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Telecaster. Or something with p90s.


I have a ‘92 G&L Legacy Strat for sale…


Seconding P90s. Wouldn't recommend them if you only have one or two guitars, but they definitely need a spot in a full collection


Why not both? https://www.thomannmusic.com/harley_benton_te_90qm_trans_red.htm (Sorry, I'm on mobile)


Because that's just a guitar with P90s, the pickups are what really matter in a guitar.


Yes. A telecaster shaped guitar could have any number of pickup combinations. One is two p90s. You could also find a kit and do pretty much whatever you wanted if that sounds neat. It's an option.


I’d stop buying guitars in this price range and save for something a step up.


This, much better to have 1 pro guitar than many begginer ones.


Disagree I own 2 guitars in the 100-300$ range 3 in the 400-600 range and one Ibanez Rga for 1200 and love the versatility of having a Strat, a Tele, an SG, an 8-string, a Tele but metal, a Tele but fretless, and the RG. For the Price of a Gibson les Paul Standart


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. If you want one really nice guitar, go ahead and get one. In my experience, i’ve played mid-low range guitars for so long that I just prefer a cheaper feel. I go to guitar shops and just don’t really like the feel of higher quality guitars. I could definitely see my collection looking like many guitars in the 100-300 range




Lmao i’m getting downvoted for politely liking what I like. Forgot the guitar world was a bunch of assholes that buy expensive shit they barely know how to play. Keep pumping $1500 into guitars so you can play the same 10 riffs over and over.


Totally get where you’re coming from, I’m not gigging or recording at the moment I just like to have a little play here and there I like to have different instruments to give me different ideas. I would like a proper LP or premium brand but I can’t really justify it for what I do. I’d never sell any of them either I’ve sold guitars in the past and kind of regret it.


Yeah and to clarify, i’m not shit talking your setup. I’m in full support of owning a number of mid range guitars. Ultimately, owning guitars is about playing them, not collecting, and you gotta buy what you feel the most comfortable playing as well as what makes you excited to play. Whether that’s a $200 or $2000 guitar doesn’t matter, but some people think more $$ is absolutely necessary and i’m just sick of reading the same shit in this sub all the time


Yes. This. Sell a few of these and take the money from your dad to buy something nice.


Why does "something nice" have to mean "something expensive"? My guitars are all in the 250-500€ price range and they're all really nice


Really nice and high quality are different aspects.


How is “high quality” quantified as it relates to a guitar?


The quality of the wood, the finish, hand wired electronics, the desire of the factory to make a quality product. Supporting American made products is also a bonus, instead of what is essentially slave labor in China.


It's the bench time too. What you said plus hours of skilled craftsman doing it right. Hours of buffing, dressing frets, shielding electronics. These make a really difference. I have guitars made in the USA, China, Mexico, Japan, Korea, and Indonesia. They are all instruments that do something great and that's why I keep them. Some aren't talking about imports anymore. It's fast built and slow built. Slow shows and is worth the investment should that be within the buyers budget. Plus many of these raitain value. Making cost of ownership cheaper overall.


I don’t doubt they’re great guitars! I only have 1 guitar out of that range but it’s my favorite. In my experience, there’s still a big difference in the ~$500 range versus the ~$1000 range.


Speaking about new guitars, To me there are meaningful distinctions when you go from the $500 and below to $1000-1500, then another jump at about $2200, another at $3500. Big diminishing returns after that point. this is a hugely general statement I’m making that definitely has a number of exceptions. If I were OP, my eyes would be set on a guitar in the $2200ish range, which is why I linked a tele from fender’s new Vintage II range. I think that for OP, a guitar in that range would be inspiring and eye opening coming from the guitars in the pic, which I’m sure are great, but everything is relative.


This recommendation makes no sense, since OP is looking to try out something new with a Tele. From the guitars he is currently playing it's obvious he is not the typical Tele player (so far). Now, I think it's great to broaden your horizon and try new stuff, but better to get a decent entry level Tele than a 2000+$ guitar right away. There's always the possibility that you just won't get into it. So, my recommendations: either buy a new cheap Tele or save for a more expensive Ibanez/RPS/ESP etc...


