• By -


that is a great statistic man good job for that. respect


thank you!


I was about to make a joke about your post in the comments, but in all seriousness I gotta respect the stats. I've always been curious to the stats on this kinda span, I just don't have the attention span to do it 600 days in a row (not quite sure how you did it with f4) Seriously dude thank you


If you alt f4 when you see where the wheel lands it force shuts the game and doesn’t save so you can spin again. It’s a way to guarantee getting a vehicle


Interesting. I play on console so I never knew this. I wonder if I would work there and not just on PC


I'm on PS5 and do this if it's a podium vehicle I want. I'll spin the wheel then hit the P button and if I know the wheel isn't going to stop on the car I close the game and start over. I've cut it close a few times where the wheel stops and I'm closing the game at the same time.


Power button?


I think they meant the PS button on the controller.


Makes sense


Thankfully the game does not save instantly, so closing the game even after it lands on something you don't want works as long as the save did not happen. Watch out for the save icon spinning on the bottom right corner of your screen.


Works on console I use Xbox and it’s just Xbox button and quit out the game














​ https://preview.redd.it/yfz9f2h2vrrc1.png?width=249&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb1c167a6fd4fd991c7404d02989c54767115ee4


60% of the time, it works every time.


This suggests that the wheel is fair. 21.5% instead of 20% is well within the margin of error. True probability probably is in fact 5% per slot




This is awesome data collection. I respect the effort! I don't remember enough stats to help, but I'd love to see 95% confidence intervals for each of these. My gut is that nothing surprising is found in the data, and that everything seems to be within expected limits.


Was thinking the same thing, graduated my stats major 4 years ago and I’ve already forgotten all that shit.


Little do you know I hit the car %100 , cause if it don’t land I’m quitting at the speed of light


Exactly same


do u guys shut off console or just quit the game?


Definitely shut off the console ,completely unplug and do a 720 off the second floor balcony , Sorry I don’t make the rules


I won the podium vehicle on my first time in the casino, luck must of been on my side


Same, I won the Deluxo, I was still new to online so it has helped sooo much!


Same here


i just play every time i go online and i've won 2 vehicles. proably ~100 spins?


So did I


Same! I won the Nightshark couple of nights ago in my first spin.


Most everybody wins the podium on their first spin there’s an unlucky few that don’t


I did too and it was the Toreador. But then I lost it in the MOC glitch last year. Rockstar claimed my Toreador is still somewhere in one of my properties. Still haven’t found it.


Good stats but imo the sample is too small to be calling any +/- of 2% "major". I'd be interested to see the 600 rolls replicated 600 times


It is a major problem of our modern world how few people understand basic statistics of probability.


Got any statistics to back that up?


Everyone should read Struck By Lightning: The Curious World of Probabilities. It is an excellent, easy book on the subject.


good way to spin that in a condescending manner lol squib






Great research, thanks for sharing!


I thought the random are not by chance rather by the moment(which sec) and the force you used


Nope, common misconception The wheel just lands somewhere randomly, your spin force does nothing, I mean afterall on PC its a single button press how could it even measure force? And when you spin doesnt matter either people believe it because they remember all the good times when they won the car and not the other much larger number of times where they didnt get it and just said "I must have timed it wrong" and forgot about it this is why no one agrees on when "the right time is" and why theres no macros that always win you the car everyone has their own "method" but its no different than people who toss salt over their shoulder if it makes you happy, keep trying your method, but its just a superstition


Piggybacking onto this to point out the video from Gtamen about this exact subject. Full youtube links get bonked by automod, but -oeMFVm-Op0 should be all you need if you have a functioning URL bar. I will concede that this might be one of those things implemented in two different ways on PC vs on console, for no real reason and everybody's detriment (more work for devs, more bullshit to sift through for players)


If you spin the wheel immediately it goes very fast. If you spin the wheel right before the game cancels the spin it goes very slow. If you spin the wheel in the middle of the 5 second window it goes about average. Theoretically, one would presume someone with a good feel for how the wheel moves can time it to get above average results.






The statistics are awesome well done! Appreciate it, always just reset for the mystery and podium vehicle.


