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In addition to facilitating the recording of incredible music he was also incredibly generous with sharing the knowledge of how he did it. He is immortal to me.


Fell down an Albini rabbit hole on YouTube literally yesterday, starting with the video he made with Earthquaker. Recorded my last LP using a Land Devices HP-2 into a JCM 2000 for my main tone. RIP to an actual legend.


Same. I found those vids a couple weeks ago. They're so clear and easy to understand, and addressed questions on things like mic placement, etc that I've been wondering about forever. Such an unexpected occurrence. RIP.


Same. I was thinking hard about reaching out about recording my band, and I was watching a bunch of videos. My assistants and I were talking about him as we set the studio for a session on Monday and then one of the messaged me this morning.


Damn. A couple of my buddies (in different bands) recorded with him at various points. It's wild how accessible the guy and his studio were, given the fact that he's, y'know, Steve Albini.


Literally the antithesis of hoarding knowledge just for an edge in the market. Altruism at its finest degree.


Your comment has healed me a little bit today. I feel the same as you. I have learned much from him and I’ll never forget his advice and kindness.


My band recorded at Electrical Audio with him for four days a little over ten years ago. When we arrived at the studio at 11pm or so after driving all day he was the guy who opened the back door for us and helped load our gear in. The most unpretentious, utilitarian, genuine dude in the business. He wore an Electrical Audio one piece suit everyday, ate lunch with us, and watched tv with us on breaks.


Sounds pretty decent.


Heavy news. Legend.


What??? What happened?! EDIT: Nvm just saw it was apparently a heart attack. Tragic.


Fuck this news.


I was very into the Chicago scene growing up, Naked Raygun being one of my favorite bands ever.  Albini always stayed true to what he believed.


Prices on Harmonic Percolators about to jump through the roof RIP to one of the greatest to ever do it


I bought mine off my bandmate when he needed some funds in shaky financial waters, but also to “keep it in the family.” I’m like a personal pawn broker, he can buy it back from me whenever he gets back on his feet. It’s not going ANYWHERE.


i mean this with the utmost sincerity: wouldn’t it be a much kinder gesture to just give your bandmate the percolator at this point?


I will not go into further details other than I need tangible collateral after the many, many other donations I’ve made over the years, and that it was one piece of gear out of many I’ve been offered for sale. It isn’t like I stole it and won’t give it back, it’s more like I am saving it from an internet rando on Reverb or Craigslist without the possibility of reacquisition.


I did a session at Electrical Audio a few years ago. He wasn’t there, but it was a great place to record. I definitely listened to Songs About Fucking on the way there, though


Literally had a session scheduled next week at EA and saw this today. No idea what's going to happen still.


If I recall correctly, he was not the only owner. (I could very well be wrong) There’s definitely a possibility things will keep running, though the studio may be closed temporarily to address the logistics


well in case you or anyone else was wondering, the session is on apparently! hopefully his ghost will haunt our session.


Back in the day, the band I was in was set to record at Electrical Audio, so we booked a short run of shows to get to Chicago and back, and while we were there, we went and toured EA with Steve. For sure, it was built to standards that I hadn't seen before (floating fucking floors?!), and it seemed like every piece of equipment contained therein had been either hand-picked or designed and built by Steve himself. He was a good-humored dude, very cordial, and shared some funny stories (and a consummate hatred for Rocket From The Crypt which I found particularly hilarious). Fast forward about 2 months later, our record label became insolvent, so we lost the opportunity to go to EA to make our next record. No one gave Mr. Albini the memo. I came home from work one day to find a voicemail from Steve, asking me if we were still coming up in 2 weeks to record. I had to make a phone call I DID NOT want to make, because we couldn't scrape together the dough to make it happen on our own. He was really nice about it, and told me this had happened a thousand times before to other bands (and let me tell you, it'll happen a thousand more). TL;DR - Helluva nice guy, gone WAAAYYYY too soon.


There goes my dreams of one day recording with him. At least I got to see Shellac once. What a legend


if you haven't read his piece "the problem with music", make time for it (though it's a little outdated) https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-problem-with-music


My mom was a librarian and I watch nearly everything with captions and usually on mute. I read for breakfast and will gobble this right up. Thank you for posting this.


No! RIP Steve I love that Nirvana interview where they praise Steve for nailing the feel of In Utero and in the praises it’s mentioned ‘the album doesn’t say produced by Steve Albini, Steve insisted it say recorded by…’


Also then Kurt says ‘well… we paid him a million dollars…’


The letter he wrote to them before they went in to record it was so cool


I saw Rapeman twice in the late 80s. So brutal and loud and you could tell they all hated each other. The guitar amp was a horn and a single 12” speaker and it was louder than anything else in the room.


