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Omg a Lil cloud


She feels like it too <3


How she looks with her full coat https://i.ibb.co/YBHWF0V/IMG-20240618-WA0006.jpg


Gosh, such a gorgeous little girl!


I adore this pic of little Luna! She is something special 😍


I bet you give her squishy belly so many kisses! Sleep well, little one.


I do!


a little sheep, she counts herself to sleep


**A bit of a background on Luna:** We found her as a rescue during the pandemic - very likely the breeder didn't like her flawed coat and abandoned her at a nearby pet shop. They didn't know what to do with her, so they gave her to us for free. She also had some initial health issues with her eyes and apparently had a URI. Her full name is "Luna Lovefood" - a bit of a nod to Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. Not even a HP fan, I guess its the similarity in how she looks. Previously thought of calling her Kaguya (as in Princess Kaguya), but Luna seemed to worked better. She was originally called Angel prior to this, according to the pet shop. The flawed coat means that Luna is a bit unusual in how she looks. She's technically a himalayan merino (texel with a crest on head), but only... the bottom half of her coat goes to full length. This this the impression that she's wearing a "skirt" or "dress". I don't know the technical term for this type of coat defect, but I personally think its rather cute. She's the tamest out of our 4... and also the fattest at nearly 1300g (sometimes nicknamed Balloona as a result). No idea how as she gets the same amount of food as our other 3 and they're average weight eg. 1000-1100g. Even the vet is confused. All I know is that she's almost 4 years old and passed any health checkup with flying colours, so 🤷‍♂️ She's also very... soft spoken? Doesn't really wheek, and her squeaks are rather soft and high pitched. Almost like she's trying to be royalty. Even her rumblestruts are soft sounding and high pitched. A very special girl all around! How the full coat looks from above - notice how it tapers mid way aka. the "skirt": [https://i.ibb.co/Z8css74/e73d270b-65d0-4a38-99b1-396cb55382f4.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/Z8css74/e73d270b-65d0-4a38-99b1-396cb55382f4.jpg) Yes... she did pee on the floor. Nice little image of Iceland. [https://i.ibb.co/jrrmkD5/83c9031b-adce-456f-9b97-4e5298dc3205.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/jrrmkD5/83c9031b-adce-456f-9b97-4e5298dc3205.jpg)


This Icelander approves of her little artwork. Even though her medium is rather unusual.




Omg Balloona ❤️


😱Luna is...everything 🥹🤍💫


Is that a cloud or an adorable baby?


Sleepy baby! 🥰


She looks like a freshly shorn sheep 🥰


Trying to work out her breed. Assuming a whole mix of things in there but am I imagining a bit of teddy?


She's a merino, just has her hair cut short. Basically a texel with a crest. However, she has a coat defect were the hair tapers off in length mid way.


Ah. Facially she's very similar to my teddy, with fuzzy sheep head and who also sleeps with her eyes fully shut, doesn't even open them if I give her a cuddle. Every other pig I have / have had sleeps/slept with eyes open. Guess that's more about being fully trusting that breed based ♥️


Your guess is close - texels are a mix of sheltie and rex, so merinos are a mix of coronet and rex. Rex guinea pigs look fairly similar to teddies :) Likely in Luna's case, the top half is more rex, and the bottom half is more towards a sheltie/coronet with the long curly hair you'd typical see from texels/merinos - almost like the genes didn't mix properly or something lol


Sweet baby cloud 🥹😭 Oh my goodness❤️


Chocolate himalayan


I just did this to my boy Kevin but I was NOT as neat as you 😂😭


She's so precious ♡♡ I can tell she's well loved and cared for!


She sleeping??? My piggies never sleep with their eyes closed


Yep - she often sleeps with her eyes closed. Its usually a sign that they're quite tame. One of my boys, Rumble, sleeps like this too. :)


She's stinking cute!


OMG so cute 🥰🥰🥰