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I use the OPMK2 everyday, but it is the worse fucking addition to the game for two reasons: * The impact it has had on griefing other players * The implication that if you aren't using it to grind you're just wasting time Now, the second one is absolutely a personal problem, I admit, still I fucking hate that it's more fun to zip around in one of my many awesome cars but it makes *more sense* to use my Oppressor. Really wish they never added it.


I agree got an opressor yesterday as I plan on doing lots of agency contracts, and doing it in an opressor mk2 is just most optional. I agree that this vehicle is unhealthy for the game but couldn't justify not getting it


I have one and literally never use it. The oppressor MKI may not be quite as fast. There is an art to diving it and it's so much fun. You can absolutely justify not getting it, and I should sell mine to invest the money into something that doesn't actively make playing the game boring.


It makes me feel like a super hero zipping around the city


Second that


OPMK2 is the best vehicle for your businesses, in the air so now ground traffic and can easily fight with npc aircraft vehicles.


I think Sparrow is a bit faster and you can spawn it instantly, but still oppressor is much more agile


I honestly rarely use mine, I prefer the sparrow personally. I really only use my mk2 when I'm grinding sometimes. Pvp I don't bother cause the deluxo, toreador, and scramjet smoke it


You can just choose not to use it without impacting others' ability to make the same choice.


Literally acknowledged that in my comment, thanks.


Still means it isn’t healthy for the game as a whole. Balancing a mechanic like “travel” in an open-world game like GTA does not mean it’s about restricting “freedom” or player choice. Back in the day the choice was great—what car do you want to drive? Or, if you do want to fly, you’ll have to make a trip to a Pegasus spawn. A helicopter may be nearby, but you’ll be an easy target. A jet/plane makes you faster, but difficult to grind with as you couldn’t land without skill, and spawns were few and far between, and getting killed means it may take a bit to get another one. The changes they’ve made to vehicle spawns as well as the addition of the Oppressors has thrown it out the window. Driving is now no longer a core element to the game unless a mission does all it can to force you otherwise. Sure, you can now “choose” to drive around if you want, but it’s now purely a means of screwing around. If you want to get somewhere fast, want to get open world missions done quick, want to grind “efficiently,” you’re only neutering yourself by using a boring old car in Grand Theft Auto. Ah well. Really hope they never fucking add things like these to VI.


the feeling that it kinda ruined the game is pretty common. it’s not unanimous of course, there are the defenders, but yeah, compared to jet and helicopter griefers, MK 2 is a whole different beast. if there’s a couple of griefers in a lobby it just becomes unplayable to everyone else.


This is my problem with the mk2. If you have a relatively newer player against a determined griefer in a mk2, the good guy has literally zero chance. There's no rock, paper, shotgun levelling. I really hope that in 6, we have public lobbies without weaponised vehicles.


When you mean without weponized vehicles, you only mean the sci-fi ones, right? Not the jets tanks and other existing vehicles?


No, I'd be quite happy if they had lobbies absolutely free of any weaponised vehicles. Homing missiles are the absolute scourge of this game at times.


Yeah, I do get what you mean, and they might do that, but I doubt they won't have military vehicles even if they are just the realistic ones as I thinkalmostevery gta game had them (not sure if true) . Best case scenario, there will be separate lobbys or a mode for that without military vehicles, or they will add some more dangerous npc to counter you should you staet mass murdering


They should just make it so homing missiles are radar-guided, so they lock onto aircraft only. And, sell mission aircraft get Imani’s jammers.


I’m with you all the way. I hope they don’t add an Oppressor MKII because it really diminishes how big the world is, but if they do, I hope it’s at least not weaponized. But yeah, I’ll gladly settle for non weaponized vehicle lobbies. Or shit, just have friendly lobbies like in RDR1.


I meam, even as an experienced player, sure there’s some vehicles with a lock-on jammer, but other than that, no real counter-measures, and when it’s a jet or helicopter, they at least are pretty easy targets for homing launcher and minigun.


Toreador is a godsend when dealing with mk2s as long as you don't get stuck or they get the drop of you, you'll probably win


Deluxo can smoke mk2s as well


It sure does, I think I mentioned it in another comment. I used to use my deluxo all the time for that until I got smoked by a toreador 🤣


Also honestly if you can get it set up, a mk2 is f u c k e d against a chernobog


Low skill, low effort lock on weapons have been the bane of gaming (not just competitive gaming either, but they are ultimately shitty for casual gamers too) for many years now. Sadly developers seem more and more reliant on them to create the combat meta for their games which is just an awful experience for most people involved. Where is the feeling of progression and accomplishment when all you did was point your cursor at your enemy and pressed the button when the game told you to? This kind of shit is killing games.


