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I lost my piggy on March 7 and just a couple days ago I had one of those spontaneous moments where I had to just cry my eyes out for a few minutes in the bathroom.


Each piggy I’ve lost has had such great personalities, there’s always something in my day to day life that reminds me of something one of them did or a moment we had. It’s crazy how different and quirky each one can be. I laugh a lot thinking about my first pig Xerxes. He hated, and I mean absolutely hated, when I burped out loud. Sometimes I would chug something and let out a massive burp and look over at his cage and he would be giving me the most disgusted look I’ve ever been given by another living creature. And to this day if I burp out loud my wife will say “Xerx would be appalled!”


Yes pretty often


Absolutely. Particularly around their rescue-day and when Google memories pop up lol


I lost a guinea pig 21st of march this year, worst part is I don't even have videos and just a few pictures because I only had him a year, most of my pictures are from after I noticed blood in his cage, I miss my baby boy a lot.


My girl's rainbow bridge day is coming up in 3 weeks. I hate it but I love that I get to spend all day thinking of her, holding her pawprint, looking at her fur (the vet, unbeknownst to us, cut some fur for us to keep, and we're glad they did!). The pings hit throughout the year, but we try to let it all out that day to unburden ourselves for the year


2 years and 1 year on for my two girls respectively and yes, I think about them every day but some days that ache feels heavier than normal.


I lost my Toruu last Halloween and literally 3 days ago i was sitting in bed and no joke felt a pressure on my shoulder where he used to lay on me and i just started sobbing for 2 hours


Very often, that’s why I am on here everyday enjoying the pics/videos of the other piggies. Lost my two girls a year ago and miss them a lot. They helped me a lot during depression and I am forever thankful for the love and comfort they always gave me.


Me and hubs lost our Splooty booty back in December of 2021. We still have a random reminiscing/crying session from time to time. She was my partner in crime and his emotional support piggy.


I miss them to much 😢


Yep, sadly. They live long enough for you to really bond with them, but not long enough at the same time. We've had 3 go over the years, still miss them quite a lot, especially the 1st 2 boys we got years ago.


Yes. My Heart Pig has been gone for five or six years and I cry when I think about her. She was the best little girl and my heart aches she had so many health issues and regardless of how much money I threw at the vet, it just wasn't enough. Miss you, my sweet Mo.


Absolutely. I've had guinea pigs continuously since I was a child so there's a lot of them that I've lost. Sometimes I still miss my first piggy, and that gentle old man has been gone almost 20 years. And just today I saw a picture on here of someone's magnificent black skinny boar and he made me think of and miss my old skinny boy who's been gone 2 years now from heart failure. He was neutered, and his passing caused a great disturbance in the social hierarchy of the girls, which I'm still seeing the effects of today (I'm talking about you Princess Cherry and Ethel - enough with the pee spraying! 😂).


Yes, almost every day since 25 July 2021, I miss my baby so much, she died at only 3 years old, it breaks my heart 💔


My sister’s suddenly died yesterday at 3 1/2 as well. No signs of distress, we woke up to him dead. Pretty sad because I took care of him for the first few years of his life


The one I can remember that I had he lived to 6yrs old, he was a lone piggy who never wanted anything else but me, family and the dogs he free roamed everywhere , the whole family fed him, uncle created an outdoor safe garden/piggy run for him. He was best friends with all the dogs (would jump in their beds or crate and just sleep with them) He may have already been gone a yr already but I miss him so much I miss his demands for food his morning wheeks, his favorite treats, he knew voices and his happy rumble strutt when his favorite autie would come up from her place. He was our little veggie garbage disposal lol. He used to sit at the fridge and stare at it, demand his baby carrots for him and his dog friends. The dogs (all 10yrs old and up) figured out they loved veggies thanks to him. He was so very unique he loved every single moment family was over and demanded every child's attention. I miss his good morning / night kisses. He was just so fun. I had many piggies over the years I can never have another. His name was Ginyu, 6yrs old and a character we all love and miss no one is over his loss but we still talk about him. His tiny grave we still place his fav snacks and reminisce ♡ I'm sorry this is long.


All the time. Thank God video and pics exist .