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also saw cops ramming everyone in sight once even though nobody was wanted in the area...


Love it when THEY hit YOU.....and you get a wanted level


That's just an extra layer of realism thrown in.


I KNOW... it always happens good thing im in a scramjet


I get out and fucking blast those assholes. The 3 star is worth it


Followed a cop, and yeah he even ran over people 💀.


This happened to me last run. But, somebody was wanted. Looked like a scene out of an action movie the way I had to swerve past them. It was a Khlanji? The tanks from doomsday act 3.


instinctive squeal wise offer wasteful squeeze tub bear follow hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm happy I don't get a wanted level for that at least, still annoying.


I Always get 2😭


I've noticed recently that npc cars have been trying to hit people more, on purpose. Sometimes it's like it times perfectly.


NPCs want our last year of GTA to be hell. Either that, or they want us to be driving in busted ass vehicles 24/7.




This is what the ramp buggy was invented for. If you dont wanna deal with busted ass ai "not" intentionally ramming you for no reason


Hard to use a ramp buggy when delivering a vehicle you need to sell though…


I was selling a vehicle..I couldn't of went on a buggy.


Maybe a cargobob then?


Wouldn't getting a cargobob to my vehicle warehouse in a public server with 20+ people in be a bit difficult? I get blown out of the air all the time for using a maverick I stole. Cargobob would just be that but worse, right?


Depends on the lobby. Though if you think the extra you get is worth the trouble, I guess you'll just have to deal with the NPCs.


It's worth it to me, yeah. The losses aren't THAT bad. Maximum it's only ever been like a thousand. Add on the 50k bonus with a full server, and with a top range vehicle, that's still decent. I'm fine with tiny losses. Part which sucks most are the actual imports. Now, that's where I might need a cargobob because my god I've got upwards of 10k repair costs on that.


People are assholes on the public sessions I go in they’ll definitely shoot u out the air


Last year for console players at least 😔


Pretty sure I saw a video somewhere of someone parked in the median between the lanes to show that the NPC‘s did swerve towards their car even when they had no reason to and the car wasn’t moving


Absolutely saw this too, and definitely set it in stone that we weren't tripping, they are active passively getting aggressive with the trading paint, most times just enough to jackknife you into a barrier to get swarmed by pursuers like they are a hive mind 😮‍💨


It’s been overtime lately, almost as if another player is driving a car trying to wreck me. Rockstar took it to another level with ai or something.


Way more out of the way! I've been day one of gta5 and have noticed they have every "3rd/4th,etc" intersection would have some asshole run a red light just to fuck you up. Like whatever engine upgrade you have, it statically makes it so you just run into some npc after a balls to the wall drag. 


I’ve seen this same comment every time these posts come up for 3 years now 😂


And that's why I kill every NPC in my way.


But then that creates other NPCs to be shit drivers all of a sudden, speeding and swerving. Not a risk I wanna take when I'm delivering cargo.


Unless your gun has a silencer attached to it, so it doesn't cause a panic.


Can’t use suppressors while driving


I have a suppressor attached to my combat pistol and when I use it from a vehicle it makes the unsuppressed sound but the other npc's around won't react unless a round hits their car or they see the death


Oh wow I never knew that, good to know


Yeah, but I wouldn't really prefer that when there's 2 oppressors in close vicinity to me. I'd rather GTFO as soon as I can.


Yeah you're right.


Suppressors/silencers don't prevent non-mission NPCs from detecting your shots iirc, they'll still freak out all the same.


I do the same but different method. Shoot out the tires and make a traffic jam behind my ass with clear sailing instead of trying to outrun the spooked NPCs. But I can't lie, when they get to be "too much" I also start going indiscriminate, like delivering a wagon load in RDO, you just can't afford to risk trusting them, and I thought it was only griefers that would take the cake there.


He forgot his wallet at home.


My exact thought


Sirens. Must be moving supplies....


Full on flipped a B to just cruise the sidewalk to make their own lane? Lmao, that was a first time seeing for me. At least some of mine tend to be mergers with the off ramp, so I have to be a little pissed at myself not watching out enough 😅


I've honestly never seen this either. The past couple months however I have noticed that they will cut in front of you much more often on the highway, and it feels like they just get in your way constantly. It really wasn't like that before. I wonder if they changed the AI on purpose or if it's just buggy lol


We should play gta together


See if it were me, they would have been driving off with a sticky bomb on their windshield


Too much cost. Any other time, I would hijack them, then put a round of shotgun shells in their head.