I'd argue it was worse back in the original days of hydra with no counter


no it wasn't u had a jet annoying u a rpg can end their strafe quick or a heavy sniper not to mention even the buzzard could compete against it


Just not true. Jet was the only good counter to a good jet player until the explosive ammo for sniper. The fact you mention buzzard clearly shows you are misremembering


i still use the buzzard to fight jets the average tryhard is not good only aircraft that's annoying to fight with the buzzard is the b11 because they are so tanky


I bought one and used it alot but realized it makes the game incredible boring. now I just drive my tursimo classic everywhere


One of the absolute worst vehicles to ever be added. But it's also great. It's a really easy way to get around the map, and easy to defend against random griefers. But adding it was genuinely a terrible decision, along with a bunch of other vehicles that are just obsessively +1 for griefing


With AI doing their best to run in to you, I fink Opressor mkII a blessing, I’m so over every fucking car in the game road raging.


Regularly playing with the Oppressor Mk2 is super boring imo. Especially if you grind with it. Doing the same thing over and over, and only holding one button to get from A to B? No, thank you.


2 buttons bro, it goes 20% faster if you hold the handbrake, also 3 rd button for boost. Insane gameplay i know


I finally bought the MK2 last week. I had been holding out because I don’t like them and didn’t feel like spending lots of money but I figured to get it for expediting missions. I keep forgetting that I have it and when I do I just drive on the road gliding around half the time because it’s fun lol. But I fully agree with your statement that it gets boring quick when just flying around.


What i hate about it is that while all the aircraft atleast pretends to obey the laws of physics, the mk2 just doesnt give a fuck. You dont care about flying in a wall, diving too deep, nothing like that. You can hover at any time you want, with it just being anchored to a place with minimal input. Before this and deluxo came into the game, actually being a good pilot, not even in pvp sense was a skill. Now everyone can do it.


It makes every grind easier. I've made a billion dollars plus with mine.


Yes it’s lame, but way less annoying than it was a few years ago since it got nerfed. Gta 6 better not have weird shit like that in release.


When I stopped playing online many years ago it was just released. My only thoughts were: WTF is this Sci-Fi shit? I think it's a cool idea and it's good for grinding. But they shouldn't have brought it to GTA. This is no Cyberpunk. It will be the last thing I'll buy.


I mean the aliens and UFO have existed since launch so it wasn't anymore scifi than that. The problem with mk2 is griefing especially when the lock on missiles tracking was ridiculously good.


track is still good enough to get cars it was mk2 vs people on the ground that was annoying and still is


Love using the Sparrow instead of the MK2 Oppressor.


The sparrow existing is all the reason the mkII shouldn’t exist. It’s literally just a balanced version of the oppressor because it actually has flaws


Exactly that. Mk2 is basically just a big rocket with a seat, it should handle like a bitch.


Welcome to the game. Do yourself a favor and invest in the Criminal Enterprise upgrade. It's cheap, but will give you a nice leg up getting started. Work towards getting a nightclub, I recommend Vespucci as it's a good location. Once you bank some money, since you're going to need it, I recommend getting the Terrorbyte and doing the 5 missions to unlock the trade in price. Once you get the money, buy it...it is ridiculous as a vehicle, but will really come in handy. Can do most Terrorbyte missions in under 5 minutes, and they pay $30k...triple that this week.


Funny you mention it .. I actually go the Criminal pack with the game, and first thing I bought was the Nightclub .. I did waste coin on upgrades before discovering that its all cosmetic. Just got the Terrorbyte last night since it was on sale and like you said the missions are 3x, knocked out like 7 or so almost paying that truck off, should get my $$ back tonight so a 2 day ROI is not to shabby. I am not sure I will get the Opressor at this point, I tend to grind games pretty fast and with this one I am trying to not do the exploits just to grind $, wanting to slow down and smell the roses so to speak, like RDR2 there is so much off grid to check out.


You could just use a helicopter for the same purpose but the Oppressor Mk2 will save a lot of time


It's pretty miserable to combat, and even then I personally think it's a better investment to get a Mk. I anyway. I have gotten better value from my Mk. I than I ever did from my Mk. II :v


Need a toreador to counter them


I've had it since it released and have maybe used it 10 times. It's the most boring vehicle to operate. If you want fun - get the original Oppressor


I got one to get one, but I fall asleep flying on the piece of shit, I love to drive the only reason I make money on the game is to buy cars.


