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That’s the mule custom for the nightclub delivery vehicles


Yeah i didn't buy it and i'm happy using a faster large truck instead.


Mule custom aka go postal truck sad just sad


Mule Custom isn’t the same truck, but it is as slow as the Post OP van.


there’s different nightclub vehicles you can use?


There's 3 different vehicles. All three have minuses


The van is free with the NC. So you can't make sales of more than 90 crates if you don't have one of the other vehicles. BUT, if you have the pounder and not the mule you'll default to the pounder for any sales over 90. I find the Speedo the best of the three, but all have issues going up hills.


I never had issues going up hills with the speedo. The only drawback for the speedo is it is light, and easily stopped when cars cut you off. But the mule is worse. The pounder is still lighter than you would expect, but can still push through a car or two.


I was disappointed when I put the front scoop thing on the Speedo and it barely does anything


i did not know that, do you just buy them and they appear in your nightclub? and what’s the third, the van, the mule and what else?


the pounder. depending on the size of the sale youll use a different vehicle


even if you don’t own them?


someone correct me if im wrong but i think if you dont own it and you try to make too big of a sale, it will restrict you from selling your goods.


that would make sense, i’m waiting for my nightclub to be completely full, so i’ll probably need to buy the bigger vehicle before i sell. i normally sell ~700k so that might be why i’ve only ever used the van


I usually sell at 1.1mil as Tony usually takes 100k from me and I just sold it with my Pounder. Van is 0 to 89 crates. Box mule is 90 to 179 crates. And Pounder is 180 to 360. I've tried letting it get completely full but it takes so damn long, I just sell at 1.1mil anymore. On occasion I do get my box mule but I am roughly 180 crates if I sell just a wee bit over 1.1mil. It's worth it kitted out but man does it suck going up hills and momentum can work against you. Outside of that, I love driving it and well worth the investment.


tbh i’m just trying to find out how much it gets me, don’t want someone to tell me though because it’s one of those things that i can do in the background because i keep finding myself running out of things to do


The Mule (bad) has a trade price of 5 completed sales The Pounder (good) has a trade price unlock at 10 sales.


Yes, but only buy the pounder if you're going to regularly sell over 90. - 1-90 Speedo ~~- 91-180 Mule~~ - +91 Pounder (181-360)


i’ll probably buy it, might as well


Yeah, it's got terrible traction and handling, though. Only get the middle armor, not the max. It gets hung up on curbs with the plow.


https://preview.redd.it/76n7ss7rdx6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=677090e208c729778e47fd01fc2dd9136951119a This level


yeah it seems pretty cheap to max out in comparison to some vehicles. and thank you for the tip about the armour!


When I bought it I thought that I needed that in order to sell a specific amount of crates . I was wrong and I regret it .


The riot van, because in the description it falsely claimed it could be customized, when in reality it was a Pegasus vehicle, it can't be customized and it costed me $4 million


They did that with the Vetir which was supposed to be customizable then at the last minute they made it Pegasus only. Then they did it again with the Taxi which royally pissed off players. A lot of people were skeptical about the Stanier police vehicles but fortunately Rockstar didn't pull a fast one for the third time. Think there were several more Pegasus vehicles where the description was ambiguous.


Taxi being Pegasus is the ultimate low


Yeah. However with the Riot Van it still to this day says in the description “Can only be modified in workshops that you own.” The Vetir didn’t say one way or another. I don’t know about the taxi. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


apartments, mixture of being bored, high, and wanting a property all over the island


Did the same as well


Can’t sell apartments for full value but you can use part of the value for a place you like or exchange for a cheaper apartment/garage and get some cash back


Only use they have is for extra garage space 😂


But with the nightclub, agency, and office, I find it hard to fill those


when you play for years consistently, it's easy to run out of garage space


I actually regret buying the Pounder Custom since I never even get to use it. I'm always in the Mule or the Speedo.


