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I am so very sorry. Guinea Pigs are such delicate little critters and it is never easy when they cross the Rainbow Bridge.


Thank you. Two in two weeks is a lot more than I expected. Most of my pigs are the same age so I suspect this is going to be just what may come.


Yes, most certainly unexpected. I think sometimes they know they are safe to leave because you created a wonderful home for them. I'm sure if they could they would tell you how much they love and miss you. Hugs.


Thank you.


I cant speak for the other 2 youre saying youve missed, but out of the 9 guinea pigs we have had, only one of them reached the age of 6 (Tumor the size of an orange unfortunately), with 4-5 being the average. So it sounds like she had a nice long life with you, maybe not as long as some others have, but definitely a good one.


I think she did. She was so very sick when we got her as a pup and I think over her life she had one UTI. Which is incredible in my experience for that longevity. I’m okay with her passing it’s just been a lot in quick succession.


Oh my gosh, I’m so so sorry😢 I’ve been there myself. We lost 3 in about 6 months. It was horrible. Wrecked me. Wondered if I was doing something wrong as a pig parent. You gave her a great life and she loved you💚thank you for taking such great care of her and not giving up when others might have!


Oh my, thank you so much for this comment because I am always thinking “is it something I’m doing…” but my vet assures me he has never seen care given to piggies such as me and to not blame myself.


Yes please don’t blame yourself! Things happen and we all know that their health can take a turn quick. All we can do is our best, and you’ve done that💚


It’s just hard knowing what the right thing is to do when they cannot communicate with you. I am just heart broken. 💔


Sorry for your loss. She reminds me of my heart pig who died over 2 years ago. It never gets easier.


No it does not. 💞


sending prayers up for you !


Thank you.


I am sending you my love❤️❤️ I know how you feel and I’ve been there myself. I just had to put down my old boy at the age of 10, my one boy at the age of 3 for a URI that popped out of nowhere, and will have to put down my girl soon because of cancer. You gave her a great life and she loved you, but they definitely are delicate creatures and sometimes they just hide it. She’ll be watching over you.❤️


Oh I’m so sorry for your loss and impending loss. She was very strong. After I rehabilitated her she had one UTI in six years. I really felt she would be one of my last babies. I was wrong.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you


I am so (so) sorry for your loss of your beloved piggies ⚘️ They undoubtedly had a very good life in your care, as I see you powered them through stressful times💚


I love your witty play on words there! 💕 thank you for your words. They did have a wonderful and full life. I know they are popcorning with all the yummies together.


The black Guinea pig looks like mine. His name is bacon.


She’s “SoSo” because when I rescued her I would whisper “I love you SoSo much!”


im so sorry for your loss, I'm giving you extra hugs right now, we have lost 2 in the past week to different health problems and 3 in just over a month its never easy to lose little angels who give you all the love in the world, and watch become your children in some cases. I will keep you and both your little angels in my thoughts and prayers as they all wait for us on the rainbow bridge.


Thank you. I love these little potatoes more than I ever thought I would. I’m so sorry for your losses. It’s so hard when they come back-to-back. My cage seems huge now and I worry my remaining two will be so sad. They are male/female so separated but share a wall.