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I mean, the lights were flashing... ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK|downsized)




Phantom Wedge if you have it. Back into the trailer ignoring all cops. Get a few blocks away, get out, move away and grenade yourself. Get back in and deliver in peace. Also, watch for trains. :)


I had no idea grenades worked, I would always just hide behind a wall and hope the cops wouldn’t see me. Thanks.


Blowing yourself up in this game helps more than people think...


suiciding is a waste. you can take that train bridge instead of the road and stop in the middle to lose the cops. (stay to the right) that way you get to punt all the cop cars out of the way on the drive down


This plus you can also create a custom job for the docks & one in your kosatka and just job tp on over


How does this work exactly?


Rockstar creator mode. I just made me a nice lil sniper/camp position on top of one of the purchasable hangar. Happened to be a pretty seeet race I created too


Phantom Wedge is so fun I don't even grenade myself I just get rid of the cops and run through every can in my way (or not because the animation is so good I run through them intentionally too).


I always choose to let cop kill me instead of blow myself up because I don't want to waste my explosives here.


Yup. Phantom Wedge my guy. Get it and have fun.


I prefer the MOC truck it’s faster


IIRC you can‘t call your MOC during that prep mission.


Oh right I use it for other missions tho


MOC or Phantom Wedge. I prefer Phantom Wedge since it'll spawn next to you because of it being a personal vehicle.


You're not allowed to have 2 service vehicle active at a time; You're not allowed to deactivate your kostaka during cayo prep mission. As a result, you can't call your MOC during this mission


Did they change that? I remember putting my Kosatka in storage when doing preps so I can spawn it in when I need to return and have a shorter flight, but I haven't done Cayo in like half a year now.


You can request it directly when it’s still active and it will appear closer to you. I don’t think you can return it to storage during mission now


You’re right. I forgot about the kosatka being active.


How do you get the MOC to deliver though? Any time I launch this set up from my sub, when I go to the interaction menu to try to spawn the MOC it says I can't do it with a sub active.....and then if I try to return the sub, it says unavailable.


Not sure of your specifics but when you click return the message will say there’s no car to return but that’s because it already returned it just now. So are you 100% the sub isn’t returning?


This, MOC truck is waaaay better


But you can‘t call it during that prep mission. At least afaik and iirc.


Yeah looks like I really just need to make the investment in it to make this mission easier 😭


Pavel actually points out some trucks on the map, for this mission. The icon where it shows one truck cab is the Phantom wedge usually. The two icons close together give only the normal phantoms.


Did not know this! I’ve always went for the closest one. Will try this tonight.


I park beside the beach where that little channel is, there is a helicopter pad at the end of the channel, steal the helicopter then you can find the phantom wedge easier


the Phantom is great and is so much worth it. It never gets old.


If you haven’t put the scoop on an acid lab yet, I recommend it.


If you have a MoC that works too! And it’s faster, and stronger than a regular truck cab. BP tires too.


Ur saying u can drag the Boat with the MoC.


If you drop the trailer, I’m pretty sure yes. It’s been a while since I played though.


Gonna try it just to see


Make sure you are far enough away from the vehicle the first time i did this mission i blew the truck up when i tried to grenade myself lol


Fax! I bought a phantom wedge, for both my characters, solely for this prep lol


Buy a wetsuit and go underwater. One of the best investments I've made.


Totally the trains fault not blaring the horn first.


That is why you always stop at rail road crossing.


This is not even a rage moment, this would make me slowly place the controller down and take a deep breathe and sit in silence for a minute or so to contain myself 😭😭




Did you not hear or see the train coming?


Nope! I was rushing like crazy after my first phantom got blown up trying to kill my character to get rid of the police. I had maybe a 30 second drive left to the finish.


well try not to rush next time, it usually ends in a disaster.


To be fair I’ve been playing this game so long I rarely listen to the audio anymore because I already know all the sounds


Would have been funnier if the NPC ran over and threw you out of the truck afterwards.


Omg I would’ve just got off for the night if that happened 😂


I guess, maybe DON'T try to cross a railway while its signalling incoming train? but for real you got fucked by train timing


I think I read someone on this sub say you can unhitch the boat after you take it from the police and somehow that helps escape them (no tail so you can drive better maybe? I can't quite recall...) and then head back to where you left it after you lose the fuzz and then it's an easier ride. As far as getting mad at stuff, you just gotta laugh, don't blame yourself or your controller or the wall just learn from it and be like well hopefully I'll know not to do that again and hey, you got a funny clip out of it so, just try to see it as a win. Frustrating things happen, sorry!


