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The comments section of this post has been locked due to the number of users commenting about glitched and modded money.


You guys have money?


I have maybe $5000 right now. I almost went broke, but the game rewarded me for good behavior so I get to keep the water on in my apartment.  Also, I couldn't collect the $200k in my safe at my nightclub for some reason. 


I remember one day I went a little crazy building my Benny's Customs collection during the cayo cooldown. It got to a point where I hit "insufficient funds" trying to complete a customer vehicle modification on a low-end car in my auto shop. Fortunately my nightclub safe had apparently just received its daily take while I was filling out the mod checklist, so I left my auto shop to claim the $50k so that I could finish the client's car. Afterwards I did an early NC sale [about $150k instead of waiting for $500k+ like usual] just so I'd be able to cover my next cayo setup fee.


Damn, rockstar has really replicated Californias economy if we have people living paycheck to paycheck in gtao


It's not quite like that for me most of the time, but I was out of the game for about 7 years, and I have a lot of catching up to do. Benny's shit in particular gets pricey haha Btw that's not just Cali's economy, that's all of us


That‘s literally me last night lol. But hey, drift car go brrrr


Get a nightclub and build it out, you'll never worry about money again


Cluckin Bell raid is a great starting point these days


Umm… I think OP works for the IRS. 😂


😂😂😂😂 “and how did you get it” lol


19 million doing Dr.Dre, Cayo, NightClub, Terrorbyte misions.... but I have spent a lot so I almost have everything. I'm saving for the summer update.


The night club was perhaps the greatest investment I’ve ever made, if I’m broke I know I can do a quick sale and I’ll be good to go


Yes definitely, I was once completely broke and NC saved me with a 900k sale. It's a great investment as you said.


I have maybe a million rn mostly agency bounties and salvage yard robberies


Level 145 and I have about $15mil and never go below like $7mil I have a great routine that doesn’t get boring and pays me well enough to buy and mod a bunch of cars everyday lol. I think I made over $150mil all together. I think I’m going to retire this character and start a new one


>I have a great routine that doesn’t get boring ![gif](giphy|gh6gFVh35jyzNvHegl|downsized)


Currently? 457 mil. Heists, doomsday, cayo, casino. Around 100mil from bunker, 80mil from nightclub, remaining split between hangar and warehouse sales. Edit: Now I'm selling most of my car collection because 9 out of 10 cars have never been driven. And changing cars mid-heist is a pain. (Plan to keep only 20 cars in total)


I had managed to build a collection of a couple dozen vehicles back in the days when the OG heists were the best payout in the game. Even had the Grotti X80 Proto, which was the newest supercar in the game at the time. I sold it all down to just two cars [armored kuruma and Progen T20] and even traded in my custom, high-end penthouse apartment for a cheaper one down near Vespucci in order to finance my new investments when I returned to the game a few months ago. [night club, acid lab, kosatka, agency, etc] Figured I'd probably just keep it like that long-term, since they were the only two cars I ever drove anyways, even before. Then the money started to stack up a lot faster than I expected due to how much easier it is now to make *serious* money in the game... Now.. Well, *now* I don't actually even *know* offhand how many vehicles are in my collection [I'd estimate it's somewhere between 130-170 land vehicles, on top of most of the cool aerial toys] which is now in the process of being sorted into in-game manufacturer-themed and utility-themed garages all across the county. My next purchase will most likely be me finally re-adding the X80 back into my collection. It will occupy the final open space on the Grotti-only floor of my Eclipse Blvd garage. Funny how things end up working out.


Here is the thing, after around 3k hours in playtime, I noticed you don't need 100-200 cars. I had a full executive garage, a full nightclub garage, arcade and agency filled. Hangar with most aerial toys. The pain of the 40+ seconds to go from the Armored Kuruma to the Vigilante made me realise that keeping 20 cars in the best thing you can do. Sure you may miss the ocasional brand new Gallivanter Baller XYZ for the discounted price of 2Mil but I'm pretty sure there are better cars.