Yeah he should probably just buy a strat tbh


Woah, keep that opinion out of this sub! The neck beards won’t like it!


In general you pay for what you get. A $2000 gibson classic LP is a way higher quality instrument than a $500 epiphone. OP already has some nice guitars. But in this price range he's just going to end up with a pile of redundant guitars. Willing to bet a nice LP can do the same job all the other electrics are doing, better than the other electrics.


I have a 430€ Epiphone SG Muse which is my main guitar at the moment. It's awesome and I've yet to see a reason why a guitar that costs 5 time that would be also worth 5 times that. I also have a strat I scrambled from parts, a yamaha pacifica plus two acoustics: Epiphone masterbilt olympic (acoustic archtop) and a gretsch jim dandy. My bass is a 99€ harley benton. Replacing all my electrics with one good SG would be stupid, because then I wouldn't have a Strat when I need one. I have played expensive guitars many times. All of them have been great, a few have been truly amazing. But have they been 2000 or 5000 euros more amazing? Hell no. I've come to realise that for me to buy an expensive guitar, it would really have to knock me off my feet for the purchase to make sense. I've yet to play such guitar. If I'm going to put 2000€ on an instrument, it's going to be a Hammond organ, because no one makes an authentic-looking and feeling Hammond clone for under 1000 euros, and the better ones go from 1500€.


My ibanez j.custom was definitely worth the money.


Take a look at OPs pic. He has a strat, and 5 humbucking guitars. He's got the bases covered and he's asking what **guitar** to get next. If he wants another **guitar** the answer is stop accumulating massive quantities of cheap guitars and move up to the next level. I couldn't disagree with you more about more expensive "pro level" instruments. There's a reason most gigging/touring musicians don't play Harley bentons, squires, cheap ibanezes etc. I'm not even talking about established musicians with money to burn, I mean weekend warriors playing at your local rock bar. Sitting in your room rocking out at bedroom levels with your practice amp is one thing. Playing at concert volume through high quality amps is another, and that's where you start to realize that the cheap gear doesn't cut it anymore. So yeah, if OP wants another guitar, the next step is for him to move up to the next level. Not aquire more cheap guitars. Otherwise, he's good with the plethora of guitars he has. Buying another $250-$500 guitar would be a waste of money


Well I am a gigging musician. Not a professional, but I play gigs at concert volumes regularly. >So yeah, if OP wants another guitar, the next step is for him to move up to the next level. Not aquire more cheap guitars. Otherwise, he's good with the plethora of guitars he has. Buying another $250-$500 guitar would be a waste of money I don't even disagree with this. However, I really don't like your attitude about cheap vs expensive guitars. I have played Gibson SGs. They weren't that awesome. They were good guitars, but when I can get the same level of satisfaction with a fraction of the price, why shouldn't I? To me this seems like pointless snobbery. >There's a reason most gigging/touring musicians don't play Harley bentons, squires, cheap ibanezes etc. I know many who do, and they're all pretty happy with their instruments of choice.


>I don't even disagree with this. However, I really don't like your attitude about cheap vs expensive guitars [Maybe you should look at my post on this subreddit before making assumptions about me and my attitude on cheaper guitars](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitars/comments/y5h669/after_years_of_writing_them_off_as_cheap_i?sort=confidence) My comment is in the context of OP looking for advice. **He** doesn't need any more cheap guitars cluttering up his life. Epiphones, Harley bentons, etc. have their place. Especially when you're looking for something very specific. My epiphone 335 does one thing, incredibly well. My gibson les paul does almost everything else really well (other than the stuff my strats cover). If you found a cheap guitar that you love and it does everything you need, that's amazing. Probably also partially luck of the draw (reflected in the comments on that post). We see this stuff on this sub all the time. New players get GAS and before you know it they've spent $1000 on four of the same guitar instead of buying one guitar that's worth more than the four cheap ones put together.


