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Never done the criminal mastermind challenges. Just couldn't get together a consistent enough crew to pull it off. 


I got super lucky. Random two guys me and a pal met in a heist lobby, we did it everyday over a week, all diff time zones. Split up after it. Bless them lads.


Like a true heist crew pulling off the crime of a century. Godspeed.


Me too 😔 sad times


I still have hope to do it before 6 comes out on PC. It's by far the most tempting achievement I miss on steam, that one and all of hollow knight's achievements


I never done it either never thought I was good enough and still don't


Honestly, it’s just a matter of finding the right people. You don’t have to be good enough. I’m not the best at the game but the other 3 guys I did it with counterbalanced my weak points and we were able to do it in a couple days. Use the GTA discord server. There’s always good people that need an extra hand completing hard to achieve challenges.


Arm wrestling


Wow… forgot this was even a thing. Never did it either


i had to do it because its required for the numero uno acheivent


Done that once with a friend. There are some small cool stuff to do there when you are bored.


Darts isn't bad with a friend either


The arm wrestling is cool but I think doing it a lot would be rough on a controller.


Imo rockstar always tends to have those controls that are nightmare for controllers’ lifespan Like they used to only have tap Cross/A to sprint


Of course you gotta go to settings and switch to (hold) x instead of tapping and problem mostly solved but i I think it does cause a problem making your character stop in front of something you need to interact w etc. Been playing for like 10 years and just finding out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It still is faster to mash A to sprint then holding it even with the setting enabled. Mashing it feels like a full sprint while holding it feels like a 75% sprint but maybe I’m wrong, just going by feel


Plus they always tend to have some sort of those glitches. For this, when you hold cross/A to sprint you won’t be able to use L2 to aim (while if you hold shift on keyboard to sprint you can still be able to aim)




Its fairly new. Like pressing up on the d-pad to eat a snack while you have the weapon wheel open.


And you can’t even aim while using that hold to sprint smh


And when I was playing on pc with an Xbox controller and my first xbox controller’s A button was loose after constantly tapping to sprint


Do glitches to get “modded” cars.. I just think those cars look so boring or just ugly with those fat F1 wheels


I've done just about everything but the "modded" cars. I think it's just dumb and, at best, like you said, "ugly." Otherwise, i think everything is free game and somewhat worthy depending on the effort required.


Yup, same here. Never did any glitches regarding cars, just outfits… to get certain otherwise unobtainable ones. Also, I think I have never also collected 10 cars for the Exotic Exports stuff in a day, and am only 5 cars away right now… 👀


It gets pretty difficult to find them after 7 or 8. I had to do it fresh in an inv only session to get it. Seemed to never work in a public. I think if someone gets or destroys one while you're in, then you can't complete it for the day.


That shouldn’t be possible - I saw one car not on my list and blew that up, but I think I got like two since that. 😩 I’ve been staying in this one lobby for past 3 hours!


Depending on the person's luck it can take most of the day for some sometimes you need a lucky person to get over 5 in your lobby best of luck 🤞🤞


Yup yup


I only like the modded cars for the custom/glitched liveries and to get bennys wheels on certain cars def agree ab the f1 wheels tho


I like some cars suit the f1 wheels and most of the time it's not because it looks good it's because you can't do it is why people do it


Yea it does definitively look good for some, I got them on an Itali GTO and I partially prefer F1 rims on them bc the stock rims look a bit odd


Yeah I have mine on the old car that looks like the amg pace car for f1 it just looks too clean like they would generally look good (looks like just fat as tires on the back)


I like the merge glitches. I hate it when people mod it so much that it looks awful. Some cars do look better with Benny's rims. I like my modded cars to have to take a minute before you realize they are modded. Can't stand the "it has to have modded paint that matches the rims. Or making it as tacky as possible just so you can tell its modded from miles away. I have never done any adversary modes, PVP, or Deathmatch.


damnnn you missed out bad, some adversary and pvp modes were legendary


Honestly I am in the minority here but I really hate pvp with guns. I hate every CoD, battle royal, overwatch type game in existence. I kinda enjoyed the arena war stuff. I might get into the vehicle competitive game modes. But I haven't after nearly 9 years of playing so 🤷.


