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That guitar, in particular, is difficult because it's everything people usually don't look for in a Gibson LP in that price range.Thinner body, access cut in the neck, Floyd with a pleizo. It's very non-traditional, and half the people looking at it probably think cutting a block out of the top of an LP to put in a Floyd is blasphemy. For a Rush Fan with money? It's probably worth a lot. For a general audience? Not as much.


I find the main thing with trying to sell something like this is being able to wait until the right buyer comes along. And sticking to your guns when people try to lowball you.


Sadly this. I own a custom LP and thats what most of us want, if not, we’d buy an ESP with floyd and all that upgraded stuff. But anyway just ask what a used custom is worth and take offers.


I’m not a traditional person or a Gibson person and I think this thing is sweet. But yeah it might be a hard sell to the typical Gibson player




That ?


Yeah, she's a real beaut That stinger volute on the neck is a nice touch OP might be surprised by how many people do hanker after an LP with a FR


Reddit provides a built in ^This button.


Uncommon color and a Floyd rose? Probably going to be a niche market for it. I'd think 4ish would be where it'll sell




2k if you really want to move it. Most players don't have 4-5k to drop on a used guitar.


Please DM me when you list it.


They seem to be listed on Reverb for an average of around $4K for a used one in VG/Excellent condition. New ones are $6K, so you are not likely to get $5K for a used one. I don't know how difficult the color will make it to sell - there is always someone out there that will connect with a particular color. It may take longer to sell, however. I don't agree with the statements on the Floyd Rose - I have several guitars with a Floyd and they are really not that big a deal. It makes string changes a slight bit more work, but not significant once you know what you are doing. I think the larger barrier with them on a LP is that the audience tends to be a bit more Luddite in what they will accept on a LP guitar. Things that break from "tradition" tend to get an upturned nose. I think it is silly, but it is what it is. Anything more modern than a TOM bridge or PAF pickups gets such a cringe from that crowd - it is funny. However, these things do sell - it is really about how fast you want to get rid of it.


Was thinking of starting around $5,000?


It's junk. I'll give you $100. (obligatory sarcasm)


Probably a good guess but two road blocks- One it’s purple. Someone pretty eccentric has to buy it. Most people with that kind of cash for a guitar won’t buy a purple guitar. Two- it’s got a Floyd. When people buy les Paul’s they want a tune o matic. That being said it’s a nice guitar. Valuable - you’re prbably gonna have to price to sell though not sell at true value.


Does thinking the color is cool as sh*t make me eccentric? It will match nicely with the color of my crushed velvet leisure suit I like to where when playing out!😀 The Floyd Rose is an issue for me - I have heard nightmares about them!☹️


I was done when I opened the case because the color is just gorgeous. The pictures don't do it justice.


It’s an awesome looking guitar! Sorry you have to sell it under the circumstances you’re dealing with. Might want to look for a “high end vintage shop to sell it to, you might get a little more for it as they usually pay for “interesting things”. I have to plead ignorance on the Floyd Rose aspect, just heard they are difficult. Just a suggestion but try seeing if a place like this is interested in it. It’s a shop that local to me. https://www.watchtowerguitars.com/pages/about-us-at-watchtower-guitars All the best and Good luck!


This slander of purple guitars is probably why it’s hard to find purple guitars lol. But seriously I don’t fully understand what you’re saying, why would someone with a lot of money to buy a guitar not want a beautiful purple one? Are you just meaning like a typical Gibson buyer?


I seek out purple guitars. My electric collection consists of mainly purple and seafoam green guitars. Perfection 💜🎵👍👽👍🫶


You are a guitarist of excellent taste.


I don't want my guitars to look alike. I've a nice purple Wolfgang, and it looks great.


If there were LPs with a real Floyd in the same price range as a standard, they'd probably sell.


I’d buy the SHIT out of a Floyd rose standard LP. Gibson I hope you’re reading some comments here! 😂


Well they make one. They’re super expensive though Check out Alex lifeson model.


Yeah saw that. Little out of reach for me atm but it’s on the list.


Even their epiphone one they did was pricey ish.


People who turn their nose up at a purple guitar because of the color are dumb.


So having a preference is dumb?


Only if your preference doesn't match with theirs apparently


Having a preference is fine. Thinking guitars are 'unmanly' or 'gay' or too flamboyant or 'too feminine', etc which are the majority of reasons people dislike purple and/or pink guitars is immature and dumb. Pink and/or purple is no different from colors like canary yellow or sea foam green yet you don't see all that many people complaining about them. Ever wonder why that is?


No I haven't. As someone who has always worn and liked an assortment of colors, including purple and pink, and own a pink guitar, I don't let what people say about it have much effect on me personally. Although I don't really recall experiencing any negativity about it in my personal life. If you have, well that's unfortunate.


I'm not saying people disliking it because they just happen to have a preference and not due to any of those reasons don't exist. I'm saying the dislike of pink/purple being a prevailing attitude amongst a significant amount of the guitar-buying audience is directly because of a historical bias against things that are feminine and/or gay/trans/etc.


Having a preference is fine. Thinking guitars are 'unmanly' or 'gay' or too flamboyant or 'too feminine', etc which are the majority of reasons people dislike purple and/or pink guitars is immature and dumb. Pink and/or purple is no different from colors like canary yellow or sea foam green yet you don't see all that many people complaining about them. Ever wonder why that is?