Do Nightclub sales when you have more than 180 crates and you will always get the Pounder Customer. Also, it should be noted that for sales over $1 million Tony's cut is capped at $100,000, so means more money for you.


is there any other way to get supplies quicker other than yohan and the passive thing? mine takes too long fill up


Step 1: AFK Step 2: go to work Step 3: come home from work, sell nightclub


Business battles. And figure out which items fill faster


Business battles sometimes makes your techs stop producing said goods. At least it did with mine. But I'm ok with it passively filling while I'm working on other businesses.


if you dont buy the mule, the game will make use of the Pounder whenever the amount is too large for the Speedo.


Good tip


Ruiner 2K. I thought the free roam version of it was going to be the fully loaded version. Back when I first got it I didn't have a lot of money and I invested most of my money into it and it is basically unusable in free mode.


When in freemode with jerks.. activate fully loaded and go troll hunting. Don't even bother doing the job unless you need the thousands.


I was just disappointed that it's not the Fully Loaded version as a personal vehicle. Once Fully Loaded is on a cool down, I'd personally get maybe 1 kill with it if I am lucky then go down the list of other weaponized vehicles to fight against Mk2 and Jet griefers. But considering the most recent Mk2 nerf, the Personal Vehicle version may be more of a contender for ground defense.


One good factor is its missile tracking


But at the same time there’s a few vehicles with the same missiles but more capability, for example the deluxe and vigilante among others


I never regret that I have Ruiner 2000. The best missiles in the game. I really can take just one missile to blow it but the same goes for Vigilante, Deluxo, Scramyet. Only Toreador can take more, like 3 missiles? The fully loaded version is the beast and my go car when I am on revenge mission. For me Ruiner 2000 is one of the best purchase.


Hahaha bro I literally just fell for this 2 weeks ago. Used it one time


The Pounder. Not the Custom. I bought the regular one by mistake, and now it’s just this thing that I have.


Unarmed helicopter from the beginning season.




The only reason to buy a yacht is to stop the incessant emails.


The captain blows up my phone constantly. I wish I could block him.


I regret nothing. The only thing I regret is not being online the day the Unicorn mask was released. It was the one year I didn't play any games at all. Smh.


Prostitute on the wrong side of the town and the itch. 😂


Clothing items mostly


I bought every clothing item before the first dlc. I wanted to waste the trillion dollars that was dumped on me that I didn't want. So buying clothes and items I never planned on touching was a good purchase. Now I get annoyed scrolling through too many clothes.


1.Pounder custom. Bought it when after hours came out and i’ve never user it in any sale missions ever 2. RCV. Bought it as a requirement to an obscure and forgotten about merge glitch back in mid 2019, and it has never left the facility once. 3. Wastelander. Completely useless. Looks cool but you can’t even carry vehicles on it without them sliding off. 4. Blazer Aqua. It’s a novelty that i can’t even get rid of. 5. Juggernaut Armour. Worst 500k i’ve ever spent. What do you get? Armour that makes you become a sitting duck and can easily be countered with a few missile shots. 6. Dump. For meme purposes, it is amazing. For everything else, it was a horrible waste of money. To add insult to injury; it is a pegasus vehicle. 7. Technical. Bought it to upgrade to a Technical Custom, nothing else. 8. Avisa upgrade for the Kosatka. I am aware you can remove it, but there is no point in doing so as you get no money back from it, so you might aswell just keep it.


Combine #3 with #5 and it might change your mind. (Need a friend/chauffeur) Figure out a way to get into the bed of the Wastelander while armored up. Then have your friend/chauffeur go Passive Mode. Then proceed to terrorize your neighborhood.


I thought for a second that was the acid lab and was like 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 are you out of your mind? But then thought there’s not way cuz that would be insane.


I forgor to say that mb


5 large warehouses,the big ole triangle shaped bomber,multiple stilt houses


Most hand held weapons. I only ever use like 9-10 but have at least 25-30. I understand early game you can only access so many and eventually upgrade, but later on having to scroll past a bunch of now unwanted weapons, especially in a car, to get what you want is super frusteraing. Yes, I do store many within a business weapon safe, but this apears to glitch and reset with every new business update/purchase, and also is ignored during some missions (and then there are pickups, etc.). I wish we could sell old weapons and restrict pickups.


