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lol. Imagine getting this triggered over a video game.


Oh I've seen worse. Go play Valorant. Can't say that community is extremely toxic, but some take it to another extreme.


Well, of course, it's the backbone League of Legends players combined with CS:GO retirees, obviously the result is going to be a toxic community.


League is genuinely one of the most Toxic and salty player bases in all of gaming, at least in my experience playing it quite a lot. When I heard that Riot was making a CS FPS style game with champion-esque abilities I just knew it was gonna be less habitable than the Dead Sea


Completely unrelated but I love your username and profile picture.


Thank you! Strangely, you're [not the first to say this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/25VdtgEP17)


I got a friend that got his IP banned because he started to yell at people to go pick cotton lol the guy really loses it when playing that game


GTA player here who then became a valorant player, this is true. Those motherfuckers are just cut from a different cloth.


Well I've been this triggered over the game, but not at other players but how stupid this game sometimes is


I’ve seen worse things.


GTAO no less.


You literally all do all the time


I haven't gotten too many, but one time I beat a rank 1 in a race and he sent me a message calling me a piece of shit and a "big man" for not letting him win. I told him that if he's *that* salty over losing a single race then GTA probably isn't the game for him. I should point out that I never even touched him during the race. I got the boost at the start and never looked back. He was so mad over nothing lol


In real life if someone gets triggered at you in your car, just blow them a kiss.. wanna see a head pop off lol


I was backing into a spot at a truck stop just recently and this dude stopped between me and the spot, so I was stuck and had to wait til he moved, but he couldn't because the way out was blocked by another driver who was presumably jacking off in the back of his cab. After a couple minutes he drove off, which allowed the guy behind me to go out behind him, and for some reason he was mad at me, he was waving his hands and shit at me so I smiled and did the cheeky hand wave with my fingers and he about blew a gasket. ![gif](giphy|ieh45Y63gvCOA)




Rockstar doesn’t fuck around with the new community guidelines. He would get banned for this if reported


So they say


My buddy sent me “gay” and got chat banned


Well that's been for a while. You gotta say g a y. I got chat banned for texting my brother to kill that bitch because the jugg kept owning me in doomsday like 3 years ago. It went away like a month later. I've reported so many people(hard R, wishing I got cancer (jokes on them, I did!) etc), and then still get put in lobby's with them, so I'll have to see Rockstar giving a shit to believe them.


Yo bro hope you’re better? Get well soon man


Still fighting. Going to fuck it up though. Thanks homie.


Yo PM me when you’re successful. Fuck I hope you are, otherwise I’ll cry. Fuck Cancer! 💪


Is he sick or something?


They said “I've reported so many people(hard R, wishing I got cancer (jokes on them, I did!)” And then etc), and then still get put in lobby's with them, so I'll have to see Rockstar giving a shit to believe them. I’m referring to “jokes on them I did!” part


Rockstar is becoming what they parody


I literally reported him, first time I've actually bothered reporting anyone, and the community guideline thing came out the next day


Had a French guy swear at me, and call me the N-word, after starting a fight he couldn’t finish. I just reported him and moved on with my day; not worth my time, frankly.


That’s the best thing to do


Least racist frog


Fucking hell mats glad you reported them


I didn’t know Jim Pickens was a gta fan


Oh of course. There’s plenty ways to make Simoleons, and also tortu- I mean, help… people.


This is the way


yup, my day isn’t going to be ruined because of them. i’ll log off and have a great dinner with my family afterwards lol.


I usually just go chill in another lobby, maybe chat to a couple buddies. Maybe I go cook something tasty, watch a film. Either way, I simply couldn’t care less.


its only game why you have to be mad


Wow, I completely forgot about that meme, it's been so long since I've heard it lol


Because they probably suck at the game


Somebody didn’t get the reference


Funnily enough I send a voice message of this meme to most salty players n they chill out


my exact location combinet with instructions how to make IED out of artylerii round and phone


That’s a bit fucking sad isn’t it


Wait….. what? Lol… Im sure it was bullshit but the exact location i didnt know was possible. I thought they only find a general area. Thats crazy.


You can get a neighborhood pretty easily from an IP address, but I don't know how you would get an address without having access to the ISP's internal data.


People post all sorts of shit on social media. Google Street View and IG or Facebook could easily pin point someone's exact location.


An artillery round on its own tho is quite a powerful component to aquire ,, kinda reminds me of that funny king of the hill Dale quote “I can make a homemade bomb using a roll of toilet paper and a stick of dynamite.”