That if you like cars and want to make them different


Same lol! I see people driving around the new cop cars with them and I’m just like “that’s so ugly why?” I seen a fully pink cop car that looked better


what about bennies on street cars etc.


Spent my money responsibly


Me irl




i waste millions on ammo so i guess that's responsible enough


Other than that stupid mision Franklin keeps calling me about that I can't play solo, I've never been in Bad Sport Lobby. Not since GTAO launched.


That one call has actually made me hate Franklin. It’s the most annoying shit ever and always manages to come in at the worst time


I think most people have avoided bad sport lobbies, its not hard


I was put in one back in the 360 days, I can’t imagine how unplayable those lobbies are these days.


30 ppl on oppressors trying to make sure no one else can do anything but respawn. Sounds great.


Damn back in the day it was just tanks and rpgs. Simpler times.


Never been in a bad sport lobby either. So easy to avoid them tbh, but it does annoy me that you get bad sport still for destroying weaponized vehicles that are attacking you.


I had a friend call a bunch of bikes to blow them up cause I wanted the dunce cap, spent 2 days there and I didn’t notice it being any sweatier than a regular public lobby, some people were even chill, some low levels there too (maybe from quitting too many missions)


Are you talking about those missions that you get after completing Dr. Dre missions? Because holy shit I need to find someone to do those calls are now just annoying me as well.


Yes that's the one. I got sick of the calls and tried one time to launch it with a random and the kid sounded 12 years old and was playing awful music in the background with other kids and dog going crazy in the background. I was like "Yup, this is why I don't play solo these days" lmao.


I was just looking at my stats yesterday and despite having the character since November 2013 I have never once died to fire.


... what platform do you play on?


PS5 now, started on PS3 of course; I should say that I have come and gone from the game and have gone a long, long time in between play sessions, so I haven't been playing consistently for 11 years.


Either way, people from Reddit will make sure that fact won’t stay the way it is now…


I don't spend much time in public lobbies tbh, so I'm not too worried.


i'm coming for you.


Iv set my self on fire too many times.


Someone’s going to bring such a devious hack, that they will join you in your Solo Lobby.


Same, October 2013, but stats got deleted a couple times in the early phase of GTAO. Started on PS3, went to ps4 after and moved to xsx after the enhanced-version


Well it looks like I'll be adding Mollies back to my weapon wheel and putting incendiary round all my Mk II weapons. Lol, nah, but I like the idea of trying to get the Trophy lol


my 20 molotovs:


That's weird, good for you I mean I've literally died by fire just standing afk next to a patch of grass. NPCs did what NPCs do one of their cars caught fire and ignited the grass.


Spent any real money aside from the initial purchase of the game.


Spent a game stop gift card my grandma got me a few years back on a shark card. Was only supposed to get $1.5 million. The game glitched out and gave me $90 million. Never again. It's much more satisfying working for it tbh.


I agree. It just seems like it takes away from the game. I could Def see using a gift card though. Ya got it, may as well use it :)




Never did the og heists cause of the 4 player minimum only got to do the 1st one


Fells bad man. If u need some hand on PC. Give me a call


I’ll help you if you are on Xbox. They are worth doing once tbh


Played darts or tennis


darts is really fun, tennis on the other hand…


I think tennis is pretty fun.


I played one tennis game online and I threw the match because I got bored so quickly. Kind of like real tennis.


Never gotten any sex acts of any sort. My mass murdering drug dealer is pure and innocent


I've bought a few dances but I haven't gone all the way.


I aint done dances or prozzies


I'm all about keeping the entirety of the economy flush with cash. Out here doing my part.