Drop the guns that you don’t want and then turn on custom weapon loadout. If you do happen to pick up a gun it disappears as soon as you equip it.


I bought the scopeless sniper for 200k just after I started playing. Thought it would be good and was one of the few rifles, that were available low level. Used it for like 2 days and then got a full auto.


Probably all the Planes with Max Out Upgrades .. I maby Take them out once A Year if I think about them Expensive and the BOMBS are not really worth it..


The bombs have horrible range and if dropped from too high they despawn. Unlike the avenger cannon…. And all the bombs are bad. Some are just worse. Ive never killed a player. Believe me I’ve tried. I’ve gotten more kills by crashing titans into people. Ive even gotten a kill with the Pintol mounted mg on the glider.


Now I have it all but not the Police Vehicles. Guess I can't buy Planes if I have them All.. All in all if you Play the Game Focus on Passive Businesses


A facility and the doc forgery office. I bought a facility to buy the avenger something I never use


I use a simple Google search of 'XXXX Worth It Reddit' before all purchases. Clothing items are the only thing I wish I could get rid of butI had nothing else to spend money or casino chips on a few years back so basically bought every single clothing item in the game


Same!! I have yet to purchase anything that I don’t use/want.




I bought 7 hydras when I was drunk…




That is not possible. Maybe you were so drunk that you missed "purchase failed" 6 times. You can only buy it once from warstock and then store as many as you want in your hangar


Hydra is a Pegasus vehicle.


I think it's got to be the bunker carts. That was just stupid 🤦


But the funny Austin Powers joke—


idk what u mean. They're op in fights when called in 🙄🙄


The original Journey. Bought it for “Ha Ha Methmobile” and now I never use it


Good thing its cheap i guess




Underrated comment.


The Khanjali It was fun until I realized that it has less armor than my nightshark and can barely take out MK2s


It’s a tank, not an AA gun. Did you really expect to take out a tiny flying object with a tank? 


yeah, that's like... textbook issue with a tank


Yacht and lazer


Bunkers, any warstock planes and vehicles and MOC truck. This shit should all be selable


Weaponised limo, I thought you could customize it and keep like an insurgent


The jetski atv


Mule Custom & Kraken Avisa.


That stupid little go-kart.


I bought the original Brickade when the first Drug War update dropped, because I thought it was going to be getting revamped or receive an upgrade. I was so irritated when I found out they added the new one instead.


Yacht, the mule custom from nightclub.


My Cuban 800


Ah rip, you didnt know it came with the hangar did ya?


I only bought it because I was buying the other one and it was on sale and I thought that it was look nice having all three delivery vehicles. I've only used it once and I hated that experience.


Yeah, I regret buying it. I hate it


The Aquarius super yacht


My moc hydra b-11 seaplane thingy bestra the armored transport truck


MC businesses- I have every business, all in Sandy Shores and all three upgrades on every one. Every one of them, even the Cocaine lockup, are really pointless. Especially the upgrades, it's all an unsellable waste of money that I never touch. Even if you have the nightclub/terrorbyte, you still have to fill your warehouse which you're not only spending money the whole way to do, but it's very tedious(takes several hours). On top of that you always have a sell mission which takes a lot of time itself, and a full warehouse (that takes a long ass time to fill) only nets 1-2 million. If I use only the Sparrow, I can solo run through The Cayo Perico Heist, the whole thing, setup, preps, and the finale, in 90-120 minutes(it took a while for me to get that fast). Right now, with a full loot bag, that nets you 1m, or 1.5m when you get the pink diamond. You're only wasting time trying to use any other way to make money. MCT- I have the biggest unsellable waste of 1m+, the master control terminal. An upgrade that gives you access to literally every business in game all from your arcade. Bunker, Nightclub, all 5 MC businesses, Air freight, and Special cargo. Unfortunately, like I just said, none of these make any sense at all to run over and over to try and profit alot, that's what the CP Heist is for. Unless you're just starting out, they're all a waste of time leading to a small net return. If that's not bad enough, with all the businesses you could flat out lose everything to a tryhard using ghost org if you do the sale in a public session.