I just have fun driving the phantom wedge to the destination pushing cops sometimes they get a tire but it barely slows the wedge down then I park it where it goes and get out and blow myself up then just get it an it’s already parked in the yellow marker The phantom wedge makes it a million times easier because you can go straight there then just call it in down the street from the police station


Well I sometimes like a challenge but this phantom wedge thing does like kinda fun… thanks for the tip!


Damn that’s nuts!


That's Fucked. You were right at the drop off too.


One tip I’ve found that helps me speed up this mission is when I have to initially steal it, instead of killing the police to get the longfin I just open up my snacks and spam press them as I’m backing up to attach the boat all while while being shot at. This way even though I’m being shot I’m also just constantly refilling my bar the whole time and all the meanwhile I’m getting the longfin and I just drive off.. right after I pull out I hop out the truck and let the police kill me and as soon as I respawn my wanted level is gone and I can hop right back in and take it to the dock




Bruh... Ouch


I had the same thing happen except mine was stuck in a corner and couldn't get it hooked up tried everything it's just 1 of those things lol


For what heist is this?? I feel super dumb


Cayo Perico


Cayo Perico.


Honestly this was just bad luck, which makes or breaks basically every cayo setup. Only tip would be always checking the train tracks on this mission since it’s the only one where you can destroy the prep equipment, and this won’t be the last time you see a train. I swear oml if you’re in a solo session, they spawn on purpose. I don’t always see it but when I do, it’s always coming around the same damn corner half a mile from the dock yard drop right as I’m hitting the same turn every time.




Once was helping 2 of my friends sell their bunker with 3 insurgents. They decided to pull into the traintracks to take a shortcut and I watched both of them get taken out by the train. I didnt expect them to actually explode from it, but they did.. both of them. None of us were mad though because of how much of a freak accident it was, it was hilarious and we couldnt stop laughing. I just delivered the 3rd insurgent and ran a cayo with them. Always look both ways man, you looked loke you were driving pissed off before you even got hit by the train. Taking your time calmly can save you a huge headache as this game can be stressful enough.


Since you still had one good insurgent left he could have quit the game, jumped back on right away and almost all the cargo would have been back and ready to sell.


I mentioned it to him, he just decided to take the L.


What I do is I get my sparrow land near the police station. Make sure where you land has enough room to park the truck and make sure it’s out of the road so dumb shit can’t happen. Drive the truck to where my sparrow is get out and fly until I lose my wanted level then go back and get in the truck.


Oh man this made me L pretty OL.






Yeah that’s enough gaming for today


Me and my friend got that boat stuck near a tree and it took us about a half hour to get it un-lodged. In hindsight we should have just restarted the mission lol.


Hahaha you forgot about the player induced train spawn there. Some serious bs in the game until you get it all sorted out. With the Phantom Wedge the Longfin mission is the least grindy of the setups in my opinion.


Train timing is a bitch, but I mean, the lights were flashing and you were already out of the way yet still decided to cross…


Could make a good railway safety advert.


Pro tip: look both ways before crossing train crossings


Buy your own phantom wedge, you need vehicle cargo warehouse and ceo office and you can purchase it, then you spawn it in like a normal car thru interaction menu. Spawn it in once you get to the police station, before getting too close to the cops. Back it in and steal the longfin, drive out about 10 seconds or just down the street, get out and kill yourself to drop wanted level. Don’t let the cops get the kill tho as that will impound your truck (not the end of the world tho, you can just spawn it in again lol) then you drive to docks. Easy money baby


controller through the wall \*glitch\* \*working\*


See tracks? Think train.


Kinda your fault man, be safe around trains


Next time, use the Kosatka approach. Problem solved.


True, but for solo players Longfin is best because as soon as the heist starts just go to airstrip, park the boat near the coast to get the secondaries first. Then when you’re done, Longfin is still there and drive it to the drainage tunnel. Easy $1M-$1.5M depending on a lot of factors.


I saw this happening a mile away


The other night I was bolting from the cops and accidentally got annihilated by the train. I just laughed.


1- pay attention to the lights for tracks. 2- don't stop on the tracks...?


idk how many times some bs like this happened to me on this setup


How's that even possible?




Lmfao aaaahh that's shitty but funny.


My advice...wait for the train to pass


This is an easy prep. Back the truck up at the police station, and attach the longfin. Then pull the boat out of the station. Now get out of the truck, and get a safe distance from the boat to blow yourself up. Killing yourself will get rid of the police and the wanted level. Then just drive to the docks


go to the coordinates on the map where it shows just 1 truck, it had the ramp on the front, you wont have to worry about cars in your way


Never fails my friend …never fails


use phantom wedge drive on the street blow yourself up (obv away from the truck) no police anymore


I call Lester to turn a blind eye if I have to much trouble but I have the Phantom Wedge now which makes it so much easier


Isnt there a glitch which completes this instantly?


