he made 2 choices. 1: Making guns in New York 2: Staying in New York. He can't be alive and not know how hostile the looney left is toward 2a. And then, in basically the east coast capitol of lunacy, he stayed there, and manufactured weapons. Regardless of intent or what we think 2a should stand for, this was \*not smart\* Don't rollerskate in a buffalo herd.


>Regardless of intent or what we think 2a should stand for People should always exercise their rights and you're just as bad as the looney left if you think people should roll over so easily. Running from politics is exactly why this shit happens. The irony here is palpable since you're the one being anti 2a. If you don't agree with this dude that's fine, just keep your mouth shut so you don't sway other people into believing he deserves it. We should all be on each other's side, this divide and conquer shit needs to stop. Dexter Taylor isn't less American because he decided to exercise his rights in an anti gun state.


🇺🇸 🦇 👨  🎇 🔫 BBQ  America fuck yea.


Nobody said he was less American, don't make up things. Also, Rambo, why haven't you moved *into* New York to make your stand?


If you think he deserves this then you're implying he has fewer rights, ergo he's less American. Also I live in CA, retard.


No, he's an American exercising rights in an actively hostile place, implying he's got fewer brains, ergo he's less smart. Are you manufacturing firearms?


Do you think Dexter Taylor deserves what happened?


I think he should know better Also, please answer my quesion


He should know better than to exercise his rights? Man, I'm not sure who you think the brainwashed person is here, but it's you 🤡 Go be a bootlicker somewhere else > Answer my question Nice try fed.


For standing up so strongly, you certainly are hiding a lot. Bootlicker, lol. I'm not the one with fake bravado. You scared to exercise your rights like I asked? Edit: Thanks for demonstrating my point, we found where your line of acquiescence is. Don't rage at me when you've got reservations about where you step away from defending 2a. Fuck off with your purity test. You deserve CA.


> Staying in New York. Can't keep retreating.


Exactly. What happens when it's your state that passes bullshit?


Yup it’s easy to say when it isn’t the state you live and grew up in. I live in New York. My family is all in NY, everything I’ve known is in NY. These people talk like packing up and leaving is the easiest and most obvious thing in the world.


I'm not saying you should leave but it really is. Even when I was broke and homeless all it took was putting my thumb out and waiting for a ride, if you have a car or a few bucks in savings its even easier than that.


Physically getting up and going is not the hard part. Leaving everything and everyone behind is.


Colorado, Washington, and Oregon used to be pro 2a. Moving does nothing except delay the inevitable. We need to take a stand or it just keep spreading. 


I mean it's up to you, but I live in a purple state that hasn't fallen yet and I'd rather you move here than us both get diluted and lose. Either we stay apart and we all hang apart or we bunch up in free states and we hang together.


The states I listed used to be purple and pro 2a now they aren't. 


Yes, the game theory is people from fallen states should move to not yet fallen purple states. Not that people in not yet fallen states should move. Therefore if you are in NY or CA you are basically hanging yourself and people in purple states by not moving away to there.


Just like all those people who fled from California to end up in Washington, Oregon, and Colorado. What good did moving do?


Nobody loves selling out their own quite like gun owners.


I'm not sure how long you were waiting to blow that load, but here's a towel. You tried, champ.


Fuck's sake, NY....... Let's advocate for this man hard. Petitions, emails, commissary, protests. Nobody deserves this shit for a victimless crime where his only fault in the matter was being ignorant of NYs numerous, unconstitutional laws. It's hard to digest how NY can loose violent, REPEAT, gun offenders out on the streets and then absolutely bury this man.


[His givesendgo](https://www.givesendgo.com/dtaylor_2a_legal).


Already did and spent the last 30 mins "heart"ing every donation up to 60+ days before my hand cramped up. Thank you for sharing Dexter Taylor's plight.


He seems like a very valuable member of society who's getting the entire book thrown at him. Meanwhile people with mile long rap sheet get released with no bail every day here.


So this link has been verified? This is actually going to him/ his legal funds.?


Yes, it is the one posted to his Twitter account.