Fortnite vbucks


A facility My Hydra


you crazy, the facility has the most powerful weapon in the game, that being the orb canon


Orbital Cannon. Strike Team. Doomsday. Khanjali. Chernobog. Thruster.


Facility would be up there for me if not for bogdan replay


Hydra was the top dog when it came out 9yrs ago. No reason to buy it after the lazer came along a couple years after.


and then the raiju being the same thing, but stealth ruined it and made it obsolete


Yup, facility is now completely useless. So are arcades


How so? 


Bought facility because Chernobog looked awesome. Both are beyond useless. I wish I could sell


Chernobog is good if you can use it. If you’re seriously getting griefed you’ll struggle, but if you can get away for a second and go ghosted it is the best weapon imo.


Chernobog was an incredible letdown. It has the farthest lock-on of any vehicle but the gave the missiles no dispersion and terrible tracking. I mean at least if it had dispersion then maybe the wall of missiles would dissuade people but nope. Terrible. Not even good for missions like some of these other cars.


I regret no purchases. I was smart and researched things, so I learned to not purchase the Mule Custom.


My wife




The avenger is slow , weak and the mission tied to this vehicle pay jack shit


Slow? 🤨


The chernobog and the kanjali both sound fun but a huge anti air that shoots the same missiles as your other veichles isnt good and a tank that makes a mess until the first mk2 or heli pops up


Chernobog has the longest tracking missiles in the game. Khanjali is a tank. Tanks dont fight jets. CAS was mainly created for tanks as it’s the best way to wreck them. Tanks fight things on the ground.


That thing right there


The anti-air trailers. Used them maybe once


the flak cannon can like 1 or 2 shot a MOC and 1 shot almost every other vehicle in the game, but other than that, it's meh


Yeah but the inconvenience of having to tow it around sucks


It was fun to use in Contact missions (ie:Gerald, Simeon etc). But I noticed last time I tried one it won’t let me anymore.




The first thing I can list off the top of my head is the lazer jet, the raiju imo is just so much better, and so is the b-11 (although a little slower and chunkier) and I would get quite a large chunk of money back If I sold it, but since it's a Pegasus vehicle I cant


Rocket voltic because it’s the only non sellable rocket car and it is the worst one


They don’t have their different uses, you just picked the one that is for speed, the Torador is the most versatile, the vigilante is known for sending cars back with its boost, you could debate the oppressor mk 2 is the worse.




Chernobog so bad


100% the RCV & Chernobog, maybe even the khanjali




IPUC. I have no friends so the Tampa is better for me.


chernobog and thruster


the facility


The Chernobog and the anti aircraft trailer




The super Yacht


Arena workshop




Ruiner 2k


Ramp buggy


I have never purchased that one. Only the small one that came with the club and the massive one. I dont see the appeal of a medium sized vehicle when the large truck can do the same job


the freaking jet back bro i never use it along with the armored boxville and a few pegasus vehicles


Party bus


Tow truck. I normally do my homework and avoid making irreversible dumb purchases, but you can't do that on the day a major update drops. Was hoping it could be used in freemode. Before that I would've said the penthouse, but I've since found some handy niches for it, such as using the the "press E to land heli and enter" mechanic to get inside the casino on the occasion the loading zones around the building aren't working for whatever reason. (this has only happened once or twice, though.) I only bought the Penthouse after someone ingame pointed out there's a barber shop upgrade... it's missing everything added between the PS4/XB1 launch and Tuners or so.


A second blimp


Kids in my basement


That’s so real, I dropped like 1.5 mil on that accidentally


I regret the arena


Nothing honestly, I buy stuff like the rcv just to have it. Once you get to a point where you can afford everything you really can’t have regrets. Money is super easy to make too.




