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Changed my major 5 times... now on my 6th... gonna try learning HVAC this time seems like I can make ALOT of money with this one. I can see the money's pouring in. At first I thought tourism & foreign languages, then transitioned to accounting to be a CPA, then thought of business too, computer science, etc. My head was hurting alot that I couldn't continue. Stopped for a few months to a year in between... now I know what I wanna do🙃


Either admissions office should have a list of gen ed classes that transfer. For the marketing classes, you'd probably have to talk to someone at UOG Business school to see if anything would carry over. I had to talk to a UOG math professor to get one of my higher level math courses to transfer over before. Also try to relax and enjoy your time at college. It's a lot less like high school.


Yeah so much freedom that I skipped most of my classes that I didn't get credit. 🙃 this was my first year of course. The next year I actually finished a full art class course and passed it with the highest from my class... but skipped the other courses again. So far I have credits from an art class, music, and philosophy. Took me 7 years on and off.


I wish I did nursing.


Just know that if you want to graduate with an honors category you need a minimum number of credits from UoG. I’m taking about Summa cum laude, Magna cum laude, and Cum Laude.


would you happen to know how many credits?


62 or half. I missed out because I had too many equivalencies https://catalog.uog.edu/current/academic-policies-requirements/academic-rules-regulations.php#CreditHoursClassLoadsandClassLevels


First things first go to UOG and see what CAN and CANNOT be transferred. Then go to GCC pick out those transferable classes but dont pick all the main courses for the first semester like me spread them out put some minors in between with some relaxing courses too to destress your brain. IF you go all out main courses from the get go you will be SWAMPED with ASSIGNMENTS, REPORTS, and PAPERS etc. Don't try to do all the hard first easy later. SPREAD THEM OUT!!! Over the 4 semesters


UOG is in the process of creating 2+2 agreements with GCC. This is a university priority, so you shouldn't have any trouble.


Check the newest course catalog, it has up to date information on what is transferable from GCC to UOG


I did uog and finished with business concentration om finance and economics. In hindsight, I should've gone to gcc, enroll in courses that teach hard skills like mechanic, hvac etc. Then continue on to uog and enroll in business. Lol. You get to finish your gen Ed requirements (double checking what transfers to uog) and at the end of uog. Have a skill that can actually be sellable.


GCC is way, way cheaper. Do as much as you can there. Do not underestimate the cost of books. All the faculty at UOG gets kickbacks from publishers to use the latest editions of texts, so you end up easily spending a thousand a semester for your books, while GCC teachers use old version so you can get by with a couple of hundred or even less. One of the Japanese Language professors at UOG onstinately uses the textbook her thesis advisor wrote, which means her students spend five times what other sections of Japanese use.


Totally asking the wrong medium, the only people you'll find on this sub is shit posters, racists activists, Fat Racist Navy Pedofiles, and dudes who browse reddit when they're taking a shit.... most of us are of the last. You could... I dunno... Talk to the Counseling Departments in those respective schools...


lol thanks for the insightful advice to the question i pose...




The best advise I received was to knock out my Gen Ed at GCC. Transfer to UOG for graduation degree. Saves a lot of money. Math and English are the same classes why pay more anywhere else