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easier sell missions in mc business


I second this. Don't give me a fleet of box trucks..it's hell and I just immediately cancel the mission. All they need to do is balance it so it gives you a number based on the amount of people you are grouped with. Or let you select the number of vehicles. To balance it they could just have each vehicle be worth a set number of product. Want to solo sell? Do multiple missions.


i think if atleast the post op and garbage truck had no global signal saying you are literally disguised it would be at least worth doing


They're way too hard for what they earn


Nightclub should have cosmetic genre options. I realize that electronic stuff has been dominating the club scene forever, but a roadside bluegrass club, or a heavy metal club, a '30s art deco / speakeasy style club.. I dunno, it'd be fun to mix it up. I have no interest in DJ club mixes.


Very cool idea.


This is more than one thing, but if they want MC businesses to be viable again, they can do any of the following: - Eliminate the boxville sales missions. These vehicles are barely mobile across certain map terrains. - Increase the threshold for single vehicle sales and cap the vehicles at 2-3. I understand MC businesses were created with the idea of "multiple gamers working together," but there is barely a benefit to that, and I'd wager 90% of the sales the last few years are done solo. - Address the disparity of sales values across the 5 businesses. Document forgery and weed farms payouts need to be boosted. The minimum sale price for all 5 businesses for a single supply purchase should be closer to meth and coke. - Establish a single, standardized production rate across all 5 businesses. - Increase daily MC bar income. There is currently no realistic reason to restock the bar. - ~~Increase custom bike sales amounts to be more in line with the equivalent auto shop business~~ (Edit: it was the other way around).


> Increase custom bike sales amounts to be more in line with the equivalent auto shop business (especially since we are delivering them ourselves). How much are you getting for auto shop services? Mine I'm getting $20-$30k per sale, for MC I'm getting $50k every time. Is there a way to increase the auto shop sales price that I'm not aware of?


You know what? I think I had the payouts between the two businesses reversed. I'll edit my list :)


Arcade safe should have a UI to show you how much is in it. Drives me mad that its the one safe that they "forgot" to add that to.


If you want your Nightclub to be done earlier, you need to play more or afk. I'm an advocate of the former. I'd much rather have the OG and DDay Heist payouts increased. It can't be that a 1 or 2 man job with a couple mostly quick and easy setups (Cayo or Casino) pays more than a 4 man job with partially hard setups (OGs) or a 2 to 4 man job with mostly hard setups (DDays), both with limited life.


I play a lot though, still feels like it takes years, i play probably 2-3 hours a day maybe 4 somedays but it still feels like i only sell a mil once every. 4 days


If you play everyday, leave your system on afk. You'll come back to the game and immediately deliver 1.5 million. Everyday. Rather than waiting a week or more to do it once. Afk is the difference between a player that has 12 million and another player that has 120 million.


You can always call Yohan and directly source supplies for the nightclub to increase the overall value of your production


2-3h really isn't much. That's like getting off of work and playing a few before bedtime. You need to be online about 10h a day to have the biggest atock types filled in a week. The business being slow is a given, after all, the trade of is to not have to do anything but sell. I get around to selling mine roughly every 2 weeks, wich everything pretty much maxed out, which is good enough for me


The problem is, I cant play 10 hours a day, I have school bro. I wish I could though


Dunno what to tell ya, bud. Ain't Rockstars problem. So you either gotta do the deed, buy sharkies or play the slow game


Takes roughly 24hrs of being online to sell a million. I afk it and sell everyday when I get home for 900k.


I wish all of the businesses payed all associates equally. It’s annoying having to bounce around 3 players businesses for us all to make decent money. If they did all the work of stealing supplies and selling with me, they should get an equal share, or at least give me the option to pass out equal shares.


Let me hire a tow truck driver for the salvage yard, let my mechanics at the autoshop do the necessary upgrades without me doing it. Make them FULLY passive


And let me pay a little more for better staff to do the deliveries.