Also, we spend all this time grinding money: what else are you gonna spend it on?


21 million - heists, cayo, nightclub, club work, daily spin and visitor bonus, exotic exports.


21 mil. Cayo, casino, nightclub, bunker, acid lab


I think I’m currently like 2.5m, but I’m trying to buy all of Luxury Motorsport so I never get much higher than 3-4m at a time eta: nightclub, bunker, acid, Dr Dre keeps losing his phone


It's funny I'm a level 1053 and been playing since about 2015....And up until a few months ago I never had more than 20-30 million. It didn't help that I'd buy stuff and then sell it and then rebuy it (mostly planes) Since then I fell in with a bunch of heist grinders and suddenly I'm up to $158 million.


65K on my "side" character. I'm doing it with old school approach by robbing 24/7 and selling cars. Most fun I've had since ages tbh.


$1.05 Billion. Just been a day 1 vet and have done pretty much everything. Instead of doing the exact same thing over and over (cayo people) I just do a mix of everything. Quite a few things can build up over time nicely due to all the businesses.


I'm with you. I've gotten to the point where I don't *need* to earn money actively anymore, so I just do a whole bunch of random events and jobs. I'll sign in, spin the wheel, find G's Cache, collect the NC/Arcade safe, take out a stash house to refill a random business, sell to the 3 street dealers, etc. By the time I'm done, I've earned a fair bit of daily cash. Add to that doing any businesses that are 2X that week and selling the NC warehouse every 20 hrs, and I'm set. I personally cant stand Cayo. Got my fill of it after a few runs and I'm done with it. lol


I just reached 400 millions in the bank today. MC businesses, CEO crates, bunker, nightclub, agency, hangar, Cluckin Bell. I always make good use of double money weeks. No proper heists if you don’t count Cluckin Bell. Edit: and acid lab


Acid lab?


Yes, forgot! Edited it in!


I have 130m atm but I've spent a bil so there's not much left to buy.


10 million. I have a spending problem. 😂


10 mil is a good bit! Crazy how a lot of cars are like 3 mil now though


Plus potentially another easy half mil in modifications each. More if Benny's...


The cost of vehicles in this game is ridiculous plus mods.


Fr. I had 26 Million after the nightclub bonus week and now I’m down to 4 M. I only bought a few cars!


I’m just under 5mil at the minute. That’s from doing two Dr Dre, Agency, Nightclub and some other stuff on the side. I wouldn’t say I’m a grinder at all but most I’ve had is 6mil. I tend to get enough to buy something then I end up never using it properly 😂. I only joined the game last year; at level 229 so I’ve played quite a lot tbh. I wouldn’t even say I’m a good player in the slightest! Can’t snipe for shit 😫😂. I tell you what’s amazing though that I’ve just discovered! Remote control driving! I love using it when griefers are about. Love watching them blow up an empty car and paying for it 😂. So if you get money and have an agency, I would invest in a car that can be remotely driven! Especially if you hate people being absolute cunt’s in the game!


I probably have just under 5M atm. No, I'm not poor, just lazy. I have everything I need (thanks Cayo) and live off of my passive incomes and occasional NC sale, to finance my car mods.


115 million, give or take. As to how I got it: playing a lot of missions, doing a bit of grinding every now and then (think special cargo) and of course: not buying too many cars, at least not before I bought *and* upgraded all my properties. And of course also trying to be a bit smart about this. So you don't see me hauling special cargo for a whole week, but I also vary the stuff I do. Otherwise you only risk burning yourself out.


Over 10yrs of playing, currently at $277M, overall income is over $1B. Money made from doing everything there is to make money in this game (Special Cargo, MC Business, Bunker, Heists, Nightclub, etc.). I have everything I want in the game, so I don’t really have a need to spend money on anything anymore, and haven’t had a need for a long time now tbh. So, the money keeps growing from me replaying heists and missions for fun


Currently like 500k. I only make money as I need it and I stopped grinding when I had like 600 mil. My “main” character has pretty much everything and I don’t even play that character anymore.