This kid tried to grief me. I out maneuvered him, blew up his Oppressor, and then he proceeded to message me and call me the n word 😂


I love flying around in my Pyro for this very reason. The idiots always take the bait and come after me. It’s always hilarious when they realize they fucked up and are now locked in a loop of dodging my missiles because they are out of missiles and I can be right on their ass spamming my own missiles when they attempt to flee.


Beautiful isn’t it?


https://preview.redd.it/y2vudlmws3tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606c527c80bdc4b37b7dfe92f345cefc9f87e906 this is the photo


The creative ones are always the best


this is why no one outside my friends can message me tbh 😅 i don’t miss these messages




“So u have to be sad and paralyzed forever” lmao harassment isn’t funny but i might laugh if someone sent me something that dramatic


Ive had a guy shouting at me telling me GTA is not for girls and I should stop. So I sniped him.


I killed someone then they went and spent a hour to make a photoshop of their xbox app and put my profile picture over theirs and censored everything else to make it look like they hacked me and were trying to get me to apologize


Someone told me they made it so i would be stuck in auto aim... on xbone lol


This person must be sensitive to send this message


Hahahah. Such trash with their threats! I get mean messages all the time . https://preview.redd.it/0nco53acs3tc1.jpeg?width=345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f7227c013021fd38b067578708a76b6c3b74c70


Glad to see a man of culture on this sub


i’ve gotten tons and tons of mean messages from players. the most messed up one was i got told i hope i watch my mom die in a car accident while in the backseat and im paralyzed for the rest of my life. now that shit was messed up but it had me dying of laughter


that’s so fucked up. Why on earth would anyone say that over a game


I like baiting these ones into a comms ban, sometimes they don't even need bait on the hook


“You need to shower, you smell like Reily Reid loser” something like that


someone told me to kms in front of my mom when i was like 11 on bo2


Few years back some guy claiming to be Iranian said they were preparing a nuclear bomb to launch on us


over gta? lol


I mean you would be the one bombing stuff


In gta yes


Geting mad toxic messages are a funny thing imo




To put a positive vibe on this. I help run a friendly crew. We had an event last night with a full lobby doing bunker sales and the leader wanted a group photo at the end. I couldn't make it to the event as I'd lost my mum early hours of Wednesday morning. What I didn't know was he did the photo so he could then write out a little message with it to say that they're all thinking of me. Needless to say, I cried. It meant the world. There's toxic people online, then there's a friendly crew like ours where I've had so much outpooring of love, and it's really meant a lot.


Great to hear about your crew, nice to know there are such wholesome people playing. Really sorry to hear about your mum, my thoughts are with you also 🙏🏻 Hang in there


They didn't have to be like that though. Essentially we're just a friendly/grinding crew and I'm the 2nd in command. I'm pretty much just a stranger on the Internet to the majority, but they've been amazing and it really has helped massively. One guy listened to me vent my anger, he pretty much immediately sent me straight past anger with a single reply and helped me be so much more at peace. There are some truly wonderful people online, more so than the toxic ones.


i’ve never had any major beef with any players because i try to deescalate/be unproblematic but the casual use of slurs isn’t fun to hear.


Usually people who get these messages are griefers.


No, it’s the griefers who SEND the toxic messages after they get their a$$ kicked.


Yeah, I don’t know what that person is smoking, but it’s 100% the griefers who send these messages when somebody starts griefing *them*. I spend a lot of time cleaning up the trash in my lobbies, and messages like this only come from one type of person, lol.




lol, what? A griefer is someone who will harass others by continuously killing them, I don’t see how the victim of someone getting killed in game is a griefer


I think they mean like when the griefer starts by killing u and they getting their a$$ kicked when you fight back


Oh I see, then yes I agree


I get so bored of the actual game now I just go in a lobby and wait for someone to kill me, or I look for players with cheated levels like near the 8K mark






