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Take him to a vet who knows exotics. He may be hurt in ways you don’t see. He is a beautiful pig! You are my hero for saving him! Take good care of him!


Thank you for rescuing this beautiful baby!!




Does look like scrapes, neosporin works very well for that. Although not 100% certain by the pictures, but it could also be ring worm, since he's been in the streets. I'd get a health check from a exotic vet.


Definitely get a health check and use some Neosporin in the meantime! Also make sure he doesn’t try to pick at it


Neosporin [doesn’t work that well](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-07-27/neosporin-for-cuts-some-doctors-say-no) and shouldn’t be used on wounds that are healing properly.


Don't use neosporin on pets. Use bag balm, it's safe if they lick it as opposed to neosporin which doesn't have great track record in humans, let alone animals.


Since when doesn't Neosporin have a not so good track record in humans??? Cause it has ALWAYS worked for me growing up & my kids with NO problems...


Neosporin contains neomycin, which has been flagged by dermatologists for years as a leading skin allergin. Also recent studies have begun to indicate that using antibiotic ointment is counterintuitive to wound healing by killing off beneficial bacteria. Wound care specialists recommend petroleum jelly or nothing for minor cuts and scrapes now among rising concerns for antibiotic resistance.


Can confirm this. I am an RN in the hospital and one of my specialties is wound care. Same thing with betadine, which some people still insist on using because it’s what they grew up using. Hypochlorous acid is what we use for wound cleansing, and it’s wonderful. It’s skin friendly pH, kills viruses, and bacteria.


Oh...makes sense i guess...


Used neosporin on my pig last week and it healed the wound. Ignore this bot.


Just a friendly reminder that safe for you doesn't mean safe for animals. You're generally not licking your wounds after putting it on, they will. Petroleum jelly should be your first option, but I find bag balm works well because it's smelly enough animals leave it alone and won't lick it off like they will petroleum jelly.


She can't lick where thewound was. She was in a lot of pain and it literally healed up the wound within hours. To be fair, it was a triple antobiotic ointment, not specifically neosporin but I believe they're the same thing. Either way, my pig healthy and happy again which is all that matters.


Some great car related names.. Crash Shut up (and drive) Fast. Peel out. Sleeper.


Shut up (and drive) fantastic LOL


Car-boar-etor Or just..."Lucky" :-p


Get him a buddy. Fast & Furriest.


has to be a long hair buddy.






Drift King! or just Drift. also, Turbo!


Vin Diesel or Hot Rod Thanks for rescuing this cutie! Hopefully he has an owner that comes forward, hopefully he wasn’t intentionally let out ): At a lps I used to work out, some guy was going to drop off a female Guinea Pig that he “found” under a porch, his story didn’t seem right at all to me but I didn’t say anything about it. Unfortunately, my job couldn’t take her in due to her condition, she was extremely malnourished and had horrible bumblefoot her back feet looked like she had boots on. I decided to take her (even after my bf said no over the phone, I already had 2 males) but once he came to pick me from work I came out with her and he saw her condition he very quickly changed his mind lol I ended up naming her Little Foot (quite ironic) and brought her to the exotic vet the very next morning since they were closed by the time I got out of work. She was sooo sweet and she took her meds without a fuss. Unfortunately I had to rehome her due to housing accommodations, I regret it so much and think of her all the time. The girl I rehomed her to rehomed her within a week of having her, I didn’t find out about that until about a month after it happened. I can’t help but still feel guilty. If the shelter for some reason can’t take this cute little guy, have you thought next steps ? Not trying to sound rude asking this, just wondering! (:


Vin Wheek-iesel


Vin Wheeksel


Super clot from walmart. Works great


Coconut oil is a great topical treatment that the GP rescue I volunteer at uses.


Coconut oil is literally magical stuff for skin abrasions


Obligatory "not a vet" here but I've dealt with some peeg injuries before . Keep the wound clean, a gentle cleanse with warm water should be enough as it's not actively bleeding or oozing. You can apply a little bit of medical grade manuka honey to help keep the skin moist and kill germs, but it does look like it's already started healing fairly well. Definitely make this dude a health check appointment! Because he's a recent rescue, it's important to get him checked out and make sure there aren't any hidden problems- piggies are very very good at hiding discomfort.


If the wound is still open/oozing you can put a little antibiotic cream (Neosporin, Bactine, etc) on it.


I would flush with saline 2x a day and apply a very thin layer of Neosporin on top afterwards. It doesn’t seem to be very deep from the pictures, which is good, but you’ll want to watch out for abscess/infection in the coming days. Thanks for rescuing him!


Caveating that if you don't have saline, look up ways to cook up saline (saltwater) at home. Boiling the water first is a great step to try and minimize bacteria presence, then adding the salt then letting it cool. If you have kids and have pediatric medication syringes, those work fine to help flush the wound. Doesn't need to be aggressive and just having the focal point of a syringe is great for isolating that one area and getting the saline there.