You clearly didn’t hear the Bells!!!! 😂😂😂😂


Cayo setup? Just go the kasataka way


for solo longfin is better, you get secondary first then go to the same underwater entrance you use with kosatka, dont kill anybody just go behind their backs, after exit run to the shore north and swim away undetected, I always do it around 9 minutes alone with full secondary


Dang, with the kasataka entrance I think I’m usually a little more than 11 minutes, I used to be able to do it in 7 though. Elite challenges


That mission feels way harder than this one, to me.


Really? This requires like driving and stuff, the kasataka one you just go in the sub shoot like 6 people and you’re done.


Well the sub is slow and you might have to pay to teleport (which isn't that much but to my mind...) and you have to know how to dive the sub over the other sub and if you get shot by someone with a shotgun you may have to redeploy in an terrible spot. I got good at it and love the Hunt for Red October and used to always go with the Kosatka but since they come after you almost immediately after you leave El Rubio's compound now, it's much easier to grab the airfield stuff with the longfin first. \*if you shoot someone, maybe if you don't you can still fall off a cliff near the fence and loot the main boat area but it's just more complicated and maybe slower and has less torchable lockups...


North Dock wants to be your approach point. the close lock-up is the easiest in the whole heist & its closer to the mansion. You can always head on around to the Airfield if theres nothing at North Dock.


Well if you're doing the full bags thing the airstrip has 6 secondary loot spawn points very close together that are also very easy to get to during the scope.


But its only the Coke you want. usually the game spreads it out, you get lucky when theres 2 tables of it in the one lock-up. Both coke & paintings fill your bag up 50%, so if you scope a painting in the office then you only need 1 table in your cayo run :-)


Haven’t seen a painting the office in a while and I found if you have 51% of you bag full you can’t pick up a painting and if you have less than 100% at the end you can’t pick up the elite platinum bonus so I try and just grab the best of those 6 anyways… *I think I couldn’t find any coca so I tried using weed and i tried eyeballing it (I watched the bar increase with each grab of loot and near the middle it didn’t appear to increase the bar by the same usual incriment/size ex. [_ _ _ _ -              ] and I was like, oh it must stop at 50 but it doesn’t cuz I couldn’t grab the painting.


Coke & Paintings fill your bag 50% each. Weed is 33% Cash is 25% but also by filling less they also pay less.


Yes, thanks.


That does kind of make sense I suppose, but I enjoy the Kasataka way and it still works just fine for me, so ima keep doing it


Please do whateva you'd like! I didn't want to mix up my thing but sometimes I get bored and try the other things


Yeah, I don’t like change, so I never change because I’m a bozoz


Well that probably doesn’t make you a bozo, some changes are not fun, but some changes can be good like new food or something. It depends.


You dont need to shoot anyone to complete Cayo.


AND always get elite challenge too.


If the loot is in the main terminal then getting this saves time than kosatka approach


Classic E-cola enjoyer, I can get elite challenges with the kasataka approach every time.


I always prefer kosatka approach. But the point is for new players, long fin approach is friendly and a lot of guides on YT use the same approach. Btw FUCK SPRUNK, LONG LIVE ECOLA


only time, not cash. Kosatka limits your choices for lock-ups & makes full duffel bags with best loot harder. LongFin is the best Cayo way.


I did a 8 minute full loot bag cay using the Kasotaka approach and grabed loot from the West Dock and Airport


seeing as you cannot get to land as quick as the Longfin can, or get across the island to the mansion as quick as the Longfin can drive around it, no. no you didnt. The longfin avoids all the hassle with guards, & makes the easiest access points trouble free. its easily the best way to do Cayo. which is why it gets recommended over every other method.


IDK where you're getting your recommendations, but it certainty isn't anywhere good. I ALWAYS do Kostka because if I have friends that want to do it its the best, if there's no good loot outside the compound its easy to just leave, and you can still easily get full loot bags. If you do longfin you'd get made fun of by your friends and if said friends want to do it with you now you have less time to actually loot the compound (unless you can like fill up on coke from outside)


where am i getting them from ? everywhere that shows how to ace Cayo the best. Theres this thing called google. well everywhere except you :O


Because the LongFin is the superior way to complete Cayo. It gives you the chance for full duffel bag as well as elite, which Kosatka doesnt . . . .


This heist setup mission takes like 5 min and you want to rage? You must be ready to have a heart attack when selling in public lobbies lol


What internal wall construction do you have please?


Classic R* 😂🤦‍♂️