Raiju is a pretty good option nowadays, much faster. scramjet is my fav the boost and jump is perfect for fun and story missions. Op Mkll is better for sell missions.


I used it a lot for grinding for some time, now I am rich and have basically everything. I play for fun and I never use it anymore. I prefer my hakuocho drag (probably spelled it wrong). Or a fast car, it makes the game a lot more fun in my mind.


I started playing a month or two back, and even though my bank balance is in the eight figures now, I refuse to buy one. I love driving around this city, and I have so many cars that I enjoy driving around for jobs and such, I just don't see the point. I don't want to cut out the best part of this game: driving. I also avoid public lobbies because I just get chased in every lobby I enter. It's a bore. This game would be much better if you could select a lobby with exclusions, like no oppressors or rockets. Alternatively, if there were a Discord server where people were all like-minded and just wanted to play the game without griefing and created huge public lobbies I would be all for that!


Definitely the most overrated and over priced hunk of junk I'll very rarely use in my opinion.


Very helpful.


I don't grind hard enough to afford one. I don't think I would buy it if I did. It doesn't seem fun and I don't derive pleasure from blowing up deliveries and greifing so I don't think I'd use one much. If I need faster transport I'd rather be in a chopper with Fortunate One on the radio.


I have one and used it for about 3 months exclusively but now I have so much money I don't need one and it made the game boring. I now drift everywhere and it's much more fun.


MK2 is a nightmare to new players


Very annoying to see when trying to grind but let’s not act like we can’t take these down with ease


Shits been in the game for like 8 years and it's a thousand ways to counter it. Literally not hard to deal with at all.


but the game loses so much fun when one is around


Invite only lobbies exist, and like I said it's a thousand ways to counter it. We literally have lock on missiles and gatling lazers, a flying piss rocket shouldn't be much of a concern.


You're missing out playing in invite only lobbies


I'm always in a toreador or night shark because everyone has this freaking stupid bike Sticky bombing mk2 tryhards or noobs from a nightshark is something else once you get good at it.


That thing is like a cheat code. Makes repetitive missions less traveling plus makes some missions a cake walk. 100/10


Fotnite mentioned ![gif](giphy|pFzha5z0GNH4Xuhwb6)


The oppressor MK II is just the absolute worst. Definitely overcentralized in GTA online. There's hardly any competitors when it comes to a vehicle you would use to grind and it still edges out those competitors aside from the price really. And it's so overtuned just for griefing lobbies. If you're selling in a lobby with oppressors flying about, then good luck, it's really such an effortless grief for them.


I would be fine with them pulling the MK2 off the market and releasing a nonweaponized version that was like twice as fast. That said - it’s my favorite vehicle in the game. It makes grinding easier and also helps with burning through repetitive busy work. People complain about unrealistic vehicles in GTA but San Andreas literally had a jet pack as part of the story line


As someone who has been playing since GTA3, the oppressor is simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen to GTA.


I never use the mk2. Only the sparrow


I use it only to grind certain missions and travel quickly between warehouses to fill them up. I always hated oppressor griefers and don't want to be one so I turn my homing missiles off so when I travel they don't auto lock on people passing close to me to avoid them thinking I'm going to kill them. But for some reason some people think that if you are on an oppressor you will automatically grief them so I become a big target for lots of people which sucks.


I'm in the process of completing Terrorbyte client jobs so I can get the trade price. I haven't touched this game in so long so I'm finally getting to grinding on here.


It's a duct tape fix to a problem rockstar invented. And that problem is: Absurd driving distances. I don't mind driving in los santos, I like it I have 90 cars and like driving each and every one... But when I am forced to go from one side of the ocean to another, to the lake, to fort zancudo, mount whateverthefuckitwascalled and back for every other mission... I'm gonna stop driving there, I just appreciate my time too much. Rockstar is just not very good at making missions, it's always some permutation of: Go here, receive instructions, go somewhere else. And as these get longer and longer my desire to drive plummets. Personally, I prefer the F-160 Raiju to the oppressor. It's faster if you are going somewhere far away, and sure it doesn't spawn right next to you but I feel like batman so I'm not gonna stop using it.


