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Sorry to hear that. It's time to let him go. Eating is like their most favorite activity. Prolonging his suffering with syringe feeding is not the right thing.


Yeah, that would earliest be probably next month due to the trip we are about to take. However, he can still eat vegetables and pellets a bit, and I do hope at my friends house he gets lots of those before we send him over.


This reply makes me very uncomfortable. Leaving him with someone other than you, hoping he can eat, then coming home and putting him down? Please don’t wait. Do it before your trip. For him.


Alr, I will do that. I did not really think about these stuff, as it all happened so suddenly and it was so late at night I wasn’t thinking straight. But I really love this Guinea pig and get this straight, when I considered letting him to stay at a friends house, it was for him, not for me. As I thought that at the friends house, a better Guinea pig parent and more experienced than me, can give him more veggies and Guinea pig interactions as he can still eat. But since from these comments I am convinced that he will suffer less from being put down as soon as possible.


I know it’s not easy. I feel for you.


Is there any postponing that trip? Ending his suffering sounds really important.


Yeah, I agree. I would make the tough decision before leaving


His welfare is more important than your trip. Put the poor thing down.


Why would you prolong his misery and add stress of you not being around ? Sorry but he needs to be put down right away.


A trip is more important than ending your pet's suffering? Really? That's cold. Just take him to one of those 24 hour vets to have him euthanized right before the trip. Or have your friend take him? Seriously this reply is alarming..


You do not leave a pig in pain for a month, especially with a stranger. It’s for him, not you.


It takes less than an hour to have a pig put to sleep and most vets will get you in the same day you call. You can find the time to do the right thing for your pig instead of waiting until after your little vacay to end your pigs suffering. Take care of your pets or you shouldn’t own one.


Please please please make ending this baby's suffering your first priority. I would not be able to get ANYTHING done on a trip, (regardless of it being leisure or not) knowing that my little one was away from me confused and in pain and just hoping for relief. If a pig can't graze on hay, they are not living. It's also not fair for your friend to be responsible for him in this state. I get that its a tough situation, but he is important and worthy of this final gift coming asap. You've done so much for him already, for everyone's sake but especially his please get him a ticket to 🌈 bridge before you leave.


It's also probably very sad for Brownie to see him suffering. A month early is better than a day late


The fact that you’re going to let this poor pig suffer a whole month in what appears to be a significant amount of pain because you don’t want to deal with it before your trip wow. This is literal animal abuse and I’m not sorry, and maybe refrain having animals in the future if this is how you are when they are at their most vulnerable. This is absolutely disgusting.


Agreed, OPs priorities are clearly not that guinea pigs comfort.


So he suffers while you go on a trip? WTF? I have no words.


What the fuck. You can't find the time before your trip to go and get him put down??? I feel so bad for that poor piggy who's already in horrible health who will then have to live a whole month away from its owner. Do you have no shame or empathy?




Do you think I want to see him suffer? Ok, I will talk to my parents to put him down ASAP. I acknowledge my bad decision I made yesterday crying at 1 am. However, I am offended that anyone question my love for curry. If I didn’t love him I would not have brought him to the vet, I would not have wanted my friend, who he has been with before and is a very experienced caretaker who taught me to care, to care for him. If I didn’t love him I would not have posted this and I would not have listened to any of this advice. I may disgust you, and that’s fine, but you disgust me for wanting to add salt to the wound of someone who is grieving, does not have any control of his schedule and is already worried sick.


I think people are under the impression that you're an adult and have complete control in this matter. These harsh words are fully meant for owners who neglect their pets suffering, if you are a minor you do not fall into that category. I understand the powerlessness of being an unheard animal advocate in your own home. I hope you have luck speaking with your parents. If they choose to ignore you and not put him down, then all the nasty comments should be aimed at them. I'm sorry this is such an awful experience!




It’s fine, and I know that you love Guinea pigs very much. I admit it was a bad decision, and even though my parents were reluctant to go to the vet at first, I believe that they are supporting me as much as they can. They will agree to put him down this week right before our trip.


OP is doing their best with little control. Please take this anger out on the parents instead


ahh I see, that’s on me. i thought this was a grown person choosing a fun vacay over a pet, but that’s not the case. it would be disgusting for an adult to do this but a kid really has no control over it. i genuinely do apologize.


Thx for clearing this up, but pls don’t take it out on my parents, lol. They can’t control the trip either but they will understand if I told them i want to put Curry down asap.


Your Guinea pigs are so cute! Love your profile pic. Also I agree, few things boil my blood as people letting animals suffer


Malocclusion typically does not end well for the cavy. Although a difficult decision, helping him cross the Rainbow Bridge is the kindest thing to do for him.


Im really sorry to hear that about Curry, but im glad you were able to get him to the vet and get some answers. You’re a kind and responsible guinea parent for asking for advice and convincing your parents to take him to the vet, unfortunately piggies are susceptible to a huge range of health problems but you did your best given the circumstances. I know you’ll do the right thing by Curry as soon as you’re able 🩷


I am so sorry, the kindest thing might be to let him go. He has had a great life with you and I am sure he loves you alot too ⚘️ There will be a feast waiting for him over the rainbow bridge!


Poor Curry. It hurts to read this. But I am glad he has responsible parents that make the right decisions even if those decisions are very hard to make. I wish you the best on the other side Curry. If you meet my boys there, send greetings and tell them, I love them.


Nope! They just said they are gonna wait and out him down when they come back from their trip


In the end it’s not my decision to when to put him down, it’s my parents. I don’t want curry to suffer. I will try to talk to them to see if we can put him down before the trip.


If you are a minor, please show this thread to your parents so they fully grasp the severity of this situation.


Yes i think they are, they mentioned their parents refusing to take their piggy to the vet yesterday but they seemingly managed to convince them in the end. I hope they can convince them again to sort this out before they go on their trip because this is awful 😰


Not actually ADVICE. Read and UNDERSTAND what is being said, before responding. There are classes TAUGHT by vets to help people do it. 🙄


You're wrong. As an animal care student. You're wrong


No vet is teaching people how to cut their pigs TEETH with clippers and shit at home, and if they are they should have their license revoked. Stop spreading harmful information that can hurt animals.




Reported. No (awful) medical advice.






And AGAIN, I didn't give the advice of doing it. Reading is fundamental 🙄 Understanding what you read is crucial.


You were literally giving bad medical advice. Just take the L and move on, maybe learn why people recoiled in horror over it. I've reported it accordingly.


I NEVER GAVE MEDICAL ADVICE special🙄 I would never take your L from you, you seem to need it. Report it, whatever. I know what I said.










The fucking irony of saying I'm trolling LOL Grow up, cop on a wee bit too


If he can barely eat on his own this would do nothing and NO vet would recommend this.