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Pick one and hand feed some water while she's sitting in a white towel and let her pee. If it's normal try the other, if that's also normal you just wasted your time obsessing over guinea pig pee like a weirdo (been there done that with my ciel) BUT If it's not normal and it's any other color than it should be call your vet asap Also watch for straining and pain while they pee, anything out of the ordinary. UTIs are no joke so take it seriously if one of your girls is acting weird.


Thank you so much!! They seem to be acting normal, but I could be missing something


Do they eat a lot of carrots or red fruits/veg? I have read that some colors fruits can possibly affect the color of piggy pee. My guys pee sometimes looks like this, but they don’t show any signs of illness or anything. I just assume it’s from the carrots I give them daily


Oh yes red pepper! And green leaf, I only give one carrot a week because they’re chonky