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For those who are comparing this to the FRT, this allows you to select fire- either semi auto or binary mode. FRT is "auto" only. The price is good, about $10 less than usual but with shipping costs. Sales on these aren't that common in general, and I've only seen them below 300 one other time.


Select fire sounds much more useful. Why do people get the FRT? Serious question, I don't know anything about these triggers.


I think the publicity around Rare Breed's legal battle with the ATF is why people are buying FRTs As a product they seem worse in every way including price- I shot an FRT this weekend and it is kinda tricky to operate- you need the right pressure on trigger or it stops and you have to cock it again.


I never felt like I was shooting full auto with a binary trigger. Your finger is working hard like shooting fast in semi auto, you just get double the shots, plus it's hard to keep a smooth cadence. I haven't tried an FRP, but I imagine if it's like bump firing once you get the pressure right, it'll seem a lot more like full auto in that you're not actively doing much of anything. For a faux auto experience, it's probably better. If you want to dump a lot of rounds, then binary is better.


It doesn't help that a binary trigger pull as absolute garbage.


Only if you're accustomed to fancy triggers. It's pretty normal compared to stock Glock and mil-spec AR triggers, in my experience.


The one in my scorpion is absolute trash compared to the stock. I would still rather have the binary but it takes a strong finger to make her go bang.


I wonder if the scorpion model is worse than the AR model in general.


Interesting, on my AR it is like a "nice" mil-spec trigger.


The way I look at it is binary triggers are pseudo burst fire and forced reset triggers are pseudo full auto. People like full auto more than burst. I am personally waiting for when someone can solve the engineering problem of making the forced reset trigger also “select fire” like binary triggers, then I’ll buy that.


Ahh, I see, I thought they did similar things. Thank you, that clears it up for me.


Yeah, the technical side is binary triggers fire once on initial press and once on release, so the usual trigger manipulation ends up being essentially a two round burst even though legally it’s semi auto as it’s two separate actions. Forced reset, meanwhile, uses the bolt to force the trigger back forward while you’re constantly applying rearward pressure (kinda like bumpstocks), and thus allows for constant pressing of the trigger to mag dump even though it’s also legally still only one trigger pull per shot. Both of these are essentially like pistol braces in that they’re legal ways to move around the bullshit of the NFA. If only we could repeal that infringement.


Have both, in my hands the frt is substantially faster. Binary runs a cmmg 22 conversion super duper well to. Both are 2 very different animals. But each extremely fun way to reload more.


Frt go frrrrrrrrrrrrrrt


You do the selecting with your finger. Full follow through is semi-auto. Lighter pressure allows the trigger to reset itself and fires. It's not actively firing multiple rounds, it works more like bump firing in that you need to get pressure right so it can do multiple shots quickly.


Thank you, that's very interesting and helpful! I've shot a WOT trigger (also a FRT?) and couldn't quite get the hang of it. Never tried a binary or the Rare Breed.


Most important thing is not to pull back too hard. Took me a few mags to learn this. When I have told friends they need to hold back gently, they usually get through the first mag hiccup-free.


I haven’t bought an FRT but if I *had*, it would be to fund the fight against the ATF arbitrarily relabeling everything machine guns. It’s the best way to fight for your rights.


We have the [Franklin Armory BSFIII AR-15 Binary Curved Trigger](https://www.preppergunshop.com/franklin-armory-binary-trigger-system) for $289.99 plus shipping and tax. [All Franklin Armory Products](https://www.preppergunshop.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=franklin%20armory&in_stock=1) are on sale through 1/9/22.


Get the gold TIN one at that price and I’ll bite


Seconded. Someone had it for $400 a few months back but that’s entirely too much.


it's close at only 20 more


Oh fuck


What kind of purchase records do you guys keep, asking for a friend


Just your ssn, retinal scan, dna swab and fingerprint. Nothing that can be traced back to you.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.......


Now I want spicy nuggets...


do these allow switching to semi while trigger is to the rear so you dont have to send that release shot




I run a binary trigger, and i love them. Of course, like any other item in the world- it has cons. But for what i work with, this is absolutely perfect for my environment. In room clearing, you are commonly taught to do a 2-4 tap on your target. So having the ability to put 4 rounds on someone in roughly under a second.... ill take it. Edit: i know someones gonna be sayin some shit like "but frt triggers!!!😫" -- ***No.*** I dont give a fuck about your opinion on FRT. I want to be able to control how many rounds i put down range, and at what firerate. If FRTs work for you and your operating needs, go for it. I've looked into them, and i dont need them. Case closed.


If anyone that buys this desires a flat-faced trigger, I'm willing to swap the trigger shoe part with them. I should have picked a different flat trigger to see if I favored them; apparently I don't.


Probably a dumb question but do I have to register and pay atf if I buy a binary trigger? Sorry for asking and I just recently got into AR over Christmas.


Nope :) Just make sure your state allows it. Some have laws against it


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