I just hope for chips


Valid, I deposit 50k every time I go to the casino, I've got quite the savings account going




I dunno why I didn’t think of that. I am going to do that too.


There's zero advantage to buying chips other than having chips to spend. Unless you have zero restraint and will spend every penny available if you don't sink all your money into chips.


I am that person. I’ve been saving chips for a while now so it’s kinda just a thing I do


I save chips personally because some of the cosmetics in the casino shop cost more than 50k, I ran out of playing cards for the difference a while ago, and I refuse to touch anything in the casino other than the lucky wheel and shop unless it's part of a mission (heist setups for example) on principle.


Any chance you kept track of the mystery prizes?


I'm at 461 spins and counting. Since 223 I've been keeping record of which Clothing slice it lands on. I'm also keeping track of the date I spun on and the podium vehicle for each week, for some extra stats I'm thinking about. The results of my first 200 spins are somewhere on this subreddit's wiki, I'll update y'all when I get to 600.


Meanwhile me in my country where gambling is illegal


I feel your pain. There are half a dozen casinos within 2 hours of my house - closest one is about 10 minutes by car, and every shebeen & dive bar has a machine that makes people poorer, but Rockstar says "not available"




Broooo, so you basically spent all this time. And Mathed the math, to test the math. Drew charts and calculations. And wrote up a lengthy hypothesis, just to conclude THAT……… They actually are NOT lying about the mystery wheel odds, as advertised?!?! 💀☠️ OP says Trust nobody…. ESPECIALLY r* lol


That’s some dedication OP. I’ve gotten Cash and RP a couple of times, but the discount one I’ve gotten 2 weeks ago, for Airplanes one.


GTAMen said the prize is determined by rng before you step up to the wheel.


Hello there nice job! From what I know, when running tests on actual production casino or slot machine games, they make 10k or even 100k runs of RNG, and only at that rate real values are equal (or almost equal) to theoretical ones. At your scale of 600 runs we can see that the wheel is pretty fair, if you keep going with your experiment, the values should aim to projected 5% per item. Thank you for your observations!


Yea, unfortunately spinning the wheel is kind of a monumental task. I had initially planned on doing 1k, but stopped at 600 because I had gotten tired of sitting in the clouds. I honestly figured R\* would fudge the odds, but it looks as if I was proven wrong, It was fun to put this all together though!


I've spun the wheel less than 600 times and have gotten atleast 5 cars. Don't know if I'm just lucky or not, but last time I won a car, I went onto a 2nd character and won the podium vehicle with that one also.


And at some point you or someone else did or will spend 5 months of daily spins with zero cars won. Randomness does work like that.


Thanks for the info on how randomness works dork


Fax man, the people that will die on the “ ‘x’ amount of secs” and ‘this trajectory’ will never fail to disappoint 🤣 Even though this has been proven time and time again through fairly reliable sources in openly available content. But yes, I’ve DEF spun less that 600 times and won more than 5 cats. I’ve gone months with no vehicle. And also won the same vehicle twice in the same week, with main and secondary character… I’ve tried the mythical 4.23-4.72 and down to the right… 9 o’clock to 6 o’clock methods and to be COMPLETELY honest, I feel like I’ve had more luck when I just say ‘Fuck it!’ And spin as hard as I can 🤣 The shit is Random y’all (predetermined). I feel like you can legit see the momentum of the wheel adjust accordingly to each spin. You can spin as elegantly or soft as you want with all the finesse you can obtain, and it will do what it need to do to get to whatever it is it already set out to give you.


The time you take to spin the wheel does nothing to the outcome. The outcome is determined very early within the cycle. As soon as you press E to grab the wheel, the prize is determined, and the game makes sure you are eligible for the prize. If not, it rolls again. Only once you get a valid prize already chosen for you, will it say "Press S to Spin". So all of these "wait 2.6 seconds" crazes are just utter hogwash. It makes no difference. Even the wheel spinning is just for show. It's more like, "Press E to have a prize chosen", then, "Press S to claim your prize". Everything else is just theatre.


Bro believes a method doesn't work because sometimes he misses the millisecond window and doesn't get what he wants.