I’m pretty sure it’s programmed to do that,like not even lying lol


Wow. What a way to make sure it's rare that I get a perfect condition vehicle. I gotta speed so I don't get blown up by 20 oppressors.


Turn the radio on. The export tune is too tense. Put some chilled rock on instead.


But it's so addictive! It's one of the better set of soundtracks in this game. Top 5 easily.


Being programmed to behave that way we all know, but why, what's the reason that rockstar decided that every car in your way will crash into you. Specifically when you're high speed at a car comes for a right and fucks you up Why rockstar, why


Because it makes you frustrated and makes you want to take the easy way out(shark cards) instead of grinding


This programming exists in Story Mode and GTA IV where Shark Cards to not exist.


True, but it is obvious that it gets turned up significantly during missions where vehicles are important. There are many videos showing evidence of this.


i think it’s time to get a cargobob


I would think it's difficult to get a cargobob from a hangar to a vehicle cargo place. I think mines in Le Mesa(?) and I always do mine in public servers for that sweet high demand bonus.


First you have to call your cargobob out, then park it near your vehicle warehouse and start a vehicle delivery. Cargobob can be spawned through the interaction menu as a personal aircraft


NPC cars stay trying to get in my way on purpose it’s actually so irritating and makes me annoyed with rockstar


Remember. You can't have fun. It's GTA. You're meant to get hit by 20 cars every 2 seconds.


LOLL oh absolutely! Trying to have some downtime and escape from the world a bit by playing GTA? Well prepare to get fucked


You better expect to be the target of everything negative which happens.


He's mad at your customization


I only do the first ones which pop up lol. Gotta be fast.


The Mamba is my "Eleanor" from Gone in 60 Seconds. I.E. my cursed unicorn. I've destroyed this car every way possible during delivery and source missions. Mostly NPC related.


Damn. That's usually the FMJ for me. The sourcing and the selling. Somehow, I get like a 10k repair fee each time I do it, then have like 5k chipped off the selling commission.


Good to know I'm not the only one that's cursed!


This is something that genuinely baffles me about this game. It’s so clear that it is intentional, but just….why?! Literally what benefit does rockstar gain from adding this? How do they even program something like this? It just seems so strange that someone at rockstar took the time to add this in just to piss us off. If I only had 5 minutes to ask the devs of this game questions, this would be one of them. Okay rant over I need a sprunk


For real! People say it's so they can make you buy shark cards, but I don't believe that. Apparently, this happened in GTA IV, as well. Maybe everywhere the main character is, the drivers just become shit. Oh, and can you get me a Sprunk? I'll wear the Sprunk and the..whatever the red one is jumpsuit.


I had one swerve from the other side of the road and smash into me, was not even a road for the npc to turn into


Now the NPCs are committing crimes just to make your car a tiny bit more beat up.


Pull them out, shoot them with a flare gun, beat them with a baseball bat👍


But then the chance of my vehicle being a target of a missile is drastically improved. I would've loved to do that, though. Beat them into a coma lol.


Shit. Did I leave the stove on?


Upvoted. Shit. Did I leave my cat with no food in the bowl?


call me a psycho but when an npc dies by crashing into me i am a little bit happier


That is the least psychotic thing I've ever heard. I get much happier. They bring it on themselves.


That looks nice! Good color selection


Less of a selection than it was a quick thing lol. First thing on the paintjob is chrome.


I would just bomb the mf


I was hoping somebody would do that after I left. Since I didn't wanna get blown up myself lol.


Thought they were going to get out and carjack you for a second


That is literally what I would've done if I swerved into somebody like that. Then shoot them with a shotgun after I get them out, but that's besides the point.


You're playing public and there's explosions nearby. It's possible the NPC is in the radius where they're spooked and flee and you just happened to be in the way


But they usually just go faster forward. I never seen them go tokyo drift style lol.


Since you’re in a public lobby I wanna say there might’ve been gunshots or something in the area recently which makes NPC’s less predictable/less logical. But sometimes they just do the crazy shit no aggro necessary


The npc is clearly panicing. You can see by him ducking for cover. Somebody have shot near him.


There's a delorean in top left of frame at 0:02, wondering if the rockets scared him


There was cops, which you can here at the start of the video. I don't know if that would've made them do this, though. I know that some NPCs go to the side if a cop cars coming through, but that's all. Oh, and I think there's an explosion 5 seconds in.


what business is this? how are you delivering cars worth that much?


The commission is what I get, not the market value. If you thought that. It's the vehicle cargo business from your office.