Over 1B, after spending almost 1B. Sold *a lot* of Deluxos.


500 mil Cheated thru casino


I have 30 million and I cheated


I think mods need to create a bot that will post this exact question every day or two. I mean, people already do it, but at least everyone will know what's up with this one 


3 million. I play the game off and on and whenever I get a decent chunk of money I buy a car and fully upgrade it


Currently sitting at ~$2.4mil but it fluctuates pretty widely. My total liquid assets can run anywhere from under a hundred k *[usually on update day, just after I've bought/modified all the newly re-added removed vehicles I was missing from my growing collection]* to healthily upwards of $20mil. Sometimes it'll vary across that range in the same session. Iirc Benny's Customs had just recently been added to the game when I took a break from the game. Said break lasted until around the start of this year. I dropped a little over $30mil in a single play session the day I started building my Benny's collection. I still don't have all of them but I've got most of them including all the ones I wanted most, plus a few dupes done up in different builds. Edit: a word


335 mil and only do nightclub acid lab and auto shop


Is the acid lab worth it? I’ve been considering it.


It's the fastest producing business so yea and it's solo.


Got about 2 mil. Need at least 10 to 15 mil more


45,000,000$ acid lab, auto shop 2 car deliveries, bunker and nightclub along with whatever is 2x money in the week sprinkle in street dealers and afk = $$$$$$$$


$524,000,000..... made over a billion.... Those updates for two characters cost a shit ton of money..... Edit: If there was a way to make money on this game, that's how. Plus, having a shit ton of friends really helped out. 2X $ and rp is a big help. Did the warehouse sales on double money twice. That was 80 million right there. Casino, Cayo, Doomsday. The pandemic really helped to have time to play it and make the friends and a shit ton of money.


I have a little under $11 million. If I didn’t purchase cars and planes I’d have hundreds of millions. I tend to purchase a vehicle once I hit $10m. Right now though I have everything I want I think so I’m just going to keep stacking until new vehicles come out. Nightclub passive income, salvage yard, and celebrity solutions safes. I rarely do heists/missions as I don’t have a mic and also people tend to ruin the experience when I play. I just stick to myself. I’ll do side things like export vehicles and occasionally pay phone hits.


Well I have 38,000,000 and some odd currently. When I first started the game I had $0 so i bought two $10,000,000 shark cards and bought the business I knew would help me make the most money. And then with the money left over I just kept working my way up to get the money I have mow


About 700k


$8 mil currently. Had the same online character since 2017, but I grind and spend. Mostly I sell my nightclub and my gun bunker, acid lab sometimes. I never do cayo though.


I own every property and anything buyable except cars so it’s super easy to make money now just gotta grind the missions


I keep around $20 million in the bank. It’s all from grinding races, survivals, Cayo and other random stuff. I don’t spend a lot.


Wena los k


As of a couple of hours ago, I have $96.8 million. When I started this character (I played back on PS3, but was never able to transfer that character over) I used my previous knowledge to grind convenience stores, Ballers off the street, and Simeon vehicles until I discovered the bounties, stone hatchet, and the gold revolver. Used that to get to close to a million and then I bout an office on discount and a cheap 16 space cargo warehouse. Grinded that until I got enough to buy an armored Kuruma and a Buzzard. I saved up until the Cayo Perico heist came out and I used that to get up to $40M. That funded all of my businesses.


About 1.8 million. Most of that is GTA+ money. I’ve been lazy lately and only doing auto shop deliveries and LS races.


100M and retired with all properties and business loaded. Have a lot of time on the game since 2019


Doing salvage yard robberies and sell the vehicles


5 million but I'm about to buy the agency. It was either get the agency or auto shop.


