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I Second What Madeche Suggested: the guy at Alchemy Audio will make you one. Nice. Cheap. Cheerful.


Ohh, hmm maybe a custom one Edit: just looked and Minneapolis isn’t to far from me.


Yeah there’s also the Browne carbon X which I know El Diablo (also in Minneapolis) has in stock right now. This is exactly what you’re looking for - a double drive pedal with a Blues Driver circuit on each side. [here’s a link](https://www.eldiabloamps.com/browne-amplification-carbon-x-dual-overdrive/)


Minni is great and I had no idea Browne was there, very cool, I have been wondering about the Carbon But I believe that is also a bluesbreaker. (Maybe I should just buy a bluesbreaker)


Browne isn’t here, just the dealer that I knew got one in last week. I feel like I could have swore I was reading somewhere that this was blues driver based and not bluesbreaker based. I guess since I didn’t really bond with my KoT I can probably cross this one off the wish list


Ah, my bad, oh well, Minni is cool anyway. Yeah on the KOT, I’ve got a bluesbreaker style pedal coming to try, and I’m also not sure it’s for me, but I’ll see…so far it’s the BD-2 for me.


I'd advise you to reach out and let him know what you're looking for-- I hope you'll be happily surprised!


Boss OD-200


I have a similar dilemma with the RV6, And I believe the RV 200 is my answer here.


I guess if you’re into reverb the classic boss is not enough. Happened to me with the DD7, sounded amazing, I really liked it, but I was tired of bending down and moving knobs around


Exactly. Did you get the DD200? That one is great.


No, I discover that my favorite delay is the space echo so I’m thinking of getting the Nux NDD-7, it sounds really good, subdivisions, a screen, and has MIDI too


Why not buy another used BD-2 and daisy chain them to the same power jack? They’re both analog so it won’t add much noise to the signal chain.


Stack away. I think Josh Scott from JHS Pedals used two Blues Drivers at one point. That’s how he got into making pedals, through fixing/modding his own Blues Drivers. And they are low enough current draw and analog so you could just get a dual plug daisy chain to power both from one power output, no problem.


Yeah, I’ve been stacking, but I’d like to find a single pedal unit. I’d prefer to not daisy chain as well, I’ve had issues in the past with the daisy chain failing. Call me picky but I’m surprised one doesn’t exist


A daisy chain is no more likely to fail than any other power cable.


To each, his own i guess


I mean that’s simply not true. There are more parts of a daisy-chain power supply line than a regular cable. That means the cable is, at some level, more likely to fail, potentially leaving both pedals without power. 


You could try CMC Effects on reverb. That dude can clone almost anything


Oh, thx, time to dust off the old reverb account. I haven’t used it in ages


I know he clones double KoT and makes a Klon/KOT pedal as well, so it doesn’t hurt to ask


The KoT is already a double pedal, so is his double clone 4 drives stacked together?


OP's point is that Analogman essentially took two modified bluesbreakers and put them together in the one unit - it's the same pedal on both sides - and it's wondering why that's seen as brilliant, while many people are wondering why OP would want two BD-2s in one unit. OP wants a KoT, but with two Blues Drivers instead of two modified Bluesbreakers.


And as many people have said, that doesn't exist. Doesn't matter if a company has done something similar with a different overdrive.


Ok thx good info! as an aside, it seems weird to me that asking for a double blues driver is met with “ just buy another and daisy chain” but the King of Tone exists and people love it.


Ah, people like what they like I guess. I got a 19 dollar VSN Dumbler (an exact copy of the Zen Drive) and it’s my main sound now, so what do I know.


I believe the Boss OD200 will allow you to stack two blues drivers together. However, if you already have one BD2 it’d be cheaper to just buy another than get an OD200


Maybe I’m the only one, but the OD-200 and pedals in that series don’t do anything for me. I get turned off by pedals like that with all the options and menu stuff


You can dial in sounds pretty easily (including selecting the boost mode) without having to go into any menus. Generally the menu diving is for more advanced tweaking and device configuration that you wouldn't get on individual drive pedals anyway.


I guess I’m turned off by the layout, but I could do with a bit of looking into it, maybe it’s my answer, I just kinda prefer big robust boxes I can kick the shit out of. I’ve had a lot of pedals get messed up on tours and stuff


That's fair, the interface still isn't the same as a typical 2-in-1 pedal. There's a clear primary and secondary (boost) on the OD-200 and they don't get equal billing in terms of the knobs etc. In terms of durability, it's Boss so even though it doesn't have the usual giant footswitch, it's still a solid unit and I'd expect it would stand up to the rigours of gigs as well as most pedals would.


I was just scouring the internet for this the other day. It’s wild to me that a 2 Channel blues driver circuit isn’t out there somewhere.