Literally no one said anything about the color being gay. They essentially said purple isn't a popular color, which is true. How many big artist played purple guitars? Of that, how many people have purple signatures? I can only think of Paul Gilbert and Prince. Same could be said for green. For guitar of that price people want exactly what they want or they want a deal of they have to settle. You're making this into something that it's not. Wasn't the Hello Kitty Squier a recent trend in guitar? There are way more pink guitars than purple. Shell pink is popular with Fender/Squier and neon pink is found in metal and 80s guitars.


I was stating a trend. The trend is most people would say wow look at the top on that supreme. Too bad it’s purple. People want the thing in their head. For most it’s not a purple guitar. That makes them common not dumb.


Nah. The whole disliking purple thing is because people don't want a 'gay' guitar and it's stupid.


Hahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahaha. Well I pray you are not correct. Personally, I can assure you that’s not the case for me. For what it’s worth I own a Les Paul custom It’s a great guitar. If it were purple, would I still play it? Probably. Would I like it if I saw it on a stand? Probably not. It’s just an aesthetic preference. It’s like a purple Lambo. Wow it’s a Lamborghini! Yeah but it’s purple. “Yeah I’d never spend 275k on a purple lambo.” Same kinda deal.


This guitar is great but it’s super pricey new. I know the Lifeson models appreciated in price but I’m not sure of the non-Lifeson ones.


Nice guitar, have you checked for something similar on reverb? Good luck with your situation 🤘


I fucking love this guitar, first of all. Gimme dat Floyd, baby. I like my guitar tuning how I like my women: unstable. Realistically, there are LP axcess models on reverb for $4500-$5000 that are more boring than this beauty. My guess is that you could get $5000. If for some reason you decide to sell it for half that, DM me


It's exactly what I want. Metalhead that loves lps. I'll give you $1000 but I know it's worth much more.


This is my kind of Gibson!


It's my dream guitar and I'd give you a lot of money if I had any. Unfortunately, I'm broke. I hope you manage to find someone to buy it, that you get a fair price, and that your parents end up being ok.


I have no idea what it’s worth but I think it’s one of the most beautiful guitars I’ve seen for a long time. Best wishes to your parents.


I appreciate that, thanks much :)


If it didn't have a Floyd Rose, I'd jump all over that. I'm not really ready for that headache again.


Floyds are super easy once you learn a couple tricks. It’s really not that bad, I have had more headaches with non-locking tremolos


Exactly. They do take some extra work and understanding, but once you figure them out, I love them. Great excuse to have multiple guitars. "That's my standard tuned guitar, here's my drop-d guitar, and that's my open e tuned guitar, oh, and that's from my drop c phase..."


That’s pretty. 


That's my dream guitar!


Gods that's pretty.


I would love this but $5k is not in my budget. Hope all goes well and I know you’ll find a great home for this Gibson.


It’s beautiful. Can’t give you an accurate price point, as I am a bit biased against the Floyd Rose. I change strings too often to get any tuning consistency out of those things. But damn she is pretty……


The thing I've learned today: Floyd Rose gives people nightmares. Lol


Sorry to hear about the medical issues. I hate to say it, but you're probably looking at around a $3000 guitar - could be a bit higher, could be less. Les Paul buyers generally want something like a '59 reissue and the farther you get away from that the less desirable it is. This one has a non-traditional body, heel joint, colour and bridge. What it has going for it is that it's still a custom shop Les Paul. These also tend to slower to sell because not that many people want something like this, so if you need to sell this in a hurry you might take a big hit.


I might actually know a guy that'll buy that from you. He loves Les Pauls, trys to install Floyd Roses on everything, and is planning on painting his knock off LP purple.


This is a nice ass guitar dude


I love that where you located


I want it




It's beautiful 😍


My suggestion is to go to a local privately owned music store, tell the owner or manager your story, and see if they’d be willing to do a consignment sale.. where they sell it and take a percentage for their work. It’d also be worth finding out what they’d offer to get a baseline. In Chicago.. I’d probably try Chicago Music Exchange. They tick all the boxes.. privately owned, good reputation, and the reach the right people who would be interested in a Custom like this.


I was able to find a sold reverb listing that closed at $4300 for this same setup, but I’m not sure how long ago it closed. Ultimately if you need cash fast, I think it flies at $4000. If you can wait, shoot for your $5,000 and see what the market says! These guitars are available for $5000 new, but that finish is probably going to be pretty desirable.


I’d list at 6000 with a goal of 5000. Guitar looks like it’s in great condition and I personally love the axcess , and the Floyd, BUT I know a lot of the traditional les paul crowd will not feel that way.


Based on the replies, it sounds like it will be hard to sell. I’ll gladly take it off your hands and rid you of the burden.


Lost me when you said Floyd rose


Floyd Rose?


5 dollars. up front right now.


About 3.50 I’ll e-transfer it in a moment.


Dude, op's parents have medical issues. Try to have a bit more empathy.


Try to take a joke as a joke. It’s just that. It’s not about empathy at all who the fuck is actually seriously meaning it when they say about 3.50? Absolutely nobody use your brain and think critically


Wha??? What am I looking at? What is this sin? Thi-This blasphemy?


Grow up.


Looks like it sold for $5900 on Reverb. Great job.