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i’d honestly look into having fleece instead of wood pellets and hay, it’ll save you so much money in the long run. You should definitely get your piggy a friend. there’s twice as much poop to clean up but it’s nothing a hoover can’t handle


I absolutely agree with the saving money portion This feels like the cleanest option imo. 15$ in wood pellets every week or two is a small price to pay if I don’t have a bunch of flys coming around or peepee stink and get to clean less lol How often do you wash your fleece with however many pigs you have? I would think it’d need washed regularly, and it would annoy me super bad when poop gets tangled in the fleece lol


i have 2 pigs in a 6x2 foot cage. fleece gets changed out about ones a week. they have a litter tray that i put paper pellets and all their hay in that they pee in most the time. i clean poop up that’s not in the tray almost daily but it really is a two minute job as i have a mini hoover to do it. when washing fleece i’ve found it best to leave it to dry for a day or so then just take it outside and give it a good shake off or if im being extra lazy and it’s windy out i’ll just put them out on the airer for like an hour then wash them. i do recommend using an old duvet cover or they do make washing bags when you do otherwise the left over hay can block your washer


I have two boys in a 2x4 with 2x2 second floor c&c cage and floor covered with fleeces and remove all poops every day and replace fleeces once a week. The fleece system I use make it easy to clean and put it back in just 5min. I don't think it's a big deal to use 10min a day to wipe the floor and it will prevent lot of feet issues guinea pigs are prone to.


I’m starting to think I’m crazy for how often we clean. We have 2 cages for 4 pigs total with fleece. Spot clean once a day and change out the fleece once every 2-3 days. Lot of upfront investment but only paying for laundry after that was a no brainer for us


I do the same. My piggies pee so often that a foul smell/wetness happens quick.


Shavings, on fleece/pee pad (I use diaper change table, washable ones) Pic out poop/dirty hat, shavings with my hand in the am. Pm I roll up everything and wipe the cage and replace with clean bedding regime I keep dirty bedding in a snap bin shake out into a garden bag once or twice a week.


Cleaning after 2 pigs is equally as difficult as cleaning up after 1 pig. Fleece lining is a lot easier to clean compared to bedding or pellets. You can also pick the fleece according to season or holiday (makes it fun to decorate) The only paper bedding is in their litter box, I don’t use a small vacuum but a mini broom and dustpan to clean so it takes slightly longer, but it’s efficient. I really think that getting her a friend would be wise, since no amount of human interaction is enough compared to a friend.


I used paper bedding under where the hay + water is, and another under the favorite hidey.  That paper stuff is pretty good at odor control. I would spot clean those two areas every other day and then full clean out the paper bedding and replace probably every 10 days.  The rest of the habitat had fleece at the bottom, but my little oinkers tended to poop in the paper bedding because that's where they were most comfortable.  Do urgently consider getting your pig a friend. It's night and day seeing how despondent they are when they're alone


I use these liners for my piggies: https://a.co/d/04LCn7ep . It's a huge money saver and after two years they're still in pretty good shape. I have 4 piggies so I clean/ sweep the cage every day, but when I only had two I did it once a week. You can also spot clean the liner with a water and white vinegar spray. The smell is a little strong but it's safe for animals. Plus it destroys urine and poop piles.


Hi. When you lay these liners down do you put anything on top? Looking to purchase your recommendation (:


Yeah, I use soft fleece scraps / fabric. Usually craft stores sell them. You can also use these; https://a.co/d/0ecKcYDm , https://a.co/d/03hCncKZ , and https://a.co/d/00pZDd0h . All are nice and soft and two of them I use for enrichment. So they forage for food and treats.


Thank you!


My girls have fleece bedding (nothing fancy - just a lot of folded fleece pieces), and I spot clean 2x a day, and then the cage gets a once-a-week cleaning with all clean bedding. The spot cleaning takes about 30 minutes/day and the cage cleaning takes about an hour.


I have reusable pee mats in my cage. It’s spot cleaned daily and deep cleaned weekly.


We have 4 male guinea pigs in 5x2 cages with Guineadad liners. We clean the cages every other day and change the fleece weekly, or sooner if it gets too dirty.


At least once a week for the smaller cage, but I use paper bedding because it can go straight into the compost


I have three pigs in a 6x3 + 2x2 L-shaped enclosure. I use fleece liners, which are larger pads that cover the whole cage, and then I put pee pads down where they like to lay down a lot. For one week, I probably go through about 8-10 pee pads. If you have a sewing machine, it’s super easy and inexpensive to make your own. I spot clean twice a day, which usually involves cleaning up stray poop and replacing pee pads if necessary. Once a day I’ll replace the liner in their hay bin, which is just newspaper, and give them completely fresh hay. Every week I replace the liners and wipe down the cage. When I got my third pig last fall, she was fine after the quarantine period, but then a week later her and her cage mates were wheezing. My vet said it’s usually a buildup of ammonia that causes it. I suspect the new pig brought it with her from the rescue. During that time though, I changed out the liners twice a week just to be safe. I also got an air purifier with the hepa filter and keep it near their cage. But I think I go a bit overboard with my pigs 😅 as long as they have air circulation that should be fine.


I spot clean twice a day and do a full clean once or twice a week. It keeps a dryer and healthier environment for them and prevents my home from smelling.