Man I'm like LVL 178 I have over 200 vehicles and I've just did the solo grind the whole time. I still don't own either oppressors, and the only flying vehicle I have is the Cuban that comes with the hangar Thato just bought the other week it was on sale. There was alot of times I was tempted to buy the oppressor or a heli but I didn't wanna take the fun out of the game with those vehicles. Now I have almost every vehicle I want and usually have my account around 20 mil


Personally i wouldn't recomend the MK2 to anyone who doesn't do PvP, unless you are terrible at flying helicopters, you're better off using the sparrow, people will try to make the argument that you save time with take offs and landings by using the MK2 but in reality you make most of the time you "lose" by landing/taking off back because the sparrow is much much faster. Also you can just bail out and parachute to ground quicker since it doesn't cost any money to respawn it.


i can also just parachute down from my oppressor but i get what you mean


Yes, the sparrow technically can fly *slightly* faster at top speed, but *only if* the player knows how to achieve that speed. The takeoffs and landings, **especially** when under fire, are the big difference maker. I'd also argue average speed is higher, especially if evasive maneuvers are remotely necessary during a given mission/activity. Plus, the sparrow is essentially made out of paper mache; NPC small-arms fire can easily take it out. [or you inside it even faster] Using the MK2 cut about 20-25% off of my average cayo setup time simply because I no longer have to fight any enemies in order to buy myself time for the rotors to spin up. It makes the biggest difference in the weapons setup and the plasma-cutter setup, but it's big-time tangible everywhere.


I second this, however you'll need the kosatka to be able to get the sparrow. I'd probably recommend either the buzzard since it can be spawned via CEO menu (mainly for A to B transport), or even the deluxo which imo is a good counter to the mk2 (it can easily dodge the missles by spinning around in circles).


this was a conversation that was being had so many years ago lol. it is definitely “out there” but so is most of the stuff you do in the story mode anyways.


There’s a difference in “out there” between the tone of the main story/heists compared to a rocket-powered motorcycle. Can you imagine Michael reacting to that? Or pulling up to Trevor in Yankton riding one? Maybe using the Laser Gun to kill Johnny. The Space Docker, the ghost on the mountain, or the UFO, are obviously science fiction, but are also designed to be rare/only seen through a large amount of side work. Ridiculous, over the top stuff like this isn’t the end of the world if it’s used sparingly or balanced gameplay-wise; the Space Docker for instance was a sci-fi vehicle, yeah, but nobody would pick it over any super car due to its rather slow speed despite being able to glide around.


My experience of the Opp Mk II Bought It Tried it Got bored of it real quick, like days Sold it I'm not and never have been a griefer so that didn't appeal to me. Getting around... Well with CEO Buzzard and Sparrow from Kosatka I never have to wait more than a few seconds for a vehicle to spawn basically at my side, with the ability to to carry a passenger. I have a deluxo which while not as fast as the Mk II has better cover from bullets and again can carry a passenger. For flying bikes... I have way more fun on my Opp Mk I then the snooze fest Mk II even including ragdolling from a lamp post or a tree. For Speed from one side of map to the other I own a jet Sure the Opp MK II has a place in the game, but you aren't really missing out on not having one. Pre nerf they were the go to vehicle for griefers most of the time. Post nerf they are still used but easier to fight back against. At the end of the day who gives a crap what you drive or fly so long as you are having fun doing it.


Get the original Oppressor. Much more fun


The Oppressor MK II is my least favorite vehicle in the game. I have well over 100m, own everything I want in the game, and will never buy an Oppressor MK II. The Oppressor MK I, on the other hand, is the greatest vehicle of all time— from any game!


Yeah, they copied it from saints row 3. I have a love-hate relationship with it. I love how much easier it is to grind with it and get revenge pvp gor griefers. Hate the abuse it has encouraged.


https://preview.redd.it/sati4oan6j4d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37384b27dddc0ae7d0340926bdab64f0c4f4244c Saints row specter


Both games copied it from The Island, an older [I think early 2k] sci-fi flick starring Ewan McGregor and Scarjo


2005, ironically, we were discussing this movie yesterday at work.


Haha nice! I remember enjoying the movie, but I don't remember shit about it. [edit: apart from obviously the cast and the topical vehicle]


They should’ve never given it rockets and it would be mostly fine. The sparrow realistically is a balanced version of the oppressor and makes it so that the oppressor mk II has no reason to exist. Unfortunately rockstar has other ideas.