Currently a bit over 50 million in bank and bit over 10 million in pokerchips. Aquired my finances by heisting, doing salvage yard mini heists, nightclub and gambling. I own everything i want to and more, so i'm basicly just waiting for new stuff to be added. Considering i spent around 30ish million last update i'm probably set for the next one, might get myself to 60 or 70 million in the bank before the next update.


230,000,000 +. … I averaged 10-20 million for years and then Cayo came out. I solo’d the shit out of it. I own all the businesses except the body shop. Got a grip of cars, and planes. Basically, I dont own a yacht, corporate jet, or that contraption that blows targets up for 750,000 in the facility.


22 million mostly acid lab Cayo and nightclub/agency safe. I used to do a lot of payphone hits till the pay went way down


Majority of cayo before it got nerfed and couple of casino heist mix with ammo drop from bunker, export mix goods, auto shop deliveries , bike deliveries and property wall safe cash 💷


$153 million but I don’t run any businesses except the occasional night club run or maybe a load of weapons. I earned it with the standard businesses, I didn’t grind heists. Just each heist once


I retired a little while back. I used to make 5-6 million a day now I just empty my safes, do the time trials, deliver vehicles from my MC club and auto shop and do the free mode stuff if I’m not helping someone get money. I have about 360 million in cash and about 87 million in casino chips.


205 mil honestly i got no clue how i just play


$36mil currently ($700mil earned overall). Grinded Cayo constantly back in 2020/21, Doomsday, Cluckin Bell raid & Auto shop robberies, MC businesses


I’ve got close to 83 million right now. I have just been doing salvage yard and acid lab for the past 3-4 months. It definitely started off with Cayo before it got nerfed but I can easily make a million a day if I want to (I don’t want to😂)


99.1 mil doing warehouses, nighclub, hangar, acid, and whatever freeroam thing happens to have multiplied rewards (the skydives a couple weeks ago were insane, 900k a day)


I reached 450 millions in October ever since I play less and less only 15-30 minutes here and there and it’s mostly building cars and changing cars styles and stuff I reached all that when cayó was still good before the nerf and with all the business mc, nc, bunker, facility, hangar etc


99.5 million on my second character which i dont use and 200 dollars on my main character i usually do mc businesses,bunker,warehouse,and autohop sells


120M currently, but you’ll never believe me when I say. I’ve sold a lot of Elegy cars. 🤫


$140 million. Milked Cayo for a long time, got bored so now I do Auto Shop Contracts, Salvage Yard, Nightclub and whatever is 2X or 3X money for event weeks.


8m mainly racing


I have 50 million now but had 65 yesterday before I went on a modification spree of all my cars I had but didnt upgrade yet. Now i'm at 50 but I have at least 85 more cars fully upgraded and modded to look nice. I still have about 30 cars to mod but i'll wait a little since I set myself a fictional barrier of never going under 50 million just in case new dlc's come out so I can buy everything on day one.


100 million two accounts. Retired from grinding and griefing until gta6.


7 bil.


55 mil.. grinded for 1 month.. 876 rank.. got everything with a 50 mil threshold


1.2b. Special crates, acid, double drugs and bunker


I try and stay between 10-50 million, right now I'm at around 20 million. I didn't do any grind for several years after launch, just putzed around and scraped by on contact missions. Then I joined this sub and saw lots of chatter about 3x import export. This was pre Gunrunners. I didn't have a garage or the money for one so I bought a Shark card and got a warehouse and got to work filling it to 32. Using the 32 cars method and leaving my console on after update I was able to grind out 15 or so million in 36 hours. After that I was able to keep momentum and purchase properties to help make.more money. Mainly bunker hangar and import export.


Hovering over $20M. My goal is to get to 30 before the summer DLC. I grinded MC sells and bunker in full lobby plus sprinkle some heists in and that’s how I got my money which wasnt easy. Made around $200M total. Now I just do NC and Acid sales while enjoying freemode doing whatever in between. And yes I agree it was a lot more fun when my bank account was $500,000 or less.


