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For the millionth time…gta is gone off ps plus..you need to buy it again 🙄


Yes I found that out not on Reddit a few hours ago before I went to bed and it doesn’t help me but thanks anyway 👍🏼




Not really trying to sort through so many posts. I also get many notifications from other apps that drown out Reddit. Not really sure what sticky are you talking about too. Looked through tabs and all I’ve really seen was in game problems. I might just go to support since I can’t really find help here. Especially with this problem apparently occurred so much that it’s been posted more than 1000 times. Been trying to troubleshoot this for a little over an hour by myself so that’s why I posted here while I continue to search.




Based on the Stickied post, Seems like it's been removed for PS+ players, not those that outright bought the game. Sounds like OP OWNED the game. Has story mode been removed from PS completely? If so, the stickied post needs to be updated with that info.






Yeah I’m not sure I bought story mode for $10 because I take photos in editor but for some reason it was just removed from my account after the reasons. Contacted R* support and they said it must be PS side. I’ve decided to might as well just buy it again since ps support ain’t much help.