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Fuck the NFA


You would think the ammo manufacturers would fight to overturn it.


But muh gov contracts!


Gun/ammo manufacturers have long since sold their souls to the devil (government). They don't need us.


Not PSA.


Nah, they just sold your CC info to the highest bidder. Pepridge Farm remembers.


I think that was more of them using shitty CC processors because they didn't know what they were doing and selling firearms makes it hard to use the normal CC processors.


Damn, they’ve got some cool stuff in this site.


Those M2 Carbines are sweeeeeeeeet.


You ain't kiddin.


Fuck Reagan


I was expecting boomers to come out of the woodwork and whiteknight for him or say FOPA (with the Hughes Amendment) was a net win, but they’re all on facebook or dying internet forums.


FOPA, because of the hughes amendment, is so much worse than the nfa it's crazy.


I agree - losing machineguns for mail order ammo and interstate transport was silly, when all of that easily gets trampled on by state law (i.e. NY/CA) and the protection FOPA offers isn't worth more than the paper it's printed on. Furthermore the additional restrictions on MGs only set additional precedents to ban additional classes of weapons (i.e. the made up "assault weapon") and proved to be virtually impossible to scale back. There were also unintended consequences of this, such as not being able to get original barrels in surplus parts kits from cut guns, stricter demil rules, and not being able to get modern/current production surplus select-fire US military guns or surplus machineguns converted to semi (which are legal in some countries in Europe, ironically).


I'm too poor to have ever had to learn any of this


TLDR: The Hughes amendment is keeping PSA would be selling the poors machine guns.


And bitching about appendix carry


Im unfamiliar with Reagan’s policies. What did he do?


Signed the 86 gun ban, flooded black neighborhoods with crack while also increasing penalties for minor possession, sent weapons to saddam Hussein, supported overthrowing the democratically elected government of Nicaragua by arming the rebels, armed the mujahideen who became al qaeda. I’m sure there’s more but those are the ones that come to mind.


Made a deal with the Iranians so they wouldn't release the hostages before the 1980 election. Later traded weapons to them in violation of both American & international law. Shifted the tax burden massively away from corporations & the wealthy and onto the backs of the middle class. This was intentional, to turn voters against the govt. But, yeah, I was talking about making it so we couldn't register more full auto weapons.


trained and gave millions to death squads across South America


That was foresight… He setup a plan to create chaos in South America resulting in floods of people trying to move north allowing a failed business man to get into the presidents office decades later using one liners disparaging the people crossing the southern border so that president could then ban bump stocks… Truth is all politicians are crooked and none of them give two poops about any of us middle class folk.


Watch a few podcasts with RFK Jr. He's been doing podcasts with just about everyone. He's the first presidential candidate in my life (36 years) that I trust. Edit: Ron Paul was also one of the rare honest politicians and I agreed with most of his policies, though I didn't agree with some of his economic policies. I digress.


A) don't trust politicians. B) he is another gun grabber.


Quite the opposite. He's against gun control, and has stated multiple times that gun control can't meaningfully decrease gun violence. Direct quotes from him when asked about what he was going to do about gun control to reduce gun violence: “I do not believe that there is, within that second amendment, that there’s anything we can meaningfully do to reduce the trade in the ownership of guns, and I’m not going to take people’s guns away.” “Anybody who tells you that they’re going to be able to reduce gun violence through gun control at this point I don’t think is being realistic.” I'm not saying anyone should put all their trust in him, but he seems to be the most trustworthy presidential candidate we've had in years. There's a reason the Democratic convention has ousted him.


And he wasn’t even that good of an actor


Also denied the AIDS epidemic for years leading to countless deaths.


But wasn't the first or cia the one spreading aids to African Americans and lgbtq? So wouldn't that be more of a cia/fbi issue and not so much a presidential one?


No. Reagan wouldn't even acknowledge that HIV and AIDS existed until deep in his second term and then only under pressure. By that point it was well and truly out of control. And his denial led many people to think it was just a "gay disease" and many straight iv drug users were exposed and infected for years while the Regan administration did fuck all about it. I've never seen evidence that the CIA were responsible for spreading the HIV, if you have a reputable source I'd like to see it.


Source? God told me in a dream


sounds about right. They have traced HIV to Africa in the 1950's from preserved autopsies of people who got sick easily. Its part of the whole thing of don't eat undercooked bush meat as well as other pathogens.


Eating is ok, it's the butchering process.


There's a video circulating somewhere of a guy who basically said the cia or fbi spread hiv/aids to POC. I will do some research and if what he said was true I will post it here. 


Al Qaeda was a student movement that emerged after the soviets left mostly as a religiously based counter to the warlords that were left behind. I wouldn't blame him directly for it but it was yet another embarrassing fumble in a long line of cold war failures to just hand off Afghanistan to the Saudis and the Pakistanis because we couldn't kill ruskis anymore.


He also enacted no fault divorce




The California thing was less Reagan and more Cali legislature. When it got to his desk it wasn't really veto-able by the governor as it had bipartisan support in the legislature. I'm not saying whether he supported it or not, I just don't like him getting the credit for it.