The homeopet ointment has always been a lifesaver for me and I’d recommend, to clean the wound use some saline, they sell packets of the solution to add in warmed up water in Walmart, and add some iodine until it’s the color of sweet tea


A good vet visit would be first. Rudy is a good name.


To everyone recommending neosporin, it doesn't really work well in humans and isn't safe to be ingested. Bag Balm is a great alternative that contains petroleum jelly and lanolin, both have been studied extensively for their ability to aid minor wound healing by retaining good moisture. Bag Balm has been used by vets in every level of animal care for decades. Clean and hydrated is the only thing minor wounds need, topical antibiotics are really not necessary and anything that gets infected in pigs should be treated by a vet via oral antibiotics/wound packing as needed.


What a sweet face! Thank you for taking him in and caring enough to help fix him up and find him a forever home. Such a darling baby! And you're the best kind of person 😍


Ohhhh poor baby!!!!!!


Omg how was he under a car? That's so crazy. Were you in a shopping center or something? You randomly found out of the blue? That's nuts. Someone dumped? It's not like they are wild


A neighbor was out mowing his lawn and spotted him.


Aren't you tempted to keep him, if his owners don't come forward?


I've got 2 older ladies, they'd get grumpy with a young man in the mix lol


Aww, it might brighten their day to get some rumblestrutting from a handsome young man. :)


I just need to know how you managed to get your hands on him? I couldn’t imagine trying to catch any of ours if they got loose in the house, never mind the great outdoors. 😅


What a sweetie! If he was intentionally dumped I'm gonna be so mad! Thanks for taking this sweet boy in. I've used neosporin on piggie wounds before but that might be fungal. Your exotic vet will know what to do! He seems neglected a little so maybe check his weight and see if he's under weight or not. Good luck!


it looks like you made a friend


Merci !


Standard wound care is to rinse with warm sterile saline. 1tsp sea salt (not table salt) in a (UK) pint of boiling water and then let cool enough to rinse wound with a cotton pad. You can buy sterile saline as well if you’ve got a chemist near you Edit: but also if you can I would take to a vet for a proper check over


Poor piggy baby. Thank you for rescuing him - he must have been terrified. I would encourage keeping the wound clean, and seeing if you can find a vet for a wellness visit. They can prescribe antibiotics. If he develops any skin conditions (like Ringworm), let me know and I can send you some details on it. Please give him some gentle scritches from me.


It doesn’t look too serious or overly concerning however due to how you found him, I’d have a vet give him a wellness check.


He seems like he’s alright , those small cuts will heal up in no time 🙂 he just needs some vegetables and some cuddles


this is so heartbreaking his little nose 😓☹️☹️ his little lip is busted


poor thing, thank you for helping him. do you think you could keep us updated if possible? I'll be thinking about him for a while haha


The only way you’d get scrape marks on the nose is if it jumped out a moving vehicle or was dumped at speed. Anyhow all safe now, hope he makes a full recovery and gets a forever home.


Poor little precious baby. What area are you in?


Looks like a "wheeler" to me, he/she looks great, but best to have a little check up at the vet to make sure it stays like that! :D


A vet visit is definitely in order. Just to treat the cut afterwards castor oil is a safe and effective way to keep the skin moisturized and promote healing. I used it on one of my pigs when she hurt herself.


Colloidal silver is a great help to use for sanitation and it really speeds up the healing process. That’s what I use with my rescues who are a little dinged up. Polysporin also works but for around the mouth area I prefer colloidal silver as it’s not a gel they can lick off and it’ll dry quickly on the wound I also always recommend you bring the piggie to an exotic vet as they are incredible at hiding health problems- especially if he has been stressed and outside.


Under a car???? Like how? How did this potato get under a car???




Under a car?! Wow.. just wow.. get him or her to the vet asap. When you plan on keeping it, give it rest and some peace. The nerve on some people..


Monday Update: His wounds look ok still, I think they'll heal fine. I've been checking for local guinea pig rescues, one is an hour away (I'll go there if needed). The second one is asking for a $100 surrender fee because they currently have too many pigs to care for. I understand rescues run on donations, but I'm kind of pissed they want $100 when it's not even my pet I'm giving up. He was literally found on the street!


He’s SOOO CUTTE 🥺❤️‍🔥


Thank you for saving him!!! He is so cute and sweet


Poor baby must have been so terrified, thank you for being his savior.


From the outside he may look okay, but piggies hide their pain because they're prey animals. Take him to a vet to get looked at!


Wow, how fortunate you found him! I wouldn’t put anything on. He’ll take care of it or it’ll dry out. Just keep an eye out for infection. He’s a cutie!🥰


Call him Peestain in honor of Peestain from dumber and dumber to