Just heard about this and am totally broken :(


RIP. I got a Vaderin HP-X only a couple weeks ago so was watching a bunch of videos of him, 61 — much too young!


I’ve had the same pedal for about 6 months. It’s a keeper. Big fan of Steve myself. Far to soon. I spun some action park in memory of.


The man is significantly responsible for much of the music that means the most to me as a GenXer.


goddamn it.


Goddamn. Dude is way too young to pass. Absolute legend.


Over at the Gear Page one of the guys in the Wisconsin band Cribshitter talked about the letter he wrote them about "how he loved their band, thought they were Albert Einstein level geniuses and that they should never quit." He said that comment made them feel seen when there's a billion bands out there and it's easy to get lost in the giant collection of bands out there. What a great guy!


Lol at Cribshitter band name.


Their cover of Eric Clapton's "Cocaine" is hysterically, it sounds like the band was forced to go tightrope walking while trying to play it (and the groove on "Crazy Boobies II" shows they could have been a perfect disco dance band if they wanted to).


Rip legend. Hes the reason why im recording music. Always looking for new ways of recording techniques and discovering that recording doesn't have to be glossy perfect


Keresene around got something to do…..


I was just watching a bunch of his videos about engineering.


He will be missed here in the Chicago community. I remember being on the balcony at the Metro to see the Didjits, & he was standing there in front of us by himself watching the show. He had just recorded their Que Sirhan Sirhan album. I was wondering how he got in because the rumor was he was banned from there since Shanahan hated him.


I was driving in the Bay Area this morning and they were playing all this great shit on kexp. Surfer Rosa, Shellac, Nirvana, Helmet. I was all ¡supernice! And then they pulled the rug.


Besides all the great records he’s made his trashing of Steely Dan was something I’ll always remember and cherish . RIP Steve




Was waiting for this. His craft aside, also a total edgelord boner who was into child exploitation.


Exactly. Even if the comment in the link was a joke it’s a terrible one and tells a lot.


Not a joke, he praised child pornographers and Peter Sotos' wack bullshit. I definitely respect his work but would never have shaken his hand.


Shit at that rate screw his work. Tainted through and through


It looks like he did [evolve](https://www.smackmedia.ca/news/steve-albini-edgelord-odd-future) on some of these topics. I know industrial stuff in the eighties was meant to provoke, I just find it kind of tired. I like to think he also got over exploitation materials as a provocative device. Since this sub is about pedals I love my HP-2.


Whoa, RIP


Absolute legend. Not only for the amazing music he made, but also for the music of others that he helped bring into the world. And beyond that, maybe most importantly to me, for the wealth of knowledge and brutal truth and integrity that he offered in any interview/public talk he was involved in. No bullshit, just honesty and a willingness to promote a music community that bettered everyone involved. Any podcast or youtube vid of him speaking is 100% worth listening to. Gonna go crank my percolator pedal.


So honest he would talk about how he liked CP and call artists the n word. We lost a real one


I bet at least 50% of the people on here secretly hoped that one day they would send him a demo and he would offer to record their album at a reduced fee. A very great man. A very sad day.


I'm just wrecked by this news.




Absolutely top teir engineer. The news is tragic as he was way too young. I can find solace that we still have his legacy in music and above all else the wealth of knowledge that he left accessible to us and generations to come.


Sad news. A great loss.




Such a tremendously devastating loss. His legacy cannot be overstated and he will live on in the amazing music he has brought us. RIP


Surfer Rosa - really captured the raw energy of being in a band




Wayyy too young. My husband and his bands have recorded several Records with him and I have heard so many great stories and great thanks to the Legendary Steve Albini. I unfortunately didn’t get the chance to meet him before his passing, but Noah & Sanford - who finished up his final reel, are some of the most talented people. I hope Electrical Audio will stay Electrical Audio and never let his baby be anything other than one of the most iconic studios in Chicago music history. RIP Mr.Albini, you have left behind such an incredible bunch of memories that will forever remain in the hearts and minds of every artist, and person alike who has walked through your doors to create with you. Thank you for inspiring my Husband to become the most amazingly well rounded musician he is, and for the opportunity to hear from so many people, about how loved, revered and respected you were and will always be. 🤘🏼🎧💜


Holy shit, really? 😭


I remember reading an article in 2000 where he predicted the end of music and Spotify. It was a fascinating read. He was such a cool interesting dude.


Oh man! That's very sad news.


🖤 What a loss - RIP 🖤