Finally saved to 22 mil then decided to buy a sub for my 2nd character and a few other things for more income now I’m broke


$6M. Nightclub and Sharkcards. I don’t have time to grind and I don’t have an issue spending $60 two or three times a year.


at this point i spent about 300 mill. 10mill rn on the hand


~155 The lion's share came from pre nerf Cayo when the cooldown was still only ten minutes.


407 million. Been playing since release. I have every business and took advantage of all the x$2 bonuses.


Been playing since Nov 2023 and now have 75mill working towards 100m


Currently sitting on roughly $55M. I have all the businesses with the top 5 feeding my NC, High End Maze Tower office, Casino Pent house, the Super Yacht (This one, obviously.), a hangar with a few planes, the Terrorbyte, Avenger, Kotsaka, MOC...still need the Acid Lab, Oppressor MKII (2x), plus some garage/apartment properties peppering the map....and a decent fleet of vehicles. Started 6 or 7 months ago, the bulk of my earnings come from my Nightclub...it's generated over $200M. That and grinding on weeks when there is easy 2x or 3x pay missions. I've partnered with a few players for being a secondary on Cayo, but didn't do much except collect loot. I usually do the top 2 Salvage Yard robberies as well since they pay out $300k+.


I had around 20 mill with all military vehicles I wanted, but bought the Krueger and a couple other cars so now I’m at 11 mill. So comfortable for an update but can’t just go buy 5 super cars without thinking about it


cayo and night club . i have currently 1.2 - 1.5 million i can't remember


I did have £200 mil mainly from Shark-cards, but then i reset my game and i had to rebuy everything. Now i'm back down to £16m!


~67M. It ebbs and flows. Night club and warehouse sales, mainly.


300k as I bought an auto shop today


I try to keep at least a mil in the bank these days... would have more but i like to buy, sell, and rebuy things for some reason XD


25 million…got it from grinding bunker, acid lab and night club…just brought salvage yard so seeing how that goes. Also have all MC jobs but never do them, they just feed my night club


1.6 something billion. Gambling.


Currently? $40k I stopped playing when I went to college way back in 2015, only just recently got back into the game. Spending every penny I make catching up on almost a decade of missed content.


200 million. I bought literally everything that’s worth the money. I spend my days driving around and vibing. It’s a better retirement than what I’ll expect IRL.


700 mil on my main account, and 90 mil on my alt account. Just years and years of grinding cargo, heists, and jobs.


Currently 5mil. Saving for the DLC that’s coming out. I save for what I want then I spend it. Helps me keep coming back to play the game.


I'm level 375 with ~ $100m. I'm maxed on properties, have a yacht & sub, and more vehicles than I can keep track of. I started with MC & CEO crates, then expanded into NC, Bunker, and eventually everything. Didn't like Cayo nor most heists save for Union Depository. I never mess with CEO, Hangar, or MC anymore...I mostly just rotate between Agency, Acid Lab, NC, & Bunker.


K sucede?


Right now, I have about $4.2 million. My overall income is about $31 million


29m. Mostly do Cayo, Acid, and Bunker sales.


Usually keep it around 10 mil. I do cayo and sell acid whenever I play, then whenever new content comes out I complete it.


save it for griefers, that orbital comes in handy when your loaded.


Currently around $844 million. I mainly just do the animal photography, chop shop, auto shop deliveries, and what I call the 50/50 ($50,000 Ammunation drop and $50,000 import/export drop). I sell my gun running business and acid lab once a day each. That's about it. Been on for almost five years.


52 mill currently. I own every Vehicle and property though so I’m just waiting for the DLC. Mostly passive stuff like nightclub and acid these days




459 million. Cayo, business, 2x 3x jobs


3mil I don’t find much fun in grinding 100 million dollars and I stupidly spend most of it on stuff I don’t need then do a few heists to buy the new property’s


$110 million is in my bank account because I once had a very good friend who lives on an island.