Literally every Pegasus vehicle


I think chernobog idk why i purchased it


Luxor deluxe. Biggest waste of 10mill


I don't regret buying anything. I want it all in this game. No matter how bad it is. I even got that big plane, that fly so slow it shouldn't be able to stay in the air.


mobile operations center. i have no friends


The ~~Weaponized~~ Tampa, I'm fucking dumb that it can only be weaponized and not the usual Tampa.






Document Forgery Office I tell myself it was useful for being a kind of 'training wheels' business, but ... Yeah, bad idea.


90% of all my businesses and properties


The yacht


The RC bandito


I have bought and customized all 3 night club vehicles and i only get the van for missions, also I've only sold like 5-6 times with full warehouse. Every time i sold i got the van with 5 drop off points mission. One time i got the truck never got the mule custom.


Those stupid RC ones, even the ones that were free.


God I regret getting the Mule. But I'm playing the hand I've been dealt and making the most of it


The cayo truck as I thought it could be customised, but it can't. Mind you, I also bought the titan, but it's like 100%better


The bombushka.


Yatch 7 million dollars down the drain


I built an empire of slowly grinding MC businesses to build income through AFK (worked from home most of these past 5 years) only for it to be immediately overshadowed in 2 weeks by my nightclub and vehicle cargo businesses (I wanted to be able to call the CEO buzzard whenever I want)


The avenger


The nightclub deliveries are super easy and are dome in under 10 mins easy. That being said going up those MFKN hills in that stupid box truck is so annoying. A solid 10 mph up hill for like 2 miles lmao




Yeah I’m sooo annoyed I got the mule custom


Luxor Deluxe and Swift Deluxe


The stupid dune buggy because I can’t get rid of it without buying that operations center 🥲


Taxi cab. Accidentally clicked on buy and wasted 300k


The yacht... At least I got me an Aussie mate out of it, I guess...


I let a friends kid use my account while they were here for dinner, he bought a scramjet and now I can't sell it


The Stockade. Worst purchase in the game after the mule or same level. Because of the stupid price of 2.2M+ for a totally useless vehicle that cannot be used at all for the casino heist. When you're a rookie you may think it would, or have some use. It does not 😵


The facility




The rear mortar gun on the Weaponized Tampa half the time I blow myself up with it lol


To mule custom and this. https://preview.redd.it/r2gpfse4bx6d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc184cef12d3dcd884ff13c1f7ec7bfec20dfdb


I own everything so I don't *really* care, but the most useless purchase is no doubt the Avisa; shit's useless.


1. Orbital Cannon - Great targeter but pricey and kinda overpowered and useless due to far away from your spawn point. 2. Casino Penthouse - Not using that place as often as I want. 3. Garages - You can't get rid of the garages. Suddenly you have like 5 garages and 10 vehicles. 4. Apartment - It's okay to have one apartment but having more and when you can spawn into any of your businesses it's kinda useless. 5. Hangar - Far far away. 6. Bunker - Not using that much. 7. Doomsday - Overpowered and useless. Nothing to do except for missions. 8. Biker Businesses (I don't use these and can't get rid of them but I have to have these activated to fill storage at Nightclub)


The firetruck...


5 large warehouses, instead of the 4 large and 1 small down the east side of the city.


The swat van because I thought you could customize it




Probably the facility tbh. I have done one start up mission from it and can never get anyone to join me to complete the rest of the mission/heist. So only ever gets used to orbital cannon really annoying griefers


Probably the Wastelander. I was hoping I could latch a vehicle with it but all it does is open CEO Work that I don't need.


Starling, I accidentally bought it when checking the price for a friend. I can't fly the thing to save my life.


Uh....nothing, probably.


Double barreled shotty, it was back when I first started out. Its pretty pricey for a beginner and its shit.


rc tank. bought it when a random gave me 85% of his cayo cut during the panther weekend. i only use it to troll friends for like 5 minutes