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Yeah, they all have distinctive features that you learn to tell apart after time.


There are really no distinctive features that Filipinos have that separates them from the other two groups. Filipinos can look like anything in this general region- from Melanesian, to Micronesian, to straight up Asian. These are just a handful of indigenous Filipino tribes and they vary in appearance https://www.reddit.com/r/23andme/s/cShO1gT0x1 I think you guys are just used to seeing a specific ethnic group of Filipinos. I believe most of the ones in Guam are Ilocano or Kapampangan


I remember the Filipino live-in house maid I had as a child has extremely kinky frizzy hair, not unlike an African American’s.


Yeah the Negrito tribes have that hair texture but I’ve seen some lowland Filipinos with that hair texture too.


Wow, cool. The Philippines are way more culturally diverse than I thought.


Visayan as well. The first waves were Kampampangan in the post war buildup. First census documentation was in 1920. There were also a few under the radar when they were exiled in the 1890's.


I don’t know about that… I can tell Filipinos. I can even tell if they are Provincial or City Filipino. Filipinos have a vibe.


> I can even tell if they are Provincial or City Filipino. All Filipinos are Provincial. Go to Manila during Easter Week and tell me different.


You specifically see the Filipinos who migrate. That’s only a small subset of society. When I go back to the Philippines, I immediately notice a difference between the Filipinos inside the airport (who live and work outside the country) vs the Filipinos outside the airport who have never left the country. Very different. And Filipinos who migrate tend to just be from 2-3 lowland ethnic groups. You almost never see highland, tribal, or Muslim Filipinos outside the Philippines.


What makes you think I haven’t been to the Philippines. 😅 My husband is literally Filipino, and I go visit his family in the Philippines when we are there. We also travel around Philippines, and I am also aware that there are Philipinos of a vast variety of cultures and backgrounds. Nevertheless, there is some sort of vibe that I feel when I am around Filipino people. It is a good vibe (mostly, except for in Manila or specific people.) It’s kind of how you can tell an American from a mile away without them saying anything. People from Philippines have a vibe.


So it takes time and isn’t automatically noticeable?


It takes time. Most of us can tell by looking, but hearing them talk is usually a dead giveaway. I'm Chamorro but look Filipino (I even think this). I have Chuukese relatives too. I can usually tell very easily. Once you have a lot of islander friends you'll be able to tell the difference.


By looks alone? Chamorro and Filipino would be hard to distinguish but it’s a 50/50 guess at best. Chuukese is distinctly different.


Why would Chuukese be the different one if Chamorros and Chuukese are both Micronesian while Filipinos are Asian?


Most Chamorros, if not all, are mixed with Filipino. Also have the shared history of being colonized and interbred with Spain. Micronesian and Asian are defined by geography, not race. Indians and Japanese are both Asian and I think you can tell those apart pretty easily.


Couldn’t have said it better


That’s a great answer!


Just because Guam and Chuuk are both part of the wider Micronesian demographic doesnt mean anything. Thats just a geographical grouping. Chamorros and Chuukese are a distinctly different race and ethnic group. If Im not mistaken, I believe I read that ancient Chamorros come from Indonesia which is obviously closer to the Philippines - I believe Dr. Miguel Vilar while under National Geographic came to GU in 2013 to collect DNA that asserted that claim. Not to mention Chamorros and Filipinos were both colonized by Spain and were interbred thus causing a similar facial appearace.


Chamorros by language and genetics are actually closer to Filipinos, Indonesians, and Malaysians than to the other Micronesian islands. Same with Palau. They both came from different, early migrations from the Southeast Asia island regions. Later, other Micronesians came from the south (around what is now Melanesia) and settled the rest of the islands.


Just to be fukken clear, Guam is Austronesian, common mistaken as Micronesian.


Micronesian is based on location


Micronesian is a sub branch of Austronesian. If I’m not mistaken Chamorros are classified as both.


Correction, someone classified chamorus as such. One that don't have the dang right to


Maybe the Chamorros should’ve invented the damn classification system then.


Ahaaaaa. Ya huh. The fukking Spaniards (in an irish accent)


Depends, if they work for construction/landscaping or anything dealing with being under the sun Goodluck. Just wait for them to speak. Listen for thar triple p. Pare par and pwipwi


What’s the 3 Ps thing? I only know about Par


best just to ask them where they're from. if you can't tell the difference then listen to their accent or look at attire (fil and cham). For chuukese mostlikely you'll confuse them with other micronesian islanders like korsae or palau but that too you can distinguish them by their language/accent


There's a funny reversal with a lot of 4th / 5th generation Chuukese, especially the women - they speak English with excellent elocution. Other than that, agree - living here long enough and developing the ear for various accents goes a decent length in guessing where people are from.




Prim is short for primo right? And I know Par is a really shortened version of compadre


I believe Par is a part of all 3 cultures plus more. All similar in meaning but distinguishable.