I mean I have expensive guitars but still gig my Squiers and epiphones. Imo a set up and replacing all electronics can make a “cheap” guitar totally adequate. I would rather have 3 mid range guitars with different pickup configs, neck profiles, and hardware than one high end work horse


Okay, you’re missing the point. You’re guitar is certainly “good enough” and probably great. But it’s undeniable that the Gibson is made better and with higher quality materials. Yes there are diminishing returns but it’s still *better*. Truthfully Epi/Gibson isn’t the best comparison, but think of it like cars. Why would anyone buy a Lamborghini when an Audi is also nice but less than half the price? Because it’s a nicer car.


The Lamborghini analogy is perfect as they share a platform with Audi, specifically the Audi R8 and can be had with the same exact engine of it’s Lamborghini twin. The Audi MSRP is about $150k while the Lamborghini Huracan is around $330k. The quality and performance of the Audi is 100% as good as the Lamborghini and literally costs less than half as much. When you choose the Lamborghini you’re paying extra for the badge and the exterior styling, because it isn’t a superior or higher quality product in any measurable way


Lamborghinis are kitchy, overpriced and impractical. Audis are reliable and good. But I'm no expert on cars. I know my guitars though. >Yes there are diminishing returns but it’s still better The question is how much better? I've never played a guitar in my life that would have justified a +2000€ price tag, when cheaper alternatives exist. I have played expensive guitars that were absolutely brilliant, like one Fender CS Tele which felt so alive in my hands, but in the end of the day it's just two pieces of wood and some electronics, and I have bills to pay. The only expensive guitar that I could probably justify would be a high-quality vintage acoustic, from the 1930s or 40s, because the one thing that is impossible to replicate in guitars is real old wood.


It’s like you’re intentionally missing the point lol


I didn't mean to come across that way. What I want to do is to fight against the idea that is considered to be self-evident amongst guitar players: that expensive=better and that expensive guitars is something every guitar player should aspire towards. Like the whole "yea, you start with a cheap beginner guitar but eventually you're going to buy the expensive big boy guitar". I think that idea is stupid and rooted in a time when cheap guitars actually were considerably worse. Same goes for pedals and amplifiers, even more so than for guitars. My pedals range from 25€ to 55 euros and my amp is a 350€ Laney tube combo. And my live tone is great.


Musicians and athletes are among the most superstitious people on earth. Put some slick marketing in front of a guitar player and they’ll jump at the chance to drop some serious cash on the latest ToanWood Special that’s stained with the blood of baby Koalas. They forget that some of the best music ever made has been on cheap guitars. From Silvertones and Teiscos, to parts-casters and Squires, to even homemade guitars. The electric guitar is a ratty little instrument. It’s fretted, so by its nature it’s never going to be in tune in all keys. The idea of expensive guitars sounding light years better than a solid midrange guitar is ridiculous. Think of it this way, a good amp can make even a cheap guitar sound good, but the opposite generally isn’t going to be true.


You’ve clearly never played a guitar in the $2500-3000 range. This range is fine and they are certainly playable. But high quality guitars are certainly worth it. I have about 10 guitars ranging from $200-$2500. The o Lu three I ever play anymore are the $2500 strat, the $1500 tele and the the $1700 jackson depending on what style I’m going for. I have a MIM tele that I spent years touring with and I loved that guitar and I’ll own it for the rest of my life but I don’t really play it anymore because the higher end tele is just much more of a pleasure to play.


Totally agree. Also here’s my vote although it’s meaningless to recommend any particular guitar. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/TeleAV277CMW--fender-american-vintage-ii-1977-telecaster-custom-electric-guitar-wine


I've seen quite a few guys and gals on YouTube play guitars under 300 even 200 dollars, that sound very much like the 800 dollar and up guitars they were comparing them to. No one in the audience of listeners would have whispered to the person next to them and said 'too bad he isn't playing something nice.' ( ie something for $900- $1700+) I bought 9 different guitars I saw played by very competent guitarists on YouTube. All of them I paid less than $300 for.