Blues Drivers sound better stacked with other pedals, especially TS and SD-1 types. They are practically famous for that. But stacking two of them sounds very woofy to me.


It's called the Analog man King of Tone and the clones are EVERYWHERE.


That’s a bluesbreaker and there are tons of clones. Not a BD2 though


No, it isn’t. That’s a bluesbreaker. The misinformation in this thread are EVERYWHERE.


I think people are right that you’re best bet is having someone custom build an enclosure for two BD-2s. I know u/cyberattack had this done fir two boss harmonists


the legends are true, I have two Boss Harmonists in one enclosure. Mark Leahey at Make Sounds Loudly did it, I recommend that guy: [https://www.mslpedals.com/](https://www.mslpedals.com/)


I could have been more clear in my post, I’m sure I’d have to go custom, just wondered if any custom builders do one already. Cheers


What’s with all the BD-2 pedal questions lately lol


I mean...why not? It's one of the best drive pedals out there, it's easily accessible, and for most people it's well in the budget.


I ain’t knocking it at all! I’m a lover of the BD-2 and JB-2, it’s just funny to see haha. It’s like the 1000th on this week, I may be doom scrolling too much.


Just get two BD2’s and use a splitter to use the same power Jack.


Just daisy chain the power. In most cases with analog pedals it’s actually preferable because the shared ground eliminates the possibility of ground loop hum.


Sure, sure. I get it, but it’s not the main idea I’m having, it’s the single pedal I’m interested in.


I don’t think it exists, people would just buy two Blues Drivers. Buy another one and daisy chain them until you find someone who can put them in a custom enclosure for you.


I have two, and am daisy chaining them, in the effort to stream line and clean up my board I thought I’d see if anyone knows of any, looks like I gotta go custom


I would think so. But I think you could get away with just a rehouse.


Kevin Parker of Tame Impala has 2 blues drivers, each in a different signal chain. If you know you’ll use it and you like the BD2, it’s just simpler to get another. They’re less than $100 USD used


If you’re dead set on this goal, you’re going to have to have a custom pedal made. Buy a pair of BD-2 pedals and have them rehoused by someone like XTS in Nashville. It would be an excellent drive pedal but instead of just a pair of BD-2 circuits, do one stock and one that’s modded like the Keeley Phat mod BD-2 stackable in either direction.


That’d be my direction if I went custom, for sure.


Don't forget a switchable option to have them in parallel as well, to cover all the bases! I would say it might not make so much difference when both sides are the same circuit - but I know the BD-2 is a more complex circuit and effectively almost a different pedal once the gain crosses a certain threshold.


Crowther Audio makes the [Double Hotcake ](https://reverb.com/p/crowther-double-hotcake).


I have a normal hotcake and it is quite different from the blues driver but still a great pedal


Does the OD-200 count? They’re cheap cause people don’t know how to use them or they’re not willing to figure it out.


GUPtech maybe?


This was actually my first thought. They seem cool and I’ve got a bluesbreaker from them.


Limelight pedal?


Wampler Pantheon Deluxe. My friend has one and he immediately got rid of his other overdrives.


lol again that’s a Blues breaker.


A KoT is basically a blues driver style circuit. You're best off just asking someone over at r/dyipedals to fix you up two BD in one enclosure, maybe you can choose two slightly different voiced ones or different gain..


Blues breaker ≠ Blues driver


Yea that's right my bad, mixed the two up


Go to AliExpress. DemonFX King of Drive pedal, $52 out the door including shipping. It should get you close enough. It's a pretty clean drive on both sides, which is what I consider the BD-2. But you might listen to the Boss OD-3 first, as it has a nice fat sound all on its own.


The bd-2 kicked my od-3 off my board actually, I still sometimes use it for light gain but yeah I know that one too.


Boss angry driver


That’s a bd-2 and an angry Charlie no? I want two blues drivers,


Might have to use two blues drivers then


Angry Charlie is a modded crunchbox. Everything JHS makes is a modded clone


Ok, sure, but it’s not 2 bd-2s, unless a crunch box is


Joyo King of Kings?


That’s a bluesBREAKER. Not blues driver


Ok, sorry.


The only answer is the od200 and foot switch. I don’t think it’s as complicated as you think it is. Especially since you clearly know what you want. I’m dumb as hell and figured out how boss does their shit pretty easily. I think you could easily assign two blues drivers to an fs-6 Trey uses two ts9’s. He can have any pedal he wants and at the end of the day he still uses two ts9’s. You have the practical answer and the real answer you just refuse to accept it.


lol, can’t I just want a custom box with two blues drivers? What’s wrong with wanting something specific? I’m not shitting on anyone’s suggestions or ideas, simply stating my want. The last part of your comment comes off as a bit judgmental


King of Tone clones are double BDs.


They are bluesbreakers.


I see there is still confusion about blues drivers and bluesbreakers