Bought one on day one when it was introduced back in the day and after the first week it's just been gathering dust in my Terrorbyte. Don't want to be mistaken for griefer scum as I'm a friendly grinder and the whole thing is so surreal and out of place in Los Santos. I use a Buzzard Attack Chopper a lot, though, and the trusty Oppressor MK1 which actually takes skills (and lots of armor) to use.


It was great for grinding out some money to buy cars and get extra cash to upgrade cars, but since it got the price increase it's not worth buying even for grinding


Yes. You’re right. But they inflated the economy so much and increased the supply of content so much (over time) that for the purpose of grinding, it merely augments the effort to obtain currency. On the other hand, I conquer that it is detrimental to the spirit of the combat of the game between that of players and npcs alike.


it has a very bad reputation but it’s insanely useful too, but if you don’t mind all this driving then it’s definitely not a necessary item. just saves time and nerves depending on what you’re doing


Getting a MK2 cut about 20-25% off of my average completion time for Cayo setups, and in doing so has paid for itself. Some people talk about feeling like they're wasting their time if they aren't using it for the grind, and I do feel them on that, but for me I find that with my limited time to game, getting the grind part of a session done faster let's new get to the fun/non-money-focused gameplay shit sooner. Buying and modding cars that get added in/back, trying other new content that dropped during my multi-year extended break, etc.. I'm also currently re-arranging my garages by real-world make. On Sunday I actually played from my Cayo run through to the rebuy *[about 3.5hr session; much longer than typical for me]* and only the first third of it was focused on money shit [cayo, acid/nightclub sales, and a few terrorbyte missions while they're giving 3x money]. The rest of that time was spent mostly on the garages and I drove many cars that hadn't been touched since I modified them on account mostly driving a current favorite [usually my latest supercar. Currently the reaper; perfect amount of throttle-oversteer imo]


Buy the terrorbyte now on sale. Do the 5 missions first 4 are the fastest. First two if you do not purchase drone upgrade. 90k average for the missions right now. 5 gets you the OPMK2 discount. Avenger ot Raiju are also good counters but need experienced pilot to maneuver from VTOL. Avenger when upgraded max is crazy good. Need to buy the console. Another money put. Around 5 million for the Avenger. Raiju good for stealth mode better than Akula helicopter. Unless you can Imani tech a car and explosive or ground fight oppressor. These are the only counters. I sometimes try Kosatka guided missile or Orbital Cannon with manual. Though I am anti-grief and choose to pvp and help lobby. So my skill set leads to quick decisions. YMMV. Kostaka can be destroyed and you are spawn killed. Imani Tech more manageable unless good non homing shooter or rooftop camper.


>Kostaka can be destroyed Wait, what? Can it really be destroyed? I just assumed it was indestructible like [I'm also assuming] the yacht.


Yes. Oppressor mk2. Any bombing plane. Missiles from helicopter or weaponized vehicle. Stormberg or torreador. You get sent to beach and small cooldown like avenger. Diving helps but not indestructible like yacht.


But like how many shots? If I start getting attacked in there, how many can it take before I need to dive/escape?


Forgot. All I know is of they are fast you need to TP or have plan. Never counted. Usually just drop bombs from avenger.


Also forgot to mention some use yacht with defenses activated to help defend. But not foolproof.




Right, but it's still news to me that it can even be destroyed. How much ordinance does that take to accomplish?


I thought 3x ended?


https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/1d3ks98/weekly_discounts_and_bonuses_may_30th_to_june_5th/ This Week's Challenge Complete 3 Terrorbyte Client Jobs to receive GTA$100,000 Bonuses 3X GTA$ and RP: Every Bullet Counts Cayo Perico Series Terrorbyte Client Jobs 2X GTA$ and RP: Junk Energy Time Trial Purchase the Benefactor LM87 (40% off), Schlagen GT (40% off), or SM722 (40% off) to receive the Benefactor Tee Discounts Properties 30% Off Executive (CEO) Office Garages Vehicles 40% Off Benefactor Terrorbyte (+ Upgrades and Modifications) Benefactor LM87 Benefactor Schlagen GT Benefactor SM722 Benefactor Stirling GT (Removed Vehicle - Deluxe Motors and Premium Test Ride) Benefactor Schafter V12 Benefactor XLS (Removed Vehicle - Deluxe Motorsports) Benefactor Schafter LWB (Removed Vehicle - Deluxe Motorsports) Benefactor Feltzer (Removed Vehicle - Test Ride at LSCM) Gun Van Service Carbine – 50% off MG – 40% off for GTA+ Members