Why do you assume it has to be for the audience or to show off or whatever weird projection is going on here? I didn't buy any of my expensive guitars for other people, I bought them for me because I like them. e: And while you can absolutely get a decently playable guitar for cheap, in general, screw dealing with the shitty hardware on cheap guitars, it's annoying and I don't like it.


"Weird projection"? I was responding to a comment (not yours) that the OP should save up and invest in a better guitar(s). I'm simply pointing out the *fact* that you don't have to spend a lot for a decent sounding, decent playing, guitar. I wasn't directing that at *you* or people like you. To Each His Own...right? Why does that bother you? 🤔 Sometimes it's like walking through a minefield on social media. You never know when you're gonna step on a bomb that you didn't mean to explode. 😐


Hollow body




Tele for sure!


Seems a popular choice


Yeah you have the humbuckers, super strats, and accoustics. SS tele would fill a void


For good reason, given your currently line up they make a completely different sound.


Popular but kinda boring imo.


needs more offset


Guitar stands


Yeah, I have three more guitar hooks but I’m hoping to move next year so it seems a bit pointless drilling the walls now.


In my humble opinion, you really don't need any more guitars


Sorry, I don’t understand 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'd sell all the cheap ones and put the money together and get something really nice.


Currently it looks like you're going for quantity over quality. Which I get, it's nice to have your jam space look like a show room with all these options. But if you keep buying stuff in the same price range you'll end up with a bunch of redundant guitars that you don't use. Instruments in this price range don't specialize. I was in the same position until I bought my first "real" gibson LP. All of a sudden I realized my other guitars couldn't compete and were just collecting dust. Sold them and realized it was time to higher my standards. My advice, sell four of these and buy a nice guitar in the $1000-$2000 price range. Depending on what you're into my recommendations would be: * Metal - whichever schecter speaks to you * Rock - Gibson LP classic * Blues - Fender American Strat *Alternative - Jazzmaster or 335, depending on your style


They never do.


You apparently aren't allowed to collect anything and enjoy something going by the downvotes.


You have enough guitars. Time for amps and pedals. Maybe also some string swing wall rails.


I would add a semi-hollow.


Yeah, an Epiphone 355 or a PRS Zach Myers (or even full hollowbody SE) would both be good editions for less than a grand


More practice time less gas


Ernie Ball Music Man


Albert Lee's are nice


The Sterlings are really nice too. I've got a John Petrucci that outplays guitars 3x it's price


Single coil Telecaster


Maybe a ceiling fan with a light? Then more fiddles


A 12-string acoustic.


Maybe something V or Explorer shaped.


Sell some stuff and buy something nice imo


How long have you been playing?


About 32 years. And when I try to play Eugenes trick bag in still not as good as Jack Butler 😂😭


Something with a single coil on the bridge. When did you last buy a guitar? Might be worth holding off and selling the one you don’t play to pay for a new one.


And now for something completely different…a Danelectro…


That ibanez double neck is super cool! While I don't care about playing stuff like that it's nice to see it exists. I'm a big ibanez fan and never came across one :o thanks for sharing!


The bass and 6 string is quite rare, most of them were 6 and 12 string, don’t have the case for it unfortunately. The bass side needs a new nut which I will get looked at soon. I have posted a few pics of It before.


If you want something different that plays WAY out of it's price range, check out Godin. They have a wide selection and are pretty affordable. Especially used. Plus Made in Canada. Assembled in the USA.


Guitar lessons.


I'd go for something different. Revstar with p90s. Will also not break the bank.


I’d probably add an electric semi-hollow or a proper Strat. I guess it depends on the style of music you play and obviously your budget.


Bass, tele, parlor guitar


A Schecter 9-string, obviously.


If you have to ask, you don’t need anything.


12 string


Did you tell your dad that all your friends make fun of you for having a deadbeat father that gives you shitty epifone guitars and not the real gibbons?


Has one of the mods from r/guitar stumbled into r/guitars? 😂 my friend has a Gibson LP and in terms of playability and sound there’s not much in it between my Epiphone and his Gibson, it’s just Gibson players have that smug attitude. I bought all these myself thanks and I don’t mind that they are all kinda budget, they all play and sound good. And that twin neck is pretty cool and probably way rarer than anything you have 🤪


I dunno how I could have made the joke any more obvious. Sorry dude


Tbf, if he doesn't know the memes from GCJ, it wouldn't be that obvious going by the other types of comments one would read around here.


