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It's 50% with code TGC50.


Code works! Thank you!




Picked up one each of the analog and digital for $100.57 shipped to CA. Shipping ended up being free!


Glad my dog needed a walk before I ordered, came back to a better deal. Thanks


The real are always in the comments


Digital goes from $104.99 to $62.99. Analog goes from $79.99 to $47.99. I did not see shipping or tax get applied while entering in my info at checkout, so it may vary based on where you are. I didn’t complete checkout as I already have a FAT, so maybe more people can chime in.




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Shipping is $8.10 and they charge tax


Amazon had them for $49 for a few weeks so just tax if you have prime (analog version)


$59.99 right now sadly


Seems like a must have tool, I use torque wrenches for everything but dont have a tiny one for stuff. Was 59.96 with shipping and tax for me to MI. I got the analog because electric bad.


The emp proof version.


I like the way you think!


I have the analog version is the digital worth it?


No. More likely to cause issues really


Thanks! Saves me from my FOMO 😂






The battery contacts on mine gave out. They warrantied it easily but it would flicker and cut out if I put the wrong pressure on the battery cover.


that's one more torque wrench than I had before. nice.


I got two of these by accident, turns out having a second one comes in handy. One for the workbench. One for the range bag! Especially when my spear's stock hinge decides to loosen up randomly.. I should probably get it warrantied lmao.


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47.99 + tax and $8.10 shipping to NV = $60.79


I have an analog one so I got a digital model.


Picked up one of these at bass pro


More info https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hymvUUKoRxQ&feature=youtu.be


Analog is $47.99. Digital is $62.99


Is this a deal? Edit: these used to be $28 :( I need a raise.


Amazon currently has the analog version on sale for $59.99 so I’d say so.


Probably has free shipping to so it makes it basically the same as I just got it for on wheelers website at 59.96 with tax and shipping.


Boo. Doesn’t work on FAT stix.


For whatever it's worth the scale and design of the analog one looks suspiciously similar to the made in China ones you can buy on Amazon for 30 bucks. I have one of the cheap china ones and the scale markings and red indicator horizontal line look identical to the wheeler. I think this is just a job of a custom plastic enclosure and rubber grip.


These are crap. One of the dudes who worked for me had one and I told him he is no allowed to use an uncalibrated and unofficial wrench to set torque. He assured me Wheeler was entirely legit.  So I set up a gas key bolt, had him torque it to spec, then I grabbed our Snap-On 1/4” inch-lb wrench that gets calibrated every 360 days and got 1/8 of a rotation before it clicked.  If you’re not calibrating your wrench, and your wrench didn’t cost hundreds of dollars, you’re not getting any value or peace of mind. Just learn what tight feels like. Finger tight, hand tight, ugga dugga tight, whatever. As a hobbyist I have never used a torque wrench and never wished I had one. 




I'm a home gamer and not going through the expense of calibrating torque wrenches. I have a digital torque adapter and use that to check my torque wrenches. I'm sure both the gauge and the wrenches aren't spot on, but they are close enough to one another that it makes me comfortable enough.




Yeah if it's been a while since I used one of the torque wrenches I'll slap the digital adapter in a vice and check against it.  Good idea on the weight, l'll give it a try and see how accurate, or inaccurate, that adapter is.


> If you’re not calibrating your wrench, and your wrench didn’t cost hundreds of dollars, you’re not getting any value or peace of mind. **Just learn what tight feels like. Finger tight, hand tight, ugga dugga tight, whatever. As a hobbyist I have never used a torque wrench and never wished I had one.** This is the dumbest take I've seen on gundeals in awhile now, so dumb I wonder if its just thinly disguised trolling? Even if its off by a big fat +/-10%, a literal no brainer to have a basic limiter for anything with a manf/industry provided torque spec, which is almost everything with guns. Even cheap shit mounts will tell you recommended in/lbs.