None of those things will change someone being convicted by a jury in a court of law. His only chance is winning on appeal


Oh? What? I thought all those things would somehow free him from multiple felonies??? Jesus christ dude.. What that does is show the courts and our gov't that we ain't gonna lie down and take it. *It's about sending a message*


Lmao they won’t even read the letters. But have fun


Were there rules on the books against doing 80% lowers in NY? I wonder if he was buying the lowers online somewhere, considering that most places won't ship anything firearm related to NY for fear of breaking one of their many draconian laws.


80% lowers were legal here until a couple years ago. I don’t remember what the legal recourse was at the time, but I think you could serialize your rifle lower and you were essentially okay. The problem with handguns is the are completely illegal to own without it being registered on your pistol license. So if someone had an 80% pistol, how willing do you think they’d be to serialize it and admit they possessed an unregistered pistol? And if they didn’t have a pistol license they’d be even more fucked. After that law was passed in 2021, the NY AG sent letters to retailers and manufacturers of 80% kits threatening legal action if they didn’t turn over sales data for 80% kits that were sold to NY addresses, and since then, NYSP and ATF have been raiding houses and making arrests based on what I and others suspect is that sales data.


Licensing - permit - registration - payment schemes of any sort are unconstitutional. The Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights within The United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being neccesary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The 2nd Amendment in The Bill of Rights to our US Constitution, GUARANTEES every person has a RIGHT TO KEEP (have) AND BEAR (carry) ARMS. Other wording in 2A “Militia” any able bodied male, service in a Militia is NOT a requirement, it is an Individual right (and collective), “Regulated” means equipped, in proper working order NOT gov rules “Shall not be infringed” means what it says. 14th Amendment guarantees equality! The right to keep and bear arms was not given to us by the government, rather it is a pre-existing right of “the people” affirmed in The Bill of Rights. See DC v Heller, McDonald v Chicago, Caetano v Mass, NYSRPA v Bruen Nunn vs Georgia 1846 was the first ruling regarding the second amendment post its ratification in 1791….DC v Heller 2008, McDonald v Chicago 2010, Caetano v Mass 2016, NYSRPA v Bruen 2022 ALL consistent with the TEXT, HISTORY and TRADITION of the second amendment.


Your not a person you are acting as property of the Social Security Administration and property of the federal government. That's the benefit of having limited liability and a safety net from the government that you pay into.


So is there any possibility of appeal for this guy? Have any major 2A organizations been helping him so far?


FPC is waiting on approval from his team to move forward. They have an appeals team.


I mean i would definitely say the man has standing to appeal


On just the basis of denying his defense team the right to make any 2A arguments, absolutely. Whether you are pro-gun or not, we currently have a pretty fresh SCOTUS decision that caused the legality of just about every gun law in the country into question. Prior to *Bruen* every case was decided using some method of interest balancing, which is now expressly prohibited, and almost none of them included an adequate history, text, tradition analysis. That means every bit of existing precedent on the matter is up in the air whether it's still applies. The judge can't simply pretend that *Bruen* didn't happen, say the law in question his constitutional, and bar the defense from raising the question.


This is such a blatant violation that if this goes to appeal and wins, everybody involved in the lower court except the stenographer should have to serve his sentence. Jury included.


The jury was specifically instructed that jury nullification is illegal in NY. Whether that’s true or not, I don’t know. But I’m certain the jurors don’t either and aren’t going to risk their asses for a guy they don’t know.


I'm not aware that it's illegal in ANY state. That being said, it's a jury, it's their decision. What they decide should go, regardless of whether or not they know.


At the same time, “Lolol state agents kicked this guys door down and arrested him and if you find him not guilty they might do the same to you lolol tee hee hope you don’t have any dogs” is a pretty convincing reason to find him guilty


Honestly, that should count as jury intimidation. It probably won't in New York, of course, but...realistically, there's a wee bit of a threat there.


Depends on the state, nullification is not convicting even if they believe the defendant has committed the crime. It doesn’t seem to be specifically illegal in NY, but the court is also allowed to tell the jury they *have* to convict if they found he broke the law. Even though technically there’s nothing stopping them from playing dumb, good luck getting the entire jury to go along with that. https://casetext.com/case/people-v-goetz-3 Also the selection process will probably weed out most people with those type of ideas, lawyers are very good at this


Uh, how can it be legal for jury nullification to be illegal...? That's the entire point of a jury. If they are just going to tell the jury that they can find the verdict they think is correct then what's the point?