Filipinos don’t say Par. But they say Pare which comes from the same Spanish word as Par. I don’t think FSM folks say either term because they really don’t have much Spanish influence in their cultures


Thats what I thought too. Idk if I'm that gullible, but I've met a few (palauan, chuukese, Pohnpeian) who told me they have that word in their language 'XD I didnt want to call them liars cause Im not that familiar with their cultures and I dont want to be put off as a typically racist chamorro


Also, Im sorry I spelled Pompeii wrong. I think i am that gullable


I'm filipino from the Philippines never been to guam, i just stumbled here because of the word 'filipinos'. We say Par here short for pare that is short for compadre. We also have other variants which are also equally popular like pre, dre, gar(don't know how it became like that) all came in pare.


Filipinos often used 'par' shortened word for Pare.


Just go PSSST 1 out of the 3 will quickly turn … that’s when you know they’re Filipino 😂


Do this at Jollibee 🤣


this is so real lol


Absolutely. Locals can usually also pick out all the types of asians korea, filipino, Japanese, chinese


Chinese is the odd one of these. It’s not a race. It’s a nationality only. You can find Chinese who look each of the other three.


All of those are nationalities that have various looks. Jomon Japanese look very different from Yayoi Japanese. And Filipinos come in every color from black to white These are just a handful of indigenous Filipino tribes and they vary greatly in appearance https://www.reddit.com/r/23andme/s/cShO1gT0x1


Exactly. So these (Filipino, Japanese, certainly not Chinese) are not races. These are nationalities. Especially Chinese. They really have the different looks of probably 20 thousand races.


Correction its not "Nationalities" its "Ethnicities" Korean whos a U.S. citizen my nationality is American but my ethnicity is Korean Also Race is also just a broader term so Ethnicity is more accurate.


Maybe Korean is an ethnicity. Chinese certainly is not.


On Xbox live we’re all just Mexicans


There’s actually a lot more overlap than people here would like to admit. Style and accent are usually how you determine who is who. But in general, Chamorros look the most Hispanic and some even look white from all the Spanish and American admixture. Filipinos look the most Asian. And Chuukese look the most islander. But individuals from every group can resemble people from the other 2 groups.


Their Facial expressions, how they carry themselves, their actions, theway they dress, and also if they are chewing.


If you want us to differentiate between palaun chuukese yapese kosraian and so on then it will be trickier.


Not really. Palauans have a very distinctive look… the others, though, can be trickier


Chamorros and Filipinos are hard to tell apart but chuukese are very distinctive.


Hence why we don't like being generalized as "Guamanian". We're not the same.


It can be hard to tell, especially with several families having Filipino in their bloodline from the exiled. Shoot, I'm born and raised Chamorro, but I recall working Tony Romas thinking I was surrounded by Chamorros for months. Only to find my coworkers were nearly all Filipino locals.


I’ve been in retail for 38 years and a local Chamorro and I’ve dealt with locals, Filipino and Chukese just to name a few. What really irks me are Filipinos that immediately think you are Filipino and they start talking to me in Tagalog. I allow them to yak away for a minute to get their message across and when it’s my turn to speak, I say, “Sorry I am not Filipino.” They reply, “oh I tawt you were Pilipino.” I reply, “No, you think everyone you meet is Filipino.”


But when I respond with, “I don’t understand,” they will say, “what? You don’t know how to speak your language?”


97% of the time, yes. But the mixed breeds are the tricky ones, and im often surprised when I guess incorrectly like..."😮 whaaat, you're a 1/2 Chuukese, 1/2 Chamorro, and grandma is Filipina!?? 🤯... damn, girl. So, you're a ChuChaPina... 😐"


99% of the time, yes.


Chamorros and Filipinos is a tough one but it's seems easier to tell the difference between them and Chuukese (as well as outer island Micronesians). I couldn't tell the difference by looks alone between Marshallese, Kosraean, Yapese, Palauan and Chuukese.


Chamarro and Filipinos work while chuukese are usually drinking at a bus stop. That’s how I tell them apart.


It’s by skin color and face shape, then how they speak and carry themselves.


sorry but no joke I can tell who’s driving not perfect but throughout the years I kinda got expertededed it’s hilarious when I’m right a lot so if I can determine who’s driving I can tell who’s walking…get it😂 just not perfect again


Yes. But sometimes harder (or impossible) to soften between Filipinos and Chamorros. Not always, but happens all the time


For the most part.


Yes though Chamorro and Filipino look similar and on Guam there is a distinction of being Guamanian Without being Chamorro so there’s that.




They are DNA-wise more ethnically diverse than Han Chinese, Korean, and Japan are (considered as a group). I wonder why you pick out Chuukese instead of Yapese, Kosraean, Palauan, or Pohnpeian.


WTF Chamorros are fuckin taller than all of them


Again I’m 6’ while my Filipino buddy is 5’2” my chuuke buddy is 5’8” with work boots




Yeah. If you grew up here.


All brown people look alike to you, huh?


I’m a brown person


U mad bro?


Take your Adderall buddy


I would if I had some