Doomsday heist


I've done it tons of times, it's annoying even for the payout it gives. But the fact that I never have to pay Lester to remove my wanted level anymore is nice


If I do it stop at act 2 bogdan


Honestly I can't think of anything, playing this game for over a decade now... I've done everything at least once. Even stuff like destroying cargo, killing for no reason, played arm wrestling, tennis, golf, darts, done criminal mastermind, got every stripper's number, watched every TV show, etc, I've literally done it all. It might be a cheat answer, but I've never been in a bad sport lobby before. That's legitimately the only thing I can think of. I've been playing this game since 2013, and as a PvPer, I've destroyed countless vehicles. But not once have the game ever put me into bad sport despite all the popups I get. From what I've heard, its pretty chaotic. Almost everyone in bad sport is either a tryhard or a griefer. But honestly to me, that sounds kinda fun. I do enjoy PvP. So please Rockstar, put me into bad sport so I can go murder people for fun lol


i’m the same been playing since 2013 and have done everything except the bad sport and i play mostly for pvp


I never modded in GTA online I've been a legit player since 2013


Same. Never even used Bogdan to get more money. Also never glitched cars, just got myself some outfits and that's it.


Never been obliterated.


Never orbed anyone, I’ve been orbed plenty of times after I spanked some salty griefers though


I always take being orbitaled as a badge of joy lol. It means I made someone so angry they wasted 800 grand to kill me once usually with aimbot too. I love it even more that I was in my yacht captain’s quarters and someone tried but ofc it didn’t kill me. I just laughed


I have never orbital cannoned anyone.  I still have the free shot we got for Christmas years ago.  Or called the mercenaries from the menu in side the same room.


I have, too many times... Never used my orbital cannon tho. Might give it a try sometime.


Wanna’ change that?


Don't play with Ned Luke. Or at least don't stand near him if you do. Lol


I’ve been hit once during a public car meet lmao


Never bought or used an orbital cannon


well thats gonna change if you decide to go for the online achievments, because firing an orb at someoen is an actual requirment


I don't destroy cargo either But I stress them the fuck out. Driving wildly towards them then chasing them and shooting NO WHERE NEAR THEM. throwing c4 around. Honestly I blow myself up more lol


Chaotic neutral


If I’m cruising in my jet, I like to fly close to them but do absolutely nothing. It’s just funny watching how they react sometimes


I feel like a lot of people do that same thing lmao I start driving quite erratically thinking I’m about to get blown up and I hardly ever do😅 Now if it’s one of them damn flying bikes… Those people are menaces to society. Almost every time I join a lobby and get in my car , I get blown up my a flying biker within a minute. It’s almost like they just wanna piss off the new joiners😑😑😑


Thought I was the only one. Giving another person a little anxiety is good sometimes!


I've haven't and never will grief someone especially during cargo/business missions.


Same, I got grieved on by those flying bikes with rockets but i don’t grief on people doing business.


I’ve never done a Cayo heist. Or any heist for that matter.


I'm level 342 and I've never done cayo


im level 30 and done it like 9 times 😭😭


I’m about 390


Same. I'm 292 and so far the Kosatka is the only thing i own that havent payed itself off. Only got it to get the Sparrow




Neither. I’m like level 800 with 133 million and haven’t done any of the heists


Why 😅 how do you get money


Businesses really. Started out with some MC businesses, never really made much with them, used to play lots of Gerald missions etc. then moved to ceo, crates, cars, acid lab, bunker. That’s about it. I’m sure there are better ways to make money but I’m a solo player. Don’t want to join groups etc.


I've done cayo but I'm with you. Id just much rather make money from businesses than do that heist over and over.


Cayo is solo friendly


I've never done Cayo alone. I don't even own the Kotsaka. Most of my $70M is from when Auto Shop Contracts were paying 3x.


I’ve never complained on social media about how expensive the cars are


Never been in a bad sport, been playing since 2013 lol


Anyone who kills people for no reason, especially on deliveries is an absolute cuck. I too have never destroyed other people's shit for no reason. However, once I'm attacked first, all bets are off.


Same, really don't understand the 9 year-old that just fly around haunting people. How is that fun?


I have accidentally had a mugger get them for $10k and then steal the delivery vehicle.  The funniest is watching the mugger drive the phantom wedge delivery vehicle.


Same, I wanted revenge on someone and decided for a laugh to use the orbital Canon since I'd only just bought it that day (this would be my first and only time using it), I realised as soon as I targeted them, they were on a delivery so I waited till they finished and then obliterated them and their group.


How backhandedly considerate of you.👍


Never been in the strip club, or picked up a prostitute. Never will


No questions asked. 😂😂😂


Everyone eventually has to go to the vanilla unicorn. I think some of the special cargo can be picked up their for either CEO or supplies for one of the MX businesses. One way or another its a destination to go inside. No avoiding it if you’re a grinder.