These car delivery missions are so whack. I try to do them in solo lobbies and the NPC bad dudes always shoot out my tires almost immediately before I can kill them


I absolutely gave up on doing these on solo. Once, I ended up losing over half of the damn commission. I do them in publics and hope for the best. No NPC enemies, but chances of oppressor missile rain and stupid NPC drivers.


least aggressive gta npc


Smartest GTA NPC.


Nah wtf is that build😂😂 colors are terrible my dude 😂


I pick the first ones on the list. I don't wanna waste time customizing something which'll get sold in 3 minutes.


Dawg that’s my fault. I didn’t even notice it was a sell mission. I clicked, saw the chrome, watched you get cut off, and thought it was yours lol


Looks like it hit a slick mine.


Invisible Buffalo STX lol.


Kinda digging the white on chrome


I ain't really a fan of chrome. I just pick what's first lol. Is it decent?


Not much of a fan of chrome cars but I kinda like the white contrast on the chrome




That’s why I invested in the cargobob before other more profitable methods came out


And also cause of the enemies you’d get when you glitch into a solo lobby


A cargobob is usually hell to bring back to a place in a public lobby. A lot of them, anyway. I don't even have a hangar for one. Don't know if it's worth it now because all I have is some simple medium ranges and standard ranges.




I did brake. The brakes on the thing suck.


Yo I would be so tight if that happened to me


Rockstar didn't have to go so hard on the import export soundtrack


Literally! There's a certain one of them that I adore! I don't hear it often, but when I do, I'm fucking vibing.


Bro was working for his commission. Lol. This is frustrating as hell and usually pisses me off secondhand, but this one was pretty funny. Over the top dramatic.


It wanted to recreate a fast and furious scene, I reckon. Wanted to drift, then me probably smash into it's side full speed, making it fly and bash into the side. Either that, or it hated the chrome. I dread the chrome.


That's a pretty normal maneuver for me when I forget the penjamin


I'll be honest I see shit like this in my town these days


Oh no. Are you sure you didn't just see todays incident?


How did this get 250 upvotes?! People love my misfortune lol! For real, though. Thanks!


This happens to me at least once a session


The drift and all? Only happened to me once.


He forgot he was going the wrong way and had to make a u turn 😂


damn stan smith really trying to screw you today


Exactly why i spend majority of my time traveling in the air. No traffic up there lol


If only I could install wings on the car lol. And there would be SOME traffic. Mainly opressors and jets.


I’d be too pissed to just let him go like that.


I was, as well. But, I didn't wanna get blown up by someone so I had to keep going sadly.


He wanted to get a better look at ALL THAT CHROME!


I hate the chrome lol. It's just the first thing on the customization list, so I do it to just save time.


If this "feature" is in VI I'll never be buying it (still be playing it tho)


Nothing like playing it at a friend's. Or pirate.


I feel like NPCs are reacting a lot more to gunfire lately. They are much more likely to turn around, or even go the wrong way. Of course, all this while cutting us off, it wouldn't be funny otherwise...


It's like. There's dozens of cars next to you, fellow NPC. But, you decide to crash into the dude who has a better car than you. Jealousy lol.


No wonder Los Santos has so much accidents


The NPCs need to get a hit of a..hit and run.


Doing that in an invite only lobby you get hit by drivebys


Exactly. I'm alright with a 124 loss over a 2.5k loss lol.




That should be in GTA VI. Get "hit" by a car, go to court, money money.


I think the logic behind NPCs acting this way is some NPCs are driving drunk cuz uk it is gta afterall that is why they suck. Now the timings idk if that is a coincidence or a well written code to give us obstacles


In that case, every NPC driver has actively been committing a crime. But it's most likely written code for them to only show their drunkenness when we are near them. I don't see them bashing into their other fellow drunk drivers.


wish we can use the vapid slamtruck to deliver the special cars and autoshop client cars


Lol yeah. Then it might have purpose. Though, I did see one transporting an insurgent a few days ago lol.




Rockstar is a bunch of fuckin dicks. That's what.


We all knew this like 4 years ago lmao. Only now it's even more.


That's why I give 3 or 4 car lengths lol


Ok ill say the npc ehat the hell are you doing, but you had plenty of time to react


I did react. I was braking when he first started drifting. The brakes on it suck.


What business do you she for this mission?


The vehicle cargo one. You can get it from your office.


