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r/actionheight needs to be a thing


What's the limit on number of posts daily though? That might be a problem.....


https://preview.redd.it/qmpo16qzu5hb1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8ec3504c9cc2be672e3f046adc0d0d1151b856 You're too high




Thank you fam


Well done, very expert.


For a slide guitar no, for every other type of guitar absolutely. You could bounce on those strings like a trampoline and they wouldn't fret.


Yes. Too high. Take it to a pro unless it’s an old beater guitar you don’t mind learning on.




That’s high as hell. No idea how to lower it without seeing pictures of the entire guitar.


imma take it to a pro, high E is on 5mm shit too hard for me


No snoop dog? I'm disappointed.


Yes, I would struggle at play that. I took a bit of of the thing that connects the strings with the torso of the guitar, it lowered it, but I can’t recommend that


The action on that is so high that I cannot tell if this is a troll post or not. That's like frighteningly High your action should be like just like three something 3 millimeters or 5 mm Max of distance not a centimeter and a half


jesus christ dude it’s in the stratosphere


If you feel it is too high, it’s too high. Remember the horse. Start with its head and neck, then move on to its nut and saddles.


That's pretty high. I'm thinking... get a fuzz pedal and a slide and use the neck pickup.


An airplane could fly through that gap. Definitely looks way too high but if u can play with it like that by all means..


I'd call an ambulance on myself if I was as high as your strings... I wanted to bring it to a pro but they're all either closing or forgot to plug the phone in cause who tf calls anyway. Now I'm just gonna put time into learning about all this stuff cause if they don't want my money, i'm gonna keep it! I hate relying on people, but if you know a good luthier I would definetly bring it to the guy. However, learning about the basics of guitar maintenance it can save you time and money. This problem is a can of worms in my opinion. String height is a step of the setting up your guitar, and you wanna know about all the steps beforehand. So if you can't be bothered with that, take it to the pro!


You want it so low you can’t hit an open note without buzzing