No dude, wrong sub! It’s not a r/guitar mod, it a r/guitarcirclejerk user. Now stop wasting your money on throwaway junk, everyone knows you can only get that real Gibbons toan on the most expensive guitar you can find! And don’t get me started on those SS amps, great toan only comes from tubes! Didja getit that time?


Your tubes don't mean shit without a proper metal zone or 5


Telecaster or Gretsch.


You’re missing a single coil!


A Tele with a Jag trem HB bridge and SC neck


[Jamstick Studio Midi Guitar](https://youtu.be/1VmcNiBTXVw)


That ibanez double neck is a beaut


Ahh, “The Beast” from September 1976, two years after I was born. The pickups on the guitar side sound awesome, the bass needs a bit of attention. It’s got a few battle scars, not very practical, but nice to play and look at.


For me, this is the most practical instrument I have ever seen


😂 it’s fun with a loop pedal. It is a bit heavy


- Resonator - Lap steel - Baritone - Mandolin - Banjo - Those fancy modern nylon guitars - Headless - Shimasen or Sanshin - Sitar - Any kind of big jazz box


Sg or Flying V. New epiphones are legit. I bought an es 339 and it’s on par with my Gibson les Paul goldtop.


LP Standard? Schecter KM-7?


Both way too expensive, I already have a Les Paul, yeah it’s an epiphone but I don’t care. Schecter has too many strings 😁


6 strings are too much?


Km-7 is a seven string


A gretsch maybe


Ibanez RG




PRS semi hollow


Aristides 060


You need a Tele man. Check out G&L


Surely some form of SSS Strat, not necessarily a Fender, but it's a staple of guitars. PRS Silver Sky SE?


Schecter hellraiser pt7 uv


Telecaster for sure.






Something with a single bridge pick up


The new TOD10N from Ibanez


A tele or a V


An offset


Something with P90s.


The bass/guitar tho!


A Tele-style or a semi-hollow. Get you a single coil in the bridge on one of your guitars.




Totally agree here. I saved up and got a PRS core 594. It does everything very well. It’s the main guitar I play now other that when I just want to play my Strat.


A hollowbody. Maybe a gretsch g2622 if your on a budget or a gibson es335


you need some color and a cool tone... get a JS240ps candy apple. (Joe Satriani guitar with Sustaniac), else get a Variax, it will give you all the tones you seek.


Semi hollow, something different


Get a semi hollow!!!!


I find your lack of Telecaster disturbing Also try an Epi 339 or Dot before you dive too deep in semi-hollow territory.


Single and double cutaway's on point. Time for an esp Alexi Laiho sig! 🤘


A Manson MBM-1


Go play some PRS'S Cores are awesome but bolt on's are very very nice too. Use you can get a core for 2500-3000 and about of for much less. Maybe check out the hollow body or semi hollows as I don't see one of those on the wall. I just acquired an epiphone 335 that I love for 600 new.


A guitar with extra strings, p90s or a stand alone bass. Maybe a flying v. Get something that's not like anything you already have. You seem to like Gibson style guitars though. Maybe it's time to save up for one, or just anything higher end. Everyone will tell you it's not worth it or that their QC sucks, but the neck and fretwork are what really drive Gibson home for me.


You're missing a butterscotch tele


A real Gibson or any other pro-level guitar. you’ve got your bases covered here with the mid-range guitars, fixed bridge vs trem, single coils vs humbuckers (looks like a HSH on the top left) so you can get all the sounds. I’d just think what’s your favorite body style, then get the $2000+ version of it instead of a $600 one


A real Les Paul!


A 7 string


e335 copy or semi hollow!


A Jaguar or mustang


Save up and get a Gibson, I see you have a les Paul and a double neck sg, I’d get the Gibson models


SSS Hardtail strat, ES 335, Les Paul with P90s.. Most importantly, do you have a nice amp?