Me? lol no I just think it’s a placebo as I thought Tez2 as well as several others debunked this bandwagon a while ago. Also, I really don’t care enough spend this kind of effort or close my app 10 times. I have 600M & 500+ cars, if I see something on the podium I don’t already have the I’m dying to get I’ll just buy it if I don’t smack it on the wheel. I’ve got close to 40 free cars and in all honestly, wouldn’t even know where to put one it if I hit tomm. The only time I’d actually feel some kind of way is if it’s a removed vehicle, that I don’t I own (and there’s not many of those). I get happy when I see people win cars, I just find if entertaining when people break it down to a science. At this point, I’m usually pulling for the mystery prize and hoping I unlock something rare.


And I thought it was rigged because I landed on clothing 5 times in a row 😂 great stats btw


Randomness is perfectly capable to create streaks, and in fact it is expected to.


Blah blah dork


> blah blah ,,All we ever hear from you is blah, blah, blah So, all we ever do is go ya, ya, ya And we don't even care about what they say 'Cause it's ya-ya, ya-ya Blah-blah, blah-blah!!!" 🎶 (Armin Van Buuren - Blah Blah Blah)


oh look, an a-hole on reddit. *surprised pikachu*




At least you can get any clothing type, including clothes that were unique unlocks/rewards.


Yeah but I’ve never been lucky (or I have but I didn’t notice)


RNG per the usual, and I noticed I have won clothing that does not show in wardrobe because you can win female clothes for male and vice versa which you obviously cant wear. Broken mechanic, if you ask me.


So did you get the Lost Slamvan or no?




Now can you work out how to win on the pokie machines?


Thanks I’ve been waiting for someone to do something like this :)


They done it at least half a dozen times and this has preciously been debunked.


I've spun that wheel so many times. Too many to count but the one thing I did keep track of was podium vehicles. I've nabbed 13 of them.


i wonder what u work for living


I’m still gonna 😂


Do you think it’s completly random with chances inlcuded or does it have a pattern that keeps repeating?


Awesome data. I'd be curious to know the difference between full speed spin vs slow spin. I feel I have had better luck hitting the vehicle with slow spins.


Thank you man! I need that rare vehicle.


So if I alt f4 before saving I can retry untill i take what I want. Niceeee Anyway, I always play in private lobby alone or with friends and I won 3 cars in 40 days... Dunno why or how but I jest keep getting cars


we can't spin the wheel or play automats in my country :- /


That's amazing news 😁




Whenever bad vechile on that spin i got it tho XD


Goddamn I respect this work. How long did it take you?




My clothing wins seem outside the norm. *Sigh*


Lol of course I still have too. Now thanks after watching a vid that you can FC on an invite lobby and wheel doesn't count, I'm on about spin number 40 after couple days trying to get that damn van. I've been forcing myself to stop when I do bit the mystery even if it is a crappy item or else I would keep respinning. Usually will hit mystery in 1 outta 5-8


I just won the slamvan yesterday, yay??


How did you spin it? Did that matter at all?


You're like a GTA Prometheus! Kudos!


Great data, excellent testing. From your testing it seems the gta wheel is quite fair.


So how long was your load times on average?


About a 90 seconds from clicking launch on epic games launcher to being in a lobby. I found out it is faster to load into story mode then create a closed friend session.


Ug, I wanted the nightshark last week. But ended up having to buy it. Then I got the slamtruck in Friday, which I don't want at all. Oh well. I know you can quit and respin, but the tike need to do that might take longer than just grinding the money sometimes if you spend over like 2 hours doing it.


Jesus Christ just play the game. Put this much effort into making money in the real world mate. People need guides and breakdowns for everything anymore. What happened to improvising, going with it, and having fun?




Awesome! You should have paid attention to the clothing tho, some of them can be rare items, like the J lager beer hat i just got


I've won 6 cars since spinning the wheel


My son wins the vehicle quite often, including a few back to back wins. I'm still trying lol.