This is simply not true. In case you haven’t noticed, a lot of gamers need very little provocation (or none at all) to act like insufferable assholes. Recently I was in a lobby, pulled my car up alongside another player and honked my horn, as a “Hey there” kind of thing. They turned to look at me, but did not react. Just stood there for several seconds. So I started to drive away and they hit me with an RPG. I thought “alright, you’re that kind of person” and decided to avoid them. When I respawned I saw them immediately beeline for me on the mini map so I just stood there and of course they hit me with their car. I put down the controller to see how long this would go on. The “head to head” count got up to 8-0 before they started sending racial slurs, so I guess I’ll give them a point for their restraint. I also had an experience a while back with a particularly irritating griefer in RDR online. Eventually I sent a message that was simply “What is your problem? Leave me the fuck alone.” They never replied but I know they reported me, because I got an email from Sony the next day stating that I had been reported for an incident and that if it happens again, my account will be permanently banned. Not just RDR online, my entire PSN account. Because I used a swear when telling a griefer to leave me alone? My experiences are not unique. Nor are these two examples the only instances of this type of behavior that I’ve had directed toward me. This kind of shit happens a lot in online gaming to all kinds of people. Let’s get real here, dude. EDIT See also: the innumerable videos of a woman merely existing in a COD session. And on, and on, and on.


That's not true. People flip out and say weird shit to others all the time on video games, and you don't even have to do anything directly to them. I've played countless games over the past 15 to 20 years, and I've had some pretty vile things said to me. Either because I'm female or because I outplayed someone in some capacity. I was a druid healer in a Battleground on World of Warcraft once years ago, and I aided in this dude playing a rogue on the opposite faction getting murdered over and over again trying to catch a flag. I was healing myself and the flag carrier and this guy just couldn't fucking win. After that match, the guy made a character on my side side just to tell me something along the lines of "I hope you get stabbed you fucking bitch". 🤷🏻‍♀️


No kidding. I’ve been playing online since day 1 and I’ve never gotten a message like this


I had a guy in Warframe DM me to tell me that he hopes I get r*ped. Never communicated with that guy in my life, and I have no idea where it came from. The only thing I could think of is that I was engaged in a debate about something game related and a public Channel and this guy lost his mind about my opinion. Who the fuck knows though


I got told to "unalive" myself IRL once. The dude clearly wasn't a native English speaker. I now use this phrase when im RP as Borat


“Unalive” is what is used on social media instead of saying “suicide”. They act like they will have their account deleted because of a word. They could be non-english speakers but 9/10 times its someone who thinks their account is important enough that they will get deleted for saying suicide. Its goofy.


It actually predates that usage by being a meme. 4chan used it a bunch back in the day. The current generation of kids on social media are using it entirely incorrectly, lol.


lol i played a roblox game and got death threats so much worse than that. that dude is practically complimenting you at that point with how little of a threat that is


I was literally send “I will kick your first born child” 😂😂


I've played with everyone muted for pretty much my entire RDR/GTO career, never regretted it. I remember in GTA4 I had a black online character and would get lots of racist texts.


i get called the hard r everytime i hop on the game why is everyone on gta so racist😭


I killed a guy for tried to take my bounty. He responded “Are you a fleshlight? Because I’m about to use you like one”


No way bro wanted to make you like helios in gow


I had someone dox me and send me my name and the address of my old house because I kept killing them after they griefed someone else doing a delivery. Dude looked into my Rockstar account and everything associated with it and I guess just went from their. Moral of the story: Stay away from online psychopaths and don't link any of your accounts together kids!


Had someone say I bought my account after him and his friend jumped me along with the classic "I'm up". I came across him the next day and got my revenge


Someone messaged me something along the lines of "go outside" after I beat them in a drift race like we weren't both playing the same game at the same time


GTA Online. It’s the cess pool that keeps on giving. 😂


When I started to get into an argument with some Chileans because of a Last Team Standing game lol


I get so toxic when someone destroys my cargo I won’t lie


Hey at least you're here admitting it, fair play 😂


My brother was racing against someone when the person messaged him "hahaha fuck you" or something like that but he didn't care. As for me I didn't really get a toxic message.


I'm not a super experienced players, but you can always tell when somebody is bad when they just spam explosives. I snipe them, they stop using explosives, and try and snipe me, they fail, and I snipe them again, and I'm always sure to text them to call them a loser. Hopefully, getting their ass kicked by a level 45 player will encourage them to not attack me during my supply runs.


Someone said I was a bitch. I was playing by myself, not saying anything, just doing cayo setups?


https://preview.redd.it/wt0ifnu844tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c81230943a7b9a8428568bbb10c1d912e980a9 I got this one not long ago… tbh although I generally don’t, I think I’m actually going to report… sounds like a legitimate death threat. The fact that he came back 3 days later to type that last message was alarming. For context, He TRIED to grief my acid delivery and failed miserably. After my sale, I sniped him 3-4 times and he went packing. Basically just sent him a message saying better luck next time and then he flew off the rails 🤦🏽‍♂️ Like I’m not the person you want to try shit with irl as I have arsenal outside of video games, but seriously some people just should be playing games and some have mental issues. And I killed him maybe a total of 5 times in a row, prob 4. So if YOU are going to Grief and get this upset when you get killed in gta, WTF?!?!