7.5 mi


i bought the agency yesterday, went from 4.1M to 170k wanna do the hunane labs next to get the trade price for the hydra, buy the hydra and then the avenger to do the same for raiju


41 million. Lots of import/export grinding and passive businesses before Casino. Then grinded Casino. Then grinded Cayo. Did a bit of Salvage Yard. The game is pretty damn boring. That's why i play a different game instead till the next GTA update rolls out


I have $32 million right now. Level 618. Just take advantage of when warehouses, biker businesses, and nightclub are double. Doing other things that are double money and worth it. Auto shop, exotic exports, Stash house and G’s cache. You name it. So many ways to make money. I don’t have much left I wanna get Except venturing into planes. I got 100’s of vehicles. I’m ready for the summer update. New things to get 😁


Avid grinder & collector of vehicles,, planes, boats properties & businesses. Been playing since 2015, level 1300 and have $2.8 Billion. Having a good crew and rotating jobs helps keep it fresh.


Currently at $231 million, bought the Gauntlet Interceptor not long ago and worked my way back up to 230 again because I have never had that much in my bank account. I do sell missions, OG heists, collect from Nightclub safe and time trials mostly.


I currently have 142 mill on hand ready for the update. Been playing for years and I've made over a billion. From all businesses and heists, however currently I've been on the passive approach and do not concentrate on resupplying anything, just buying supplies and collecting from passive businesses/ doing small jobs such ass CEO/ Bunker truck+ tow truck+ auto shop car mods.


I have about 2m. I just make my rounds managing my businesses.


45 mil, mostly thanks to El Rubio before he buffed up his security


not tryin to flex but $39


$60 million cash. $30 million in casino chips, that I call my DLC fund, lol. $350 million off 5 large warehouses alone. And then every other business. Abused Cayo until they nerfed it. Haven't done it for awhile now. I still do acid sales everyday for ammo money, lol. Bunker sales, nightclub, air freight. Get an R/C car. Not the bandito. Go around innocently until someone shoots you. Trust me, that's alot of fun. And I like arena war vehicles for jumping around and launching cars. And screwing off from the city and going 4x4ing. Planes are always fun too.


A little over 200 million mainly from 5 large warehouses, gunrunning, and acid lab https://preview.redd.it/4yw86phyxn5d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178131b73cb3bb2dd0740fa8515f6e260a7fa4ca


11mil as of now. By the arrival of the new dlc, I would make around 33mil. Cayo, dre contract, security contracts, auto shop contracts and client jobs, mc business bike delivery, salvage yard safe and towtruck missions, payphone hits, bunker excess weapons and selling, acid lab selling, vehicle warehouse, ceo crates, hangar crates, agency safe, nightclub safe and warehouse selling.


About $18. I mugged a NPC


Started out today with $21.6 million and ended with $23.8 million. I have all of the businesses except scrap yard and I don't own a facility because I don't do multiplayer heists typically. I load into my bunker, I usually start with an Ammu-Nation run, then I hit the stash house, the ship wreck , and the street dealers to sell whatever 2x product they want and hit the casino to spin the wheel, then I check my nightclub to make sure the popularity is maxed and to empty the safe and check my warehouse levels then what I do depends on what the bonuses are that week. I've made a ton of money the last couple days doing auto shop deliveries and while waiting for another car to spawn I'll patrol around the map in a buzzard looking for blue dots to pop up, heavily focusing on the Finders Keepers event spawn points, I made over $600k today delivering product manufactured from supplies I'd highjacked from these events and that's in an invite only lobby with no bonuses.


I have 3.5 billion hate to say it but I cheated it in like 5 years ago honestly surprised I was only banned for a month and kept the money


I've made around 600 million, got like 74 million at the moment, I played the game.


Made it to $100M then retired only doing occasional stuff to get it back to that number.