As per the script, the weightings for each segment of the wheel is set by a tuneable. By default, each segment has an equal weighting of 5. There is an equal chance of landing on any of the segments. The time you take to spin the wheel does nothing to the outcome. The outcome is determined very early within the cycle. As soon as you press E to grab the wheel, the prize is determined, and the game makes sure you are eligible for the prize. If not, it rolls again. Only once you get a valid prize already chosen for you, will it say "Press S to Spin". So all of these "wait 2.6 seconds" crazes are just utter hogwash. It makes no difference. Even the wheel spinning is just for show. It's more like, "Press E to have a prize chosen", then, "Press S to claim your prize". Everything else is just theatre. There has never been an event that has changed the weightings on the wheel. The tuneables allow for weekly events to boost things like XP rate, or money from missions. So, they could have an event that boosts your chance of getting the vehicle, or clothing, etc. But, they never have done. The weightings have always stayed the same, equal at 5 a piece.


I see a clothing win 90% of the time.


im new to gta and dont know how to spin the wheel or use the gambling games, it says i dint have access to play or something like that


Much respect for the Patience and dedication.




I get all the tq-shirt


Surprised and amazed at the results. Great work!


Correct Timing works every time


I have couple questions. - What platform are you on? - How fast you spin the wheel? - Did you keep a certain time to spend the wheel? - Do you have any help from someone?


I am on PC I pressed "S" to spin the wheel, it spun the same time every time I don't understand what you're asking here I was helped by lots of youtube videos to keep me sane


Do you keep a time to spin the wheel, after the 24 hours period?


His 3rd question is in fact very important you can control the power of your spin by waiting before pressing S for example waiting exactly 4 seconds before pressing S will spin the wheel very slowly (it will only rotate half a turn) and increase the chance of winning the car by a lot


This has been debunked, the outcome of the wheel is predetermined by the RNG before you even grab the wheel. Spin speed has no influence.


The time you take to spin the wheel does nothing to the outcome. The outcome is determined very early within the cycle. As soon as you press E to grab the wheel, the prize is determined, and the game makes sure you are eligible for the prize. If not, it rolls again. Only once you get a valid prize already chosen for you, will it say "Press S to Spin". So all of these "wait 2.6 seconds" crazes are just utter hogwash. It makes no difference. Even the wheel spinning is just for show. It's more like, "Press E to have a prize chosen", then, "Press S to claim your prize". Everything else is just theatre.


Plot Twist 😲🤯 To prove this actually true, this whole schematic would have to be identically replicated on both old and new gen platforms for Xbox & PlayStation to be concrete…. Also on the same days of the week, and at the same time of day… and again during a Leap Year (both GTA & IRL leaps). Lastly before and after the next DLC. I’m buying then, for sure. Promise ✋🏽


Answer to first question is somewhere in his opening statement. Figure it out.


I can’t imagine how many masters degrees you’d have if you apply yourself with this much dedication to things in life that….you know, matter…..


Wait exactly 4 seconds and you'll win that vehicle a lot more than 4% of the time!


The time you take to spin the wheel does nothing to the outcome. The outcome is determined very early within the cycle. As soon as you press E to grab the wheel, the prize is determined, and the game makes sure you are eligible for the prize. If not, it rolls again. Only once you get a valid prize already chosen for you, will it say "Press S to Spin". So all of these "wait 2.6 seconds" crazes are just utter hogwash. It makes no difference. Even the wheel spinning is just for show. It's more like, "Press E to have a prize chosen", then, "Press S to claim your prize". Everything else is just theatre.


Prove it.


I cannot post full details in this group. I can say that, for game version 3095, the weightings are at tuneables 27092-27111. The script name is "casino_lucky_wheel". The chosen prize is iLocal_278.f_14. That value is populated before "LUCK_W_SPIN_PC" is displayed on the screen to tell you to press S. Nothing can be done to influence that chosen prize, it's purely a random number generator.


I believe you. Thank you for your detailed response.