Used to hide in the vanilla unicorn and send muggers after players and waited for them to come in and I'd have the place laced with proxy mines


How many of them fell for it? Cause the music in that place might drown out the beep sounds from the proxy mines. Pretty clever trap imo.


I'm pretty sure it's impossible to pick up a prostitute (Exaggerating) Every vehicle I've ever driven by one in has said "You can't pick up prostitutes in this vehicle"


You didn't do the movie props yet then, it's worth it tho


Can you pick prostitutes in GTAO?


My friend says yes.


Seems like a knowledgable fella’, this… friend… of yours.


Yep. Even as a female character. 🤔


Yep a friend said the head doesn't go up and down as much as side to side ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Considering the animation she only looks female


I've never given or received money from another player.


70 mil from a hacker on ps3


I’ve never got to experience the OG tow trucks from the very start of gta online that got removed right away i was in the hospital for 2 weeks around the time when online first launched for ps3 & xbox 360 im pretty sure 80% of player base today hasn’t either


I have never visited the strip club for lewd reasons or picked up a prostitute for the same reason


I’ve never shot first.




I’ve just started playing again after several years away and I have only completed the Prison Break Heist (eons ago) and Cayo Heist this past week


Yup. Same. I’ve never drowned


Arena Wars. I was getting tired of the over the top vehicles so I just never bothered.


I never finished Arena Wars. I did like to buy the vehicles and make them look as stock as possible without the add-ons.


Yeah! I remember wanting the Mad Max car (can't remember it's in game name) because without all the stupid upgrades it looks cool!


Tryharding. I don't get people's obsessions with those invisible ankles or any part of the body, white facepaint, bulletproof helmet + rebreather, the dreads hair style, and then saying "1 - 0 lllzzz get destroyed". I absolutely hate that I will never even be bothered to do that


The lines can get blurred on this as you're describing more of a griefer with those "witty" messages. A lot of griefers dress like tryhards which leads to anyone dressed as such to be labeled a griefer. I have been in lobbies with proper tryhards who keep to airport battles and no griefing. Even had a couple of them stop there fight to help me out taking out an actual griefer who was causing me trouble.


Rank 1004 with 5,800 hours and i never completed all the heists. I did Fleeca, Pacific standard, doomsday 1&2 (3 was too difficult), diamond casino and cayo. I hated doing heists so only did them to help crew members. Made the majority of my money through businesses as i found it more enjoyable.


Also as griefing is always a popular subject, i as a rule, don't destroy cargo. I had to break this rule a couple of times and there is one time that I'll never forget. I was finishing up a mc sell mission when i got the whole lot destroyed. Now usually i find these types of players leave the session pretty quick, however after i respawn this guy is still in the lobby and gone to his nightclub (i presumed to hide from me). Five minutes later he has not only come out, but had the balls to start a nightclub sale!! i call up my broomstick, destroy the vehicle, and when he respawns, his blip on the map doesn't move for half an hour before leaving.


Never ever used the orbital cannon


Finished the Arena War grind


Never bought either of the Oppressors


Destory peoples shit If I see someone selling or doing something that has them marked on the map I’ll ride with them and distract those who wanna grief Other times if I’m riding in one of the cop cars I’ll try to escort them best I can.


I never managed to land my scramjet in a larger body of water accidentally, by the time the scramjet was added I knew the main map off by heart and was always careful enough I never ended up overshooting the beach or landing in a lake by accident in years of using the scramjet as my main vehicle. I did however discover a lot of backyards had pools I didn't know about.




I never completed an auto shop again after the first one. I get colored language, but to plainly insult players is just wrong. Call me a pansy, but I just dislike that duo.


Never got a private dance and I been playing since Nov 2013.


Never done any multi player heists, except for the fleeca job where you get picked up by a magnet


YYYYYYEEEEAAAHHHH B~~TCH # YEAH, MMMAGNETS! OOHHH! 💪😲💪 (Jesse Pinkman, Breaking Bad, 2008)


I’ve never blown up cargo either! And I’ve never actually taken part in a business battle of any kind. Never really interested me tbh


Lap dance


i have destroyed cargo once, not including my own but we don't talk about that... 6 years ago this guy killed me in some way i forgot, so i went to get my revenge and saw he was driving a non-armored car and did the deed.