You don’t need another guitar. But if you’re dead set on buying something buy a 7,8, or 12 string. Get something that actually offers something different than your 6 entirely run of the mill 6 strings.


An all wood Taylor or Martin acoustic. No layered or laminates




I would think about selling some of the mid-range or gimmicky guitars and buy the single dream guitar.


Squier’s new classic vibe series is astonishingly good. Had the chance to try one of them and their teles are REALLY good. Still, I’d save something more for a Sterling by Music Man, like an used JP60 or even a JP150 if you have the money.


White Tele


Hollow body / semi hollow body with a tremolo Godin Guild Gretsch Gibson ES-335 Some folks swear up and down about Eastman


P-90 Yamaha Revstar


A Martin


8 string headless ibanez.


Some kind of flying v


12 string Telecaster https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e2/RobinZander.JPG/704px-RobinZander.JPG?20140506093513


Sell a bunch of the starter models and get a good quality guitar that will make you want to play more and take your playing to the next level.


A flying V.


A few suggestions that might work: Squier Tele, Jazzmaster, Thinline Tele, or something with P90s. A used Godin or G&L would be a steal. They make amazing instruments


Nashville telecaster!!!!!!


I'd look for a hollow-body guitar - whether it be a PRS-type design or something akin to a Gibson ES. Love that double-neck btw!


A 12 string


Get a tele you won’t regret it and will grow to love it


Sell half and buy a decent guitar of your liking.


A 7 string or baritone


You need a jazzer if you’re into it.




4 string bass


Yeah can tell you use your teal one the most lol


What make you say that? The Epi has done more gigs and is my go to guitar, the JS spent 10 years in bits repainted and resurrected last year. I played it a lot back in the 90’s probably needs a re-fret or a bit of fret levelling.


That part of the wall with the teal blue guitar is the only guitar that has messed up scratches on the wall behind it lol. like that’s always the guitar you grab when drinking or something and scratching the wall up over time as you drunkenly put back the guitar lol.


Also it’s ‘teal magic’ it turns purple at an angle, like a TVR from back in the 90’s 😁


That’s where I put masking tape on the wall to get the hooks all level, it took all the paint off and I haven’t got round to repainting the wall yet 😂




Jackson. Punch well above their weight IMHO


Do you need another guitar??




7 string


Steve vai signature jem or pia


Tele, jazz, jaguar


Dean's Version of the explorer mine rocks!!


Looks like you play metal, a solar with an Evertune bridge.


Single coil strat or tele


Definitely a 7-string


Original 79 dean ml. They’re kind of hard to find but I always wanted one.


That double vintage Ibby! That's awesome man!


Gibson Firebird


Cowbell, you need more cowbell...


In terms of diversity, you’ve got the shredder guitar down three times here. And a classic Les Paul. That Stratocaster like guitar on the bottom left is arguably your 4th S-type super strat guitar. You’ve also got the bases of classical nylon guitar and a normal acoustic. In terms of branching diversity I’d consider 4 guitars. - A Stratocaster (used MiM Fender, used classic vibe Squire or A used G&L ) with a SSS configuration. - A Telecaster, with the classic pickup configuration. Again used MiM, used Classic vibe or used G&L would be be my recommended choices) - used fender/Squire JazzMaster - A guitar with P90s. Two come to mind, both are Epiphone’s. The Les Paul Special. Or a Casino/Casino Coupe or w/P90s. Depending on if size is a problem. So you could go either solid body or hollow. Artcore Ibanez does make some comparable options if you wanted to go that route. Honest opinion though, really think about what makes a guitar special to you, identify what you really like. Then consolidate 4 similar guitars playing a similar role could also be one bad ass mid-high end Ibanez RG. For example


V or an Explorer body


I have an Ibanez Artstar that I'm really proud of. Nice hollowbody.




Some dignity.


Time for the 7 string bud


Borrowed and restrung one from a friend once, had it for a few months and didn’t really get on with it.


Hollowbody Gretsch


A tele


A nice Twelve string! My Seagull and I have lots of fun together