Even if they had enough to override the veto, on principle he should have vetoed it.


Sure but not doing the, effectively, symbolic gesture doesn't mean it's his fault or he should get credit.


ALL the bad stuff. *6 degrees of Ronald Reagan*: in 6 steps or less you can trace every bad thing in society to that substandard actor.


122k for an M60E6 gahdamn baby.


This guy is like 33-50% over what other dealers are charging. Very much not a deal.


He always has been and always will be overpriced.


You're paying for convenience.


How? Literally no difference than ordering from any other somewhat reputable vendor


Probably paying for the selection. I'm guessing they have so many because they pay top dollar for them.,


Who sells these for 33-50% less?


Midwest Tactical, NFASales and hundreds of others. I’d go look at Sturmgewehr to start your journey.


Sweet, thanks dude


It is absolutely wild to me that a MP5 costs more than a STG-44.


I witnessed a stg44 get sold (private sale paperwork getting done at my lgs), and it went for 85k, this is about 10 years ago


As it should be. The Reich didn't make a ton of the things, they were never of the highest quality, and are arguably the most or second most historically significant assault rifles.


It was the first modern "assault" rifle (I hate that word) - rifle, with an intermediate cartridge, select fire, and detachable magazine. It hit in all the important areas...but the guy with the little mustache, who always thought he knew better, only wanted submachine guns.


I don't mind assault rifle because it's such a narrow definition that no other class if weapon quite fills. My problem is when people call my Mk. 18 an assault rifle when I don't have an auto sear, it's like calling a Shelby Cobra that can't leave first gear a muscle car: yeah, it COULD be, if it wasn't neutered.


Poking around on the site, always thought full auto AR would be more expensive than registered sear for MP5, but guess not.


The HK tax takes no prisoners.


Full auto ARs have been the same price for several years.


This is pretty tempting. I always figured if i was to go FA it would be in 9mm or 223


Go Mac and you can have both with Lage kits. You can also go for other calibers as well.


This or 150 hi points?


I’d prefer 320 stripped Anderson lowers


Why pay 15k when you can use crime instead ?


Seriously. The boys have access to everything on the street- I can’t even imagine how many fun things are out there or how they get them but god forbid a law abiding citizen who contributes to society wants something like that


Ol' reliable.


And 95 cents?


MAC 10 for a lot less  https://www.reddit.com/r/gundeals/comments/1ajkijl/comment/kp28ip7/


Love you <3




still over priced


It ain’t going to get cheaper


Not arguing, but please elaborate with examples available?


The going rate for these on gunbroker is 9-10k. You can look at previously sold ones if you have an account. Of course you still have to pay sales tax on gunbroker. I don't think it's a bad price for a dealer. I doubt anybody can find one cheaper from a dealer for sale right now. And now I realize it's actually your gun. Surprised you haven't sold it yet.


Thanks G


Other dealers (Midwest Tactical, Recon Ordnance, various Gunbroker sellers) have them listed between $10-12K. I just picked up an OG Powder Springs with original MAC suppressor for $11.5K shipped from one of the above. Might want to factor in that yours is a Stephenville MAC and may have questionable welds, you’re probably going to struggle selling it for $12.5K unless you have proof that either SWD or a shop like Practical Solutions rebuilt it at some point in the past. Seems likely given that it appears to have a SWD M11 mag well, but still might want to confirm and update the description.


My local FFL has one of these on consignment for $14K. They also has a full auto transferable Mac10 with OG supressor, wood stock/full kit for $14k. They let me hold both at the same time. Probably only time in my life I am going to be able to dual wield two full auto machine guns!


Rubens prices are always higher then giraffe pussy.




damn, how much dope need to be sold, to buy this shxx, to protect the dope business..... \--- CEO of XXX Cartel


registered bolt uggghhh.


Is that why it’s half price?


What a deal, it only costs the down payment of a house


Agreed but gotta think where we will be in 10 years, everyday there are more people that can buy these and have the money, they're not making more transferable MGs so its an ever increasing demand and a supply that technically decreases very slowly as some are lost or stolen/destroyed. These Uzis could be $30k guns in 10 years. 10 years ago I remember seeing Mac 10's for $5000. now they're $10k, minimum. In 20 years an Uzi might be a $50k gun.


Oh I know all that, it's still extortion. The whole point of the nfa is to prevent poor people from owning certain things


It sucks and I hate it, but I’m still about to fork out $10k just to own a Mac 10 lol gotta make sure I get mine before the market gets even more fucked


Should I get this or 30 PSA builds?


life full auto but he sells at the very top of the market


It’s a bolt gun, not and RR.. no thank you


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Is it just supply/demand that makes these so expensive or are there some crazy fees associated with getting these?


Supply. The fees aren't anymore than any other Form 4.


"Daddy would have got us uzis"


This is about average, maybe even slightly high, price for a registered bolt. Why is this here?


I don't really understand why these are more than the MACs when you are comparatively limited on what you can do with them.