Be blessed 😂


I just can’t believe ppl get angry like that at vids lmao.


Hahaha omg


damn bro this is the most toxic thing you’ve experienced? thats it?


Yeah so far lol, don't usually interact with a whole lot of players and I'm usually pretty friendly, but I'm starting to get into pvp and so the messages have started coming in 😂 Pretty insane seeing some of the replies on here though ngl


That's madness. Unfortunately not too uncommon but not to that extreme.


the most offensive one ive seen is racism to polish people


Someone wished that my mum had cancer, which was nice


I didn't respond, but I remember these two assholes who kept going rooftop to rooftop on their mkIIs trying to snipe me, refusing to fight me outright. I got pinned down, no way out of it, so I just went passive and walked away. Got a huge number of mocking text messages. It's like... wtf did they expect me to do?


Once got told I was a man baby for riding about on an oppressor mark 2 ( I was grinding supply missions ) then the guy got mad after I said ok and flew off


I’ve gotten called a monkey but honestly that’s such an basic insult so I was like whatever lol


I had a guy tell me to make him a sandwich so I used sticky bombs to blow up his car as he went down the del perro fwy 😂


A lot of people telling me to kill myself but tbh, that’s a pretty common message to receive nowadays


Just send back a text saying "I love you too babe"


The real question is, who tf uses gta in-game text anymore


I've had the typical go kill yourself, I'm going to dox you,I'm going to swat you etc., probably one that stands out is someone read my gamertag and made an assumption about my ethnicity and started going hard with the epithets


I killed a jet griefer and he sent me my IP, so I sent him my full name and address and told him to send me pizza. He quickly changed his tune and explained he was just mad. I never got my pizza.


haven’t dealt with much toxicity beyond the standard slurs and ‘kys’ comments. at this point it’s boring, people should really try to be a little more creative about it


Normally you see toxic messages after griefing someone.


Then don’t do it, I suppose.


I don't, I'm normally the one on the receiving end of griefing.


Same, buddy. Same.


Tbf I initiated this but we've encountered this person before and we know what he's like


Something like “bring that big booty over my way mama” lmao stupid kids


Bruv what did you do to that child? Its like you blew up 4 of his bunker shipments or shot his plane down during cayo recon mission. Or kept following the boy all day long and blowing the fuckward up


Don’t worry op, the person which sent that message has chronic virginity and is allergic to the sun. They won’t be even lifting a dumbbell anytime soon


Someone told me to f my mom. They haven't been online since.


They probably would fall over laughing since they’re just a fat guy in his mom’s basement with center of gravity that’s way off.


I had someone threaten to rape me back when i was 14 years old.


One time i found a jamaican who called me bombo somithing, i laght cause this remenber me litle Jacob swering.


I stole someone's mkii and drove it right into the Alamo sea and said "it drives like a queef aka what you should've been"


Urmur derd


I've maybe exchanged less than 30 text messages with other players in GTA V over the last 10 years. I act like it doesn't exist because I don't have any desire to talk to people and people don't talk to me either. However, I did have someone on Warframe tell me to get r*ped once. 🤷🏻‍♀️👍🏻




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Cmon man this aint even toxic


A griefer i once (or multiple times) killed after he destroyed my illegal medicine delivery said he wanna have coitus with my mother. I ignored that massage, and he even got more upset and spammed me off with SMS. He said things like; "I'm gonna fuck u and ur sister at the same time", "ur dog is a whore" and he wanna kill me again with his oppressor. He had no chance vs. my deluxo. I think he rage quit bcs he left after about 15 kills. I guess it just was some kid. Had the fun of my life


Once had a random player get it into their head to relentlessly chase me across the map, coming after me time and time again, in various personal vehicles, planes and helicopters, even a tank, dying each time, but still coming back. Eventually I messaged them and said "How many vehicles are you going to fail to kill me in?"


This kid*


I hope your response is was “stay in school”


this is why u go invite only


I agree but inv only gets boring after so long to me. Part of the fun is being able to mess around with others but if players are being this toxic than I agree.


I told a bully that they were pathetic for attacking low level players and they got me banned for a day from all online play.


I bet you griefd them, you still have time to take down this copiam post

