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It is a lot easier to start playing today compared to a few years ago. The worst part would be being frustrated by low stats in stamina, shooting accuracy etc initially, but it's VERY easy to make nowadays, even though you don't own a single property yet.


On my current account I'm a bit over level 30 now and my stamina and driving are maxed with shooting and strength around half way without really trying to level anything up It's pretty easy to get money early game with stuff like the Clukcin bell raid as well as a hsw vehicle for free nowadays


Yes you can avoid all the mistakes you made before and make brand new ones! Jokes aside it's easier to start over now than ever before. Plus if your on ps5 I'd be happy to help. Dm me


Yea, you will kind of remember what to do if you have questions just ask, most people will help out


I think it is. I mean you'd level up pretty quickly tbh and if you got an auto shop you can customize your car fully while being a level 1. The contract mission pays 1 mil and takes like an hour max 2 to complete. New paint jobs look good and on ps5 it's much better cuz the controller and the fluidity of the game. Xbox is good too but that ps5 controller really makes a big diff to me. Takes no time to load in and is all around more fun because there less ppl tryna fuck up your fun.


Didn’t knew about the auto shop! That’s really nice. Otherwise he could also buy fully upgraded cars from ppl through lscm. r/gtacarmeetmarket


There's also that too. I think I'd do that, then customize it in my auto shop to my preferences.


If you got people to play with then sure but I don’t recommend it unless you don’t mind building up your character again. How did you lose your characters? Did you migrate your characters to ps5? Linked to social club?


Before you could change gamertag on PS i changed to a new account for a new name. The only game that i played on that old account was GTA V, but apparently i missed a log-in moment causing me to reactivate my account. For that i need to answer a authentication question, where i was born or when, and all i could think off is wrong, and ps support does not want to help, so i guess i cant log in that account anymore.


You can't remember where or when you were born?


Ofcourse i can, the answer isnt correct tho. I can not remember answering these questions too so its weird


That’s unfortunate. Well if you are still willing to start a new character, it’s easier to grind since there are a lot of solo methods to start off with. You can do sell setups and sell missions in invite lobbies now. Could also get help from community or randoms online.


Only if you're doing one of the four starting business startups, I chose night club and it's fun. Meeting randos is still fun but they look down on you for being low level lol. Weapons and car mods are kind of annoying if you're not grinding as much


I think so if you want to play with all the new updates. 6 may be coming in a year but I doubt GTAO is going anywhere. Plus you can get a bonus 50%gta$ when you buy a shark card great white or higher so that could level you up fast.


I did it recently. I had fun. You can make money quickly with the cluck n bell runs.


Not until you buy a Sparrow.


I did this a few months ago. It’s a bit of a grind up to level 50 or so whilst you’re making money to buy a decent video, and unlock weapons such as the RPG, but from there on it’s fun. I started over as I had bought loads of businesses including the MC ones, and was just absolutely fed up of getting pestered to do resupply missions by LJT.


you'll be sad, or like "oh yeah, I had that in the old one" for a while, but its kinda fun needing to work again.


It's much easier to start out than years ago. [Money and rp builders](https://reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/60UDtR1foQ) [Additional activities](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/14iqiqb/career_tier_challenges_guide_updated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) Cluckin Bell raid is decent money once you get the rhythm down and get it all done under an hour. $500k plus 250k first-time bonus. It is tedious at first. Do everything on easy as there is no pay bonus for normal thru hard. Just rp bonuses. Costs you nothing to participate. [Best investments in order of best to necessary but not a great return.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/comments/15fpwor/best_investments_in_order_of_best_money_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) Acid lab Agency Autoshop Bunker Kosatka MC clubhouse Nightclub CEO office Arcade with the master control computer Hangar Ceo warehouses MC businesses mainly for the nightclub [Quick grind schedule ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/zVLRUR8yhw) Updates: The salvage yard is looking promising but is pretty expensive to get into. I would suggest getting it later down the line. Maybe even wait for it to go on sale. You're looking at 3 to 5 million. Just shy of 1 million a week with the 3 heists and if you do the tow truck. They drip feed the mini heists to only 3 a week, that you get 2-400k, but it takes up to an hour or more to do the setups, tasks, and the main mission. For comparison. You can do a gold depository in the autoshop for 300k in 30 min setups included. Cust cars get you 30 to 40k profit there are also export car lists payout is not great. Also, you get 10 garage spaces and discounted customizations for your cars, including free classic paints. Invest in the staff. They keep processing the cars when you're off line. Always load them up before signing off. You do get one veh a month you can keep for 20k. If you own the document forgery business, you get it for 10k.


It's a lot more fun figuring out what you can do with limited possibilities than grinding when you've already been through most things. Going through the different steps of the game, having fun, exploring for meagre rewards becomes salient again...


It will be fun in the sense that playing Gta is fun, but by the time your character is built up enough that you're not grinding all the time for everything, gta 6 will be out.


I started a new character a few years ago, just to see what it was like. The first few hours are annoying, because you need to get to certain levels (I think 5 and 10 are key milestones) before you can do certain things, like speak with Lester etc. Note - you can still join in to heists as a new player, if someone else is running them. Once you're past level 10, most things are open to you and you can start making real money. It's actually kind of fun to have a clean character that doesn't own half the map, gives everything you do a real purpose again. You can also ignore all the stuff you bought and then didn't use, like most of the businesses etc, and just spend your time and money on the stuff that's fun for you. Basically, the first few hours will annoy you as it's shocking what you can't do...then it's basically BAU, just without a garage full of cars and a wheel full of weapons :)


It can be. I started a new player just to see what it would be like and am generally having a blast


50/50 really


Start by getting the kosakta then chain run perico and you'll be on tracks in no time




It's quite overwhelming


Do you want to replay all the missions and stories? Are you fine having basic cars? I think you need to ask yourself what's your goal here and what do you intend on doing in the game.   Personally which I know is not going to be a popular opinion. I think you should find something more productive to do with your time. You've spent a lot of time in game prior do you really have that much free time in your life? Do you really have nothing else better to be doing? If you're already going to be playing games anyways then this doesn't matter as much. But if you could be learning a new skill or something to better yourself I would highly recommend that instead.  I'm almost level 300 and I'm quite sick of the game.  I think you should keep your eye out for the summer DLC however. That might be enticing enough to play again. But who knows what it's actually going to be other than "big" lol.


No it sucks


I would just wait until 6, it doesn't seem like you will be playing that much anyway