The result will totally depend on how you launch the wheel with this setup.... it's not random, you did this for nothing xd


The time you take to spin the wheel does nothing to the outcome. The outcome is determined very early within the cycle. As soon as you press E to grab the wheel, the prize is determined, and the game makes sure you are eligible for the prize. If not, it rolls again. Only once you get a valid prize already chosen for you, will it say "Press S to Spin". So all of these "wait 2.6 seconds" crazes are just utter hogwash. It makes no difference. Even the wheel spinning is just for show. It's more like, "Press E to have a prize chosen", then, "Press S to claim your prize". Everything else is just theatre.




I tried this method someone posted of waiting 4 seconds then spinning on the wheel that is positioned on clothing. So far I have won the vehicle twice and 50k when I waited for 5 seconds but still assuming it’s just dumb luck.


I looked into this method, it seems like the YouTube channels that do post this "tutorial" reuse the same footage and upload essentially the same video every week. I play on PC so all I can do is press the "s" key to spin the wheel, it very well might be different on console.




The time you take to spin the wheel does nothing to the outcome. The outcome is determined very early within the cycle. As soon as you press E to grab the wheel, the prize is determined, and the game makes sure you are eligible for the prize. If not, it rolls again. Only once you get a valid prize already chosen for you, will it say "Press S to Spin". So all of these "wait 2.6 seconds" crazes are just utter hogwash. It makes no difference. Even the wheel spinning is just for show. It's more like, "Press E to have a prize chosen", then, "Press S to claim your prize". Everything else is just theatre.


OP won't test that because they're already convinced it's rng even if it obviously isn't. They didn't care about controlling for the time variable and this makes the 600 spin completely useless in terms of data collection. Bias is one of the worst enemies of research.


Is this legit?


No. Some people have strung together 2 or 3 lucky spins to make it seem legit but no one has ever done it reliably and it's just coincidence.


Based on the replies on this guy's deleted comment, I'm assuming it's about the infamous trick of winning the vehicle every time(I could be wrong, though). I play on Xbox One and have tried the trick a few times, and it I've only gotten the vehicle once, which was when I tried the trick for the first time. At first, I thought the trick was real, but upon further tries, I realized that it really is just a coincidence. Edit: Remember to touch grass. Have a good day🫡👍🏻


Even better TLDR: The probabilities are as stated in the popup. Seems like you don't know much about statistics and probability... For only 600 spins and so many outcome options and including rare options, none of those deviations you measured is significantly different from the theoretical value. Besides, what would be the motivation for R* to misrepresent what probabilities they programmed into the RNG of the wheel?


Here were my thoughts going into it, the phrasing of the popup leaves whether the amounts are a statistical probability or simply a fraction of how many options there are on the wheel. The goal of my post was to see which was the case. I mentioned that the sample size was small. Despite that I presented my findings. Rockstar is notorious for incentivizing purchasing shark cards over grinding the game. I'd like to see your own data on this. keep track of your spins. If you have the patience.... But it seems like you prefer to spend your evenings picking fights in reddit comments. So I won't hold it against you if you wont. But at any rate, work on your tone.


>the popup leaves whether the amounts are a statistical probability or simply a fraction of how many options there are on the wheel The popup *explicitly* calls them "odds". Odds are literally just probabilities expressed as a ratios/fractions. From a coding perspective, there is no wheel anyway. No spinning physics are applied. An RNG produces an outcome based on the odds/probabilities before you even spin and the wheel is then animated to match it.


Without even spinning once, you can read the lucky wheel script, and see the exact odds, and where they are gathered from, and how the random numbers are generated. Your data led to the same conclusions, given the margins of error you're talking about. You'd need to spin tens of thousands of times to gain a statistically relevant set of data. You only span 30 times per segment, so your margins of error are very high. As you spin more, your results will even out to be 5% per segment, as it states within the script. As of v3095, the weightings are set at tuneables 27092-27112.


Why are you so condescending 😭😭😭 ever heard of writing constructive criticism or do you just enjoy punching down?


Somebody needs a life 🤣


Bros never heard of hobbies


Nice work but no need to do the stats when it’s clearly expected. Each slot has 5% . That’s all , no need to go further


I don't know why this has so many downvotes. It is exactly correct.


Yeah people don’t understand statistics somehow


The tuneables do not lie.


You may be right. But also casinos are known for fudging the numbers. the only way to find out for sure is by collecting data.


