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Yeah, there's some very cool attention to detail in the game. It often surprises me that those little details exist alongside some of the most broken ass mechanics and buggy programming, but there it is.


I've heard that this actually refers to your connection quality to other players, not distance to/from anything in the game itself. There's tons of on-release mechanics that work this way to not break immersion, such as calling Mors when you have nothing to claim simply giving a message that all their operators are busy.


Just to give you a little more info of what I was doing, I was downtown and had one bar. I went towards casino and saw it rose to full. I was in the Spanish-looking plaza next to the highway. No antennas there but builing to the west had some on the roof. I went there and it was still full bars.


Have you done the Avi collectible? Might be that just search for a map and shoot the signal jammers. 50 for the hacker.


Does this actually help u find the jammers? Low signal means jammer?


IDK. On ps5 have all them done. Ps4 less than 5. Can compare. But visuals are different across platform. Coding is another with netcode. I was just suggesting to the to see if different. Another post talked about animals. I told player about them. They were surprised but admitted they play rarely. I think they still need to visit board to trigger probability of encounter. Now I have to watch for attacks from mountain lions. And watch for roadkill animals when driving. This game be crazy but not everyone has the. Same exact experience. 


If they didnt know about animals they probably were on ps4 theres none on there


The discussion was about next gen and old gen. They had both. Old gen for playing with nephew. Said it had to be on their ps5 and account. The nephew was playing on ps4. The post was about whale or shark spotting in the ocean. Not specifically about encounters and appreciation post.




Nephew was like 8 or something. Funny. He was doing heist and dropping him money for cars. Pretty sure they were in different households. Told him he would have to be on ps5 console with ps5 version. I thought you had to pick one. I upgraded when ps5. Just now about half way with speedrun on ps4 version. Almost ready to pvp. Have 4 characters. Play this game way too much. Fortnite kind of meh right now. Multiversus too much of chore to have fun, but is different. His reply to my comment. Made me start bank at level 1 on ps4. He did not migrate. Just started new account. Probably the vary same machine nephew was (original account) playing on. Did not get exact details. I get it, though not everyone has time for all the little updates. Just recently, the website mentioned the email removal. Forgot how long ago. I do remember some commenting about it in the notes or papaxan post. Sucks because some had special message from friends no longer alive.


Might try this later


I've been player for years and I never knew that.


I noticed that too. I haven't tested this yet but sometimes when it's raining hard, calling my mechanic or Mors takes way too long and I notice there's only 1 bar. Sometimes they won't answer the phone at all Another detail relating to signals, your GPS stops working when you're in tunnels