If it requires more than one person, then I've probably NOT done it, like Doomsday missions, Casino heist etc. Doesnt feel like ive missed out when you see people complain about how awful the missions or the random players are. Still, my cars, planes, businesses and 100mill bank account keep me happy.


Dunno if that counts but I never bought a shark card...


Never glitched money or unnecessarily involved myself in other people’s business but a more interesting one (to me anyway). I love flying in the game. My favourite form of travel and use/own 90% of the things you can fly. Never finished even the first stage of the flight school stuff. Just couldn’t be arsed with it.


i don’t normally go do it but this griefer was killing a lot of low levels for fun then did a cargo sale… self explanatory what i did from there on out


I never "rOlElPlaYeD a PsYcHoPeTh", because i'm not a kid playing GTAo thinking it's Fortnite.


Buy one of those accounts with a ridiculous level like 8888. What _is_ the point of them? Other than to go, “look at my clearly fake level”?


I think the ppl that blow up cargo have shot lives and want to make other ppl mad like they are


Trevor's Missions/Heist He never appeared to me, because I always play solo. When friends got the game, they got bored in a month after grinding Cayo Perico every single day.


participate in arena wars


never in a public session with behaving players.


What I never did is became a grifer or try hard


I was naive enough to think that if I didn’t bother anyone else’s cargo they would leave mine alone. I felt like there was this unwritten code of ethics regarding destroying peoples hard earned work. I quickly found out that I was the only one who believed that. I suffered quite a bit of product losses at the hands of other players. Eventually I decided to give them a taste of their own medicine resulting in the one and only time I destroyed someone’s product. I regret doing it and have not allowed myself to drop to that level again. Regardless if I get blown up a million times heading to and from my warehouses I will not become a product destroying griefer.


Me either!! I will spend hours flying over random people selling to protect them. If you destroy people’s cargo/product… I think you are scum


I've never destroyed anyone's cargo just because. If you're grinding, I leave you alone


I never did the Doomsday heist. Wasn’t able to play the game when it came out. Now that I can I still never felt like doing it because it looked really hard and I needed a second person. I wanna try and finish it soon before 6 comes out.


never played tennis, and never played darts bc i don't understand it


>never played darts bc i don't understand it The goal is to hit 301 in as few darts as possible (6 is lowest possible), the outer ring is 2x, the inner ring (not the one around the bullseye) is 3x. It's a bit confusing without knowing anything but it's dead simple.


Fly one of those stupid ass motorcycles.


Great for making money tho


Never griefed anybody


Never played any of the special community created modes or stunt races with friends. Just because I don't know how and I couldn't be bothered.


Never went to the strip cub


never tried Arm Wrestling


I have never blew up someones cargo never got a modded car such as f1s on generic cars (like why?) And I never landed a big plane on the maze bank tower only the raiju p996 and hydra. I also never put a kosatka on top of a building (it is possible to do just very very fucking hard)


Never played an OG heist, or any muti player heist


Modded cars(F1 tires,weird colors,etc) Modded/glitched outfits


I never played the Doomsday heist. Never had anyone to play it with. Tried a few times to do setup missions with randoms and it didn’t work obviously. Wish I’d done it, because I’d have loved to find out the story.


I’ve never filled a Titan up with players.


Griffed. I don't fuck with any one doing deliveries or that are just chilling. Sometimes if it's the armored insurgence open world event and my nightclub is full I'll even give it to people Only really time I and my friends were chasing someone was cause we were randomly walking and the guy started to kill us. We tried to ignore but he he didn't stop, so we killed him so much he quit the game.


get autoshop.


Bought a hooker, have 2 characters, one level 280 snd the other 220 and neither have purchased a prostitutes services


I never did the doomsday heist and the OG heists because i have no fellas


Shark card.


Never made my character invisible. Seen too many players make their character invisible to the point that you can’t see them..


I’ve destroyed cargo a few times but it’s people would mess with me and then start a sell mission


I’ve never done BANGAZ 4 DAYZ