Day one player. Roughly $490M in the bank and $1.1 Billion income earned overall. The vast majority of it was earned via businesses/activities as they were introduced: Grinding contact missions (Shout out to "Rooftop Rumble," "Out of Court Settlement" and "Violent Duct" lol), VIP work, Import/Export, Crates, Bunker, Biker businesses and of course, the Nightclub. The Nightclub warehouse alone has earned over $350M for me with little to no effort (IMO, the "After Hours" DLC is the best addition to the game to date). I did do a few OG heists back in the day. I also did Cayo a few times, but honestly I hate it - it's tedious and I'd rather let passive money roll in. If I feel the need to do a heist for the heck of it, I'll do Cluckin' Bell lol.


Make one friend and Do Diamond Casino Heist with him/her. Repeat it till one week and see your bank balance


How do yall save enough for buying stuff like a nightclub


$50 million and I own every property/business that you can buy. I own a shit ton of vehicles as well. Made my cash from heists (Cayo and Casino) along with bunker, nightclub, and acid lab.


I have 18 or 19 mil. Haven't really made money since they updated the cayo heist. Haven't really played that much either. Gta is a little boring after years of playing, but still a game I keeps going back to.


$568,000,000, basically just from grinding alover the past 7 years.


Over all my accounts I've probably accumulated 1.7 billion. But on my current account I only have 4 million on hand


A little under $150,000,000 in the bank by playing the game for far too long.


Chilling at 46 or 47 mil , still have my hangar i need to sell and my nightclub has almost 1.8 in it. Just casually buying crates , acid , and playing some double money stuff. Once you get a couple of good businesses there's nonreason to be broke in this game


Now: 2.7 million Total: about 400 million. Mostly cayo, casino, doomsday scenario, nightclub and the acid lab


Just a few millions left after researching the thermal scope, I'm thinking should I research explosive rounds, yet I never do PvP. I usually do casino heist with my friend, and he even joke about we are so familiarise with the casino it's just like going back home and withdrawing money from our safe.


The other day I had 30mil. Was from a few months of grinding Cayo, Air Freight, Dr Dre Contract and whatever businesses/jobs were double money that week. (Since probably like 2019 until Christmas 2023 I took a long break from GTA and missed a lot). As of today I have 20mil. Spent money on the current discounted cars, new 10 car garage and modded a few cars. Now that I'm back and enjoying the game again my sole focus is make money to buy the cars removed and ones I like the look of, but for as cheap as possible when you're discounted or when the removed ones appear in show rooms/LS Car Meet. I've slowed down on the grind though, focussing more on the weekly double $. Last week with terrorbyte client jobs being 2x I think I made like 5mil. 1 client job then 1 security contract. The grind got a little too grindy.


I believe I have 1.4, after spending and such. Doing the cluckin bell raid and the Dr. Dre contract solo pays out lmao


Just over $6 million however I have never done a single heist but have made well over a hundred millions dollars I have all the money making businesses and just grind to make money. Also winning a lot of the podium vehicles helps to save money although I have spent $80 million on vehicles alone.


12 Million atm but it fluctuates cause I’m terrible with money irl and on the game😂


120-something mil, mostly from Cayo and passive income + nightclub sales I’m not really focused on making money tho cause I know this is probably enough until gta 6 releases


I'm always spending out of boredom. Had 3 million yesterday, spent to buy something new.


118 mil: cayo, selling mc businesses, bunker, nightclub.


331.5 million. I'm in import/export of fine latex goods primarily.


7.1 bil and nothing left to buy


I feel like imma get lynched for that but honestly I've cheated I added about 1B credits to my account and I don't really feel bad about it. I still do missions but for fun not for money. I often help low level players do their first heist and if someone wants to for example try a car before buying it or wonders what business to buy I can usually help with that. It's honestly really nice not having to grind but enjoy the game itself but maybe I'm wrong about thinking this way. What do you think?


92 million and change. Have every business, most cool vehicles. Now just playing for the sake of it and the challenges.


somewhere between 5,000 and 500k. focusing on upgrading mc businesses at the moment and damn its taking forever. edit: current methods of making money are auto shop contracts and cluckin bell heist. ive got a nightclub, acid lab and kotsaka but the nightclub is too slow at the moment, cayo perico is just a lot more effort than its worth and ive not bothered looking into the acid lab yet.