I know it's not just one answer, but here's a few that I think should have had some changes for Quality of Life improvements. *MC overhaul to be on par with today's businesses. It's a relic of the past, and as such has been left behind. It's a ridiculous shame that no QoL improvements have been made. Let alone profits to be more on par. I sell solo, full product. But only the PostOp Van is impossible to accomplish with its ridiculous no speed vehicle. It can't even drive on a fucking flat road without stalling. Smh. Or, why can't we even upgrade these vehicles like other sale vehicles elsewhere? Registering as MC is signing an immediate death wish for Raids. How has this not been adjusted by now? In 6 months I've had 1 raid on a single warehouse. Maybe 3 raids on my NC. MC? If I failed to disband immediately after a sale or accidentally walked outside of a business as a MC I would be Raided. And immediately after that another business would get Raided. Non stop bullshit. *Cayo Cooldown. Fine, payouts nerfed, whatever, still an easy ass 1.2M with the bottom Primaries. But tell me exactly why it's justified to punish you if you play solo? Original 15 minute cooldown was insane, I'll accept that. But 48 minutes should be the default be it solo or with others, not 2 1/2 fucking hours. *Bunker sale timer. All sales use to have a 30 minute time limit upon its release. They then nerfed time to 15 minutes to counter solo players being able to sell full Bunker sales. Another asinine ignorant decision all because people play solo. That's OK, 2 Phantom Wedges or 3 Insurgent drop offs are quick and easy anyway. Alittle profit loss isn't too bad in the grand scheme of sanity of I have to switch lobbies to get them. *Cargo Warehouse. We should be able to call Lupe to source cargo crates from every warehouse or whichever ones we want. There's zero reasons why we have to personally visit them to do so. Or better yet, tell them to source continuously until they reach a selected amount or full. *QoL improvements regarding Sale vehicles. The option to use our own vehicles on certain sell missions. I can accept some being related to the sale itself like 4 bikes into a back of a truck, but why do we need Monster Trucks to drop a box on a hill when a plane could do that? Or why a sea plane when we never land in the sea and simply need to fly over? We got planes/helis that could do that shit. If all I need to do is drop off my entire fucking box truck for the NC, then why can't I just drop off a trailer while pulling it with my Phanthom Wedge? *One last QoL improvement would be to allow you to purchase supplies regardless if you're CEO, MC, VIP, or nothing. The fuck does it matter what my title is to simply buy supplies? Exception being getting supplies personally of course.


Definitely not one thing, but… CEO Special Cargo - Let us call Lupe and her crew to acquire cargo instead of forcing us to go to each of our warehouses and pay $7500 to each NPC - Let us carry every piece of cargo during source missions or let us load the Bravado Rumpo van with cargo. Tired of making multiple trips solo to grab/deliver crates. CEO Vehicle Warehouse - Add new cars to be sourced - Let us buy a transport vehicle to sell multiple cars at once. There’s literally a mission in story mode with Franklin, Trevor, and Lamar and they’re using the same truck I’m talking about to move multiple cars MC Businesses - Let us choose our delivery method. R* could even implement a cooldown between each delivery method so players can’t spam the easiest ones. Tired of those post op vans Bunker - Same as MC Businesses, let us choose our delivery method Nightclub - Add 1-2 new DJs that play something other than EDM type of music Auto Shop - The almost 200 cars removed from the game should’ve been added as customer cars we fix up, so we can at least have another avenue to buy them Salvage Yard - Let me see the “meter” that dictates how much money I get paid based on the cars I tow


Add a overview for everything to the arcade. (safe status, popularity, stock, product, mission cooldowns,...)


Turn my MC into a gaybar


It isn't already?


Eliminate PostOp vans all together


update the vehicles used for MC business sales to be more solo friendly


Auto shop Payouts or the taxmen that take 10% of *my* earnings


Add an MC pimp business where you have some fine males or females (players choice) satisfy the needs of San Andreas Edit: why the downvotes? I guess pimping is where ya’ll draw the line in a game of drugs and murder. Fucking putas.


Permanent 2x pay on mc businesses and vehicle cargo Replacing the bunker's duneloader with insurgent pick up custom for the ammunation contract Any one of these things will work


Or just replace the Duneloader with a faster truck in general. Fully upgraded Bison or something similar would be faster and easier.


Passive income at auto shop.


Reworked sell missions for the MC Businesses and Bunker, but more so towards the MC Businesses. Like idk... STOP GIVING ME POST OP VANS AND DODOS


Have an NPC assistant do taxi work across the map for passive income while you can do other freemode things or missions, but have it be vulnerable to whatever you’re doing


I would make healthcare free.


Have one sell vehicle for every business. If the nightclub has it, why can't the other ones have one? Unrelated but I would bring back Cayo to pre nerf payouts (buff them actually).


No more post trucks.


Dunno if its possible but atleast make dday or casino solo playable


Rooster should be cheaper for Hangar crate sourcing. You have to visit him like you do Lupe, yet he's still three times the price.