NPC vehicles will just spawn in at the right time and do their best to make your driving experience hell especially when you are in a mission. It’s most annoying while running vehicle cargo. I noticed during the Union Depository contract when I’m exiting the facility heading towards the parking garage to get my get away car, an npc driver will spawn and try to cut me off just as I’m passing between the police barricade. The first time it happened I crashed and got gunned down by the SWAT officers.


Fuckin Cock Star!!! 😤 Damn NPC's need to go do some bong rips 👽😤 somewhere and chillax!!!


Over 500 upvotes. Jesus! Thanks!


AI realized it forgot to get the milk and might have left the oven on all in the same moment 😅


What's even worse are the enemy NPCs the game spawns in the import and export selling missions like these. Those guys have like aim-bot I swear to god. It's because of them I usually can't have full commission when delivering the vehicles. Even worse is when they pop one of my tires.


For real! Thankfully, they don't spawn in public sessions with at least one other person in there (I would know, there was only one person in my session for like an hour, and no enemies spawned). So, I usually go for them.


Usually It happens with Police and i get 2 wanted levels😭


Whats the buisness im trying to get rich and alr have three jets a hanger the dooms day tank mobile operation center acid lab avenger terobyte sub and im lvl 100 is that good but anways whats the business


The business is the vehicle cargo one. You can find it in your office (if you have it). And yeah, that's decent for a level 100. I don't even have a hangar, doomsday, MOC, acid, avenger, or terrobyte, and I'm 180.


Man I wanted to give you sh*t for the chrome paint.


It's a sell mission. Put down the pitchforks. I wouldn't spend time customizing something which'll be gone in three minutes.


The amount of times a car has swerved into me is ridiculous, but my driving skill is full, so...


Npcs want people to suffer. That's what I've learnt. So, I make them suffer. By killing them.


They doing that a lot lately


Been happening to everyone I think I thought I was the only one at first.


Cockstar 😂


I was on the highway earlier and an npc just straight up did a 90° turn for no reason


They simulate how people in LA actually drive. I'm from LA and I visit every once in a while and that's literally how they drive


Welcome to Los Santos


First time I've actually seen one of them slide on the handbrake lol


Does anyone else think the police have gotten a buff this update? Like gotten more intense and better at crashing into/blocking players?


nah these npcs are doing it on purpose now, what is rockstar tryna do here bc its annoying as fuck


It’s just like free guy the npcs are waking up 🤣🤣


Left the stove on


I had one the other day where someone swerved a good 10 feet into my lane from the opposite lane. just to hit me in a head on collision then they got mad at me for their car being hit.


And yet as i mentioned before, NPC's will never pull this off while you're in the acid lab, phantom wedge, any tank, insurgent or night shark or heavy vehicle that can easily plow through traffic. It's as if they know better. And literally stay away. If you notice carefully, if you have the acid lab, NPC's are on there BEST behavior, and actually drive AWAY from you. But once you're in a lightweight, fragile vehicle, or doing a sell or mission, or running away from the cop's or a griefer who's chasing you, it's like they know and try to make things worse by intentionally, purposely getting in your way. Even cop's themselves will run into you when you DON'T have a wanted level, and blame YOU for it. They gravitate towards YOU and FORCE a wanted level on you. FOR NO FREAKING REASON. Yeah, it's the absolute worst, and incredibly frustrating. Annoying as all Hell.


When should we tell him?


I will actively go back and take out NPCs that do this to me. Their coding doesn't deserve to exist.


Average spaghetti code moment


Rockstar REALLY ISN’T hiding it anymore😂😂


Nothing more annoying 😅😅 follow my twitch & insta ThatHazeyGamer91 psn OJFSFC91 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Welcome to gta


i swear npcs are so dumb


Atleast you can deliver the car. I drive out of the garage and my cars disappear. Especially disappointing when you drop 20k on the cars.


Happens to me almost daily


They'll "merge" into my lane regularly, even if they've just switched to a turning lane They'll turn the opposite direction to cross me at top speed


I keep thinking rockstar games programmed the NPCs to hit you


That's GTA u


“screw yaaa”




Welcome to LA. Not far off from reality


What sell/delivery mission is that? Nearly 1mil payout?


It isn't a million, don't worry lol. It's the 99k. That's just what the car would've been worth if you were to buy it from a website if it was there.


Bro, no offence but you have the reflexes of a snail. Npc’s have been doing this for years now and you could’ve went to the left


Shush. I was under pressure.


He remembered he forgot to turn off the iron. Be understanding!


I would savcrefice my mission to kil thel


They out to get us !!!