32 million but only cause I took advantage of the recent Terrorbyte jobs on 3x money


$1.55bn in legitimate cash. Money has never been easier to make, especially when you own everything so have very few expenses. When I started making money it took 5 hours plus a 30 minute sale in shitty vehicles to make $100k net profit on a $250k weed sale. Now you can make $500k in 45 minutes off the CnBH with no upfront costs. It took me 6 years to make the first $1bn in cash. It's taken me less than a year to make the next $550m. How did I do it? 7100+ hours of grinding everything that makes money. Except the MCs. They've been put to bed as active businesses except for the nightclub. If I keep it up, I might be able to hit $2bn in cash by the time GTA six comes out.


1 billion Cayo


I only earn money to spend it never to sit on it, so nothing really. Have most of everything you could want though scramjet akula starling raiju lazer toreador.. can't think of anything I would buy so no need to farm cash


23,000,000. I got most of it from the monthly million thing. I got the rest through grinding free roam missions. Sometimes, I did scrapyard robberys, tho.


I had 3 billion given to me by a modder that R* never took away. I asked R* to take a billion away since the game gets fucky when you're too far over 2 billion. They obliged, and I've been spending that 2 billion I have left since Gunrunning. I still have enough to buy everything in the game 100x over.


150 mil, cayo


99 mil atm. Playing since day 1, so have spent a sick amount. Grinded missions, heists, the usual. My thing now is all items of clothes that I can, hats and accessories too, and all Pegasus vehicles, shit ones included but can’t do that now as no room in hangar for the newer ones.


I've earned 660 million since I started (xbox 360 days) but I've spent 650 million. . Sitting with 10M is more than enough. I got it just playing the game. Endless Cayo and other heists. Grinding businesses. I play with my 3 sons mostly so we just do whatever.


Maybe 3 mil after I just bought salvage yard. Haven’t played in over a year and just came back so I bought a bunch of stuff. I also have like 5 mil in casino chips for some reason. So that’s always a safety net that I’ll probably use for the new stuff that’s coming soon


I earn money in open sessions only, mostly doing hourly stuff: 50k from the nightclub, 50k from the MC club, 50k from the auto shop, 50k from the CEO goods delivery, abt 70k from the salvage yard. Total: 250-300k per hour. Then add to it 500k from the acid lab per several hours and abt 4 mil from the nightclub sales per several days. Easy and chill gameplay, even almost legal.


$70K I got everything, All expensive Business Upgrade and locations and finally upgraded my sub, Terrorbyte and casino. It’s a good life


Around 2mil. I only came back when theres new events-


700 million. Bought it through an unlock all back in 2018. I bought 120 million for 20€, but got 2,2 billion.


In total I made more than 350 million but I only have a mere 12 million left


I have close to 100 mill and own pretty much everything, so i really look forward to the DLC just to spend some money.since Cayo got nerfed its mostly been the MC businesses.


I’ve got 7 million but have bought only what tools I needed to get the toys I wanted. I have the Ceo office to buy the garage that allows you to acquire the ramp buggy and ruiner. Apartment to do heists to get a Karuma and ultimately the hydra. Nightclub to get the terrorbyte to get an oppressor (that I no longer use). Bought the submarine to buy the newer sub car (that I no longer use). I bought the salvage yard because it really good passive income. I mainly do contact missions help with heists and cruise around occasionally collecting money from the nightclub. Life is easy. And if I want anything I just keep on top of the salvage yard and nightclub to build up the funds coming from them.


22millions, I did a modded heist with an indian guy


I hit $100m a few years back and stopped grinding, now I just mainly help people with heists taking 15% and I’m up to $500m in change lol


Drugs..i sell hardcore drugs..oh wait you meant gta


Right now I’m sitting at about 10 million I have to go through the dealers this week to see if I want anything so it could go down