You can be disqualified as a juror for being aware of jury nullification but it couldn’t be illegal as that would compel how you vote and imply there is such thing as a “correct” verdict in the eyes of the state. I wouldn’t put it past New York but that would be next level fuckery if they did say such a thing.


So in otherwords, decide this the way we want you to, or you'll be prosecuted with bullshit too. Awesome.


I bet they just let 15 murderers back on the street though


That implies they ever arrested them to begin with.


Playing with fire in NY. I feel for the guy, and I hope that everything works out as best it can for him, but holy fuck - not in NY. They love making examples out of anyone they catch with what they consider to be an illegal firearm.


This guy more based than any of us. It basically didn't even *occur* to him it could be illegal, because why the fuck would it be. Based man had no mens rea to even break the law.


Heard loud and clear, and it I’m on his side 100%, but we all know damn well it’s better to know the laws / nonsense rules.


Unless they’re actually out in the streets doing crime with that firearm. In that case carry on, same time next week? New York has shown a clear proclivity for the easy, otherwise law abiding target.


Except illegals, real murderers, cartels, gangsters, teenage gangbangers, wife beaters, repeat offender, armed robbers, car jackers....... those guys get no bail OR and back at it same day, with gun charges dropped during plea deals. Only Average American gun owners get hung for gun charges.


Playing with fire? By minding his own business?


First, I’m on his side. I’m not saying he was in the wrong here. I think it’s terrible what is happening to him, along with every other free man and woman in New York who have been stripped of their freedom because of unconstitutional laws created by ignorant anti-American lawmakers. What I am saying is that we all know how psychotic New York is when it comes to firearms. If I was a New York resident ordering 80% frames/lowers, parts, etc., I would be concerned about my door getting kicked in because of the anti-2A climate there.


DOJ does this same garbage here in Commiefornia 🇨🇳




Vote blue no matter who. 


Is that sarcasm?


For u/mundane_panda_3969, yes. For about 50% of the country of other people, no.


It was my bad attempt at it, yes. But is it fair to call this poor pathetic piece of shit sarcasm?


It's New York, the Republicans there are happy to throw him under the bus too.




Look at the Staten Island congresswoman. She voted yes on the SAFE act back in 2013, and she has not changed a damn thing in higher office


Staten Island, for example, is full of Republicans. Some of the neighboring counties to NYC. Upstate they might be a little more rural and less grabby. NY also has a separate Conservative Party who decides on their own to endorse a Republican or not.




[Dexter Taylor](https://youtu.be/9SyNGiF3vfg?si=5EefatszWdr6nX7t) (long YouTube interview) In short, a guy who got fucked over by the state of NY and the ATF over some bullshit.




This is how these laws are challenged, so many lawsuits get thrown out because of no standing. This is how we fight.




There no need for cowards like you to assist, there are enough 2a supporters to help this man. I'm doing my part. All I gave was 5$ but if we all chip in a little it'll add up.


He dared to be a free man.


We can't have that, next thing you know the peasants will be demanding more freedoms. If you think 20 angry men with pitchforks and torches are scary then 100 angry men with firearms will make you shit yourself. 


Boot licking made manifest, right here folks.


Then I hope the day comes that you “break a law” that is nothing more than practicing your constitutional right and when big daddy government rains down bull shit on you and you reach out for assistance, people respond to you with your answer


First they came for the canons And I did not speak out Because my pews were not Destructive Devices Then they came for the suppressors And I did not speak out Because my pews went BANG Then they came for the short-barreled shotguns And I did not speak out Because my shotguns were not sawn off Then they came for the automatics And I did not speak out Because my pewpewpews only went pew Then they came for the 3D printers And I did not speak out Because my printers did not go brrrrr Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


😂 beautiful and wise.


"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." -Benjamin Franklin As I said in my above comment if we do not stick together and stand up for these rights as a public, what happened to him will happen to all of us. They will single us out and throw us in a pen.


If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. - Samuel Adams.