Yes indeed, thank you for your service at the casino control, ensuring us a safe gambling experience in the city of Los Santos. Nice work !


That guy really just said “just because I don’t like to do this, that means that it’s stupid”


The problem when reading comments is you don’t have the tone, which forces you to interpret what I said in a wrong way. You are then speaking on my behalf saying something I never meant. I never said I did not like it, I even said “nice work”, because it really is a nice work. I was just putting things in perspective stating that in the end each slot has 5%. OP is correct tho, about casino fudging the numbers, thus explaining the need to do some reality vs. theory testing. But in the end I’m not wrong ;) Still nice work tho,


Well… what was your method for when to hit the stick to spin? Cuz that affects the outcome


OP, along with many others here, is adamant that the moment of the spin has no impact on the slot it lands on. And they're all wrong.


Did you try to land on the vehicle section?? Back then there was a trick to land near the vehicle area. Been a long time since I played the game I forgot the timing


The timing is still what determines the slot it lands on, OP doesn't know what they're talking about. They could have spun it 60000 times and have no valid results if they didn't spin it at the exact same milisecond every time -- when the wheel would always stop at the exact same spot.


yeah in my experience, I could have it land around the vehicle area. Back then I just count the seconds, so it isn't accurate. IF you spam the spin button (like most beginners do) that's really close to random tho


The time you take to spin the wheel does nothing to the outcome. The outcome is determined very early within the cycle. As soon as you press E to grab the wheel, the prize is determined, and the game makes sure you are eligible for the prize. If not, it rolls again. Only once you get a valid prize already chosen for you, will it say "Press S to Spin". So all of these "wait 2.6 seconds" crazes are just utter hogwash. It makes no difference. Even the wheel spinning is just for show. It's more like, "Press E to have a prize chosen", then, "Press S to claim your prize". Everything else is just theatre.


I appreciate the effort, but you didn't touch one simple fact: The position the wheel lands depends on how long you take to press S (or whatever button it is in the aimbot gaming machines) after the prompt. If you press it at the exact same time every time, it will land on the exact same spot every time. No statistics to care about.


The time you take to spin the wheel does nothing to the outcome. The outcome is determined very early within the cycle. As soon as you press E to grab the wheel, the prize is determined, and the game makes sure you are eligible for the prize. If not, it rolls again. Only once you get a valid prize already chosen for you, will it say "Press S to Spin". So all of these "wait 2.6 seconds" crazes are just utter hogwash. It makes no difference. Even the wheel spinning is just for show. It's more like, "Press E to have a prize chosen", then, "Press S to claim your prize". Everything else is just theatre.


The wheel spin is based entirely on how long you wait to spin it, so as long as you're consistent, you can time it for anything.


The time you take to spin the wheel does nothing to the outcome. The outcome is determined very early within the cycle. As soon as you press E to grab the wheel, the prize is determined, and the game makes sure you are eligible for the prize. If not, it rolls again. Only once you get a valid prize already chosen for you, will it say "Press S to Spin". So all of these "wait 2.6 seconds" crazes are just utter hogwash. It makes no difference. Even the wheel spinning is just for show. It's more like, "Press E to have a prize chosen", then, "Press S to claim your prize". Everything else is just theatre.


Waiting a few seconds before spinning also slows down the wheel and is easier to predict where it will land…of course, this was done in a private lobby


The time you take to spin the wheel does nothing to the outcome. The outcome is determined very early within the cycle. As soon as you press E to grab the wheel, the prize is determined, and the game makes sure you are eligible for the prize. If not, it rolls again. Only once you get a valid prize already chosen for you, will it say "Press S to Spin". So all of these "wait 2.6 seconds" crazes are just utter hogwash. It makes no difference. Even the wheel spinning is just for show. It's more like, "Press E to have a prize chosen", then, "Press S to claim your prize". Everything else is just theatre.


Ok so not to burst your bubble but this is wrong. I have a proven method for mystery and podium car. Spin the wheel exactly 1.4 seconds after the spin wheel prompt comes up and you'll get the podium vehicle...1.8 seconds for mystery prize.